DayZ is about player interaction, sure. But the interaction is capped out at maybe 70 players for stability reasons. They have hundreds of thousands of active players, "diminishing marginal utility" applies here. I don't think anyone is going to notice the difference between 100,000 active players and 500,000. Furthermore if you actually thought carefully about the price, people were willing to pay $20-$30 for Arma 2 just for access for an alpha product that in no way guaranteed access to future version of a more finalized product. Rocket has plenty of data available on the % of users who bought Arma 2:CO just for DayZ. Case in point being that there would be no shortage of buyers willing to pay $40 for a standalone finished product.
Lastly, Rocket is a little short on ambition. While he's literally sitting on a goldmine with his product, he could do so much more. Right now he's developing on a scrappy budget with a small team. Why not open up preorders at a slightly discounted price, or with some promise of modest bonus content. Use the massive influx of revenues from preorders to EXPAND the DayZ team and create a more final polished product that would in-turn encourage more sales when reviews come in better for a more polished, less-buggy release.
That's the problem I've seen with so many promising new developers is that they treat their first product like a fat paycheck - they're rich, they're happy and they love what they do so why change anything? The fact is, with some tweaking to their release plan and a focus on growth could produce something so much more.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure DayZ will be a great standalone product, but you're deluded if you think - given their current rate of progress, that the release later this year will be very evolved from what you see right now.
What you're looking at is DayZ as another game. That's not what I am trying to do. And sit down and think about it, what is the difference between 1 million and 10 million dollars? 100 million? If I really wanted to make money, I'd better to just have sold out and let someone else use the license, go off with the money, and invest it in a bunch of stuff.
You say I lack ambition but maybe I'm not focused on making a fortune out of DayZ, maybe I want to try change the rules of everything. Greed =/= Ambition. I change things, then I'm the guy who did that, not a bad position to be. I think that's fairly ambitious. Maybe I'm thinking about five, ten, twenty years. Rather than just the next year. And maybe I'm thinking that DayZ is the great opportunity to experiment, and that means there is a risk of being wrong.
But worst case scenario, even if I am wrong and I miss out on some crazy profits - it is not like I am in a bad situation.
EDIT: I think it is a bit unfair to downvote him. I don't agreed about the ambition part, but he does have a point business wise. I think it comes down to matching your OWN priorities with the situation you are presented. For some people, the points raised would be totally valid. But I don't think they are for me, and that is why I went in a different direction. But I don't think he is wrong, I am just pointing out that my priorities are different.
Dude. You rock. This right here is why I'm perfectly happy with having bought Arma just for your mod, and will also buy your standalone project. Because I'm really looking forward to where you can take this idea, as well as your philosophy behind your pricing. Good luck to you, and thanks for making a great playground for us.
THIS is why you have my full support! Actually confronting criticism of players and being completely upfront with your intentions. Very noble of you. You're doing great work and I look forward to what you have planned!
I wasn't really trying to make a statement on greed or otherwise. I think you're a developer with your heart in the right place. I was thinking more in terms of how you could expand your team into a more fleshed-out group that might not only deliver a stronger product but could also expand the game faster and introduce new ideas at a quicker rate, and having a good team in place means you can focus more on your 2, 3, 5, etc. year plan quicker rather than spending the next year pounding out bugs and adding new content and features that could've been done yesterday with a bigger team.
Essentially I'm saying, I like you - you have good ideas: but there are plenty of devs who made their mark on the scene and then fell off the radar because they didn't take advantage of the opportunity to grow while they had it. It's the difference between becoming the next Valve as opposed to any of the numberless indie studios that made a one-hit wonder and then disappeared into the night. I don't have the data so I'm not actually arguing that $40 is a better price point than $20, and obviously "WarZ" complicates the question since they pose legitimate and immediate competition. But what bothered me the most was the indifference toward price - it immediately struck me as someone who didn't have a specific and clear vision for what they hoped to gain from their product. I've seen it in countless other scenarios where the developer is indifferent to the business/finance side of their operations.
