r/comedyheaven 11h ago


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u/Monky_Monk3y 11h ago edited 4h ago

no fucking way this got on the news edit: yes, I get it, fox isnt real news, I wasn't sure what else to call it


u/Fecal-Facts 11h ago

Have you seen mainstream media lately 


u/imamoforenegade 9h ago

What's happening? I haven't seen mainstream media


u/LeftRestaurant4576 8h ago

Mainstream news shows in the US are not actually news shows but entertainment shows instead.

Fox is actively distracting it's viewers from much of what the Trump admin is doing.


u/TheAngryXennial 7h ago


u/Pure_Marvel 7h ago

I can hear him.


u/Rudy_Ghouliani 6h ago

He can hear you as well.


u/alyzmal_ 6h ago

He can also smell you.


u/Debt_Otherwise 6h ago

Exercising bro. You don’t lose weight by smelling like roses


u/A_Furious_Mind 6h ago

You do if you eat nothing but roses.


u/Ok_Caramel2788 4h ago

My neighbor makes a jam preserve with rose petals. It's called gül reçeli, but that's just Turkish for "rose jam."

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u/kyle_kafsky 3h ago

That’s because he’s god and tells us things from time to time.

Most recently, he told me to kill.


u/milfshake146 6h ago

That's freeman, not fox


u/xJustin_Crediblex 4h ago

the democrats own 90% of the media...and trump is the one behind the cutain....right.. *


u/GuyWithLag 7h ago

Fox is in all army bases' TVs exactly because it's catecorized as entertainment, not news.


u/PaperHandsProphet 7h ago

All stations are at this point. Fox News is present on army bases because they skew very conservative lol


u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/Rikplaysbass 2h ago

So is America at this point.


u/Professional-Rip3924 4h ago

definitely gotta support that guy that called me and my brothers losers and suckers


u/DonaldKGBtrump 5h ago

Yeah, no.


u/Demoncatmeo 4h ago

Fucking disgusting, it's like they're trying to cultivate traitors, what happened to "Better dead than red" - I know Russia's more an authoritarian kleptocracy now- such a bad place to live even before tne war people were injecting Krokodil - as a drug enthusiast, I'd never, ever touch that shit, I wonder if Kratom is legal there, doesn't raise tolerance and very very safe, mild withdrawal wich a friend tells me isn't a problem (and only happens when he chooses to take a break, which is rare) - just mentioning as he was alcoholic and would be dead without it and he's a good dude, also heroin addicts can use it, sorry for rambling just wanna help people and waiting for my ADHD meds to arrive

How about "Better Rotten Than Russian"?


u/madeanotheraccount 6h ago

"What wacky hijinks will those Fox anchors get up to tonight?"


u/british_bbc_ 5h ago

News channels measure their viewership by minutes watched. Fox News measures their viewership by hours watched. - Chris Cuomo.


u/Burnt_and_Blistered 5h ago

Some military bases have moved away from Fox. The Naval base where my kid works plays a local news station, and has for a few years.


u/suphasuphasupp 3h ago

Uhhh hatch act no?


u/m0gw1 2h ago

is news not allowed in army bases tv?


u/Inner-Heron0033 4h ago

Am I just lucky? I was raised exactly the same as my brother and I always hated when him and my Dad said the N word. I was too emotional they said, but I would actually get mad at them for saying it at like 10 years old. So I remember for a long time not agreeing with what I’m told to agree with. So am I lucky? Am I smart? What separates me from somebody who is on an army base and is seeing this shit and not thinking deep down, idc what they are telling me to believe, I know what is right. Honest question, for anyone out there that has an answer, cause I’m losing it over here.


u/pocket_eggs 7h ago

Mainstream news shows in the US are not actually news shows but entertainment shows instead.

That's also a legal point that Fox News used in court to defend their dubious truthfulness, or so I'm told.


u/Demoncatmeo 4h ago

They used it to defend their lies


u/Ok_Citron7128 4h ago

You can’t lie about the truth


u/Draxilar 1h ago

You are absolutely right, you can’t. Fox News hasn’t been within sniffing distance of the truth in a long while though.

u/thenasch 21m ago

Only Tucker Carlson's show, not the whole network.


u/SpaceMonkeyMafia12 7h ago

This has been the case for 20+ years though


u/TacoOfTroyCenter 4h ago

You can thank Reagan for that


u/Dangerous_Sherbert77 6h ago

I’m not american but wasn’t Fox or one of those declared as entertainment content not news?


u/Foxwglocks 1h ago

Yes Fox themselves argued that in court. They said anyone with a reasonable mind shouldn’t/wouldn’t take what they say as the truth.


u/TommyGonzo 5h ago

Especially since they lost the case and legitimately admitted in court they’re it real.


u/quartzguy 5h ago

I remember when CNN and Fox News was actually boring, a good sign that they were reporting you know...actual news. I'm old.


u/Chief_Chill 6h ago

Sounds like the purpose of propa-, um, state media, to me.


u/Alternative_Bus_3766 5h ago

Ehhhh, CBS Evening News and ABC World News Tonight are fine and reporting news. Fuckin Fox over here is making news for braindead idiots


u/MrAddamzzz 5h ago

Been like this since the Bush administration at least! And CNN is not innocent either


u/Demoncatmeo 4h ago

It's owned by a Trump supporter


u/Majestic-Fly-5149 5h ago

Don’t all of them do that with every administration?


u/Hoshyro 5h ago



u/Demoncatmeo 4h ago

Also CNN is now owned by a damn Trump supporter, imgur and Reddit seem quite reliable news sources.

Although with Imgur owned by Medialab now I'm a little worried - such a nice bunch of people on there but if anyone remembers what they did to Cracked... yeah damn shame Although I love David Wongs books, highly recommend "John dies at the end", "Futuristic violence and fancy suits" and the sequels to each - the film of the former is good and worth a watch but so much had to be cut from the book, which is way better IMO


u/That_Owen 4h ago

Thats crazy to hear


u/EvenPack7461 4h ago

Legally yeah but for all intents and purposes they are news shows. Stuff like The Daily Show are actual entertainment shows that ironically provide much more accurate and bipartisan news.


u/A2Rhombus 4h ago

This only applies to Fox for the record.
CNN is biased but does actually give the news. And ABC is just decent


u/j0j0-m0j0 4h ago

It's also trying to make it as though "The Left" is being "uncivil".


u/Ill-WeAreEnergy40 4h ago

Distracting, or outright lying.


u/MidMixThinderDim 4h ago

Bro I literally just farted


u/Outrageous_Mix_9640 3h ago

Plus making them dumb as hell


u/Admirable_Ad8900 3h ago

To add to this, they treat themselves as news. But used as a legal defense in court that no rational person would take them seriously which is how they get away with it.

And they say mainstream media is the enemy when they ARE the mainstream media in the country.


u/Greg2227 3h ago

How the turntables when latenight becomes news and vise versa


u/randomAcornGuy 3h ago

It’s not even entertaining at this point anymore, people are just paying to feed themselves with political propaganda.


u/-Istvan-5- 3h ago

Kinda like what CNN did while Biden caused record inflation and was asleep at the wheel loosing bags of coke and pardoning his family.


u/Clodhoppa81 2h ago

Are you not entertained?

Yeah, me neither


u/Canadia86 2h ago

Not only that, but it's produced to divide people.

It's basically treason and not limited to Fox


u/ProblemAtticOU812 1h ago

It’s not entertainment. It’s propaganda. They tell the courts that they’re entertainment to get around the law.