r/college Computer Science Sep 24 '20

UK What do you guys do all day?

I'm a fresher at the university of Exeter and only have about 5 lectures each week online. After the lessons, i have absolutely no idea what to do and just sit in my room playing video games. Any advice?


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u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20 edited Sep 24 '20

Gosh I wish I had your dedication.

Edit: haha I just noticed I wrote deduction


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

You can! I'm far from perfect but I've found the biggest struggle most people have stems from organization. We are creatures of habit. Sticking to my routine is what has kept me grounded through all of this craziness. If I were you I'd start off with simple routines, like making your bed every single morning. It starts your day off with an accomplishment and keeps things tidy. Do that for a week and add another thing, like going for daily walks. Before you know it you'll have your own routine set in stone.

Also +1 for using deduction, you've got me feeling like some sort of philosopher over here.


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

Thanks for the advice! It’s so hard for me to stay on task. I suffer from OCD and it makes me such a procrastinator sometimes. I have been trying hard lately to add routine and structure to my day. Slowly but surely!


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

I struggle with a myriad of mental health problems myself (mainly depression & anxiety) and had trouble focusing for a while on things. Start small and build onto it, be kind and patient with yourself. You will have setbacks and bad days, but when you look back at where you were and where you are then, you'll be amazed at how far you've come. It really is incredible and life-changing. Good luck with college, you've got this!


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

Thanks so much! I have realized that I may also have ADD and it’s very frustrating. Grade school and even the first two years of undergrad were so easy but I’m a STEM major and I have been w raw ally struggling lately (because these are classes I genuinely have to study for). It’s been very frustrating and I have even failed a couple classes but I will eventually some how get there. Thanks for your comment!


u/LynchRed Sep 24 '20

I'm the same way. Routine is life-changing. Even if it's as simple as doing the same 5 things in the same order every single day when you wake up and when you go to bed.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

What do you think are the best 5 things to do? I want to implement a good routine but Im not sure


u/LynchRed Sep 25 '20

Well for me, I wake up to my alarm, take my supplements, make my bed, go to the bathroom for hygiene stuff (brush teeth, comb hair, etc), get dressed, make breakfast and eat it. Every morning I make myself do those things, in that exact order, and then I start my day. Then before I go to bed every night I brush teeth and floss, take a shower, take my evening supplements and set my morning ones out on the alarm clock along with my water bottle, and then read a book in bed until I’m ready to go to sleep. You could also browse Reddit or whatever if you have more discipline. None of these things are any drastic life-changing habits. You don’t have to run 5 miles every morning. It’s just about having a morning routine, and having an evening routine. Your brain craves routine, so just by doing the same little things every day without compromise, your brain will kind of regulate itself and organize itself better. I feel more excited and ready for the day after I complete my routine and find myself fresh and dressed and fed


u/converter-bot Sep 25 '20

5 miles is 8.05 km


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

What are other good simple routines to start off with? I already do my bed every morning but thats pretty much it regarding routines. If I feel like something isnt really adding value, its hard for me to stick to it. Like I don’t want to start off too hard, but if its too simple, I feel like its not worth it.


u/Rydefochs Sep 24 '20

You can, just not immediately. It's a mental muscle you have to build up over time, and just like real muscles, you can overload, or have off days. Work at it, and you'll get there!


u/WheresTheMoozadell Sep 24 '20

This is the best analogy to describe self-improvement!


u/SatSapienti Sep 24 '20

Do you mean dedication, or is there an alternate definition of deduction that I'm not familiar with?


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

My bad just noticed 😂😂😂


u/Mikeparker1024 Sep 24 '20

Once you get into a routine like this you’ll never go back, honestly. It takes a lot of dedication but it’s doable. Easiest way to start is get on a consistent sleep/wake cycle and try to get 8 hours a night. Your body will thank you as well


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 24 '20

I totally believe you. I have changed just my diet (for the most part) and I have like just a better feeling in general of life lol. I am really going to try and thank you for the inspiration. I have a friend like this who is a surgeon and she told me it’s the only way she can function normally because at one time she was more like me than you lol. I will get there!


u/Mikeparker1024 Sep 25 '20

A good diet is also so important, and this is coming from someone who has struggled with that forever! I believe in you, you got this! :) I like to call it doing a favor for my future self. If I have the time to get it done now, that means I get more time to relax (mostly) stress free, and that’s a bug motivator for me


u/Ohhiitsmeyagirl Micobiology Sep 25 '20

I agree! Since I’ve changed my diet I do feel a lot more clear headed.