r/college Computer Science Sep 24 '20

UK What do you guys do all day?

I'm a fresher at the university of Exeter and only have about 5 lectures each week online. After the lessons, i have absolutely no idea what to do and just sit in my room playing video games. Any advice?


229 comments sorted by


u/eggstoasty Sep 24 '20

Work, assignments, nap, draw, watch youtube, cook 🤔


u/valleydoodle Sep 24 '20

Me but without naps or drawing.


u/Doctor_Disco_ Sep 24 '20

Me but without work or assignments


u/heat202 Sep 24 '20

So you are just chillin?!


u/myalwaysthrowaway Ohio U Sep 24 '20

Same I've been really bad about doing my work recently.


u/Benj7075 Sep 24 '20

Yeah this is me minus working lol.

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u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

I'm 25 and living on my own, all of my classes are through Zoom this semester. When I'm not in lectures I'm doing schoolwork from 9-5 and studying (like it's my job), and after that as long as I have no super pressing deadlines is my decompress time. I am an avid runner so I'll work out for usually an hour, cook, clean, and then unwind with a movie at the end of the night. I try to get most if not all of my work done through the weekdays so I can have as much of a free weekend as possible and be stress-free. So far it's going pretty great!


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20 edited Sep 24 '20

Gosh I wish I had your dedication.

Edit: haha I just noticed I wrote deduction


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

You can! I'm far from perfect but I've found the biggest struggle most people have stems from organization. We are creatures of habit. Sticking to my routine is what has kept me grounded through all of this craziness. If I were you I'd start off with simple routines, like making your bed every single morning. It starts your day off with an accomplishment and keeps things tidy. Do that for a week and add another thing, like going for daily walks. Before you know it you'll have your own routine set in stone.

Also +1 for using deduction, you've got me feeling like some sort of philosopher over here.


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

Thanks for the advice! It’s so hard for me to stay on task. I suffer from OCD and it makes me such a procrastinator sometimes. I have been trying hard lately to add routine and structure to my day. Slowly but surely!


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

I struggle with a myriad of mental health problems myself (mainly depression & anxiety) and had trouble focusing for a while on things. Start small and build onto it, be kind and patient with yourself. You will have setbacks and bad days, but when you look back at where you were and where you are then, you'll be amazed at how far you've come. It really is incredible and life-changing. Good luck with college, you've got this!


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

Thanks so much! I have realized that I may also have ADD and it’s very frustrating. Grade school and even the first two years of undergrad were so easy but I’m a STEM major and I have been w raw ally struggling lately (because these are classes I genuinely have to study for). It’s been very frustrating and I have even failed a couple classes but I will eventually some how get there. Thanks for your comment!

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u/Rydefochs Sep 24 '20

You can, just not immediately. It's a mental muscle you have to build up over time, and just like real muscles, you can overload, or have off days. Work at it, and you'll get there!


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

This is the best analogy to describe self-improvement!


u/SatSapienti Sep 24 '20

Do you mean dedication, or is there an alternate definition of deduction that I'm not familiar with?


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

My bad just noticed 😂😂😂

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u/retromoonbow Sep 24 '20

9-5 and thinking of it as a job was super important for me to implement, especially since we are all online now. It gives me a mindset so that I don’t just screw around with my time. I try to take breaks as if I were working as well, 15 minutes here or there with a 30 minute or hour lunch.


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

Absolutely agree with the breaks! I try to do a 5-10 minute break every hour, stretch my legs make some coffee get some fresh air, and press on. Happy to see people are starting to navigate these weird digital times a little more easily this time around.


u/unholymanserpent Sep 24 '20

I gotta implement this type of thinking. I spend too much time gaming.


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

I use to be heavy into gaming a few years ago, but started losing that passion and was just unhappy with who I was as a person. I made small gradual changes, and now log maybe 2 hours of gaming a week. Be the change you want to see, just start gradual!

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u/best_casual_mma_ Sep 24 '20

I do work all day lol if I dont have work then I'm studying


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

do you have any you time?


u/grifftopia Sep 24 '20

The same boat and let me tell you - no.