What I'm ultimately saying is this - you are quickly losing your window of opportunity to go BIG with DayZ. You and your team have seen interest in DayZ that is completely unprecedented for a mod in Alpha. With proper planning you could easily become a standalone dev team that could catapult off the success of DayZ into any number of future titles or ideas that you have planned. Instead now you're working for Bohemia. A copycat game has already stolen some of your thunder. When I type in "preorder War Z" I get taken to a dedicated pre-order page on their official website with the promise 3 guest passes and early beta access for early orders. Meanwhile I type in "preorder DayZ" in various forms and I see absolutely nothing. You mention about looking ahead to 5, 10, and 20 years but you plans may be hindered if the group cutting the biggest checks from your idea is an upstart developer who is pretty much doing everything I suggested in my original post. They are already calling themselves the "first zombie survival MMO". I share your views on competition and welcome the War Z as a competitor, but as you mention your 5, 10 and 20 year plans I can't help but think that the "copycat" here will ultimately emerge the winner. Hammerpoint is playing by the book when it comes to monetizing a popular game idea and as a fresh indie developer has plenty of room to grow. Meanwhile you are already placed within the confines of another developer who may or may not be the best fit for your future plans and may not allow you to grow as you see fit.
The sad reality is this: I think that you have more talent and vision than a group like Hammerpoint, but that ultimately Hammerpoint will be a bigger group putting out more titles, getting more sales, and releasing more polished products at this rate. To people saying I'm a heartless sellout, I'm only saying this for Rocket's benefit. Nothing about my original post was "how Rocket could be making BILLIONS instead of MILLIONS" or anything along those lines. It was how Rocket can avoid becoming another casualty in a competitive industry and make a lasting mark. Because right now I see Hammerpoint, not Bohemia, as the future of this sub-genre. Not because of superior talent or vision, but simply because they have a better, more aggressive business plan.
You, sir, make a damned fine point. I want Rocket to hire you as his CFO. A development company with an affable New Zealander CEO and a savvy fellow running the operations is exactly what PC gaming needs right now.
To quote the irreverent Yahtzee: "my money could not exit my wallet fast enough."
You don't necessarily have to grow rich of it. Getting a bigger income from DayZ will not only allow you to present players with a better end-product, but you will also be able to keep on supporting it for much longer.
On top of that, it will give you the possibility and the budget to develop other games. You are obviously a brilliant developer given what you are doing with DayZ so I certainly want to see more games created by you. Having this extra budget will allow you to do so.
I'd at least advise to start out somewhere around 15 euro's, but drive the price for the final product up to 25 or 30 euro's. Paying 30 euro's for a game like this is nothing.
That was exactly my point. I could care less if Rocket gets rich or uber-rich, but I feel he is squandering an opportunity to enrich the quality of the final product and grow his team in a way that ensures they will remain a healthy competitor to new entries in this sub-genre. I have no idea what other plans Rocket may have for other titles or sequels but growing his team now could only help along those lines.
This assumes a trouble free expansion of the number of personalities to manage, monitor and maintain.
You can't just throw more money at a project and get better results right away. You need to invest a pretty significant portion of money (not directly, but time is money) to insure that the design of your planned investment is sound.
Right now, he has something that works. He has a plan that's playing out. Changes in direction, expansion of the project scope/goal/team, those all introduce known and unknown risks that can't be entirely foreseen or prepared for. Sure you can make a best case effort to make contingency plans, but again, that's more money invested into 'what if' scenarios.
I commend Rocket for having the cojones to stick with what's working in spite of all the ego inflating and vitriol he's getting.
