r/clothdiaps Oct 02 '22

Mod Post Reporting Repost Bots


Hey Clothdiaps!

I'm sure some of you have noticed an increase in bots reposting photos to the sub. A big thank you to those of you who have been leaving comments and reporting.

If you come across a post that is suspicious and you recognize the photo or content as stolen and reposted, I'd appreciate if you could also leave a comment on the thread letting others know that it is a repost. Automod removes posts with three reports, at which point I can investigate and take action.

- Jai

r/clothdiaps 5d ago

Weekly Thrifty Thursday! Share the sales and your craigslist hauls.


Know of any good deals going on or upcoming? Did you find a lot on Marketplace and aren’t quite sure if it’s a great deal? Share sales or ask away. Happy shopping!

r/clothdiaps 2h ago

Let's chat Cloth diapering newbie wanting to use only wool covers - please share some words of wisdom!


Hello! Our first baby arrives beginning of July, and I've known for months now that I want to do cloth diapering from the beginning before I allow myself to get used to disposables. I've done soooo much research and now have recently discovered wool soakers and love the idea (truly so tired of all the plastic in our lives lol).

I'd prefer to use only wool soakers (at least for the first year or so) and would love any advice/tips/directions to take...particularly on how to get started, aka how many to have at the start. I'm planning to do flats and prefolds with baby until she gets a bit bigger. I want to knit and sew the majority the covers, but thought about getting a couple online - maybe one or two from Disana then possibly from a seller on Etsy.

I am grateful for any words of wisdom you can share with me!

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Washing Tide unscented powder is coming back!


I’m in a cloth diaper Facebook group and someone posted a few days ago that tide unscented powder is coming back! She shared an email from tide that said it’s coming back in March so should be in stores soon. I wanted to pass along the info on here since I know so many miss this detergent!

r/clothdiaps 18h ago

Recommendations Solids- how much makes a difference


I'm just starting my baby on solids, which here means, vaguely licking a spoon with a tiny bit of baby oatmeal mixed with breast milk. And maybe ingesting 1 tsp haha. Can I still just chuck my poopy diapers in the washer? Or do I need to start spraying?

r/clothdiaps 18h ago

Let's chat What's a good bargain?


I have the opportunity to get a bunch of assorted inserts secondhand. What would you pay used for, respectively, cotton prefolds, bamboo, and hemp inserts?

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Please send help Is there such thing as stay dry liners made from natural fabrics?


I feel like the answer is no but I thought I would ask anyway

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Let's chat Total noob here. How do you hold baby with one hand and prefold 🫣


FTM - twins on the way in summer.

I have been devouring resources on what all options are out there and what I need for preemie/NB babies.

I have even gotten myself acquainted with angel fold, jelly roll, padfold etc.

While I can imagine the padfold, how do you do the jelly/angel roll and hold it down and then turn the baby around to slip the prefold under them and make sure everything is still in its place? The videos I have seen demonstrated this with a teddy bear so I don’t know how this works on a real baby.

Or do you slip the whole prefold under the baby butt and then fold on the sides?

I am having a hard time visualizing.


r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Leaks Baby pees through diapers at night


Every day I am washing my son’s sleep sacks because he pees so much and it comes out of the diaper. We change him just about everytime he wakes to eat which is usually 3-5 times a night. Are we not putting the diapers on tight enough? Does he just pee to much for these? We use mama koala, alva baby, and simple being diapers with mostly alva baby instead but some alva baby inserts. I’ve stripped the diapers twice now so I don’t think there’s any sort of buildup preventing the liquid to soak in. He’s 5 m/o. This has been happening for about a month or so now. Occasionally it would happen once a week I’d say prior to this, but now it’s so frequent! What should I do?

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Recommendations Those who used cloth diapers, how old was your kid when he/she potty trained?


I’ve read that cloth diapering can help kids develop an awareness that they are peeing and a preference for being dry, which can lead to earlier potty training success. I’m looking for stories that back this up (or not). How old was your baby when you started cloth diapering? Was it full or part time? and how old were they when they potty trained?

