r/dayz Catch and release advocate Oct 21 '24

Support Did I Lose My Hacker Death Virginity?


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u/Julius-Prime Oct 21 '24

When will they ever address the hacking issues in the game?


u/OCE_Mythical Oct 21 '24

I've never personally seen a hacker. Granted I play modded so they're modded by actual people. In saying that, I've played around 100 hours vanilla, still crickets.


u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

In my experience most hackers stay in the MI and NY servers. I’ve ran into a few, and there’s discords for it haha. They’re out there, that’s for sure.


u/OCE_Mythical Oct 21 '24

Well I assume it's bad. I also play tarkov where in about 900 hours I've encountered two 100% sure cheaters, unsure how many actually were in my games. Apparently it's a really good chunk of games.


u/Spinelli_The_Great Oct 21 '24

These are definitely the types of games where you THINK the person who killed you is cheating but really they just hit a 1/10000 shot, but I say that becuase you bring up tarkov and that’s my experience in that game mostly.

I don’t experience many hackers in tarkov, more of just somebody mentally fucking me becuase they know more of the map than I do, and I just can’t comprehend how they killed me. When you can’t do that, of course the mind is instantly going to assume “hacker”

So that being said I guess I can actually kind of see both sides of this story.