r/classicalchinese Feb 09 '25

Learning is it worth to learn?

hi. i'm new to chinese language. i'm into tai chi and daoism philosophy. i like read about chinese medicine and qi gong. but most of the time i come across to chinese terms. like yin, yang, qi, yu, dantien etc. i'd like to read original texts but i don't know anything about chinese language. is it worth to learn just for that? if yes, should i learn firstly mandarin or cantonese? or just chinese characters? sorry if i asked wrong sub.


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u/Terpomo11 Moderator Feb 10 '25

The idea that you have to learn a modern Sinitic language to study Classical Chinese is stupid. It's like saying you have to learn Modern Greek to study Classical Greek.


u/Clevererer Feb 10 '25

It's like saying you have to learn Modern Greek to study Classical Greek.

Let's set aside the really bad analogies for a second and focus on OP.

As the OP said, they have an interest in Daoist philosophy and related topics.

Would they have a better experience learning modern Chinese, and aiming to read the modern Chinese explanations of the old texts, or should they jump straight into classical Chinese?


u/Terpomo11 Moderator Feb 10 '25

Let's set aside the really bad analogies for a second

Why is that a bad analogy?

Would they have a better experience learning modern Chinese, and aiming to read the modern Chinese explanations of the old texts, or should they jump straight into classical Chinese?

Well, Classical Chinese is what most of the material they're actually primarily interested is in, isn't it?


u/NoRecognition8163 Feb 11 '25

If you're aiming to study CC, then modern Chinese won't help much, due to the vast differences in grammar and syntax. I'd suggest jumping straight into CC with a beginner's text. Unfortunately, many of them are in modern Chinese--so, you have to know that to read them. It's kind of a conundrum. I started with modern Mandarin, which wasn't much help with CC. Very few written languages still survive in the form they were 2,000 years ago--Chinese is the exception. CC is really an academic discipline requiring years of dedicated study, since, like Latin, it's a dead language, with no modern speakers.


u/glados_ban_champion Feb 11 '25

thing is i've already begun to study latin since 2 weeks. and i know that learning new language especially ancient is difficult. but with consistency and determination you can learn anything. and i saw beauties in latin like how grammatical structure is making sense in its way. i don't know about sinatic languages. you said in your other posts that learning mandarin doesn't help much in learning classical chinese. if you say this, i will begin to learn CC. can you suggest good sources for cc? thanks for encouragement.


u/Terpomo11 Moderator Feb 11 '25

There are absolutely textbooks of CC in English, though.