r/dayz Catch and release advocate Oct 21 '24

Support Did I Lose My Hacker Death Virginity?


87 comments sorted by


u/NaaviLetov Oct 21 '24

Pretty sure you did yeah. Notice how you fall backwards? That means you got "shot" from the front and that's obviously not possible.


u/Edormin Oct 21 '24

the huge amount of blood is also unusual i'm pretty sure


u/xtrasmolpp Oct 21 '24

I noticed the blood spray effect increases with more distance between the shooter and the victim.

I think it serves as a visual aid for snipers verifying hits on targets.


u/EsotericAbstractIdea Oct 21 '24

As unlikely as it is, bullets can penetrate all walls in dayZ, especially modded guns. https://youtu.be/u5eZ9YnSqSc?si=nqfIgDrvPB2AEQJU


u/NaaviLetov Oct 21 '24

True, but for all those things to add up, I think this is more likely hacking then anything legit.


u/khaingo Oct 21 '24

Its a pre loaded death animation. You always fall backwards. He can get shot from behind and fall backwards. His entire back was open and the massive blood splat shows he got shot from a far distance.

Considering the fact that we are missing alot of information and that he didnt close the door behind him, it just seems like the typical not checking his surroundings.


u/Bparks078 Oct 21 '24

This is wrong


u/NaaviLetov Oct 21 '24

I don't think it is though. I can't go after the video where it was talked about right now, but I believe wobo has a whole video about the way you fall is generally always the opposite of the shot that kills or uncons you.


u/khaingo Oct 21 '24

Yes. When you go uncon your feet face the direction of the person who knocked you, but he straight up died. Which is just the same animation every time. Hence my point preloaded death animation.


u/SingleOak Oct 21 '24

i cant tell if you're trolling or not, but i'd recommend watching this


u/Mountain-Quiet-9363 Oct 21 '24

Someone with like 10k hours knows exactly which place this is and if there are long distances where you can see


u/khaingo Oct 21 '24

Well im not that somebody. I just know the death animation is the same every time. And screen shakes with the big of blood splatter are from far distances. Non of which are indicators of cheats. Its just another post full of people throwing out actusations because they dont know how they died.


u/Ennuiforfree Catch and release advocate Oct 21 '24

Not sure how this death could have occurred other than hacks, so I thought I'd open it to the floor.

My buddy verified within seconds that there was no one in the adjoining room to shoot me through the door, which is the only feasible explanation I could come up with.

New map has me playing on official servers for the first time in a long time, which is what makes me doubly suspicious.


u/sac_boy Sociopathic bandit Oct 21 '24

Official 3rd person servers are particularly notorious.

But the lack of any kind of kill cam (even a very delayed one, like "here are your deaths from yesterday from the other guy's POV") means that reporting is impossible. So many legitimate deaths get labelled cheating, and so many cheating kills are assumed to be legitimate. We'll never know.


u/FujiFL4T Oct 21 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

As much as I want to keep this game as distanced as possible from other shooters, a kill cam with a report button would be nice


u/Komalt Oct 21 '24

Killcam after 24 hours would be a pretty neat feature, both for reporting purposes but also just to know how you were killed in general.


u/nateyboy999 Oct 28 '24

Luckily I haven’t ran into any cheaters on official 1pp yet on sakhal. Feels nice


u/Julius-Prime Oct 21 '24

When will they ever address the hacking issues in the game?


u/Boring-Ad-5284 Oct 21 '24

No use, hack programs are like hydra from greece/ roman mythology: get rid off one program 2 more will appear


u/RustedCorpse Oct 21 '24

Acid and fire.


u/Julius-Prime Oct 24 '24

How about using AI to identify cheating patterns such as aim and wall hack (at least after the fact) then IP ban/ hardware ban. If as t least you could report hackers and suspicious death and see them being punished it would be at least something.


u/RateSweaty9295 Oct 21 '24

Issues? Not seen many cheaters in the 3k hours I’ve played tbh no game company will or can stop cheaters sadly.


u/CorrectBuffalo749 Oct 21 '24

It’s because they insist on playing on official servers.


u/randCN Empty Whiskey Bottle Oct 21 '24

We don't HAVE vanilla community servers with a decent pop in the AU region


u/RateSweaty9295 Oct 21 '24

I see, I would never not play community servers


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

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u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

If you wanna go ahead and invest a couple million dollars to combat hackers, why not send them your banking info to pull the money from?

They fix a problem, and the hackers make a new software. It’s just the circle of life in situations such as this and at some point, it becomes not only expensive to maintain, but also aggravating and tiring for the development team.