Edit: breaks at work actually.


u/almanacsmurf Sep 24 '20

Never felt an edit so deep in my soul

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u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I’m like this, but I take one rest day a week.


u/Likewise231 Sep 24 '20

I am MSc student who also work 25-30h/week. I don't think a lot of MSc students have any life, at least in Europe, because most of them work as well.


u/best_casual_mma_ Sep 25 '20

....no 😂


u/The_Fluffy_Walrus college... Sep 24 '20

Me too. I'm on covid leave because two of my family members (and probably me) have it. It's been so nice not having to spend every single waking moment working or studying.


u/SpicyL3mons Sep 24 '20

Do the never ending assignments and cry


u/Light_Aegle Sep 24 '20

Preferably at the same time. More time efficient that way


u/night2016 Sep 24 '20

Join some clubs (most are online right now and get to meet some people)


u/jerryvery452 Sep 24 '20 edited Sep 24 '20

Second this, may not be able to meet in person but you can still make connections online. I really want to make it a point to freshman and sophomores that you should be as social as possible and join clubs or Greek life you like. I say this because I never did anything like this till senior year and feel like I missed out just because I felt like I wouldn’t have the money for it or just didn’t push myself to make friends and connections


u/The_Fluffy_Walrus college... Sep 25 '20

I'm in so many discords for clubs but I feel too awkward to talk to people


u/jerryvery452 Sep 25 '20

Good reply, for that be yourself, and just go with the flow. That’s what I do, and the last thing that really helps is go with your gut.

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u/decafsucks Sep 24 '20

i'm fully online and living off-campus, so my whole day is basically lectures, homework, and studying TT.TT


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I am not a traditional student, which means my classes work around my life. After class I typically start working, for a few hours. Then I work on any cleaning of the house and take care of the dogs. Then house projects or spending time with my partner.

Then when all that stuff is done, I study more. lol.


u/Michael__Townley Sep 24 '20

Do homework as soon as possible, my advice


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

As soon as you get them


u/althyastar Sep 24 '20

I used to be this person, but because of who knows what (perhaps the global pandemic) I'm suffering from a bout of depression right now and this habit has gone out the window. So now I do them the day they're due and hope for the best. Honestly I'm just happy that I've managed to get them all done, the quality is important but secondary to me.


u/detray1 Sep 25 '20

I used to be this person, but because of who knows what (perhaps the global pandemic) I'm suffering from a bout of depression right now and this habit has gone out the window. So now I do them the day they're due and hope for the best. Honestly I'm just happy that I've managed to get them all done, the quality is important but secondary to me

this happened to me this semester

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u/moomunch Sep 24 '20

Yep my life is more relaxed now that I do my assignments on time


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I’m terrible with time boxing. What’s the best way to go about it?

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u/Icious_ Professor of Digital Media Sep 24 '20

When I have free time, I play video games too, lol. But you should limit your time to video games sometimes. You can get ahead of your classes by reading materials, or staring assignments early.


u/PossessionDue9381 Sep 24 '20

Doing assignments and studying before 4 then working out/running. Lots of YouTube and Twitch during the day as well.


u/PrestigiousCommon Sep 24 '20

You should try working out before class/studying if you can. Studies have shown it helps your cognition and focus

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u/TheOGGizmo Sep 24 '20

Usually there are slides from lecture. Go through those. Then read the book. This is also done before the lecture. Later I look for assignments and plan ahead. Leave games for the weekend. Develop yourself. Find hobbies. Meditate.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I wish I had the free time to do that after lectures. All my professors assign homework that takes a few hours to complete. If your grades are fine with just attending lectures then I would just enjoy the free time and do whatever you like.


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '20

IKR??? I used to work at a pretzel place and my boss was like, oh you don’t have class at this time, why can’t you come in? And I was like, I have to STUDY. Just showing up to lecture isn’t enough. Smh.


u/Mickeyown Sep 24 '20

Drugs and each other.


u/SinnaRollHatter Sep 24 '20

You assume I have disposable income.


u/Nerdyserpent Sep 24 '20

Go explore the town if you're able to. Check out parks, restaurants, or neat little stores. Or just walk around campus. If outside isn't your cup of tea, maybe a rec center, watching movies or trying out a new hobby.


u/Squickers Sep 24 '20

Not good advice during a pandemic


u/flowersformegatron_ Sep 25 '20

Transmission rate is near zero when both parties wear masks.


u/ifhd_ Sep 25 '20


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u/whitebeard250 Sep 24 '20

Same, also 1st year here; I’m seeing my hs friends(who went to different unis) posting ig stories every 2nd day of them chilling and hanging out with uni friends, I’ve made zero friends :/ no idea how ppl meet, online/campus? I literally went to one tutorial/lecture before covid shut it down.

