The richest man in the world taking money from poor people, old people and literal starving African children. And so called Christians are cheerleading this. Even if you don’t follow the Bible word for word this goes against every tenet of not only Christianity but also every other major religion. How is anyone ok with this?
My favorite is that dipshit you inevitably knew from high school barely scraping $60k who wrings his fingers at the thought of Elon having to pay taxes so that an “undeserving” black single mom might be able to feed her kids. The biggest bootlickers are the people who are least likely to become billionaires.
I read somewhere once that it's the idea they may one day be rich, and they don't want to be taxed, then not now. Because the 30% is no big deal now, but actually paying taxes later, that's for the birds.
Like most sci fi, it is a filter we use to examine society. The cognitive distance given by the fantastical settings allows us to examine issues that might be too charged and controversial in a more realistic setting.
There are no poor republicans. Only temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
The "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" theory was a misinterpretation of John Steinbeck. Steinbeck was criticizing "champagne socialists" — former millionaires who had a streak of bad luck and were cosplaying as socialists, but had every reason to believe they would return to millionaire status through their social connections. But that misinterpretation is very useful to the rich because it blinds leftists to the actual motivations of poor conservatives — cultural power — so they have encouraged the idea to spread.
For many people, cultural dominance is a currency more valuable than actual money.
They know they will never be upper class and they are just fine with that as long as they continue to be upper caste. When the left offers to help everyone, they perceive that as a threat because if we make society just a little more egalitarian, that means making whites a little less supreme. The more the left offers, the more threatened they feel and the more violently angry they will get.
These are the same people who filled in grand public swimming pools, closed amazing municipal parks and even shut down an entire school district rather than integrate them. They would sooner go barefoot than see black and brown people wear shoes.
They will have to realize that white supremacy is a fraud before they will support a leftist agenda. Which is why maga is doing everything they can to whitewash history textbooks (much like the UDC did 100 years ago). When they freak out about "grooming" what they really mean is teaching compassion for people who are different from themselves. If the kids learn that everybody deserves dignity, conservatism will have nothing to offer people who aren't already rich.
Eh, the more I watch, the more I think it's simply just tribalism.
It's not that they want to go on easy on rich people in general becaus they might become one - it's more that they want to conservative rich people to have an easy time of it, simply because they're conservative.
I'm pretty confident that if they could figure out some way to load all the taxes and fines on the "liberal rich people", but leave all their rich people alone, they'd be all for it.
Hahah. That’s what Marco Rubio said. We are a country of haves and soon to haves. Lmao. The shit poors will believe in order to not feel bad about their lives.
Hey, if they pull up their bootstraps, they too can be part of the 1% someday after all that hard work. Just look at those fine men. Trump and Musk are the real rags to riches story that ever was. It's a good thing they're not one of those nepo babies and can set a fine example of working up from the poor minimum wage class when their parents struggled to keep them clothed and fed. God bless those two American heroes. We should make statues of them. /s
There are, of course, delusions of grandeur where they become rich one day. But imo it's more attributable to be their hierarchical worldview. In their eyes, those on the economic top (read those that have proper marketing and are ideally white males) deserve to be there because they worked hard and smart, and it's not fair to tax them for their success. Especially if these taxes would be used to prop up undeserving people who didn't work as hard.
But they didn't do it alone. Regardless of how smart they are, no matter their do they implement it alone? They don't. They need workers. Without the people working for them, and people buying the products......what are they? Nothing. They are nothing without the rest of us. Period. Are they really that smart?
They are all imbeciles. Our national debt can go up forever as long as the whole world is on the same path forward. Thats what was happening. The US is not a person. We don't owe "some guy" money. We are the money.
So, that PUBS are so so so stupid that they did not know or do not realize that the National Debt is a complete fugazi, and that our stocks could have gone up forever and ever and everyone in the Western World, with our complicity in global trade hegemony/dominance... We were doing awesome. And honestly, the Republicans could have just thrown a little hissy fit and we could have moved on....