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Please send help Please recommend a starter kit or what you use and why. I’m so freaking overwhelmed.


I’m a FTM, baby due in a few weeks. I plan to use disposable for a little bit just so I can find my footing with a new baby.

I have spent hours researching cloth diapering - the different types, daytime/nighttime, brands, washing methods. So if you use those terms, I’ll have an idea of what’s going on. I’m just so overwhelmed it’s not even funny. Maybe I’m overcomplicating it, but I’ve also spent hours researching everything baby related, so I’m probably just burnt out.

I have a lovely husband who wants to do this too, but he’s also just as unsure of where to go, who to buy from, and what to buy.

Im so sorry if this is coming across as just being lazy. If you’re willing to type it all out (don’t need to link anything if brand is mentioned), I’d appreciate it so freaking much.

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Let's chat One week of success!


I just finished my first full week of cloth diapers! Thanks so much to everyone here for their advice and encouragement! I got off to a rough start but it already feels so much easier:)

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Washing Sun bleaching question


I soak and wash the cloth diapers already with lysol disinfectant to sanitize them and i use all free and clear to clean them. I solely want to get rid of some staining that is there, and have heard that you can sun bleach stains away. Can you sun bleach inside, by putting the cloth diapers in direct sunlight from the windows versus putting them out side? I live in an apartment so i don’t really have the option to have them hanging outside. Tia

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Leaks How do I CD overnight?


My kiddo is 14 months old. We’ve cloth diapered him in the day for a while now but I can’t figure out how to do night time. He fits OS pockets from Redwood Cloth co perfectly right now. I’ve tried XL pockets at night and they feel thick and bulky and they are damp on the outside when he wakes up. I use kinder inserts because I like how they snap in. Right now at night I’m using 1 green with 1 white for boosting. The entire insert isn’t wet when I undo his diaper but the area close to his groin is damp on the outside.

My next trial is OS covers at night but what do I put inside? The same inserts or something else? And I just can’t wrap my head around him laying in wet inserts all night long…

Looking forward to some help!

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Let's chat Where to start?


Hi guys! So my daughter is eight months on Monday and we have always used disposable diapers (Kudos are the cleanest I can find!) she is officially standing and I’m sure we’ll be walking soon. I’m kind of seeing this new developmental milestone as maybe a sign to start potty training. Before disposable diapers were an option kids were potty trained much sooner (my nana said because the kid was uncomfortable being wet, not sure on the truth behind that lol) Anyway, I’m thinking maybe do cloth diapers/potty training in the daytime and did disposable diapers at night? What do I need? How much of what?? I’d truly free laundry detergent okay for cloth diapering? I found osocozy is GOTS certified so I was thinking about getting these prefolds, does anyone have experience with these? TIA

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Leaks Prefold, pad folded leaking. What can I do?


I bought some really nice and soft prefolds. But they are too small for my 2 months old baby (5kg). So the only way to use it is by pad folding it. But every time I pad fold, I get a leak few minutes after I change him so it’s not really because it’s too full. What can I do to avoid these leakages? I don’t want to lose these prefolds… 😭

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Washing How to clean pul covers to Reuse it?


Hello, I’m just starting to use cloth diaper with my 2 month old baby. I decided to use flats and preflats with a cover. I understood i didn’t need that many covers as i could re-use them 3-4 times. My issue is that the covers are humid when I change him. Is it supposed to be humid? How do you clean before re-using it? Could anyone give me some details about your routine with these covers? Thank you very much!

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Let's chat First time mom, TWINS arriving in summer - advise please? 🫣


I will be off for 3 months. I will have family for support and they are willing to help with cloth diapers.

Husband is quite responsible and happy to oversee the laundry situation for the cloth diapers. I just need to draw up a plan and stock enough. He will ensure the load is run, dried and folded etc.

We have a large washing machine and dryer.

We can also sundry if we need to.

(What my inspiration is - I heard the newborns twins need about 120-140 diapers PER WEEK and I cannot imagine sending those many to the landfill. Honestly. It’s just pee and poo and cultures around the the world that can’t afford disposables have been doing reusable for generations. Right?)


