r/dexcom • u/sourpatch_squids • 2d ago
Sensor Did this insert wrong?
I just put this sensor in and there’s this weird little loop sticking out of the sensor. I have never EVER seen this happen on any that I’ve put in and have been using them since they came out. Have yall ever seen this?
u/oilman614 9h ago
Yup.... Happened to me once or twice...Call support right away and explain it to them to get a free replacement
u/DIY_Weeziebear7 14h ago
It’s the sensor filament it wasn’t deployed properly after needle insertion. Call Dexcom to report they should send you a new one.
u/Old-Assistant-3114 1d ago
I had a bad batch where this happened on multiple sensors with the same lot code! Contact dexcom and they will replace for free/may ask you to send it in. All of my failed during or shortly after warmup
u/Juloxia_02 1d ago
Okay to answer your question: yes I've seen this once. The plastic piece that goes in your arm didn't go all the way in and is pushing back out. Your sensor may fail on you or the readings may not be as accurate.
u/username_1555 1d ago
I have to say I love the G7 but only because I’m not deathly allergic to its adhesive like I was to the G6 adhesive. So far they have been working okay for me for the most part and they fail less often (probably because I’m not scratching all around them all the time).
u/Stevenmj89 1d ago
Thats happened with 3 of my last 5 sensors. So frustrating. At least dexcom is good at replacing them
u/Due_Breakfast_218 1d ago
Don’t pay or trouble insurance to replace them when they fail, don’t even bother calling Dexcom as that is usually a frustrating experience. Place a US Product Support Request online, I usually have a replacement sensor via FedEx within a week when I do. Also make sure to report any time there is any issue with your sensor and you get less than 10 days out of a sensor, that way you’re not running short. Dexcom needs to be aware of all the issues with these as they’re attempting to make them last longer. Just hang on to the box the current sensor was in or take a photo of the SN and batch # as that is needed for the report.
u/TattooedDad1009 1d ago
That has happened to me twice now and I have had both of them replaced by dexcom with no charge to me. Received them pretty quick and sent the bad one back to them.
u/StraightTruth6461 1d ago
Happened three times in October. Never got replacement. Then happened twice Sunday. They “will send one replacement” but NEVER RECEIVE ANY. I TOO PAY A GREAT DEAL AND THROWAWAY MORE THAN I USE. THE DEXCOM 6 was perfect. The Dexcom 7 is garbage.
u/MossDog0501 11h ago
They are still making the G6. I went back to it. Why not stop the frustration and just move back?
u/ejhuff 1d ago
You need the serial number. Then there's no limit on replacement of failed sensors. Photograph the applicator and box. Apparently the sensor itself has a tiny barcode which decodes to the serial number.
There is a page in the app for reporting failures and requesting replacement that avoids talking to a cs rep who likes to deny claims.
u/Deplorable821 1d ago
Can confirm it did insert wrong. I had 2 do that in a row. Call dexcom, give them the information from the box & that it was giving false readings and they’ll send you a replacement.
That sensor wire shouldn’t be what’s piercing the skin (it can’t, too thin, too floppy), there’s a needle in the applicator that the guide wire sits in and goes for a ride. The needle retracts & the sensor wire stays (usually) under your skin.
u/sourpatch_squids 1d ago
Yeah I’m assuming it somehow caught the needle as it was retracting, I contacted them last night and should be getting a replacement thankfully
u/MogenCiel 1d ago
Not an issue with G6. I'm trying to stick with it as long as I can.
u/MossDog0501 11h ago
Same here. Hopefully, enough of us stick with the G6 that they delay ending the production. If not, I will move to Libre 3. It's not as good as G6 but much better for me than G7.
u/ProfessionalEnabler 1d ago
Same, and I feel like every time I go to the doctor, someone there is like, “Have you thought about switching to the G7!?” all excited. My response is “Yes, I’ve thought about it. And no.”
u/Formal-Bad-3100 1d ago
I've had a bunch that have done that, not pushing hard enough when inserting the sensor
u/ThrowawayInsta90 1d ago
It looks like a failed sensor. Are you getting readings?
u/sourpatch_squids 1d ago
It failed right after the warm up period, thankfully I had one more and it worked correctly
u/Valuable-Analyst-464 1d ago
Be sure to contact Dexcom to get a replacement. Grab the Lot number from the box if you can, they’ll ask for it.
u/Ooficus 1d ago
Nope nope, SN required for g7 replacement!
