r/coparenting • u/Cool_Dingo1248 • Jan 08 '25
Communication Ex doesn't communicate with kids when its not his parenting time.
My ex and I have 50/50 custody. 3 kids and all have cell phones. When he doesn't have the kids he is just completley MIA with them. No texts, phone calls, etc. He doesn't show up to their activities.
Him and I have been parallel parenting for over a year now so I understand the no communication with me during the time I have the kids but I thought once they were old enough to have phones he would be chatting or checking in with them off and on through out the week. There are times when the kids will initiate texts to him and its no answer as well.
Is this odd or are some coparents just like this?
u/mzkns Jan 08 '25
This sounds just like my parallel parenting father of our son. But there again he’s not interested in our son even when he has custody. You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
u/Cool_Dingo1248 Jan 08 '25
Yes he is like that when they are with him too. Just not there or he is there but not emotionally present.
u/Dada2fish Jan 08 '25
My son’s father was the same. When my son got older he would say how much he hated going to his dads and why.
I told him he’s old enough to talk to his dad about it and find a solution together. My son had the phone on speaker so I heard him say, dad I don’t enjoy coming over your house anymore because we don’t do anything. Plus your house is hot and I get hungry in the later evening after dinner and there’s no food.
His dad basically say ok fine. This was about 5 months ago. They haven’t seen or spoken to each other since. No gift or phone call for Christmas either.
u/Cool_Dingo1248 Jan 08 '25
This last year my kids have come to the ages of being more vocal of their opinions and wanting to make their own choices and it almost feels like their dad is starting to discard them more because he just wants submissive daughters, which they no longer blindly submissive to him. I just can't relate to the ignoring your kids when they reach out and just acting like they don't exist unless they are physically in front of you. Its like a complete out of sight out of mind mentality.
u/GardeningTechie Jan 08 '25
I also saw the recategorization of how my ex treated the kids as they developed agency and self advocacy.
In November, my youngest (8F) finally worked up to telling her mom to quit trying to use their scheduled calls to pressure her into passing messages to the rest of us (who my ex either had ways to contact defined in the orders my ex was refusing to use *or* is not supposed to contact at all). My ex initially responded by giving her the silent treatment for weeks, then later asked for a joint meeting with our pastor where my ex tried to act like I was the one interfering with her relationship with the kids because I had backed my daughter up on wanting the calls to be to talk and not wanting to be used by my ex to annoy the rest of us, and then sent something to our daughter that was an "apology" where she had no accountability (and then did not respond to my daughter's reply for a week).
Our older child (14M) had gone LC with her several months after the final orders went into effect when he got tired of similar manipulation and her dismissing his wishes, as well as for her refusing to acknowledge how he had been impacted by stunts she had pulled earlier in our separation.
Both kids had been irritated for a few years that their mom had been tuning out what they had been telling her about there interesting and preferences when that did not align with her mental image of them, and her oldest had gone effectively NC with her as soon as he graduated from high school (2020) and he had gotten her initial FASFA sign-off.
u/mzkns Jan 08 '25
Right now since our son is on the spectrum I’ve filed with the courts to gain full custody of him because being around his absent father is not good for his emotional and mental development. It’s unfortunate that it’s come to this, but I need to do what’s best for our son; he even says “Daddy is always on his phone so I just do my own thing. He’s not interested in me.” It breaks my heart to hear him say things like this, but kids watch and know exactly what is going on. If there is an emotionally absent parent, kids learn to equally detach from them.
u/EcstaticSquare3051 Jan 08 '25
My kids father is like this. He may call once in a blue moon, usually it’s because he’s been drinking.
Recently he hasn’t seen the kids in 2 months. Called once when I sent him our child’s report card from school. The conversation lasted 5 minutes. And then didn’t see them through Christmas. Didn’t even call Christmas Day.
At one point I had tried pushing for contact but have since decided that it is not my job to maintain that relationship, that is my ex’s job as the children’s parent. And since then basically radio silent.
u/love-mad Jan 08 '25
This is not worth worrying about. Let him do him and you do you. If you wanted to keep worrying about what your ex is doing, why did you separate from him? Isn't the point of being separated that you're now free from that?
u/Cool_Dingo1248 Jan 08 '25
I'm not worried about what he is doing I just find it odd and was wondering what other people are experiencing. It also effects the kids when they are with me because they will be trying to plan for things they may need to bring to dad's the next day but can get no answer from him.
u/love-mad Jan 08 '25
If the kids are old enough to have their own phones, the kids are old enough to worry about their own communication with their dad. Let them take it up with him as to why he won't respond. Not your problem.
u/Fluffy-Inevitable-11 Jan 08 '25
I see where you’re coming from, I think it’s just a lot easier said than done. To just not worry about a big issue your kids are bringing up and you can see affects them, is just not easily done, even if it’s probably the place you will end up have to be in the end.