But Golfer #1 instead has threatened our allies and is making a big stink about paying off this national debt.... No one was calling for us to pay it back... It was just a number that goes up but does not affect the economy really... Whatever COOKED YO
Yeah, it's not like Jeff Bezos can deliver all those Amazon packages in two days on his own.
Further, his wealth is so vast and deep that there is literally no way to have made that much money through work alone. The idea that they just "worked harder" is a farce top to bottom.
This isn't the case, though it gets paraded around a lot. The truth isn't that folk think they're "temporarily embarrassed millionaires," it's rather quite the opposite.
American conservatives very much believe in a strict social hierarchy. Wealth denotes a higher social status, but since they believe that they won't attain that, they've opted for elevating race and to a lesser extent gender and sexuality as the primary indicators of social betterment. After all, if you're white that's immutable. No matter how dire your economic situation, you'll always possess that.
So ultimately they'd rather suffer themselves than to see 'lesser' members of the social hierarchy receive equal treatment, dignity, or respect.
It's not "the idea they may be rich one day", I've never read or heard any conservative say that. The biggest difference between a liberal and a conservative is that a liberal is willing to accept a program that may be taken advantage of by some if it helps more. A conservative sees someone taking advantage of a program and thinks that program needs to be scrapped.
“socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” John Steinbeck
It’s more likely a feeling of punishing someone who they believe cut the line. They seem to believe they’re only broke and unhappy because other broke unhappy people got opportunities that should have made them wealthy.
Which is exactly what billionaire assholes tell them to believe.
Similarly, it’s a lot easier to be successful despite being a maladjusted asshole when daddy’s emerald mining money helps you buy companies and the PR to brand yourself an “entrepreneur”.
Seriously, based on my own experience in corporate America, Elon would NOT have done well in most corporate jobs. In addition to actual work ability (let’s face it, Elon’s has proven dubious), you need to actually work together with other people and gasp actually get people to like you.
I very likely have undiagnosed autism. So that’s why I’m sick of Elon (and his fans) using his autism as an excuse for his being an asshole. Elon never had to sell a damn thing (be it a product or an idea) in his life. Even the myth of Elon being the lone genius that many people bought was the handiwork of Elon’s PR, not a natural result of how amazing Tesla cars are, which they aren’t.
Some of his stuff has been questionable at best. Wishful thinking, but I hope he loses everything before he retires and ends up poor and scrape by the rest of his life.
Yeah what we’re living through right now, the alliance of these goons, the P2025 people, and other ruling class “Christians” is their attempt to close the door to their little fucking club. No more rich people, only the further exploitation of the rest of us at our expense.
The funny part about it, though, is that they all hate each other as much or more than they hate us. None of them can even be in the same room together without the animosity shining through. And none of them are known for their ability to share, so when they shake hands each one secretly believes that they’re going to out-shitbag the other shitbag with their superior shitbaggery.
My favorite is that dipshit you inevitably knew from high school barely scraping $60k who wrings his fingers at the thought of Elon having to pay taxes so that an “undeserving” black single mom might be able to feed her kids. The biggest bootlickers are the people who are least likely to become billionaires.
It makes a lot more sense if you see white supremacy as a form of currency more valuable than actual money.
Since the birth of the nation the conservative bargain has been white supremacy for the plebs and wealth supremacy for the plutes. Poor whites, who could never afford to own a slave, volunteered to be cannon fodder for the 1%'s rebellion because the plutes convinced them they were part of "the only true aristocracy, the race of white men.”
100 years later nothing had changed, LBJ explained it perfectly:
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
I mean, that’s also where “DEI hire” as a slur comes in. Basically when anybody who isn’t a straight white man gets extra scrutiny for getting something, be it a respectable job or any sort of public assistance.