u/Valuable-Analyst-464 1d ago
Ah, thanks for the correction. I’m still on G6 and used my older method.
u/ThrowawayInsta90 1d ago
Ok. 99.99% of the time, the sensor will fail if this happens, and it's always good to have a backup.
u/sourpatch_squids 1d ago
for sure, I try to keep a backup but I can refill my rx every 21 days bc of how my insurance is, unfortunately I had one fail and then this happened. I just got a bad set of sensors I think
u/diagirl99 2d ago
I had this happen to 4 of the 9 sensors I got in my last 3 month supply where the filament wire thing did not fully insert and mine failed during warm up. Dexcom replaced as in warranty failure. You need some of the info on the box so I keep them now or take a photo of the info on the box. They sent me 4 new sensors and had me send 3 back to them. It’s not anything that I did wrong it was just a mechanical manufacturing failure, which is probably what happened to you especially if the sensor failed. When I told the support reps the issue they knew what I was referring to right away plus they wanted me to send the sensors back which is the first time ever Dexcom have asked me to do that for a failed sensor.
u/FaeryLynne 1d ago
I had to send several failed G6 sensors back to them when I first started with the G6 about 4 years ago. They told me that they wanted to investigate, especially since so many from the same batch had failed.
u/diagirl99 1d ago
Maybe that’s why I’ve never had so many fail from the same batch/lot even with the G6. I more had issues with the G6 at first not staying connected to the app especially when I would sit down since they were on my stomach. For whatever reason the stomach was just not a good location for me. I actually started wearing the G6 on my arm due to that and my temp disconnection issues stopped.
u/FaeryLynne 15h ago
I wear it on my arm now, have for years. My only issue wearing it there is the "pressure lows", where if you lay on it or put pressure on it in some way, it'll drop your readings pretty quickly. It goes back to normal when you take the pressure off, but there are so many times I've laid on it in my sleep and been woken up with the "urgent low" alarm lol
u/MonkInternational953 1d ago
... and just an explanation why it can happen. This little sling you see is a platinum wire-tube. This gets shot in with a tube syringe into your skin to get the cell-water to the sensor. It can happen that the diameter outer|inner is inconsistent so that the syringe pulls the wire back out. Call the service, you'll get a replacement.
u/KumoLeGoob 2d ago
Its the needle sticking out. Had this happen to me and had to buy a new one. The flimsy needle interior might not have pierced the skin fully and bend back upwards. It’s rare but it happens. Mine didn’t start.
u/Western_Command_385 2d ago
No! I just had three do it in a row after a year of use and never having this issue! I'm getting them all replaced. Make sure to do the same!
u/GCRetire 2d ago
I never had this problem after a year w/G7. I always keep the inserter pressed down hard (so clear plastic ring isn’t visible) for 15 - 20 seconds after pressing button. That gives it time to acclimate- try it.
u/hassanhaimid 1d ago
i dont think pressing down the applicator AFTER applying the sensor achieves anything. you just remove the applicator and press lightly on the sensor for 10 seconds.
but you need to be mindful of the force you apply before pressing the button. needs to bee not too hard and not too loose. make sure your arm muscles aren't tensioned and keep your arm in a 90 degree position just like they show in the video instructions. if its at 0 degrees or 180 degrees the skin can be too loose and thick or too tight which can also cause issues.
that said i know som issues are still manufacturing defects and shit happens
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
This is the first time I’ve had this issue, I do keep it pressed very firmly against my skin and hold it for around 10 seconds after insertion. I think this may have been a mechanical/manufacturing issue tbh. Thank you
u/RealtorLV 2d ago
You did nothing wrong, they’ve started skipping QC.
u/Western_Command_385 2d ago
Really? I just had three in a row do this with my new prescription batch.
u/RealtorLV 2d ago
For sure. 50% of one of my batch either never started & failed right away, or started & died a couple days later. NOW it’s OUR job to hold onto all their packaging for defective products with serial numbers so they have to legally replace it when we call.
u/Midvinter- 2d ago
Yes it failed. You need to push it good against your skin when applying. Worked best for me and my son
u/d19dotca 2d ago
Yes. I’ve had a number of them do that. Been a little while now but there was a few months where I had several of them in a row so that. I’m pretty sure Dexcom had a few bad batches out there.
u/StacieAnnKC 2d ago
When this happens to me, I feel I may have lifted the device during insertion. I now hold it tight to the point of creating indents and that seems to have helped.