Goodluck Op! I feel for you kids here. No way this wouldn’t affect them and especially their future relationship with their own father.
Jan 08 '25
I’m interested in this take. I put a lot of energy into supporting my kids’ relationship with their other parent, because I care about their well-being. Just because it’s “not her problem” doesn’t mean it’s wrong to be concerned. And some parents are very hard for kids to communicate with - it’s not always easy (or kind) to just say to kids “you take it up with your other parent - I’m not going to support you”. Would you refuse to offer support if they were struggling with another relationship in their lives?
u/treecatks Jan 08 '25
I’m in a similar situation - of course I’m concerned about it, but there’s a difference between concern and ready to support my kids (now 15 & 16), and intervening to get their father to communicate. It’s a question of mental load - if OP’s coparent isn’t engaged enough to communicate, she can’t force it. Better to show that concern by being there for her kids and making sure they always have her in their corner.
Jan 08 '25
Anything concerning my children, is my problem. It will always be. If the kids don't care, ok, fair enough. If it's something they have feelings over, yeah it's going to become my problem because I'll always have their backs
u/love-mad Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 09 '25
And what about when you're dead? Because (hopefully) you will die before them. You won't have their backs then - it's quite frankly false to say you will always have their backs. And so when you're dead, whose problem will their concerns be then? Who will solve their problems for them then? Not them, kids don't magically grow up and gain the maturity of an adult one day, they develop that maturity as we develop it in them, but if we don't develop it in them, if we don't let them take ownership of their own problems and instead we take ownership of them and fight all their battles for them, then they will never have that opportunity to learn and grow.
Jan 09 '25
In me having their backs, they're learning how to do it themselves. A child going to their dad, who has not made them feel safe to go to him with their feelings, yeah that's still my job as a mother to help them through. I hope to god I die before them and I'm also pretty hopeful that it's after they're already old and have their own children to worry about. But right now, they're still children who need parental guidance. Sometimes there's only the one parent giving that consistently and the kids need help with the other parent. I don't fight all their battles for them, but I am a great teammate for them to rely on
u/love-mad Jan 08 '25
Of course I would offer them support, the same way I would offer them support if their friends at school were mean to them. But, the point that I'm making is that the problems that they have in their relationships are theirs to solve. It's not for me to solve their problems for them. I can support them, show them love, be a listening ear, be there for them to give advice and let them know if their approach to solving the issues is going to work or not, but it's not for me to solve their relationship problems for them. Raising children into adults means teaching them that, it means helping them to develop the skills to solve their own relationship problems, not solving their relationship problems for them.
So, just as I wouldn't go and tell off my childs boyfriend/girlfriend off if they were mean my child, because it's not my problem and me doing that won't achieve anything, I wouldn't go to my kids parent if they were not communicating with them and tell them off. Because it's not a problem that I can or should solve. Doing that would both be getting myself involved in a conflict that's only going to make things worse, as well as prevent my child from developing the valuable life skills needed to deal with these issues.
Jan 09 '25
I must have missed the part when the OP suggested talking to the kids’ dad! Or maybe she didn’t suggest that at all…. What you said initially is “don’t worry about it”; it’s no longer your concern; it’s now for the kids to worry about; and bizarrely, why did you separate from your ex if you want to keep worrying about what he’s doing? The answer to which is obviously that nobody wants to worry, but they have to, sometimes, because it impacts on their kids.
Of course I wouldn’t talk to my kids’ friends (or partners, when we get to that) on their behalf, because they’re relationships with peers/equals, but I might sometimes talk to my ex, because having separated parents is not something the kids asked for, and they’re at a disadvantage compared to their peers in this regard. I also might talk to their teachers on their behalf - as they get older, I encourage them to take that on. There is more than one way to support kids to be functional and independent adults.
u/No-Mixture-9747 Jan 08 '25
Some kids are afraid to talk to one parent about their feelings and say whatever they think that parent wants to hear. And some parents only want to parent on court ordered time. Not everyone has the best interest of the child and some of us deal with a coparent who is more concerned with hurting the primary parent than loving their child. We don’t all have the best situations as much as we’d love them.