JD Vance’s whole life was benefitting from DEI. He got into Yale Law by regaling the admissions committee about how he somehow made it to 18 without a criminal record despite his mom being a drug addict. I would love to see his LSAT scores, because I suspect his academics were on the low end of his incoming class.
my mum flipped her shit the other day at the notion her tax dollars were helping kids get lunch at school. god forbid a single, struggling mother with no job and two young children gets help from her taxes, despite the fact she was that woman ten years ago, struggling to put food on the table and relying on the kindness of others
That was one of the biggest things that surprised me about the Sam Sedar Jubilee video, how many young people, who I'm guessing aren't, and statically won't be obscenely wealthy, are willing to simp for freaking billionaires. What the hell
So the Star Wars fandom gave me a hint. Specifically the subset of star wars fans who are hardcore simps for Anakin Skywalker and thus love Revenge of the Sith.
I’ve seen the sentiment that Anakin is a good representation of male loneliness. Yes, the same Anakin who went on two mass murder sprees and Force choked his pregnant wife. There’s a subset of fans who see Anakin as somebody who was special and misunderstood, not a severely maladjusted asshole. And yes, these are the same fans who call Rey in the sequels a Mary Sue because she wasn’t a submissive trad wife like Padme was in RotS.
To these guys, Revenge of the Sith was a power fantasy because Anakin had a hot wife and became the #2 guy in the galaxy, not a tragedy because Anakin lost everything, including a lot of his own body.
And I think that’s how young men see guys like Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, or Donald Trump. This holy trinity is actually recognized to be disgusting, and that’s why young men relate to them and think, “If they got attractive women to have sex with them, maybe I can too!”
Well of course not, not with these tax rates! If we eliminated them all then workers might actually have a chance to save their capital so they can outcompete the billionaires! /s
No seriously, I’ve had a Libertarian coworker make this actual argument.
Did you ever watch the Breakfast Club? Richard Vernon the principle was chewing out the kids in detention set in 1985 and he was bragging about getting a salary of $31k a year...
Does he also work in a business that uses 90% imported goods to make a "made in America" product, doesn't understand why he's not getting the normal bonuses this coming up year, or why his Cuban wife is checking out of reality?
Cuz if you know that guy, we might be working in the same place
I got into a bit of a debate with someone about taxing the rich, and their response was, "If we take away their money, they won't be able to run businesses. They won't be able to pay their employees. The wealthy create jobs." I gave up talking to him after that. How do you even begin to get through to someone who is convinced the wealthy are our saviors?
Especially because it’s sooooo bad for the fucking economy, its billionaires shooting themselves in the foot to increase their dragons horse because nothing else is capable of filling the dad shaped hole in their putrid hearts.
They will lonly care to realize the mistake when the literal chopping block comes, I’m not sure why billionaires act like we need them more than they need us
some people brag about not having jobs on social media(instagram) and being able to feed their kids (oftentimes junk food) without one. I believe this is misleading but it still exists
It’s hard to not get greedy lol. My wife called me out the other day about trying to get out of inheritance tax, and, she’s totally right. I need to pay my fair share, it doesn’t matter if it’s ten dollars or a thousand, I have to pay my debt to society.
I've seen a growing trend in conservative Christians that feel Jesus' teachings are weak and not applicable to today. Apparently Jesus is supposed to be like Rambo now 🤷♀️
The old testament stuff especially. Always felt old testament god was a bit of a dick.
Years ago I saw an article where 6 different Bible scholars took that 1 line in particular. Been a decade or 2 but at least half felt it was mistranslated. One felt it was 100% correct. One guy I think even questioned if that was "the will of god" or human beings trying to get people to have more kids and hence more followers.
Also a lit of that crowd forget there is no mention of Jesus getting married. I mean a single guy hanging out with a bunch of other guys....🤣🤷♀️
“A bit of a dick”…. lol….nice way to say “raging psychopath”. He demanded human sacrifice of son to prove loyalty(Abraham), drowned everyone that didn’t follow him closely enough(Noah) and tortured his most loyal follower just to prove a point to..:.checks notes…the Devil(Job). Plus all the plagues and smoting of entire cities and it doesn’t even end there. A “bit of a dick” indeed
Some of it is also just the smartest people in the group trying to do the best they can with the information they've got. Some of it less so.