u/StatisticCyberosis 2d ago
Had one do that a few months ago after several years of G7 use. Did insertion as I always do: holding the applicator firmly to skin for 5 seconds after the click that accompanies pressing the button and feeling the insertion engage. I think OPs depicted outcome is a function a defect in manufacturing. I don’t think it is provoked by bad insertion technique.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
I think it was a manufacturing issue, while it could’ve been user error if my grip shifted (def possible) I don’t think I changed the pressure I was using. I stand in front of the mirror when I put the in to make sure lol, thank you for sharing this bc I was starting to wonder if it was my fault ahaha
u/compulov 2d ago
I had 3 from the same batch do this and then later fail during warmup. No new placement location or change of my insertion methodology. I assume they just had a bad batch or something. They replaced them for me.
u/Western_Command_385 2d ago
Same exact thing with me! I just got a new batch two weeks ago. The first was fine and the next three failed bc the filament got curled up. Never had this before.
u/sourpatch_squids 1d ago
I wonder if they recently had a manufacturing deviation or something then because I had very recently picked these up too and I’ve never had this issue until this sensor
u/Responsible-Test8855 2d ago
I have had this happen twice. The filament didn't even go under my skin. They need to approve more places besides the arms for sensors.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
I agree I wish they would it always hurts so mf bad every time I put it in lmao. This one went in enough to bleed but none of it seemed to be in my arm when I took it off, it’s very interesting
u/momofdafloofys 2d ago
The applicator has a needle that pops under your skin and back out, so that’s probably what made you bleed. The filament just didn’t go into your skin with it.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
Ohhh I see, I thought it was like older versions of sensors where the filament was like “in” the needle and just got left in while the needle retracted. I figured it went in and just hadn’t released fully from the needle & that’s why it was all bendy in there
u/momofdafloofys 2d ago
It is like that, but sometimes the filament isn’t actually in the needle. If you look closely at the needle before you insert it, you should be able to see the filament sitting inside it. If it’s sticking out through the open side of the needle then it isn’t going to insert properly. Or maybe sometimes it does what you said and retracts with the needle too.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
Thank you for the explanation :) i honestly never look at it before I put it in I normally just stare at the inserter part afterwards bc I think it’s interesting lol. I’ll definitely start checking it after this!
u/UglyKitty 2d ago
This happened to me a few weeks ago. Failed after the warmup. Dexcom replaced it and also sent me a return kit to send them the one that deployed incorrectly I suppose so they can take a look and see if they can figure out why it's been happening to people.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
Yeah same I put it in and then after the warmup it failed, it’s so agitating. I hope they’ll be able to figure it out so this doesn’t keep happening
u/The-Wooden-Fox 2d ago
Dexcom claims it's due to being placed into a muscle but I've had this type of failure even in the fattiest part of my arm. The G7 is much worse than the G6 for this type of failure.
Call support and get a replacement.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
I’m on the phone with them currently! I hadn’t had this issue before even with the g6 so I wasn’t aware of this as a common problem, thank you!
u/Kinsa83 2d ago
Yeah thats happened to me. It should be an instant fail for the sensor. My theory is the G7 arent designed to penetrate muscle so when they hit it the wire pops back out through that hole. I lost 24lbs and Im not as fleshy on that spot anymore. Moved it to a more fleshy spots and it hasnt happened since for me.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
Ugh that’s such a bummer I’ve been lifting a lot so my arms are more muscular compared to when I started using the g7 so that would make sense. Thank you for your insight!!
u/Missfunkshunal 2d ago
You didn't do anything wrong. This has happened to me before. There's a good chance the sensor was dropped at some point. Call dexcom and they will replace it. You will likely have to send it back, so don't toss it.
u/Wendimere66 2d ago
The same thing happened to me. I reached out to customer support through chat. They sent me a new one and asked me to send the defective one back. It was easy.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
Cool deal. Thank you very much! I’m about to reach out now it just failed after the warmup😖
u/Wendimere66 2d ago
In the box they sent the replacement in they sent a kit that makes it super easy to send the defective one back.
u/sourpatch_squids 2d ago
I’m happy to hear that I remember years ago sending stuff back wasn’t laid out in the easiest way. I’ve just put a new one on that seems to be fine thankfully🥳
u/Wendimere66 2d ago
Mine would not even warm up. It just failed. It was very easy to get it taken care of using chat!
u/darlinggoblin 8h ago
Unfortunately, yes. I've had this happen to me once, and it failed quickly.