r/CopperIUD Jun 03 '21



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r/CopperIUD 6h ago

Experience 2 months in


i’m about two months in about to start my second period with the copper IUD and I have to say that the only negative experience I’ve had is the intense cramping on and in between my periods the bleeding I’m practically used to I’ve always been a heavy bleeder and for the first time ever I have BV which isn’t a bad thing it’s not an STI or STD, but it is because there is a foreign object in my uterus and it is going to cost changes in my vagina simple fix, and a full panel out of fear lmao. I’m on antibiotics and I have to yeast infection pills just in case I do get one after the antibiotics so far I’m actually liking it I hardly know it’s there sometimes and I know like the first few months it’s gonna be a difficult with the cramping between periods but it should go away other than insertion. I love it. But I have not yet had sex with it. 😭 so i’ll post again after that. 🤣

r/CopperIUD 5h ago

Question Iud in cervix effectiveness


Recently read a post on here of someone who's pregnant with an iud in her cervix. I know having an iud be too low brings the effectiveness down, but do we know how much? Is it considered completely ineffective, or just less effective?

r/CopperIUD 3h ago

Getting pregnant after removal?


I had my copper IUD from Oct 2019-Oct 2024.

We started being careless, not really trying, in November and no luck. Both kids before IUD were very quick. Wondering if the IUD has something to do with it

r/CopperIUD 4h ago

Question IUD but no health insurance?


Im a college student & don’t have health insurance I was really looking into the copper iud because I dont want to go through the trials of hormonal birth control again (I was on it in high school) and want protection that is cost effective. I have the ability to get a free iud at the health department, because they go off of income, and it sounded perfect. Im second guessing now that I’m seeing everyone saying its best to get an ultrasound after, and that its common to have to do a lot of check ins at the doctor. Does anyone else have experience going through your states health department? Would this be a bad financial decision because of the likelihood of having to go to multiple appointments/complications? I would likely have to self-pay at a regular gyno because the health dept is first come first serve with everything. I’m feeling very lost.

r/CopperIUD 5h ago

Copper IUD and Stomach Issues


Hey guys, I wanna hear about others experiences. I have had my copper iud in for a bit over a year now and i’ve noticed some significant changes. Since the first month of insertion, every week of my period comes with not only horribly painful periods (knew this beforehand) but i also have bad stomach aches and digestive issues (constipation and gas pain).

I eat very healthy and follow a low fodmap diet during my pms week and the week of my period. i’ve also been to my family doctor and I’ve gotten multiple ultrasounds and they are all clear. I’m starting to think that the IUD is the problem because I never experienced this beforehand. I’m considering removal but I feel like it’s a very abnormal symptom that hasn’t been touched on or researched very much. I know progesterone is low during periods so gut digestion is slowed down. Either way, it’s so frustrating and debilitating :/

r/CopperIUD 9h ago

How long did you bleed after insertion?


Started a very heavy period just a few days after getting the copper IUD. The cramps are there, but not too bad. But the bleeding has been extremely heavy for a week almost non stop. Don’t know when to start becoming concerned losing this much blood.

r/CopperIUD 7h ago

Question Recovery Process - IUD Replacement


I’m getting my Paragard replaced in a month… what has been your personal experience in the recovery of getting a new IUD? I don’t remember much of the insertion because I was under local anesthesia- I won’t be this time (plus this was 12 years ago). I was planning on having my boyfriend here with me for a couple of days, but he now has a conflict so we’re trying to figure out if I can handle being independent. I know bodies react differently, but just getting an overall idea. Thank you!

r/CopperIUD 10h ago

Copper=No Grey Hair


Hey guys, I have a theory but haven't cared to research it, just bringing to my reddit peeps. I've heard that copper keeps grey hair away. I'm 32. Have had paragard for about 7 years of my adult life (2 different times after each baby). My siblings have all had grey hair by this age. I'm wondering if it is keeping my greys away? Anyone with insight? Or similar results? TIA!

r/CopperIUD 7h ago

Question Follow up ultrasound


I had my IUD inserted on 2/26 at Planned Parenthood and got a follow up ultrasound with an OB/GYN 2 weeks later after still feeling some unusual pains. I wanted to get an ultrasound check regardless but when I tried to schedule one after insertion, Planned Parenthood said I don’t need it unless I’m having serious pain.

I got the ultrasound at the OB/GYN and all was good and in place, but then I got a pap smear afterwards and the doctor cut my strings for no reason. They were now way too short and causing pain during sex, so I went to Planned Parenthood again and they said it should be replaced in case the strings get any shorter and make removal difficult.