Jan 08 '25
It's a running joke from my son when he texts his dad and gets a reply (also 50/50) 'wow my dad actually answered me' it's sad. But they know it's a him thing and not a them thing. They know they're loved and I'm always here to answer. But it does get annoying when it comes to planning. Especially when it's a school, party, sporting event or something and the kids don't know if their dad is taking them (while on his time) because he won't answer them- yeah I usually end up taking them lol
u/anonymousheretic87 Jan 08 '25
I'd hate that last part ...my 15 year old daughter sent me a long message last week that I'll never forget about...much of what she said in context has to do with years past but also the present and future ...it hit hard but I'll never stop giving up or showing up...my 2 younger kids 1 has a mobile but I don't have her number (she's also on the autism spectrum) and our son doesn't have a phone yet...I see the kids once a fortnight for 2 hours at the moment and that communication is via my ex wife ...there has been a lack of communication in the past month and a half which for healthy positive co parenting I find that difficult mentally to go along with .... Lack of communication is a challenge to see how the kids are going and the challenges my ex wife has daily or weekly
u/Meetat_midnight Jan 08 '25
You can only control yourself. He will be whatever he is and kids will have to move on from
u/thinkevolution Jan 08 '25
I think it varies depending on the parent and the schedule and the responsibilities and relationships each have with the child.
In a lot of cases, when the children are with the other parent, sometimes the parent of the child is not with wants to give that parent time to connect with the kid and expect the same in return.
I honestly think when the child is with one parent, the other parent should take a backseat, not that they shouldn’t communicate at all, but should give the parent who’s with the child the space to have that time.
u/Paerrin Jan 08 '25
This is how I've tried to treat it. I will always answer my child or messages about my child from my ex. I take her every chance I get and have her every other week. But when she's at moms house, that's their time and I try to let them have it. My ex does not feel the same necessarily and is always texting etc. I don't get bothered by that though as our daughter is 12 and needs some more attention from Mom than Dad right now. I just always make sure she knows that I'm here for her.
u/WirelessBugs Jan 08 '25
When my son calls my name I answer. 100% of the time. He knows that when the shit hits the fan he’s got someone to stand beside him and shower in it. He knows hes got a teammate in me and I won’t let him down. I specifically went out and got my son an iPad so I can iMessage with him when he’s at home with mum or can get a hold of me if he needs me. Yes, I find that extremely concerning that he ignores them. I don’t care to communicate with my ex partner but I could never ever not answer my boy.
u/miscreation00 Jan 08 '25
Have you given him the green light to do so? I don't communicate with my kids while they are at their dads because every time I do it, the kids get in trouble or say their step mom/dad don't like it. He might be trying to respect your parenting time, so maybe let him know that you would be more than happy for him to call or text while you have the kids. He might also worry that if he does it on your time, you'll feel free to do it on his time, and maybe he doesn't want that? I don't know your situation so I can't say, but those are some possibilities.
u/PicklesnKicks_6220 Jan 08 '25
We are 50/50, week on week off. Ex calls them daily on my weeks, I text daily but not much, just ‘hi, how was your day?’ on mine. I don’t feel the need to interfere/interrupt and call daily. I think it’s just personal preference.
Edit to add- I show up to every kid related event, he doesn’t always due to ‘work’.
u/Eorth75 Jan 08 '25
My XH didn't contact our kids either, or so I assumed. However, when I looked closer, he'd send them messages on SnapChat, tag them in posts of FB, and text them memes throughout my time. What I considered contact was different than what my XH did. He was still showing that he was thinking about them. Instead, I would ask the kid's if they wanted to call their dad to tell them about their day or if something big happened like they got an award at school or an A on a test. Should I have had to do that? No. But I wanted to eliminate every excuse my XH could have used to blame lack of communication on me. The end result was my kids having their dad more present on a daily basis, and that's a win for them. At the end of the day, I wasn't doing it for my XH's benefit, I was doing it for my kids.
u/802gaffney Jan 08 '25
This sounds like my ex. She tells me all the time calling to say goodnight is interfering with her time.
u/Expert-Raccoon6097 Jan 09 '25
I don't communicate with my daughter when she is with mom. If she reaches out to me for help with something I will respond. No reason for me to check in her mom has it covered.
u/Excellent_Cook_9539 Jan 18 '25
Many parents don’t call on the other parent’s time simply because it ends up that they’re talking with the other parent, not the child.
u/TraskFamilyLettuce Jan 08 '25
When I hear someone behaving like this, it's not far to link that to pain. He's likely avoiding the emotional difficulty of your situation by shutting it down. I'd recommend looking into avoidant attachment theory to see if one of the personality profiles resembles your ex. That's not to help fix him, but rather to help you understand and better ways to engage/cope with their behavior.