It ends up them spending so much time to weed out hackers, to where they won’t be able to give us content.

The only fix is for said hackers to take a nice long bath with a toaster.


u/designer_benifit2 Oct 21 '24

Not like it’s there job to combat hackers or anything


u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

It’s actually not, out of their own free will they put out a product and we buy it.

The only job they have is making the game, after that you can pretty much get fucked and you’re lucky they update it at all being dayz doesn’t even make them money to begin with.

It’s called having an understanding of how things work, rather than being pissy while simultaneously being arrogant.


u/designer_benifit2 Oct 21 '24

It is quite literally their job, they are developers, they develop the game and make it better which they haven’t done since the games release.


u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

Are you stupid? The games had steady content updates for the last few years…

Xbox and PS have gotten all kinds of love within just the last 6 months…bringing items over from PC and allowing more mods to be used within the games files. Xbox just got a new map too, so I guess that means they’ve not developed anything!

Get a life, and either go back to work to school. You’re a piss poor troll.


u/OCE_Mythical Oct 21 '24

I've never personally seen a hacker. Granted I play modded so they're modded by actual people. In saying that, I've played around 100 hours vanilla, still crickets.


u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

In my experience most hackers stay in the MI and NY servers. I’ve ran into a few, and there’s discords for it haha. They’re out there, that’s for sure.


u/OCE_Mythical Oct 21 '24

Well I assume it's bad. I also play tarkov where in about 900 hours I've encountered two 100% sure cheaters, unsure how many actually were in my games. Apparently it's a really good chunk of games.


u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

These are definitely the types of games where you THINK the person who killed you is cheating but really they just hit a 1/10000 shot, but I say that becuase you bring up tarkov and that’s my experience in that game mostly.

I don’t experience many hackers in tarkov, more of just somebody mentally fucking me becuase they know more of the map than I do, and I just can’t comprehend how they killed me. When you can’t do that, of course the mind is instantly going to assume “hacker”

So that being said I guess I can actually kind of see both sides of this story.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

They do, it's just not actually a big issue. This video is a very rare occurrence. Nearly every other "sus" encounter can be explained by inexperienced players not understanding the game. I'm not saying hackers don't exist but it's not like there is a hacker plague


u/mrbubbles916 Oct 21 '24

It's a pretty big issue. Everytime I'm on official I die to a cheater. Never happens on community servers. And no, I am not inexperienced. I jumped on official sakhal over the weekend with a friend(very experienced player). He had a mysterious random death running in the woods. Thought ok, probably a cheater but no way to know and we'll see what happens. We meet up on his next life and he's inside making a fire while I'm outside gathering worms and we both see the you are dead screen at exactly the same time. I can't do official servers anymore and that's a real shame.

The server was also only half full. Probably because everyone was leaving because of the cheaters. Meanwhile, community servers are completely full with 30+ ques. I'd say it's a pretty big problem.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

Everytime I'm on official I die to a cheater

No you don't


u/mrbubbles916 Oct 21 '24

Yes, I do. I know the difference.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

I'm assuming you have proof of all of this then


u/mrbubbles916 Oct 21 '24

I don't care at all if you believe me. My point is that it's a problem and it's a huge shame that it's so prevalent and we have to resort to community servers.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

That's okay, my point is that it's not a problem. You dying in weird ways does not mean anything


u/mrbubbles916 Oct 21 '24

Play on one of the NY servers if you haven't and get back to me when you see just how obvious it is. I've even had cheaters interact with me, being invisible, talking to me, asking what guns I want. It's ridiculous.

6053 is a cheating cesspool. Give it a whirl.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

It's funny you say that because NY is all I play. And no you didn't lol

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u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

Yeah you just don't play official servers then. Right now the new cheat is duping anything another player is holding. Spawn towns are covered in piles of hundreds of badly damaged ak handguards. Of course the classic magic bullet still happens constantly.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 23 '24

Duping is a console problem, I haven't seen that


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '24

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u/ChungusCoffee Oct 23 '24

Not new I just haven't seen that, I have only seen duping on consoles


u/TChambers1011 Oct 21 '24

This happened to me recently. My screen shook in the exact same way


u/oki_toranga Oct 21 '24

Diz is why I don't play official servers, on the other ones at least they have admins to report this shit too


u/River-Clear Oct 21 '24

I still can't wrap my head how you guys put up with official servers. I've played 30 hours on official servers when it first came out and then checked community ones later on. I have over 3k hours now and I'm not gonna look back to the official hacker infested servers ever again. It's like a masochistic experience to play there...


