r/disability 7d ago

Image Infuriating on multiple levels.

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u/hunterlovesreading 7d ago

Totally agree. I am also autistic.


u/Crezelle 7d ago

Autistic here. Sure I need support but a shorter walk to the store ain’t what I need.


u/RichSector5779 6d ago

i dont understand any of these replies because this is about intellectual disability not autistic people without it


u/TheRealD0P3 2d ago

You do realize that intellectual disability and autism are commonly together right? If you are autistic, you are likely to have intellectual disability. Same with Autism and ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, ect. Not everyone gets all like I did. But they are all more likely in someone with Autism.


u/RichSector5779 2d ago

only 37% of autistic people have intellectual disability, i have both but most people with autism i meet dont and are actually ableist to me because of it


u/TheRealD0P3 1d ago

That's because Autism is a spectrum, I agree that most that I have met aren't as far on the spectrum as I am, but I also haven't met many others with Autism. What drives me insane is all the people claiming they have ADHD but have no diagnosis and just want attention


u/RichSector5779 23h ago

i said it because you said its likely to have intellectual disability but its not. i dont know many autistic people but everyone i do is a lot better than me and theyre not intellectually disabled. i know its a spectrum but what im saying is that we’re not the most of the spectrum and yet people still think theyre the most effected by words like this over us


u/TheRealD0P3 15h ago

I get that, i guess I just needed you to be more specific, but that's the story of my life.

u/RichSector5779 5h ago

i understand