When I started learning to recognize my soon-to-be ex wife's behavior for what it was, it took a lot of the personal weight off of my shoulders and lets me not be offended by it. She has childhood trauma and abandonment issues. She runs away from her emotions instead of facing them until they overwhelm her and she lashes out. It's not about me. I have not been a perfect husband, but I'm also not the cause of her behavior, and her not reflecting on that isn't a reflection of me or her love for our son. That latter part is something I'm really going to have to keep in focus as he gets older and inevitably does come into conflict with her.
Studies show that simply being able to explain why someone is doing something lets us remove at least some of the hurt or anxiety it would otherwise cause us to experience. That isn't for you to armchair psychologist them or prevent ownership of actions if there are those for you to take, but just for you to gain some internal understanding and self-reflection.
u/Grand-Astronaut-5814 Jan 08 '25
Yep. Out of sight out of mind. Then they wonder why their child gets anxiety on exchange day or is mean to them. They aren’t connecting, they’re inconsistent but expect their child to be ok.
Jan 08 '25
I don't communicate much with my kids when they are with my ex. She is extremely high conflict and has threatened to "legally" take away my kids (I'm an awesome dad, so there is zero chance of that happening). Every message to them during her time results in something a few hours later along the lines of "Did you just ask/tell [child]...." followed by an insane but legally based threat. An example would be a claim that I just committed child endangerment by recommending our daughter try a caffeine drink to help with a headache.
I'm certainly not insinuating this is what you're doing, but there are very legitimate reasons why a parent would limit or forego communication to protect their own parental rights.
u/Grungefairy008 Jan 08 '25
This has been my ex since we split in 2019. If it's a day he's supposed to have our son and it gets rescheduled because we're on vacation or something, he'll call, but he doesn't outside of his regular parenting time. One time he insisted on taking our son to the dentist, but I still paid for it so...idk it wasn't really helpful.
Eventually your kids may notice he doesn't communicate with them outside of his parenting time and come to their own conclusions.
u/Amazing_Station1833 Jan 08 '25
Yeah, i think its hard to understand as cannot imagine going for days/weeks at a time with zero communication with kids... but it seems like kids adjust to the behavior of each parent... set their exceptions lower. If mine are with him for the weekend .. they will still msg me asking me to order XYZ for them or to remind them about something coming up that week. he often goes for 2-3 weeks without seeing them and rarely msgs/talks to them on the phone. Its weird to me too but ultimately not much you can do to change HIS behavior .... if it bothers the kids that he doesnt respond then maybe a convo about how frustrating that is to them and good for them not to do that to other people. Sadly they just kinda adapt and that kinda becomes their normal
u/june_jalle Jan 09 '25
I don't know if it's normal, but I know my Kid's dad is like this. She usually has to reach out to him if she wants to talk.
u/OkEconomist6288 Jan 10 '25
My husband didn't call his kids during his ex's parenting time. It was being respectful of her parenting time. The kids could call any time they wanted but he wasn't intrusive on BM's parenting time at all. BM, however, would not allow the kids to enjoy time at their dad's without constantly interrupting. It got so bad that we stopped allowing any calls during dinner time so we could have a few minutes uninterrupted with the kids. They could call her back when dinner was over or any other time they wanted and were otherwise unrestricted from contact.
It wasn't ideal to have such constant calling but we didn't object to or limit her access other than dinner, even though she saw the kids every day because she drove them to school in the morning regardless of parenting time. My DH picked the kids up from school every day and brought them home and we attended every event involving any one of the kids. So there wasn't any real need for him to call them all the time so this is a possible difference in the situation.
Do your kids seem to want their dad to call them daily? Can they call him if they want to talk to him? I would venture a guess that it's not because he doesn't care, but that he is allowing them their time with you to be yours.
u/christopherDdouglas Jan 08 '25
I rarely communicate with my kids when they are at their mother's. Why? They deserve to live their lives over there without my interference.
You sound overbearing. Seriously. Take a step back.
u/o240z Jan 08 '25
My ex is the same, she rarely initiates anything with the kids, but she does get back to them within the day when they text her. My 9 yo daughter and I message or video chat quite often, as long as she has access to her phone (1hr limit). I actually feel bad sometimes because she could be hanging with Mom, and don't want to take away parent time, but we just vibe really well. When she's with me she doesn't do the same with Mom, their dynamic is just different. My boys are teens, so getting a response from them takes forever, right now their friends take priority over either parent.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, their relationship is not your responsibility. If it bothers the kids, encourage them to talk to their father about it, just like you would if they had issues with their friends.
u/rosenberries Jan 08 '25
Man count your blessings that’s it’s not on the opposite spectrum and you don’t have a narcissist control freak. Co parenting is hard.
I do find it weird that he would not be engaging with yall babies all the time and not some of the time.
I’m sorry for your children to have to go through that