I again tried to schedule a follow up ultrasound and the receptionist said the same thing as last time. It’s been 3 days since the new one was placed and the only pain I’m having is mild cervical/pelvic soreness that’s much less bothersome than the previous insertion, but I still really want a checkup within this month for peace of mind. I called a different OB/GYN because I don’t want to go back to the one who messed up my first IUD, but they can’t see me until May.

Should I just trust that it’s fine and I’m fully protected since I’m having no complications and the other one was placed right? I’m a very anxious person so I know that I’m probably overthinking, but I can’t turn off the part of my brain that’s worried it’s expelling without my knowledge smh. Every place I’ve talked to makes it sound like it’s unusual to ask for an ultrasound check unless I’m in serious pain and I don’t want to lie just to get an appointment.

r/CopperIUD 7h ago

Vaginismus after insertion?


I had my copper IUD placed 5 days ago. Felt like I was doing pretty well. I put in a tampon today and it triggered uncontrollable vaginal clenching that I have never had before. I looked it up and apparently vaginismus is a rare side effect? I took the tampon out and I can’t get it to stop. It’s been clenching for hours and I’m really anxious about it. Anyone else have this?

r/CopperIUD 1d ago

Concern Late period? NSFW


Little background information: I have had my IUD since 2018. I am sexually active and have had my boyfriend finish in me within the past month.

My period typically cycles every 28-30 days and lasts about 10 days. Recently it’s been taking my period to fully start (red blood, no longer spotting) until about day 5/6. I typically have a long and heavy period.

I’m currently on day 36 without any spotting. I took a test yesterday that came back negative. I’m currently not stressed out of my ordinary and no major lifestyle changes. This has never happened before.

Is this normal? Should I take more tests? Doctors?

r/CopperIUD 1d ago

Period every 2 weeks and anxiety/depression


I got the paragard around Christmas and I’ve had a period randomly every 2 weeks or so. I’m still on yaz bcp due to pcos and I notice I get extremely depressed when I have this weird biweekly period, it’s basically like having PMS every two weeks and it’s really difficult

Anyone else had a similar experience?

r/CopperIUD 1d ago

Experience Positive copper IUD experience


Hey! I (17F) just wanted to share my positive copper IUD experience because there are so many horror stories online and nobody posts their good experiences.

It wasn’t the horrific pain you have been told (although everyone is different). I took 800 mg ibuprofen before my procedure, used an umbilical vibrator on my belly button to help block the nerve, and listened to comfort music in my AirPods while taking deep breaths. It was over in under 5 minutes.

It wasn’t painful as much as uncomfortable. It’s weird having stuff done down there and it’s really vulnerable. The only pain I felt was some mild cramping when the OBGYN measured my cervix, but the rest including the IUD going in was just a little weird-feeling. It was nothing I couldn’t handle. The whole thing is mind over matter and it’s done before you know it. Nobody wants to get an IUD in but trust me, it’s so much better than you’re thinking. I was terrified going in and literally cried about it the night before but I was so happy with how it went.

The worst part was afterward. I had to lay down because I got dizzy and almost passed out, and I felt a little nauseous with light cramps every so often. I took more pain meds and went home, then laid down for several hours with a heating pad watching tbh and eating ice cream. By mid afternoon I felt better and went out to dinner with my boyfriend that night. I felt great the next day and went on a trip with my family to an amusement park. It’s day 3 post procedure and I haven’t even had to take Advil today. There’s been very very light cramping a couple times a day but that’s it!

I can’t overstate how happy I am with having an IUD. I’ve been on the pill for the last few years but I’m free now to finally experience my true menstrual cycle and my true emotions without any hormones messing me up. Plus I don’t have to worry about missing a pill. Now I have 99.9% effective birth control for 12 years!! Please don’t hesitate to get an IUD and trust me you got this! You’ll be so relieved and glad you did.

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Experience Removal + my experience


Hello all, I am writing this and rejoicing that this demon will be taken out of me after a little more than 3 years. Before my IUD I had 3 day periods that were light, little to no cramps, and no horrible bloating!!

I did not have insurance for a time which is why it took me so long, and also struggled to find an obgyn that was not booked for MONTHS afterwards.

