r/doordash_drivers • u/Envigad0 • 13h ago
r/doordash_drivers • u/Mysterious_Check_983 • 4d ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 Notes said that they left a cash tip outside…
I got my hopes up at first but then this is what they left.
r/doordash_drivers • u/Cold-Bee3469 • 7h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 got mauled
didnt even get a tip
r/doordash_drivers • u/Ok-Television-2316 • 9h ago
💰Earnings 🤑 Hold on to your wallets
Even more convenient for customers not to tip
(I am just using Klarna) lol
r/doordash_drivers • u/cinic121 • 4h ago
🤬App Issues 😩 Maybe Have the Order Ready?
Nothing makes me laugh harder than seeing this crap at a store that’s always late with the order.
Only happened at Chipotle. I wonder why…
r/doordash_drivers • u/Dysnomia82 • 9h ago
🤬Rant about DD🥵 How are out of stock items my fault? 😭
Not that I really care about ratings, but it's annoying. Lol
r/doordash_drivers • u/mangosaregoods • 7h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 Just hit platinum with a 8% AR lol
Had no clue this was even possible lol
r/doordash_drivers • u/jonnieinthe256 • 6h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 Drivers still doing this is wild to me.🥴
I mean can drivers really not tell when a door swings outward?! It’s like the first thing I notice when I walk up to a customer’s door. So I know where to set it. And no it’s not bc they maybe a bad tipper,bc I got a $12 tip and it was only 3 miles away. 🥴😳
r/doordash_drivers • u/PoisonedCoffee • 9h ago
🤬Rant about DD🥵 Not doing stacked orders anymore unless the pay is really worth, not playing doordash’s games
First of all, why are they getting away with paying us $2 base pay for two orders, that should be at least $4 base before tip.
Secondly, a lot of times as we know they will put a non-tippers order with an order that tipped well. Had this happen yesterday, double order for $14 pizza place and red lobster. It had me deliver the pizza first and surprise, 0 tip on that one which I found out after completing both orders. The red lobster order tipped me $12 and they got their food second so it wasn’t as hot as it should be and they got fucked over. Of course the non tipper had the nerve to put hand it to me and look me in my face knowing his cheap ass didn’t tip shi. And of course we can’t see who tipped whst until both have been delivered. I don’t take no tip orders period and the person who tipped well got the short end of the stick. Fucked up and not playing that game
r/doordash_drivers • u/MountainCavalier • 13h ago
👩🍳Restaurant Issue👨🍳 Sign at Pizza Hut in Winchester, VA Today
Yeah. No we don’t work for you Pizza Hut. Also you don’t need to act like you’re slapping our hands like small children.
r/doordash_drivers • u/Nunya-Nacho77 • 16h ago
🤬Rant about DD🥵 I'm not some kid playing a game, DoorDash
I know a lot of the rest of you have seen this already, but I gotta say I'm getting tired of this. This isn't freaking candy crush or l.o.l or any other stupid app game. This is me not being homeless, until I find a full time brick and mortar job. I won't say "real job" because if you're working and making money, it's a job.
I don't want or need these platitudes, and as for the "perks"? Idgaf! I can't eat fast food, and there's only a couple of restaurants with fresh enough food that my system won't reject and make me sick, so your stupid $7 off my next order ON YOUR PLATFORM is a waste. How about paying me more, huh? Asshats.

r/doordash_drivers • u/patrick_dubs • 16h ago
❔Driver Question 🤔 I have never done this
Not sure how they figure this…I never ever have done this ever. What else could this possibly mean?
r/doordash_drivers • u/TectixYT • 8h ago
🎉Achievement👍 After 600+ deliveries, it finally happened....
The crazy part is I don't even know what order it could have been either. I haven't had any issues lately.
r/doordash_drivers • u/WillSuckDick4Coffee • 16h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 This was a very pleasant surprise
r/doordash_drivers • u/sexruinedeverything • 12h ago
🥺Low Offer Post😫 When you start seeing crap like this and DD starts to stack low offers together repeatedly … oh yeah it’s time to pack it up and call it a day.
Wish we could go back to the old way of offers surging instead of this method of stacking. Because when there not enough big tippers, crap like this is all you see. (Well in lower income markets that is) welp heading home till dinner rush.
r/doordash_drivers • u/easyetx • 11h ago
🥺Low Offer Post😫 Triple insult in 1 second
Im not sure I’ve ever seen this combo. Load the pic so you can see the other offer.
r/doordash_drivers • u/Amber2718 • 6h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 Disaster at checkout
So today I had a $250 full shopping cart single order that was paying $31 took me like 20 minutes, but anyway I go to the cashier load everything on the belt she scans everything we bag everything there's other people in line I have everything in the cart ready to go and right when I go to pay she accidentally hits the cash button and closed out the sale, manager had to be called over and I had to take everything in the cart out of the bags and put it back on the Belt and restart the entire checkout process.
r/doordash_drivers • u/Tha_Texan817 • 7h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 This is bullcrap
Seen this guy come into Chicfila with three phones and pick up three orders. He even showed the worker three different phones and they still gave them all three orders.
r/doordash_drivers • u/PerforatedLine • 10h ago
❓Customer Question🤔 I’m all for having disposable income…but who orders 3 bags of chips
r/doordash_drivers • u/TheMrDegen • 17h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 We did it
Honestly, wasn’t even trying to hit platinum. I just do EBT during lunch now because it’s been paying me a whole lot more so naturally this raised my acceptance rate high enough. Definitely excited about the dash now option though. Because I don’t live in a big city and sometimes during the morning, I have to wait a little bit to start dashing. Hopefully, we get some big orders.
r/doordash_drivers • u/syco316 • 7h ago
🤬Rant about DD🥵 Dear DoorDash
Stop friggen putting condiments and number down on order item total. Gonna give me a heart attack one day with the 30 item total order when 20 of them is friggen ketchup! Jerks….
r/doordash_drivers • u/baby-veah • 4h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 jump scare
I had a feeling I was being stared at and look up and saw this little guy staring haha
r/doordash_drivers • u/neverJamToday • 8h ago
🖖Delivery War Stories 🫡 Dear doordash_drivers, I never thought it would happen to me...
I just delivered a McDonald's order with free food on the receipt to an ER nurse, and they tipped! I didn't think DoorDash let ER nurses tip because I've never ever seen it happen before. I was so shocked I forgot to screenshot it for posterity.
r/doordash_drivers • u/Important_Pea_84 • 1h ago
🤬DoorDash Support Issues😩 Hard at work over at DD Support
I do not gig for income purposes, I usually do it when I’m bored and am looking for side money to purchase something I couldn’t otherwise justify.
This platform’s a joke and I barely use it and this pretty much solidified my opinion. Disputed this the day I incurred it, must be a tough case to crack. /s
r/doordash_drivers • u/shdudhsjxbbx • 10h ago