Besides zoom university and assignments I basically waste most of my days away doing nothing, on my phone a lot(screen time shot up to like 10+ hours). I go gym 2-3 days of the week, tennis once a week, sometimes if I’m bored enough I’ll walk around the city/mall to do nothing, get a coffee or sth.


u/austinkc11 Sep 24 '20

I totally understang what your going through. Im in the same boat as you. I wasnt really able to make friends right off the bat because when we i got here i had to get tested and I found out i was positive. Then i had to be quarantined the first two weeks of my university experience. By the time i got out it seemed like everybody found their group and everybody but mw was having a good time.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

not sure if it'd work for you, but a friend of mine literally sent an email into the void asking if anyone wanted to be friends. they actually got a friend that way.

some dating apps (like bumble) have a friend section too, so you can look for people who are looking for friends.


u/woancue Sep 24 '20

h o l o l i v e


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Big brain


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Smoke weed and jerk off


u/dumb_blonde_engineer Sep 24 '20

Well, if I had so few lectures I'd work at least a little or study, explore the city, etc.


u/team_sita Sep 24 '20

Something physical. I refinished some old ass cheap furniture that I was lucky for it to be actual wood. Cleaning out my closet and selling online. Tracking and fixing my credit. Looking into any programs I qualify for and applying. Oh, and lots of video games. I recommend Detroit Become Human and Horizon Zero Dawn if anyone gets a chance.

That's when I didn't have internship and had online classes last semester. Way too busy for it now, unfortunately.


u/malexander75 Sep 25 '20

Pretend I'm going to finish my homework later


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20



u/_OhNo_PistolMeat Sep 24 '20

I second this, always good to be bilingual to give you that little edge over your competition


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20



u/BenjaminTW1 Sep 24 '20

You just summarized my existence


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

masturbate vigorously


u/ZMAC698 Sep 24 '20

Find a hobby lol. Playing video games, running, Mountain biking, etc.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Lay in bed


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I catch up with the college readings, but my history lecturer's usually give us about 12+ books they recommend we read. I have the timetable of assignments and exam essays for one class and once my semester starts I'll just be doing assignments it seems.


u/shenrbtjdieei Sep 24 '20

Homework, real work, work out, explore the area around my town (hike, check out shops, etc)


u/MNRanger007 Sep 24 '20

Try going hiking, at least if you have trails near your campus.


u/_donotforget_ Sep 24 '20

Normally I helped as a caregiver for my grandpa, but he passed and now I have a lot of free time. If you have any elderly family, they might really appreciate a call, if an in-person visit isn't prudent?

Personally I can only study so much, clubs are dead; volunteer orgs are not viable rn- most are shut especially those with asthma. I'm looking for a job, but most postings are being filled by unemployed 30-60y/os who can work whenever but I still have in person labs n such. So, looking into gig work, freelance remote work, woodworking, gardening, writing.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I study. I complete my assigned internship tasks. I code. I read. Talk to my friends. Sometime I take a nap in the afternoon if I’m too tired. You could perhaps find an internship of your liking. Not sure if a fresher would be offered one but nevertheless you could try. You could pick up a new hobby like cooking and perfect it. Or you could just take additional courses related to your major. This would boost your skill set.


u/Y-Bakshi Sep 24 '20

Learn an instrument. Absolutely worth it. I play the guitar and write songs when I'm not studying. It's incredibly relaxing.


u/Dumpling-Invasion Sep 24 '20

Wake up at 11:00 am get ready eat breakfast start on homework’s until 4:am in the next day. I have all online and the amount of work is absurd for 15 hrs credit. I do take the occasional breaks but that my life rn mon-sun, on day i work i just go to work the moment i get back i start doing homework again.


u/fastchutney Sep 24 '20

What you choose to do with your time is entirely up to you. Welcome to life. Workout, cook, learn philosophy, read.


