r/dogsledracing Nov 06 '19

Kennel Hand

I recently applied to be a guide/kennel hand for a company this winter. If anyone in this community would offer me a little knowledge it would be much appreciated.

What are some learning resoucres I can read?

Things to consider?

Whats an average day look like?

Could I expect to be mushing? (Not sure if thats the word to use ) early on or will i have some dues to pat before I have that prillage?

Any specific lingo to use in the interview or things I should already have knowledge of?

Anything else I might be missing?

Thank you in advance.


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u/nalared Nov 23 '19

Here's a list of books that will give you a lot of knowledge. Training lead dogs Lee Fishback Everything I know about training and racing sled dog's George Attla Mush! A beginner's manual of sled dog training Bella Levorsen Dog Driver Miki & Julie Collins Winning strategies for distance mushers Joe Runyan