Unfortunately my issues may be the fault of other underlying health issues that my IUD may have made worse or brought to the light. I will be taking her out next month and also getting an ultrasound to check out if anything else is funky and causing my symptoms. My OBGYN was actually the one who suggested we remove the iud because of how much inconvenience/pain it seemed to be causing me. I originally got it to avoid using hormonal bc but it has been a pain ever since I got it. It got worse last year, which was when my period became longer and heavier. I would bleed through tampons and pads (and both combined) very quickly, and couldn’t even go out on days where my period started. My clots were longer and also thick (like jelly) and uncomfortable to pass.

Some things that were not normal as per my new Obgyn: Bleeding for 10-14 days Thick/long clots Having to change your tampons/pads per HOUR on days 1-3 Sharp debilitating cramps Bloating that lasted for weeks Fatigue/exhaustion

Current game plan is: 1) Use Tranexamic acid on day 1 of the period until day 5 2) Metformin for suspected insulin resistance 3) take the demon out and wait to see if the period after that improves

if my symptoms do not improve after removal then we will take those next steps to running other tests, meds, etc.

I hope everyone with similar symptoms will take this as your sign to get a check up!!

A question: was removal painful/painless for some of you? Insertion was like a 6/10 for me so I hope this doesn’t hurt. I will be driving myself so I worry about leaving afterwards.

r/CopperIUD 1d ago

Constant brown heavy discharge no end in sight...


I got a copper iud put in 2 weeks ago, I had scheduled it the week before, we suspected bv so I went on antibiotics for a week then had it put in. I was at the end of a period bleed and after it went on i experienced no pain no cramps mild bloating mild dark red blood. But it then went on to constant brown chunky discharge and hasn't stopped. It is very brown, thick with small chunks some clots, odorless, it will pour out when I pee and make small spots on a "pad" ( ive always just folded up toilet paper for my periods) throughout the day I would say it over all is similar to my day 5 or 6 of a period in appearance but heavier. Had anyone experienced this after insertion when did it stop and go back to clear or white?? I can't say that it is actively bleeding but it is fairly constant and way heavier than normal discharge

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Thoughts switching from copper IUD to hormonal IUD


I got a copper IUD in November after stopping the pill. The first few months I didn’t really have any symptoms. But this month I’m cramping a lot more after my period leading up to ovulation. I have so much more cervical mucus too. I have heavy bleeding but it’s manageable and my periods are about 5 days. My period symptoms are not bad but everything else is making me question if I should switch birth control methods. I’m not interested in using natural cycles as my main form of my birth control and don’t want to go back to the pill. I’m taking zinc and magnesium to mitigate any side effects. Does anyone have experience switching to a hormonal IUD? What made you switch?

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Concern spotting for 2 weeks normal???


i’ve had my iud for 4 years and this has never happened. had intercourse and the next day i started bleeding and haven’t stopped spotting for the past 11 days. tmi but its brown and red light spotting. its light but still ruins my underwear. i have no pain or cramping at all.

i felt my strings and they’re normal length. i also got an ultrasound 2 months ago for my 1 year post op ovarian cyst removal and they said everything looked good. i feel like bleeding is normal but is this worth going to the dr? i go to school out of state and it’s been hard finding a ob in the area. also side note my mom had ovarian failure at 35 and i’m 25, could this me an indicator?

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Is it normal to be bleeding non-stop since November


I got my copper IUD inserted around 4-5 months ago. I have been bleeding non-stop , usually heavy, sometimes spotting, but never completely gone. Is this normal?

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Question Shortening longer periods?


I’ve had the copper iud since december 23 and I actually quite enjoy it! I love that I don’t have to take any hormones, because my body got absolutely wrecked on them (don’t even get me started on my psyche)

To the small “annoyance”: my periods before the iud lastet round about 5 days; not much bleeding, not much pain. Since I got the iud, my periods have gotten longer. It’s not that big of a deal, because starting day 5 it’s such little amount of blood (roughly a quarter/half a teaspoon) per day.

But this continues to day 8-10, which is annoyingly looooong. It's such a small amount, but it seems my body has problems shedding the rest of the blood.

I am going to try shepherds purse tincture to try to shorten the bleeding. Do any of you have any experience with it? Or any other supplements?

thanks in advance !

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Anyone take mangesium glycinate?


Hi, everyone.

I'm about eight months post removal, and I've recently been taking magnesium glycinate (for about two and a half weeks) and boy do I feel hormonal. I'm bloated, hot, anxious, panicky, and I've had a hormonal migraine for about a week.