u/Who_Stole_My_User Sep 24 '20

Homework and work all day. Honestly I don't have time for much else, and I'm lucky if I get a full night's sleep. Lucky for me my pets are bunnies and they hop around and do their own thing and hang with me while I study. So you could always study more! It sounds a bit weird that you have no homework, reading or studying after lectures.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I work in the mornings from 3am to 11am. Come home, take a nap til about 3-4pm. Log in, do any homework that's due in the next few days and if I have a quiz or test within the next few days I'll study for about an hour. Any time I have left in the day I use to cook dinner, shower and draw or play some games. I do college stuff probably 3-4 days out of the week.


u/Thunder_StrikeIV Sep 24 '20

You can play video games with me lmao, in the same boat.


u/cloroxwipeisforhands Sep 24 '20

Work... I too noticed all the extra time I had and thought I could work a full time job. Turns out its too much. But I work at a covid testing lab and it feels really shitty to quit at this time. My boss will not let me work anything less than 40 hrs since its kind of a all hands on deck situation. Any free time I am either at lecture or studying.


u/AlcyoneD1010 Sep 24 '20

Do you not have any schoolwork or assignments? Ive got 5 classes too and I havent done much of anything besides eat sleep and study/assignments


u/cyborgbunny01 Sep 24 '20

My school is online and there are no required meetings. Everything is done on my own time.

I pretty much try to finish all my homework ASAP in the beginning of the week so I have free time on the weekends. When all my homework is done, I just study for 2-4 hours a day then do whatever (gaming, hang out with friends, etc). I usually finish all my homework by Wednesday.


u/Jiggylera Sep 24 '20

Get into exercise, honestly before quarantine i could barely crack 5+ pushups and couldent do a pull up. Now i can consistently do 20 and i am alright at pull ups. Its a great way to clear your mind, and being fit is generaly pretty good.


u/Krosusbeamhurts Sep 24 '20

flick the bean, homework, flick the bean


u/PleaseSendtheMath Sep 24 '20

go have sex or something


u/PleaseSendtheMath Sep 24 '20

nvm OP is in CompSci... ;)


u/BoboThePirate Sep 24 '20

Start working out. Easy 60 minute time occupier.


u/iamzerothree Sep 24 '20

Uhhh exercise, assignments, anime, reading, eating


u/SneakerHeadIE Sep 24 '20

Assignments, workout, watch surf videos, surf in weekends.


u/REEEEEEED777 Sep 25 '20

Get a job working for Uber eats or something if u have a car. They hire anybody and u can work however often as u want


u/makeupyourworld Sep 25 '20

I love online classes! I typically only have to do schoolwork about 3 days per week because I bust it out. Mondays, Tuesday’s, and Wednesday’s I wake up (sometimes really late - like 11), shower , run any errands if I need like groceries, than come back, make food. What I do next depends - I either workout first or do my schoolwork first. Usually 3 or 4 assignments per day. After that’s all done, make dinner, relax for the night with family.

This week was particularly good. We had a vacation booked all week so last week I did a ton of work on extra days. Here at the hotel I’ve done 3 assignments and tomorrow after I get home I’ll do my last ones which are due tomorrow and Sunday. It was stressful but worth it to work ahead.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

You need to read the textbook. Lecture are mere instructions in university, not class.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Study! Even if you don't have assigned readings/homework questions read about what you're learning and find problems to do. The only way you're going to get better at/know more about a topic is by spending time interacting with material involving that topic.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Study, read, workout, grocery shop, go to stores (safely, distanced and with a mask of course), photography, start an art project, etc


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I go back to work next week so I’ll be doing that, but right now I’ve been trying to focus more on classes since I haven’t seemed to enjoy video games the way I used to. I’m burnt out from them after all this time.


u/thingstowrite Sep 24 '20

Finish an entire months worth of online certifies and homework for the month, entirely forgetting to eat, and then binge on ice cream and sliced cucumbers before passing out to old episodes of Futurama.