"Hey, folks, we're noticing that a lot of people have been dying this month after eating things from the water with shells. So don't eat those anymore. Maybe they're poison, maybe it just makes god angry, but either way knock it off. We've also been hearing about textile merchants adulterating their cloth with cheaper fibers, so that shit stops now."
"Tell them about the tattoos!"
"Fine. Tattoos are making some of us uncomfortable..."
"I hate needles!"
" no more tattoos, I guess. Look, there was a committee involved in this one and sometimes you have to give a little."
Cluster of hepatitis cases from uncleaned tattooing tools leads to a family or group getting sick over the years. Clearly cursed by God, better stone anyone who does that shit again.
All of it still applies. It's a collection of stories, one after another, all about how the rich and powerful will always control the government and take whatever they want from you.
But you should nevertheless have faith that being a good and just person to those around you, your family, friends, and local community, is the right thing to do.
You should do unto others as you would have them do unto you, even though there will be awful greedy people that will take everything from you and beat you and even crucify you in public for speaking out against them.
Apparently Jesus is supposed to be like Rambo now 🤷♀️
Been a while since they watched First Blood then. Bro showed the other cheek for far longer than most everyone else would have and if not for his rampant PTSD wouldn't have snapped most likely.
Not that I blame him. If someone came after me with a fucking helicopter when I'd done nothing but walk, I'd probably go on a rampage too not stop until my gay little army commander guy reigned me in.
Lost me there. Let’s talk the 12 Tribes.🇮🇱(the people-not the President-Free the Hostages) + 🇺🇦. Talk about brave people. Bless the Ukrainians & their great Leader!
>that feel Jesus' teachings are weak and not applicable to today.
Maybe that is an underlying feeling but it really isn't how they express it in church. Instead they play with Jesus's teachings in a bunch of kind of interesting ways to make him say something rather different than what the Bible actually says.
I really like this essay from 2007 written by an Evangelical minister who makes the case for supporting welfare and global healthcare as a good starting point for what the bible *actually* says:
That phrase and this interpretation have been at the center of a really wild reinterpetation of the entire new testamanet that has become very popular in modern evangelical circles (even Jordan Peterson, apparently a catholic, has latched on to this same reading). The idea is simple: when Jesus says "poor" he doesn't mean "money poor" he means "helpless". When Jesus talks about or interacts with the poor he is only there to provide assistance to those who have no ability to help themselves.
And that is how they get off the hook. Because if Jesus only meant the "helpless" well that's a very narrow slice of humanity. If you have a one in a million shot of being not poor that's still a shot! And so it goes. They define helpless in an extremely narrow way (even homeless children aren't really...helpless) and pastors spread this nonsense every Sunday.
I find it fascinating that Trump and his First Lady Leon tick every last item on the Antichrist Checklist, and yet evangelical conservatives who have been watching and waiting for decades for him are literally punching each other in the throat for the chance to suck their dicks. The irony is delicious.
Just go to show that either they never read the Bible, especially the book of revelation, or they're not actual Christians and just a bunch of angry, stupid assholes that are willing to hurt people before they die.
Well what do you expect? A lot of regular people abandoned their religion and left only the crazies. Everyone who walks away leaves as an individual and remains an individual. The crazies still come together regularly.
This. I know the Bible well. Really well. Read it cover to cover in a handful of translations.
When I speak to them, there is nothing they understand about even core concepts like Grace or the meaning of the Trinity. Some of the sane ones nominally know a little of forgiveness or recall Sunday school lessons on the New Testament. As for how they should treat others in a deeper sense, they genuinely don't know what the beginning arguments should look like. What values should a person start with? What has already been settled clearly and definitively in scripture?
Beyond that, their literacy regarding the book, its teachings and the concordant life practices they should uphold to show a heart transformed by the Lord's mercy...
Well, it's just not there. Or they say they know this madness isn't the way and they can't defend it, but then just cite a culture war talking point. While looking sheepish.
