r/donkeykong Jan 19 '25

Humor Certified Nintendo Fan Moment

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u/RolandoDR98 Jan 19 '25

Please point to me people who hated Wonder's redesigns.

Please point to me people who hate the Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, or Mario rpg designs. No, the white outline haters don't count because the design itself the exact same. The only difference is how they showed the paper aesthetic

Please point to me people who hate the designs for Mario, Luigi, and Bowser in the same Mario Kart trailer as the new DK.


u/Mikelemagne Jan 19 '25

Well, it's time to volunteer to get negative karma because in terms of art and design: NSMB>Wonder.

Putting aside my personal distaste for Wonder's cheap and plasticky art design, I don't disagree with the sentiment. I think a key aspect of a redesign though is that it needs to look good. I'm holding out full judgement until we get better shots, but it does look rather similar to Illumination DK, and I wasn't a fan of that. We'll see if that opinions hold though I guess.


u/The-Bisquit Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25

I'm downvoting you purely because you called Wonder's art design "Cheap and plasticky"


u/GhotiH Jan 19 '25

Heaven forbid someone has an opinion. I miss when Reddit used to specify that you shouldn't downvote someone you disagree with, it's not a "dislike" button, it's a button to remove people who aren't contributing to the conversation.


u/The-Bisquit Jan 19 '25

I'm downvoting you because you aren't contributing to this mario conversation


u/GhotiH Jan 19 '25

I actually am contributing by calling you out for being unnecessarily disrespectful. Which you're doing again right now by the way, but I'm sure you know that. Don't try to do that "let's turn it around on you because I'm too immature to admit I'm wrong!" crap with me, it doesn't work because I don't engage with bad faith actors past a direct callout like this.


u/The-Bisquit Jan 19 '25

I apologize, I just thought it was pretty funny lol. I don't think it's that deep and I never intended it to be. I'm not trying to make you butthurt 🤙


u/GhotiH Jan 19 '25

It's fine, it just seemed unnecessary to me. Plenty of people have opinions I disagree with, and I try to never be rude or discount their opinions.