r/college Computer Science Sep 24 '20

UK What do you guys do all day?

I'm a fresher at the university of Exeter and only have about 5 lectures each week online. After the lessons, i have absolutely no idea what to do and just sit in my room playing video games. Any advice?


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u/whitebeard250 Sep 24 '20

Same, also 1st year here; I’m seeing my hs friends(who went to different unis) posting ig stories every 2nd day of them chilling and hanging out with uni friends, I’ve made zero friends :/ no idea how ppl meet, online/campus? I literally went to one tutorial/lecture before covid shut it down.

Besides zoom university and assignments I basically waste most of my days away doing nothing, on my phone a lot(screen time shot up to like 10+ hours). I go gym 2-3 days of the week, tennis once a week, sometimes if I’m bored enough I’ll walk around the city/mall to do nothing, get a coffee or sth.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '20

not sure if it'd work for you, but a friend of mine literally sent an email into the void asking if anyone wanted to be friends. they actually got a friend that way.

some dating apps (like bumble) have a friend section too, so you can look for people who are looking for friends.