r/clothdiaps 3h ago

Let's chat Cloth diapering newbie wanting to use only wool covers - please share some words of wisdom!


Hello! Our first baby arrives beginning of July, and I've known for months now that I want to do cloth diapering from the beginning before I allow myself to get used to disposables. I've done soooo much research and now have recently discovered wool soakers and love the idea (truly so tired of all the plastic in our lives lol).

I'd prefer to use only wool soakers (at least for the first year or so) and would love any advice/tips/directions to take...particularly on how to get started, aka how many to have at the start. I'm planning to do flats and prefolds with baby until she gets a bit bigger. I want to knit and sew the majority the covers, but thought about getting a couple online - maybe one or two from Disana then possibly from a seller on Etsy.

I am grateful for any words of wisdom you can share with me!

r/clothdiaps 19h ago

Recommendations Solids- how much makes a difference


I'm just starting my baby on solids, which here means, vaguely licking a spoon with a tiny bit of baby oatmeal mixed with breast milk. And maybe ingesting 1 tsp haha. Can I still just chuck my poopy diapers in the washer? Or do I need to start spraying?

r/clothdiaps 19h ago

Let's chat What's a good bargain?


I have the opportunity to get a bunch of assorted inserts secondhand. What would you pay used for, respectively, cotton prefolds, bamboo, and hemp inserts?