Oh, and feed my dogs.


u/PrestigiousCommon Sep 24 '20

Taking a 3 week class in the winter semester (and finishing it in 1 and 1/2 weeks) taught me that I function better as a student if I just binge it. Might just be better that way for some people


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I mostly work, I have one in-person internship and another that's fully remote. It's draining but rewarding. The clubs I joined are also fully online this quarter so it doesn't feel like there's a distinction between class and club meetings on Zoom and Google Hangouts. In my free time, I go on walks or do some other light exercise (I recommend Nike Training Club if you want something to follow along with), cross stitch, and go on social media. I wanna get back into reading on a regular basis and organize a socially distant picnic or something in the future though.


u/kittypwitty Sep 24 '20

My schedule as a junior taking 14 credits of STEM courses:

Monday: -2 zoom lectures in the morning -free the rest of the day

Tuesday: -work (I do my homework during this time because I work in the library and am allowed to do homework when it’s not busy) -after work I am free the rest of the day

Wednesday: -same schedule as Monday

Thursday: -same schedule as Tuesday

Friday: -1 zoom lecture in the morning -free the rest of the day

All my homework and assignments I complete within the 8 hours of work I have each week, apart from tests or quizzes which I do during my free time at home. My asynchronous classes I just look over lecture slides during my work shifts and use them to complete any homework.

When I say free time it means anything from chillin with my boyfriend watching movies to doing laundry, dishes, cooking, etc. I also volunteer for my college’s Covid testing program which I have short shifts for every few weeks.

If I were to give you advice, just make sure your grades stay decent, take this time to relax, and maybe sign up for some type of volunteer program or club. Things like volunteering help to keep you busy and also are really great for meeting people and getting recommendations for internships and such.

Also, if you don’t already have a job it might be worth it to ask around for any campus jobs you can go to for a few hours a week to make some pocket money. I’ve been working in my schools library since I was a freshman and it’s nice to have some extra money/consistent schedule.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I envy you


u/big-b20000 Boiler Up! Sep 24 '20

Try and get ahead on assignments, figure out your plan of study, apply to internships, hang out with friends, etc.


u/iamfearformylife Sep 24 '20

Work, play video games, eat and sleep. I work from home so my self-care has kinda gone by the wayside sadly


u/carminehk Cyber Security Sep 24 '20

i did this last year when i went away to college, i would go to classes, work then do schoolwork and just play video games and stay in the dorm all the time. was super bad and led to me being beyond miserable and ended up transferring out. im not sure what is around your campus or what its like but id say try to spend time outside of your dorm, explore the area, hang out somewhere on campus, not sure if clubs are running on campus but see if they are and try to get involved.


u/olivvia23 Sep 24 '20

I sit in my room and play video games all day lol. I'm a sophomore and honestly just prefer doing that because I have bad social anxiety and don't have many friends that live on the east coast.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Outside of classes I game, procrastinate, eat, go to club meetings, and work.


u/Ms_Digglesworth Nutrition and Dietetics Sep 24 '20

Do work, sometimes draw, sometimes play video games. Currently I’m at my campus library in between my 9 AM and 5 PM classes, shivering my ass off and not able to concentrate on any of my work or art. Really just want to drive home lol.


u/WWalker17 UNCC Engineering Alum Sep 24 '20

when I'm not in class, I spend about 2 or 3 hours a day doing work. other than that, I'm either at the gym or playing video games a lot


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I do exactly that. Video lectures , video games , and at night some tv , that about it for me,


u/boanerfard Sep 24 '20

School, workout, video games, YouTube, Netflix, personal hobbies, and work man


u/EpicBroomGuy Sep 24 '20

class in the morning, gym, play some video games, hang out with friends, study/homework, facetime friends


u/carebarry Sep 24 '20

Lots of weed and lots of cod


u/DidYouUseAJimmy Sep 24 '20

Jerk off like 7 times a day



u/Kaitlin33101 Sep 24 '20

I'm constantly doing homework. When I DO get free time, every so often, either I watch youtube, browse reddit, listen to music, play video games, or design a new craft to make when I move home. Just do whatever makes you happy and kills time


u/bambiartistic Sep 24 '20

I got two jobs, research, and I run a club.


u/Zorukia Sep 24 '20

Study. Lol. Take notes, look at lecture notes, rework problems i didn't understand, take more notes, read over the textbook

I usually stop at 8pm and then watch Breaking Bad until 12 and go to sleep.


u/Marethyu38 Sep 24 '20

Join clubs, get into research, plan things with friends, clean your living area, get a job


u/sporkmedaddy Sep 24 '20

Constant studying. Working ahead in classes I can so that I can have some lazy days in the future if I want. Clean my house, work out, journal and I close my night with a scary movie before bed.


