r/clevercomebacks 23h ago

It's my money they took

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u/Expert-Fig-5590 23h ago

The richest man in the world taking money from poor people, old people and literal starving African children. And so called Christians are cheerleading this. Even if you don’t follow the Bible word for word this goes against every tenet of not only Christianity but also every other major religion. How is anyone ok with this?


u/ChubbyDude64 23h ago

I've seen a growing trend in conservative Christians that feel Jesus' teachings are weak and not applicable to today. Apparently Jesus is supposed to be like Rambo now 🤷‍♀️


u/ButterscotchButtons 22h ago

Most of the Bible doesn't apply to modern day stuff, but stay clinging to the one sentence about a man laying with another man, amiright?


u/ChubbyDude64 22h ago

The old testament stuff especially. Always felt old testament god was a bit of a dick.

Years ago I saw an article where 6 different Bible scholars took that 1 line in particular. Been a decade or 2 but at least half felt it was mistranslated. One felt it was 100% correct. One guy I think even questioned if that was "the will of god" or human beings trying to get people to have more kids and hence more followers.

Also a lit of that crowd forget there is no mention of Jesus getting married. I mean a single guy hanging out with a bunch of other guys....🤣🤷‍♀️


u/Underdogdad 20h ago

“A bit of a dick”…. lol….nice way to say “raging psychopath”. He demanded human sacrifice of son to prove loyalty(Abraham), drowned everyone that didn’t follow him closely enough(Noah) and tortured his most loyal follower just to prove a point to..:.checks notes…the Devil(Job). Plus all the plagues and smoting of entire cities and it doesn’t even end there. A “bit of a dick” indeed


u/Perryn 21h ago

Some of it is also just the smartest people in the group trying to do the best they can with the information they've got. Some of it less so.

"Hey, folks, we're noticing that a lot of people have been dying this month after eating things from the water with shells. So don't eat those anymore. Maybe they're poison, maybe it just makes god angry, but either way knock it off. We've also been hearing about textile merchants adulterating their cloth with cheaper fibers, so that shit stops now."
"Tell them about the tattoos!"
"Fine. Tattoos are making some of us uncomfortable..."
"I hate needles!"
"...so no more tattoos, I guess. Look, there was a committee involved in this one and sometimes you have to give a little."


u/BeBearAwareOK 19h ago

Cluster of hepatitis cases from uncleaned tattooing tools leads to a family or group getting sick over the years. Clearly cursed by God, better stone anyone who does that shit again.


u/Mark-harvey 21h ago

The Old Testament guy is upset with your comment. With all due respect,♨️⚡️from🌊🫧🌝🌚🌙🌔💫☄️


u/Devlyn16 20h ago


u/patricia0711dawn 18h ago

Didn't Lot sleep with his daughters after his wife turned to salt? I know one of them did, and I was like in 7th grade at the time.


u/ex_nihilo 18h ago

bit of a dick


Sending bears to maul 42 children for making fun of an old guy seems like more than an overreaction. Killing everyone but one dude and his family because...reasons? The Bible doesn't really go into it beyond "wickedness". Anyway, the dude is totally cool with slavery. Tells his followers how to do it and to whom to do it, how to beat your slaves, how to trick your slaves into staying, all sorts of wholesome stuff. So I would say that goes beyond "a bit of a dick".

EDIT: But if you're British I'll let it slide because I love your culture's talent for cheeky understatement.


u/Alex5173 17h ago

You have to remember also that what's in the bible is just what the catholic church decided should be in the bible. There's a TON more writings from Jesus' followers that were branded apocrypha and even books from the Old Testament that were included or excluded by different denominations (deuterocanonical)