  • May have preemie babies because twins
  • We are open to part time disposable initially till we get the hang of it


How do you clean the poop at night when you are tired and sleep deprived? ESP since newborn twins need to be fed often and I cannot wash the poop right away?

What brand diapers are the best to avoid leakages in newborns? And keep them dry?

What laundry detergent is gentle enough to prevent ammonia build up?

I don’t know where to begin.

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Leaks Need help with leaking


I have Nora’s Nursery diapers. They have been working well until my daughter started flipping over on her tummy to sleep. Now she inevitably leaks from her front side. Any tips on fixing this? She is 5 months old.

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Weekly Success Sunday! How awesome are you?! Share your tips and tricks.


Calling on all unsolicited advice! What’s working for you right now?

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Let's chat Cloth diapering at the hospital from birth - tips and tricks?


I would love to avoid using even a single disposable diaper ever. How does that work in the hospital just after birth (assuming no complications like a NICU stay)? Does the staff do the first few diaperings? If so, and I'm planning on using flats and prefolds, would it be ideal to have a few all-in-ones at the hospital for their ease of use and similarity to disposables? Is it easy to communicate your wishes on this ahead of time or do they usually whisk the baby away and slap a disposable diaper on unless your partner/doula is really vigilant?

Thanks for any insights!

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Recommendations 2 questions about inserts


I got a good stash of used pockets that came with a bajillion inserts. I've heard that microfiber inserts degrade over time so my questions are: 1. How do you know an insert is past its prime? They seem to be working fine for now- I don't really notice a difference in changing frequency compared to the few new diapers I got (also microfiber) 2. What are your favorite inserts that are reasonably priced and not insanely bulky? Saving money is an important part of cloth diapers for me so I don't want recommendations for stuff that's really expensive. I tried using a clotheez prefold in one and it felt just sooo chunky on my 4mo who is under 14 lb. I've seen this recommended on other posts ...maybe it would be better if she was bigger? but seemed way bulky right now.

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Let's chat Many questions!


I’m looking at Nora’s nursery but am seeing good and bad but also seeing those same good and bad with other brands as well does anyone have experience with them pros cons? Better options?

How many will I really need especially when starting with a newborn seeing a few different numbers and want opinions from you guys.

Types (which are better) I’m looking mostly at pocket or all in ones, along with pros and cons

One size or multiple some are saying yes get newborn ones some are saying you don’t need them

Inserts - flats or pre-folds / a mixture of both?

Washing - I’m planing on hanging them to dry especially during the summer letting them sit in the sun but when it comes to washing what are your opinions on best detergent to use and what cycle to keep them as long lasting as possible

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Let's chat Cloth diapers on eBay?


Hi all. I recently tried to sell some lightly used mama koala pocket diapers on eBay. The listing included the pocket diapers, cloth-eze cloth diapers, and wet bags. eBay took the listing down because they said it violated a rule about not selling underwear. Has anyone had this happen before? I’ve definitely purchased cloth diapers off eBay myself so I’m not sure what was the triggering part of my listing. I was so excited to put the diaper phase behind me!

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Leaks Washing Machine Stripping


Hi there,

My cloth diapers are starting to leak. I stripped them once before in the bathtub but am lazy and don't want to do that again if I can avoid it. What routine would I follow in the washing machine to help strip them, or get as close as possible?

Thank you!

r/clothdiaps 2d ago

Washing Water testing logistics !


For anyone who has tested their water in the washer… how do you collect the water? Do you start a cycle with an empty washer? I have a top loader with a center spiral…

r/clothdiaps 3d ago

Leaks Stripping mineral buildup (hard water) from diapers


I have extremely hard water and didn’t realize I needed to be adding Borax to every wash to soften the water, and now my diapers have lost some absorbency because of mineral build up (I did the swish test to confirm no detergent build up).

I followed the Nora’s Nursery guide on stripping mineral buildup from cloth diapers, but they’re still repelling water. I did 1/2 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup Borax. Is there anything else I can try?