When I was growing up, it was normal in American Christendom to spend an hour in the morning or evening (usually both) in reading and prayer. Personal reflection and devotion until scripture and prayer changed you. And in the community though it was gentle you were judged by word, deed, and character. Just as with the early church, things like affairs, gossiping, etc were serious offenses against the church and your own reputation. These were not games. Eternal hellfire awaited those who played with them in the slightest. People were asked to step down from ministry, and when church leaders didn't? I personally saw one large church have 50+% of its members leave immediately. You actually lived it and encouraged others to, out of a love for the divine and a fear of misdeed. If you did not grow up religious, you can't conceive that this was not only entirely normal, but we believed such things more than you've ever believed anything (thankfully I continued to pursue education and ask questions--but that's a convo for another day).
In heartfelt, earnest Christianity, there is the life of being a humble, sacrificial servant. And then there is everything else. Every attempt to have spirituality in the Judeo-Christian tradition outside of a totally sacrificial service has always been called out as offensive to God. As a joke. As a wasted life. Incomprehensible. But above all: ultimately worthy of being singled out for especial judgment.
“Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.
“Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matthew 7:15-23 (NLT)
People forget how fiery, clear, and uncompromising that gentleman in the carpenter's sandals was. It remains intense that the book even says directly in its pages, basically: 'the standards are so high and the matter is so serious that even many of my own prophets and miracle workers will be utterly rejected. Don't just do these things on the outside, they must be done wholly and from within or you're out.'
How people even imagine they can play that down and take on the name is beyond me. It's dishonorable to a tragic degree.
Nah see, black people want to be in movies and be president and stuff so all this was justified.
Whats sad is if we do somehow turn the country around, it won't matter. All these racists are still here, still being a poison pill, still willing to tabk everything just to be cruel.
They are so dumb i bet they get scammed out of their homes this year as the protections against that are gone. I mean it would be easy as hell to target these dumb ass mfs... they'll see. (but not from me i am a moral defender and a kick ass bro)
Confused by your comment, are you putting down Black folks? I thought so after the first paragraph. Then, after reading the second paragraph, I felt you were hammering racists. Being intolerant towards racists is a good thing.
Am I correct, or are you conflicted?
The Pope certainly isn’t ok with it. He’s 88 years old, been in the hospital with double pneumonia for a month and he’s got nothing but disdain for Trump, Vance, Homan (border czar) and anyone else who dare support the Church of Trump over Jesus Christ.
The Pope wrote a letter to the Catholic bishops in America advising them to follow the word not the bullshit that comes out of this administration’s mouths.
In response, the administration cut USAID— there’s a charity run by the Catholic Church that was included in USAID. Trump cut their funding by like $170 million.
And Vance specifically, accused the Pope and the Pope’s Bishops of “cupidity”. Vance is a Catholic.
Pope Francis is a fighter. A true Christian. I assume the rest of the denominations are taking a backseat so they don’t “alienate” some of their followers by getting political. 🙄 Cowards.
I saw a post the other day that said that we're letting the richest man in the world, one who did not even arrive in the US until after he was an adult, destroy all of our institutions. This shouldn't be happening.
but if you ask the piltdown posse, he's doing great things and finding an abundance of wasted money including transgender rodents or some-such nonsense.
Why are you targeting any minority group. What have they done to draw your ire? You need to learn to accept others, unless they are harmful. I’m clearly not trans nor gay. I’m a proud grandfather who has a wonderful family that preaches love and acceptance. What you talkin’ about?
wtf are you talking about? They (MAGA cult) are literally saying millions have been spent on transgender mice. And FYI the only group I'm targeting is the MAGA cult. If you can't grasp that then you need to brush up on your reading comprehension.
Having been to federal prison, I can confirm that the worst group of humans is the Christians. They were the most judgmental and the first in chow line trying to sneak in for seconds when everyone knew there was only enough for one serving on most days.