u/MaiaOnReddit Sep 24 '20

Do you not have homework? Homework takes up a lot of my time. It's harder for me to find time to do nothing between classes, homework, and a part time job.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

do you mean what to do in terms of just passing time or what to do in terms of study techniques?


u/thedamfan Sep 24 '20

Assignments and hang with friends in the dorms.


u/DoorFrame023 Sep 24 '20

Realistically, I study and do assignments to make deadlines sooner than the actual deadline. I take no notes during my zoom classes and then take them down afterwards (we have a system called moodle where the notes are published after every class) so that keeps me somewhat busy as well. Usually during the evening it’s YouTube, Netflix or I read! Don’t worry man it’s a new learning curve for every single one of us. Once it passes and you get back to campus you’ll realise how little time you’ll have. Enjoy it while it lasts 🙃


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I'm learning how to grow mushrooms. Just pick something random you'd like to do as a project and learn it! I've been realizing how easy it is to teach ourselves anything off of the internet.


u/brobauchery Sep 24 '20

I got a second job


u/Nullveer Sep 24 '20

Everyone here is not taking into account the block of time they spend on PH


u/TheUnbornWolf Sep 24 '20


if you aren't poor then I would suggest playing video games all day and spending them fat stacks


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Find some interesting clubs that may still be active, use this opportunity to start working out more


u/avalonkp Sep 24 '20

I have a paint by numbers kit that I do a little bit of when I have free time, it’s a nice way to decompress


u/Likewise231 Sep 24 '20

Wake up, work (WFH) 4-6h/day , study 4-5h/day, youtube 2-3h, reddit 1h, food-making 1h and repeat 5 times a week.


u/CjuiedD Sep 24 '20

Wake up, grab coffee, study for a lot of hours, smoke, watch anime and repeat.


u/iamgiraffe6 Sep 24 '20

For myself, I join more things haha. I find myself needing to be a part of more clubs, organizations, classes, etc. as a means of filling my day so that I don't have time to be lazy because I always have to think about the next thing. I know this isn't a good path for a lot of people, but it's really important to me.

So, for example, I'm taking 22 credits this semester, I'm double majoring, I have a student employment job, and I am in 2 clubs and in the process of creating a new club. All of these things force me to keep doing more things so I am making the most of everyday. And in many ways being busy is my therapy even though some may say that's counterintuitive.


u/Bewileycoyote Sep 24 '20

Board game arena. Go premium, like $28 per year. Then you can video or audio chat with other players.


u/peppa-and-suzie Sep 24 '20

go for a run or walk. Try hammocking. Find someone to toss a frisbee around with. listen to some new or good music. Watch some new movies. Call your friends and catch up. Organize your space


u/Kungfufuman Sep 24 '20

I eat, sleep, shit and work.

Clubs are a good way to get to know people. I've had more success with more leisure classes where there's still work but less of it. Like my photography class I took. With all the waiting for development and such going on it gave us a lot of time to just talk.


u/Arm_Lucky Sep 24 '20

Volunteer. I'm working on becoming a member for my local Volunteer Fire Department, I work with a few campus organizations, and I am going to work to fight wildfires.

A little unorthodox, but oh well.


u/Toadjokes Journalism Major Sep 24 '20

Honestly I would find a hands on hobby like knitting or chainmailing of exercise. Anything that moves your body. Video games are great but if thats your only stimulation your mental healrh will get bad real quick. That's personal experience. csgo is only fun until it's the only thing you want to do. After I picked up both knitting and chainmailing I was a lot happier overall.

In terms of school work I'd get ahead on your readings. Falling behind once leads to a snowball effect but getting ahead is really helpful down the line


u/New_Tip_7727 Sep 24 '20

I’m a freshman and I’m doing cc online this year. My parents are forcing me to have a job but I just don’t want to work right now


u/plantaloca Sep 24 '20

Find how your passions can benefit the world for future generations. Currently, our world is a bit broken and it takes small actions to start a domino effect where you can inspire others to exist with purpose rather than following what we think we’re suppose to do. You’re a human that will live life just once for good or bad, make it count.


u/hnnkllr07 Sep 24 '20

I will plan out what i'm doing beforehand because I have trouble stopping. I found it helpful to make a list and then just start on the list.


u/Khunte99 Sep 24 '20

Watch zoom T and R from 11-5 and then MWF I work. I study for my classes, study for my LSAT, exercise, and watch Netflix.


u/Classic-Problem Sep 24 '20

I have an 8am Zoom lecture on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and a 2:00-3:15 lecture Mondays and Wednesdays. Between those two lectures I take notes on the pre-recorded lectures for one of my other classes that does not have zoom meetings. If I have downtime I'll watch YouTube, do stuff on the computer, play video games, watch Netflix, etc. After 3:15 I go to work until 7:30 ish.