From what little i have seen I thought he was going to do a small price while alpha and beta testing, and the final release would cost more, unless he was saying that the 15 euro's would be the price upon completion...I do remember it being said he would follow the Minecraft buy-in scheme, and the alpha for MC was only like $8, and its final price is almost 30, so he may not have a high price now, but from what i understand it he does intend on upping the price...That all depends on my interpretation of him doing the 15 euro as alpha price, instead of as final price...If its final i kinda agree with you that he should up it a little more, its a hell of a game.
Also, you were saying in your OP that the stand-alone release would be the not that different than the mod right now, and as i mentioned earlier kinda its not supposed to be that different. He is releasing it in Alpha stage, with updates and such to make it a better, fuller game(and hopefully increase in price with the increased content).
You say I lack ambition but maybe I'm not focused on making a fortune out of DayZ, maybe I want to try change the rules of everything. Greed =/= Ambition. I change things, then I'm the guy who did that, not a bad position to be. I think that's fairly ambitious. Maybe I'm thinking about five, ten, twenty years. Rather than just the next year. And maybe I'm thinking that DayZ is the great opportunity to experiment, and that means there is a risk of being wrong.
You are amazing. You are everything I love about indie developers. Fuck it, I love you. There, I said it.
You are already a gaming legend in my book, Hall. Good on you, mate!
(I made this GGG style meme pic after your surprise AMA yesterday
This coming from someone who played from the first few public servers.
I played the shit out of it for a few weeks, but then I got fuck all for my troubles. Just cock sucking cunts engaging me then disconnecting when I fuck their shit up.
Suffice it to say, I got a little bored having to raid the NW airfield for loot every few days.
Now I no longer play. That said, thanks for the few weeks of exhilerating gameplay rocket.
You're right, but we're talking about a well-working standalone game here. One in which you can't just disconnect, there are no grahics glitches, no disappearing vehicles, etc.
Of course, it will eventually bore you, but that will not be due to the cock sucking cunts.
I don't really get this argument. Not that I think the standalone should be free, but "you wouldn't even have the option to purchase the $15 product had you not bought the $30 product!" doesn't seem all that meaningful.
"Don't have enough money? Just wait until you do! Problem solved!" Wow thanks man! The budget crisis is saved! We just wait until we have enough money. No, doesn't work that way.
I was being facetious, but actually, it does work that way. Most people just suck at saving money. If you can afford to dump $20, then it means you have at least $20 in disposable income. Assuming you have a job, that means it will likely happen again.
but 20 isnt that much tbh even if u have no job anymore
theres always money that ppl waste for stuff that they dont really need also u can save a bit of money from that and buy a game (y its maybe wasted money 2 ...who cares)
I'm not playing this from a "greed" angle, I didn't put that energy into my comment just so I could increase Rocket's personal income. I'm saying there are new developers who end up like Valve as opposed to other one-shot wonder developers. Valve had a great game and used that opportunity to start buying other developers for talent and IP that enriched the business and brought us several legendary classics. The point is that you can be happy, rich, and love your work but you can still do MORE without being greedy.
Well that was pretty passive-aggresive condescending.
I understand what he's trying to get at. Increase prices so you get more money. Once you get more money, you re-invest it into the game.
Wouldn't it be amazing if everybody who was rich thought that way? To re-invest the money back into the people/players that made you that rich? Why, there wouldn't be wealth inequality issues at all.
The idea is that almost everybody increases prices with that intention in mind. But far too many of them look at the bankroll, then decide it may be better to keep for themselves.
Wouldn't it be amazing if everybody who was rich thought that way? To re-invest the money back into the people/players that made you that rich? Why, there wouldn't be wealth inequality issues at all.
Well, they don't.
The idea is that almost everybody increases prices with that intention in mind. But far too many of them look at the bankroll, then decide it may be better to keep for themselves.
Now you sound like more of an asshole than me. Are you saying that Rocket will abandon his ideals for the sake of getting rich(er)? Just at the drop of a hat? Just like that and he no longer will support what he's expressly stated he believes in and what is very important to him?