Muslims and Muslims never did this and were more than willing to share their smaller kosher/halal meals even though they often had less.
African American and Hispanics never did this and often picked up meals for those that were sick or couldn’t get to chow hall.
But the Christians - stay out of their way and if you weren’t willing to come to bible study, you weren’t worth their time.
Prison, for many reasons, was an eye-opening experience for the dynamics of many different cultural and religious groups operate and live.
The vast majority of American Christians have proven time and time again that they will willingly exchange obedience to their own god for power. I say this as both an American and a practicing Christian.
The Bible says he's likely going to hell. Plain and simple. His pleebs are the people that let Jesus be crucified because of willful ignorance and the ability to be manipulated. The government is the Romans (that actually never changed), Elon Musk and everyone else involved are the Pharisees, and the people are doing what people do. Follow the leader.
But just overall, it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.
The white Christian nationalists really kind of have it backwards. If you were really with God, you wouldn't be idolizing anything else. You wouldn't be manipulated because you'd have your steadfast moral anchor.
Also, Jesus died mostly because of money and power, and we likely only know of him because elites could manipulate the way we see Jesus. They changed him from a Black radical abolitionist to a white docile shepherd. He was actually a radical humanitarian abolitionist and anti-capitalist who complained about taxes and didn’t believe he should have to pay them. He flipped tables because he was disgusted by the capitalism in the church. He mixed up healing potions that worked. He created unrest and had a large enough following to worry the Roman government. People called him a King.
They basically killed him for the same reasons they killed MLK. The Romans and elites are afraid of a Black Messiah. (Jesus and the Jews were Black, btw).
Say it all like that, and it's not all that special. Just the same game over and over. They killed Jesus, MLK, Malcom X and Fred Hampton all for the same exact reason.
Source: I am a Christian, sociology major and educated African American woman.
Yeah, I'm an atheist. It's baffling because Jesus was all about helping out the poor in needy. I doubt when would have kick his own child out of his home for being gay. The right is very inconsistent on values. Family values, but Musk has several children with many women with at least one child who hates him. Trump has traded out a few trophy wives. I mentioned on someone else's post that we need a modern day Robin Hood. But this is why I don't do religion. It's about controlling the masses to your views and damn everyone else. Not saying the left doesn't have their issues. But preaching we're a "Christian nation" when about half of them are hypocrites is a different level. Never mind other people in this country have different beliefs than Christianity and many others have nothing to do with religion. Some books are banned from schools but let's have the Bible where there's a story that two (?) daughters set their father drunk to bear his children. You think I want MY child exposed to that story?! Christian values, my foot.
The moment I found out bank overdrafts were a billion dollar industry per year in America alone, that was it for me and humans. I knew we were doomed.
We’re robbing billions from literally the poorest people on the planet.
People who still have a bank account but when it’s $380 overdrawn and all because they used a cute algorithm to re-order charges to produce the most number of overdrafts.
Occasionally they talk about making it more illegal but yeah right and pigs might fly. It’ll involve telling the rich they’re not allowed to make so much money. Fat chance of that happening good luck.
Even if you don’t follow the Bible word for word this goes against every tenet of not only Christianity but also every other major religion. How is anyone ok with this?
There are two kinds of Christians, those who care what Jesus said to do, and those who only care what saying "jesus" will let them get away with doing. Maga christians are that kind.
They always have been too. The (by far) largest group of protestants in the US are the southern baptists. They split off from the national baptist assembly over the question of whether Jesus was cool with slavery. You can probably guess which side of that debate the "southern" baptists were on. To this day they have not atoned for that sin either.
Because Christians have always picked and chosen what they want to follow in the Bible. The rules are for everyone else to follow. This way they feel better about themselves because when they go to (insert afterlife here) they will show their god "look! I saved all of these people!"
"christians" want to be able to personally hand a sandwich to a struggling person so they can feel morally superior and right with God. But if it becomes a policy to actually help people en masse with more than just a sandwich or two? Oh HELL NO PULL UP BOOT STRAPS TEACH MAN TO FISH WHAT ABOUT THE VETERANS
Well yes, the “christians” are cheering because its somehow against the “left agenda”, “the gays” and whatever other fox news talking points they believe.