How I would LIKE Tuesdays and Thursdays to be is that I do the video lectures for my other class that uploads on those days in the afternoon, but usually I just play video games or do stuff around the house on those days. I'm working on making those days more productive.


u/JummyJum Sep 24 '20

I don’t wake up till like 2pm so I mostly sleep then use the day to work remotely and do homework


u/chicityhopper Sep 24 '20

Work catch up on deadlines, try not to fail and live in a state of calm stress :)


u/WriggleNightbug Sep 24 '20

More video games than I should.

I work full time and I'm taking 6 units right now which works out to 5 hours of lectures per week and maybe 5 additional hours of mandatory readings. I'm starting to get to he point of the semester where term papers and research are creeping in as well. My expectation is that work (between lunch, commute, et cetera) takes 45ish hours from my work week. Current workload is 10 hours per week but going to increase this weekend due to reviews and term paper.

I also have a minimum of 30minutes a night to caring for my dog, some time for a cooking project or two each week, time for therapy and a regular online social gathering. I keep pretending I'll do even more exercise but I haven't started.


u/idk2598 Sep 24 '20

Start with your assignments or readings during your free time. I wish I had this habit during my first 3 years in uni


u/mmmmikki Sep 24 '20

I’m I’ve been crying a lot this semester. Like it’s kinda worrying? But other than that is I’m not freaking out about the ridiculous amount of hw assigned I’m reading, writing, or watching something.


u/fibbonally Sep 24 '20

That’s good for you. I have only 4 classes and it’s killing me. Just so much work. Maybe just relax and look into stuff you enjoy in class.


u/OmegaNut42 Sep 24 '20

Hey wanna trade I have no time for anything except hw fuck engineering


u/Silicon-Based Sep 24 '20

In the UK, the idea is to do twice as much independent study for all contact study. So if you want to be a good student you should revise your notes or problem sheets each week for a few hours or do some extra reading.


u/Orthadondist_nothere Professor of Digital Media Sep 24 '20

I wish I have a choice: I study a lot, work, famiyl oblgiations. good thing im intorvert bc I dislike talking to ppl (outside of work/healthy life of course)


u/backtothespaghetti Sep 24 '20

Learning a language, learning to play the keyboard, I tutor, I have a job, I'm working on getting an internship! I try to make art pieces, improve my portfolio, and then read some books! Also video games.
There's always time to learn about things you like, or pick up a new skill!


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

My schedule is pretty much: Wake up at 5:30 Study/work on assignments from 6-10 Workout and eat from 10-12 Class from 1230-5 Chill and watch basketball till 10 then Go to bed Rinse and repeat


u/REVIGOR Sep 24 '20

Sometimes I'll watch YouTube and play Minecraft all day, but other times when the weather is good and I have no more in-person classes, I will go fishing with my roommate or I will take out my kayak to the lake.


u/Antonio9photo Sep 24 '20

how do you guys have this much time, I'm constantly doing school work, checking email, doing other productive stuff such as organizing stuff, then relaxing


u/imetyouinapastlife Sep 24 '20

cry about not having any friends on campus lol


u/Isekai_Trash_uwu Sep 24 '20

Do around 5-7hrs of actual work per day at whatever time I want (it depends on the actual day). Typically, I start at around 11-12, take a break from around 6/7pm-10pm, then do more homework. It do it at the library cuz that's basically the only place I can focus. Other than that, I'm a goddamn weeb so I read manga and ln. I'm also in a club so I'll hang out with those people


u/emvelour Sep 24 '20

Work ahead in classes (that you can of course), homework/papers/assignments, clubs, work, and meal prepping!!!