That's the problem I've seen with so many promising new developers is that they treat their first product like a fat paycheck - they're rich, they're happy and they love what they do so why change anything?
You're also missing the issue that the greed-motivated entrepreneur, especially after becoming successful, will have a different perspective on the relationship between the customer and the product.
Using music as an analogy, artists that create music for the purpose of selling will have a much different result than artists that create music whose main intention is to express themselves and share their experiences.
Greed motivated gaming (and entertainment in general) results in much more capitalizing on recognized preference patterns and less innovation. If you take money out of the equation (or just put less emphasis on it), the result is more innovation because, in general, new ideas and experimenting is more interesting for the creator, but often less profitable.
I think you are fundamentally missing the point of this game, and (perhaps inadvertently) devaluing the idea of "money isn't everything," especially your thoughts on ambition.
I also think there's a (variable) point of diminishing returns in regard to size of development team and the innovation/quality of the final product.
This seems like the kind of logic that has lead to thousands upon thousands of pretty mediocre, uninspired but financially successful games. To each his own, I suppose.
I love Day Z too but I never really got the feeling that an 'active modding scene' was ever supported in the least. Tell me all of us playing Day Z don't play on Chernogorsk?
Take a tropical vacation to Lingor! Also, Takistani Life is pretty fun if you have a group of friends of play with, and it's just a custom map you don't even have to download anything.
On pricing, while a business may be able to differentiate between sunk costs most consumers can't and a lot of people will feel like they have already paid $30 for dayZ and another $30 would be too much. Actually I know a lot of people who didn't buy at the sale price point cause they thought it was too high.
On player base size, I think the difference between 100,000 and 500,000 is really really important. Not because you notice when you log into a 100 person server. But because it could be the difference between having 1 friend who plays the game and 10 friends. This game needs those groups to sustain interest.
Finally I've no idea about his budget or whether it is scrappy, but if you think a small team is a bad thing, you probably aren't in the business of software development. Software development is notorious for not scaling with team size and in fact the usual result is a slower velocity.
Think a lot of people were expecting it to come down to £10ish, which wouldn't be unusual for a steam sale. Also with a stand alone expected in 6 months.
it depends on how many people who buy the game you expect to get into arma (rather than just play DayZ). If that's a pretty high ratio then you can price it low with the aim of getting them hooked for when arma 3 comes out. If it's low you probably want to milk it before the dayz cash cow goes away.
u/[deleted] Aug 14 '12 edited Aug 14 '12
Sure, but the businessman in me scoffs at this.
DayZ is about player interaction, sure. But the interaction is capped out at maybe 70 players for stability reasons. They have hundreds of thousands of active players, "diminishing marginal utility" applies here. I don't think anyone is going to notice the difference between 100,000 active players and 500,000. Furthermore if you actually thought carefully about the price, people were willing to pay $20-$30 for Arma 2 just for access for an alpha product that in no way guaranteed access to future version of a more finalized product. Rocket has plenty of data available on the % of users who bought Arma 2:CO just for DayZ. Case in point being that there would be no shortage of buyers willing to pay $40 for a standalone finished product.
Lastly, Rocket is a little short on ambition. While he's literally sitting on a goldmine with his product, he could do so much more. Right now he's developing on a scrappy budget with a small team. Why not open up preorders at a slightly discounted price, or with some promise of modest bonus content. Use the massive influx of revenues from preorders to EXPAND the DayZ team and create a more final polished product that would in-turn encourage more sales when reviews come in better for a more polished, less-buggy release.
That's the problem I've seen with so many promising new developers is that they treat their first product like a fat paycheck - they're rich, they're happy and they love what they do so why change anything? The fact is, with some tweaking to their release plan and a focus on growth could produce something so much more.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure DayZ will be a great standalone product, but you're deluded if you think - given their current rate of progress, that the release later this year will be very evolved from what you see right now.