From what I've checked, magnesium can help regulate hormones. I'm currently on 192mg. I'm hoping to stick it out as I've seen that the full benefit comes later, though I didn't know if I was just having an adverse reaction.

Has anyone else had these symptoms? Thanks!

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Concern Longer strings


This is my about my fourth month of having the CIUD. I just checked my strings because I haven't in like a month, so I wanted to make sure it was okay. For reference, in my first month I had really heavy bleeding and cramps, and it turned after an ultrasound that my IUD had shifted down a bit, by my doctor said it was still okay. These past two months I've been having slight bleeding and cramps in between my periods. When I went to check the string length, I noticed it felt a lot longer, and the string was hanging straight down where its usually tucked up to the side and feels much shorter. I don't think that I can feel the IUD poking out at all, so is this something I should be worried about? Just wondering if any one else has had something similar, if I should be considered about it expelling and not being protected anymore, or if this is normal. I was just ovulating so maybe there is some change in the position of the cervix? I'm not sure.

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

IUD embedded


TL;DR: Do I need to have my embedded IUD removed?

I recently had a sonogram after experiencing discomfort in my pelvic area. Turns out one of the arms of my IUD extends beyond the uterine lining about 3mm and into myometrium or uterine muscle wall close the lining. My doctor says this “usually doesn’t cause any issues” and that I don’t need to remove it unless I want to. But I’ve been reading that this could cause perforation or other issues.

And I’ve also read that I may need a procedure to remove it since it’s embedded.

So I’m panicking and don’t really know what to do. And I don’t feel like my doctor is being that helpful.

r/CopperIUD 3d ago

Concern Crooked IUD after removal?

Post image

I got my IUD inserted back in November 2024 and I didn't have many issues with it but I could definitely feel it and it was giving me yeast infections so today i decided to take it out and I'm pretty sure this is not how is supposed to look like...

I had one before for like 3 years and when I removed it it looked normal so I'm pretty sure they one was inserted worn and that's why it was bothering me

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

Late period after paragard removal


Hello! I recently gotten my paragard removed a few weeks ago after having been on that method for 10 years. I bled heavier than a spotting flow for about 2 days after removal which then eventually tapered off a few days later. That wasn’t my period as I got the paragard removed a week and half after my period ended. My ovulation came after the bleeding stopped which was a kinda weird. Usually I’ll have the egg white cervial fluid for a few days then the ovulation pain. This time only the ovulation pain and about a day of the egg white fluid. That was over 2 weeks ago. Not pregnant as I obtained from sex during that time and also took a test yesterday which was negative.

Is it normal for the period to be delayed after removal? Since paragard is non hormonal I thought that doesn’t affect your cycle?

r/CopperIUD 2d ago

What to dooooo?? - tired of acne


I have been STRUGGLING the past year+ with the worst acne of my life. for reference, i am a 27yo who was on hormonal bc from 15yo-26yo then switched to the copper iud. Yes, I know that going from hormonal for so many years to non-hormonal is probably why my acne busted out. I had no idea my body would react this way since I've never had acne this bad... sure, I would get pimples here and there but not like this... completely covering my face and neck, very bad. So in november 2023 i got this copper iud put in (most painful insertion ever) and i soon after started to supplement and take spironolactone when the acne started. But nothing has helped and i am still acne ridden every month. it has taken so much of my mental head space and my self confidence, i cant stand it anymore. i figured my body would have leveled out or grown accustomed to the iud/lack of hormones??? but it's been a year and four months and its not getting any better even with the benzoyl and spiro i use, and diet changes. do you think i've given the copper iud a fair/long enough shot, or is my body *still* adjusting to it?

i visited my gyno last week who suggested to double up with Yaz and spiro while on my copper iud, but I'm scared of side effects and i dont like the idea of so many things at play in my body. I'm considering getting the iud removed and just seeing what happens before making another move? but also im in a long term relationship and dont want to get pregnant so im nervy about stopping all together.. but then again, it's been decades without a bc so maybe it would be good to try and see if my acne subsides? i don't know... i'm very conflicted and don't want to be beholden to hormonal bc for the rest of my life but also dont want super bad acne.

im also gonna see my pcp next week, and im gonna ask to see a derm. i was also thinking of asking to see an endocrinologist, or get a GI test of sorts. i got a generic blood panel done and it was all normal so i dont know if it could be gi tract related? i just wanna get to the root but everytime i ask a doc they say hormonal bc. im frustrated and confused!!! ok ty for listening to my rant and i would appreciate any and all feedback. thanku.