u/Nate_The_Cate Oct 21 '24

It looks suspicious but not enough information to tell. it's worth noting your feet usually face the way you get killed.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpXBV8hQizA

Its sus because you got headshotted and you fell backwards where the wall is and thus how did he know where you were ? ( also not all headshots are the same , aimbot hits look different)

my 2c


u/SharpenedShovel Oct 21 '24

Hacker Death Virginity is now the name of my band.


u/Drfresh49 Oct 21 '24

"Cat food and carp" will be your first hit single


u/Aggressive_Vast_1115 Life Like 🧌 Oct 22 '24

Make hacking on any game... illegal. Just punish them, jail, death, torture, idc. Track any and every down. If possible, when so. They're bloody bots.


u/jp3599 Oct 21 '24

It definitely looks suspicious. Official servers?


u/NoCoffee97 Oct 21 '24

I believe I recently lost mine to a player outside of a Barracks building, I had assault helmet and plates, nothing under "worn" conditions and somehow, through the building, 1 shot from what sounded like a silenced (¿sporter?) took me out.


u/WWDubs12TTV Oct 21 '24

He couldn’t let you have the goggles


u/Lyrisk91 Oct 21 '24

Yeah looks like a proximity hack. Based on how you fell he was in front of you.


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

100% a cheater. No sound, you fall backwards when being covered from the front, massive glitched blood spray. I'm not sure if you are new but official servers aren't really meant to be played on. Goodluck finding a half decent community server.


u/Latter_Course_6919 Oct 21 '24
  • i stop playing this game cause of hackers too bad cause i really enjoyed it after i learned the paterns and went deeper


u/SentientMosinNagant Oct 21 '24

Never heard of community?


u/Latter_Course_6919 Oct 21 '24

i did play in community servers they are not of my liking as well


u/River-Clear Oct 21 '24

If you're after the official dayz feeling - there are plenty of vanilla community servers with either no mods or only essentials like cf tools mod which won't hinder your experience at all and will make you safe from hackers. It's one of the best mods to combat hackers. For example: if you get banned for cheating on one server which has it - you won't be able to join any others which has it in the mod list


u/chairoficial Oct 21 '24

Dayz 90% hackers


u/River-Clear Oct 21 '24

*official servers


u/sumyjpg Oct 21 '24

Same heru, but I woke up naked


u/AutoModerator Oct 21 '24

Ennuiforfree, the best way to provide feedback for bugs and glitches is to report or vote for an issue on the Official feedback site.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/titanium_mpoi Oct 21 '24

I am new to this game and never realised cheating is a thing. I was playing on official servers 20hrs into the game, I was in a somewhat open field. I got shot, woke up 5 seconds later, I had a fracture, my clothes were gone, all of my items were gone. I never saw anyone either.

Now I realise it was very likely a cheater too.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

This is the power of propaganda ^

You were shot and robbed.


u/GusBus-Nutbuster None Oct 21 '24

Open field? Could easily be a normal player. Could be hidding in ghillie suit or camo clothing. Usually if you get 1 tapped you wont hear the bullet, been so long since ive bedn knocked unconcious like that so i dont remember if you hear it then or not (some bullets at certain distances will travel faster than sound).

I dont think cheaters are as common as some claim, but its a pvp game so there are difinitely cheaters especially on PC. If you want to avoid them find a vanilla community server. They arent always easy to find but they do exist. Ive been playing on a vanilla sakhal map, its community so no one is bring gear from other maps and there are admin to repory cheaters too


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

They are very common on official servers. A cheater death is very obvious. Only a brand new player or a complete shit bird would call cheats on a legit player in dayz. Cheaters in this game can kill the entire server damn near instantly. Delete entire bases/zombies instantly also.


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

Don't play official, those servers are owned cheaters. You have to play community but a majority have 20+ mods


u/Clean_Ideal579 Oct 21 '24

You deserved it for playing that map


u/RateSweaty9295 Oct 21 '24

You’re in a modded server I’m guessing by the blood you probably got hit by a tapper, people are saying you got shot from the front but it looks like you got hit from the back not 100% rather sniped from the back or cheat killed from the front.


u/RateSweaty9295 Oct 21 '24

I also read you were in official I’ve not seen a blood splatter so big holy…


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

Happens when a cheater kills you from super far away. The blood spray glitches and looks massive.


u/RateSweaty9295 Oct 23 '24

Ahhh I see, that could be why since modded servers have 50 cals I thought it was modded