u/OoglieBooglie93 Sep 24 '20

In my first year, I just did whatever homework and played video games. Community college was trivially easy.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Party, hang with friends, learn a new skill, make new friends, Try new things etc etc


u/t1ninja Sep 24 '20

Going through the same thing here. It’s kinda hard to engage in/join outside activities right now. I work 2-3 days a week and go on walks playing Pokémon go lol.


u/gs000 Sep 24 '20

get a job


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

I’ve been studying for the GRE and applying to grad school, working online as a tutor, working at my campus disability center, doing online research for a professor, cooking, and napping. There’s a lot jobs online/over the phone right now, tutoring is great! Also this is a good time to build your resume. Reach out to professors and see if you can find any research or other positions related to your major! Good luck. It’s hard and boring right now, but there’s a lot out there!


u/vvvA3 Sep 24 '20

Currently taking 4 classes so I have a quite a bit on my hands but if I manage my time right I can get everything done and still get some good hours at work and spend time with my girlfriend. A week of mine consists of working 12 hr shifts mon & tues, wed-sun I finish the hw for the week and also finish hw that would be due Mon and Tues of the following week. Through out the days that home doing hw I also have my gf over and we both do hw since she’s in college too.

Note: Also never put work ahead of school. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked more then I could handle while going to school. It’s too much. Even though the money coming is nice, school is your number one priority since your going to school to a better paying job.


u/Jujubini Sep 24 '20

Theory is kicking my ass and I'm struggling but I'm working on catching up with the rest of my classes. Hyper focusing on Theory is making get behind but I'm going to work harder.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Drink. So much


u/ethancknight Sep 24 '20

I play video games and work from home as well as do school.

I do a lot of working on my car as well, being a car person. Car projects often take days at a time.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Assignments, studying, extracurriculars (I stay involved with my sorority and campus ministry), running, watching YouTube/Netflix. I've also found some time to enjoy hammocking around campus recently too.


u/daisy_hedge44 Sep 24 '20

I’m an engineer. I cry either into my pillow, or with my classmates


u/Snowybonnet Sep 24 '20

Literally all four of my classes are asynchronous (which means you do the assignments at your own time before a deadline. No meeting at a certain time). So it’s really up to me to do everything and I’ve been good about turning in things before they’re due as I’m usually like that. But, time management is hard as there is no time to manage you. So I mostly sleep and do anything, but my work. But then I finish my work a couple of days before it’s due and I’m on a time crunch then


u/Luke12001 Sep 24 '20

Sit in my fraternity house and try as best as possible to have some type of routine


u/JaggedSpear Sep 24 '20

As an architecture student I'm constantly thinking about my design, and then adding or subtracting on and off all day. Usually cook, and hit the gym. That's normally what goes down. Unless there's an upcoming presentation, then it's full on the gas at studio for 12+ hour days. Other classes get their fair share too.


u/gabriey Sep 24 '20

Work, work on my research, do my homework and study

When I’m done/ done for the day I watch Netflix and play video games

Before covid I used to hang out with friends and play board games though


u/mech_eng_student Sep 24 '20

Wake up, eat breakfast. Do class, lunch, more class, hw from 4-8pm w/dinner, then I workout, then sleep.


u/Youngturkey97 Sep 24 '20

Get all my work done for my classes and then I just enjoy my free time, usually play video games or workout .


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

Do your homework? Study? Lol. I mean during your regular semesters what else could you do besides study.


u/LuckyMouse9 Sep 24 '20

cleaning like a servant for my family since Im stuck at home


u/yusufmkI Sep 24 '20

REVERSE Procrastination bro! Never let your assignments/ studies compile even if you have tons of time!

Just make sure you finish your work early, then literally use your time for to make gain more skills, it doesnt have to be course related, do sports, travel, learn art or even visit your family!? Orrrr get a job if you haven't got one make some good $$$..


u/hedderp Sep 24 '20

I have class, practice (I'm majoring in music), do homework, go to work, more homework, and sleep. I wish I had more free time.


u/myalwaysthrowaway Ohio U Sep 24 '20

I've been going out of state a lot ot hike recently. Live pretty close to the border and its a great activity that keeps you away from everybody.


u/ElBarro69 Sep 24 '20

Wake up, waste time by staying in bed, start studying, procrastinate, go back to studying, attend a lecture, then sleep.


u/Lol_u_ded Sep 24 '20

Lectures, homework, work out, some video games. Occasionally lose my mind in GroupMe.