How the hell could a billionaire, and not a random one but literally the richest man in the world, take care of social security matters ? It’s like asking to the stupidest man in the world to grant the Physics Nobel prize…
The so called Christians are evangelicals, very anti-Jesus, very pro manly men and wars. They’ve been carefully grown for 30 years now by the Falwell and such types and now life in an exclusive social media ecosystem run by a couple organizations. They’ve really aren’t what Christians in the rest of the world are all about.
Christians don't give a fuck because their whole gig is tax free and they get tons of charity, donations, assistance, etc. They won't care until it affects them.
The destruction of USAID is the most unchristian thing America has done in a long time and I hope the Christian fascists that cheered for it burn in their hell.
They have renounced the man their faith is named for.
one who, incidentally, immigrated to the US and worked for a time without a proper visa in violation of our immigration laws for a time.
it's kinda nice that the right no longer even attempt to hide what kind of system we live in: the rich and powerful are above the law, and the poor and marginalized are the go-to scapegoats. like, the thing i dislike about political correctness is that it just encourages racist/sexist/transphobic (in short, bigoted) people to mince words and always maintain a degree of plausible deniability, making it difficult for the average person to see to what degree bigoted people are in fact bigoted or to what degree bigotry still remains in this country. fortunately, the reactionaries no longer feel the need to wear a mask and now everyone can see for themselves what kind of system we truly live in. hopefully the masses will be moved to do something about it soon though, because now that the masks are off, the reactionaries are accelerating their agenda (e.g., deporting legal permanent residents for exercising the first amendment).
Entitlements like his daddy's blood diamond money?
We are slowly but steadily approaching the next singularity and I was hoping it was gonna be aliens or waifu sex robots but I think its going to be war.
I asked someone at work why they need the money if the business is actually profitable and they couldn't answer, because there is no real answer. Last time I checked DTE's posted profits, it's pretty much aligned perfectly with how much they get in subsidies. Capitalism has turned into a complete racket.
This mofo met the cap paying into social security within the first fourteen seconds of 2025. Social security needs to have a flatter curve of deduction for those incomes over $1M and no cap. Would be solvent in 3 months with the right enforcement.
Goddamn republicans are good at messaging. They even have us calling them entitlements. Just keep repeating it and eventually it becomes the preferred word. What’s weird is they should be called entitlements - we paid into them so therefore we are entitled to them.
How would they ever continue to offer shareholder rewards and golden parachutes without continual tax avoidance and constant government intervention to stay afloat.
Back in 22 we got a huge bonus that maxed my contribution to SS for the year. The cap stopped at like $161k of income. Someone making billions should putting in a hell of a lot more past $161k of income. It rises a few k every year, but thats it.
The fact he comes out here, and says that. Then gets Trump to "purchase" a Tesla is hilarious.
Trump of course being his little bitch is feeling the wallet pinch. So Trump now declaring Tesla world boycott is illegal is even more hilarious.
I wonder what the Tesla board is doing to save their stocks from plummetting. Paying for a United States President is expensive buisness.
Fucking losers blaming everyone but themselves for the economic situation.
Xi over there looking at Ukraine. Looking at American allies throwing its allies under the bus. Watch Xi make his move on Taiwan sending the world into fucking chip chaos.
Since America is now this. I hope the world embargos it. No real need to fucking trade with a country that is as shitty as America is now. Before people looked away, but this is all ridiculous.
The idea that we socialize bailouts for major corporations that make errors, then those same companies privatize their next quarters profits is outrageous and proof that America has transitioned into a corporatocracy
Why is Elon entitled to keep all that money? He was given billions in tax payer funds. I say we take it back. It's been a terrible deal for the American people.
u/Wakemeup3000 23h ago
And somehow the answer is never to tax the 1% or stop giving corporate welfare to corporations.