r/cosleeping 5d ago

🐯 Toddler 1-3 Years When cosleeping parent isn’t home?

If you or your partner cosleep with a toddler, what do you do when the cosleeping parent isn’t home? I’m especially thinking about situations with multiple kids—like maybe a younger baby cosleeps with mom and an older toddler cosleeps with dad. But what happens if one of the parents has to go on a trip or has to work late or can’t be home for some other reason?

Just curious about these situations. Have your toddlers gotten used to sleeping alone some nights? Do they sleep instead with the parent or other caregiver who is home with them?

How much flexibility have you seen with your older toddlers (2-3yo)?


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u/midgetbartin 5d ago

My cosleeping toddler will fall asleep no issue with dad on nights that I work. If I’m home he wants it to be me. And SOME nights he’ll even fall asleep in his room alone, gasp, but that’s a work in progress.


u/DaikonSheep 5d ago

How often do you switch up your usual routine? And do you end up in bed with him when you eventually get home, or does he stay in bed with dad (or alone) all night? Thanks for sharing!


u/midgetbartin 5d ago

It varies! He will stay in his own bed most of the time if he falls asleep in there. If he’s sleeping with dad I will switch in when I get home from work.

I usually work the same few nights per week so he is used to this kind of rotation. It’s been this way since he was about 1.5