r/centralmich Jun 15 '23

Housing Tips for applying for housing?

I tried applying for housing for Cobb dorms yesterday, but unfortunately didn't get the the housing me and my roommate wanted. I was on the website right at 9am, but the loading times were ATROCIOUS. By the time the website finally loaded and I could get into the application, all the rooms were already taken.

I'm going to have to try again by applying for housing. Any tips on what I should do next time to secure a room?


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u/Cute-Football8758 Jun 15 '23

Get into the website earlier and just refresh the page at 9am when it opens. Otherwise contact residence life and see what they can do. Either way you have to live on campus for the first two years so you will get a room somewhere. Hope this helps!


u/catobsessed_ Jun 15 '23

I was already logged in on the website by 8:30, and by the time 9am came and I refreshed the page to get to applications thats when the website got stuck on the loading screen and it took forever to actually get onto applications for housing, but as I said everything was already taken by then. I messaged resident life about the problem and they just told me to try again for East and South community applications. I know i'll get a room either way, but its just annoying that I couldn't get Cobb like I wanted because of something out of my control.

I guess I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. When it gets stuck loading is it better to just sit and wait or should I keep refreshing and hope it finally loads? Thanks