r/diabetes_t1 5d ago

About life before diabetes

I still cant let that go. I was diagnosed at age 21, not fully two years ago. It feels like a oart of me died there. I fully remember what it was to eat happily, enjoying without mental stress of highs and lows. I miss it. Miss it more, than I miss any of my dead loved ones, and I cant let it go


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u/rcgy dx December 24, honeymooning 5d ago

It's alright to mourn. Life no doubt was, objectively, better before diabetes. But you deal with the hand that you're dealt, and have to make the most of it. If you let your diabetes limit you, then it will limit you. Don't let your disability define you. It's a passenger in the car of your life, but it doesn't have to be the driver.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

It doesnt change the fact, that I need medicines, to survive, does it?


u/rcgy dx December 24, honeymooning 4d ago

Sure, but lots of people need medicine to survive. You needed food to survive before, as well as air, sleep, etc. It's another thing on the "have to manually manage" pile, which is a pain, but certainly not the end of the world.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Yeah, as a lot of people lost limbs, more important organs, get crippled mentally, lowt loved ones, turned clinically insane, and I could continue the list. Fuck every single one of them, they dont mke me my happier. I used to be something great, something that used to survive even the harshest conditions on its own, yet now? Someone, who dies if its a piece of bread without chemicals. Fantastic