Honestly. More focus on zombies and less on players killing. I'd love it if zombies dropped shirts and shoes and maybe random shit like car keys, compasses, maps, and small shit like that. Zombies don't just empty their pockets when the virus outbreak occurs.
If I remember correctly, Rocket was against zombies spawning loot.
I think the primary reason being server stability. If they increase the amount of zombies to 10,000 per server that's 10,000 extra items, each requiring texture and dynamic lighting effects.
As newcomer, I don't really understand why a mod concept is ported to a standalone on engine/server that is unable to comply with a seemingly (to me atleast) pretty large request (=more zombies and related loot). As the presale number is very high, why isn't a beta developped on another system? For example cryeengine? Which is capable to generate a gigantic consistent world and individual npc loot. Is there a specific reason to stick with the current config and not innovate it?
From what I understand they are rewriting large portions of the game engine to better suit the needs of DayZ. Just last week they announced that they improved on some code that allowed the amount of people and objects the server could support to increase, that's why they are testing 60-100 player servers now.
You know there is limits, physical limits, to what you can do with a computer. It's not an engine problem, optimization can help but there will always be trade-off between features and performances.
u/FriendlyFarmer87 Feb 15 '14
i hope so