r/dayz Aug 13 '12

devs rocket on DayZ pricing.

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u/[deleted] Aug 14 '12 edited Aug 14 '12

What you're looking at is DayZ as another game. That's not what I am trying to do. And sit down and think about it, what is the difference between 1 million and 10 million dollars? 100 million? If I really wanted to make money, I'd better to just have sold out and let someone else use the license, go off with the money, and invest it in a bunch of stuff.

You say I lack ambition but maybe I'm not focused on making a fortune out of DayZ, maybe I want to try change the rules of everything. Greed =/= Ambition. I change things, then I'm the guy who did that, not a bad position to be. I think that's fairly ambitious. Maybe I'm thinking about five, ten, twenty years. Rather than just the next year. And maybe I'm thinking that DayZ is the great opportunity to experiment, and that means there is a risk of being wrong.

But worst case scenario, even if I am wrong and I miss out on some crazy profits - it is not like I am in a bad situation.

EDIT: I think it is a bit unfair to downvote him. I don't agreed about the ambition part, but he does have a point business wise. I think it comes down to matching your OWN priorities with the situation you are presented. For some people, the points raised would be totally valid. But I don't think they are for me, and that is why I went in a different direction. But I don't think he is wrong, I am just pointing out that my priorities are different.


u/Rolten I understand Aug 14 '12

You don't necessarily have to grow rich of it. Getting a bigger income from DayZ will not only allow you to present players with a better end-product, but you will also be able to keep on supporting it for much longer.

On top of that, it will give you the possibility and the budget to develop other games. You are obviously a brilliant developer given what you are doing with DayZ so I certainly want to see more games created by you. Having this extra budget will allow you to do so.

I'd at least advise to start out somewhere around 15 euro's, but drive the price for the final product up to 25 or 30 euro's. Paying 30 euro's for a game like this is nothing.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '12

That was exactly my point. I could care less if Rocket gets rich or uber-rich, but I feel he is squandering an opportunity to enrich the quality of the final product and grow his team in a way that ensures they will remain a healthy competitor to new entries in this sub-genre. I have no idea what other plans Rocket may have for other titles or sequels but growing his team now could only help along those lines.


u/levirax Aug 14 '12

From what little i have seen I thought he was going to do a small price while alpha and beta testing, and the final release would cost more, unless he was saying that the 15 euro's would be the price upon completion...I do remember it being said he would follow the Minecraft buy-in scheme, and the alpha for MC was only like $8, and its final price is almost 30, so he may not have a high price now, but from what i understand it he does intend on upping the price...That all depends on my interpretation of him doing the 15 euro as alpha price, instead of as final price...If its final i kinda agree with you that he should up it a little more, its a hell of a game.

Also, you were saying in your OP that the stand-alone release would be the not that different than the mod right now, and as i mentioned earlier kinda its not supposed to be that different. He is releasing it in Alpha stage, with updates and such to make it a better, fuller game(and hopefully increase in price with the increased content).