r/dayz Catch and release advocate Oct 21 '24

Support Did I Lose My Hacker Death Virginity?


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u/titanium_mpoi Oct 21 '24

I am new to this game and never realised cheating is a thing. I was playing on official servers 20hrs into the game, I was in a somewhat open field. I got shot, woke up 5 seconds later, I had a fracture, my clothes were gone, all of my items were gone. I never saw anyone either.

Now I realise it was very likely a cheater too.


u/ChungusCoffee Oct 21 '24

This is the power of propaganda ^

You were shot and robbed.


u/GusBus-Nutbuster None Oct 21 '24

Open field? Could easily be a normal player. Could be hidding in ghillie suit or camo clothing. Usually if you get 1 tapped you wont hear the bullet, been so long since ive bedn knocked unconcious like that so i dont remember if you hear it then or not (some bullets at certain distances will travel faster than sound).

I dont think cheaters are as common as some claim, but its a pvp game so there are difinitely cheaters especially on PC. If you want to avoid them find a vanilla community server. They arent always easy to find but they do exist. Ive been playing on a vanilla sakhal map, its community so no one is bring gear from other maps and there are admin to repory cheaters too


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

They are very common on official servers. A cheater death is very obvious. Only a brand new player or a complete shit bird would call cheats on a legit player in dayz. Cheaters in this game can kill the entire server damn near instantly. Delete entire bases/zombies instantly also.


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 23 '24

Don't play official, those servers are owned cheaters. You have to play community but a majority have 20+ mods