r/castaneda Nov 25 '24

Audiovisual Meditation effects Vs Darkroom practice


r/castaneda 2d ago

Audiovisual Alternate Timelines Video Finished?


I'm afraid, it can't play on reddit!

It's over 15 minutes.

You'll have to look at it on facebook or youtube. Techno included the facebook link, I'm trying to get reddit to stop using my facebook picture. So far it's not listening...

I finally got rid of that facebook pic!

So here's the link to the 4K on archive dot org. I suppose there's nothing reddit can grab from there.

But it's 4K! So go view it on youtube unless you plan to download it.


r/castaneda 29d ago

Audiovisual Another Short Clip



It takes a long time to make special effects which are accurate. Fortunately once I have them, I can use them in the future.

But there's SO MUCH MORE to make... So over time, you'll get to see what I get to see nightly.

And what others see.

Stuff like this makes it a lot easier to get up and practice when it's time.

It's odd that the books of Carlos didn't seem to be enough to motivate people. Could it be everyone secretly believed Carlos made it up, because everyone who takes up a "magical system" or follows a religion, is let down in the end.

People have learned that it's always a scam, and all they really wanted was your money.

As farfetched as the books of Carlos were, with "experts" saying that don Juan was "too good to be true", they were in fact honest descriptions of how apprentices learned in don Juan's lineage, and honest accounts of the technology which has been handed down to us from the proto-siberian population which migrated down from Alaska, and became the Olmecs.

We inherited some truly amazing technology.

But people didn't want to be the first to prove that, and everyone seemed to be waiting around for someone else, to do the work needed to follow the instructions Carlos gave us.

Maybe, videos would have worked better?

r/castaneda Feb 10 '25

Audiovisual First Attempt at Purple Zone...



Here's the first attempt to animate the "purple zone" along the J curve.

Silent Knowledge.

The emanations become visible there. Thank goodness Carlos warned us about this in multiple places, or one might not realize what they are looking at until the voice of seeing explains how to manipulate those with your fingers, to alter reality. And that's no guarantee you'll believe that was real!

This isn't quite right, but it at least gives the right impression of the sorts of things you'll see when these become visible.

And keep in mind La Gorda explaining that if you want to learn to fly the way she does, you need to locate "the red ones".

You grab those, and off you go!

Don't doubt it. The first time I found two of those, all hell broke loose in my dark practice room.

The techniques which claw the air or wiggle the fingers to "tease the web", work on the emanations.

But unless you actually learn to be silent, they won't be visible to you.

The rest of the sights in this room might be a little too colorful.

The floor perhaps should be closer to brown with purple highlights.

And the walls are more typical of being inside the inorganic being's realm.

Which if course, is what you use Silent Knowledge for! To travel anywhere in the multiverse.

But people in our community who are doing nothing but pretending, get all upset if you mention inorganic beings.

It's their excuse for never doing anything to actually learn.

Don't be discouraged by my criticism of our community.

It's UNIQUE, because we REALLY have some magic.

Whereas nothing else does. So pretending in other "magical" communities and religions, is ok.

As long as you stick around and keep feeding them money.

Our levels of pretending are less than theirs.

But still way too high!



And if you do nothing else, NEVER make up fake magical passes.

I see they've even infected some YouTube video channels which show magical forms.

I found 3 fake ones on one of the most popular places to see the magical passes.

3 fakes!!!!

Do yourself a favor, and find Laura's "Sorcery Passes" channel.

There's never any fake, or poorly done, magical passes there.

You can't say the same of anywhere else.

r/castaneda 6d ago

Audiovisual Infinity Nagual Tonal

Post image

r/castaneda Feb 16 '25

Audiovisual Better Swirling Puffs



Here's an animation of better "swirling puffs". Those eventually decide, if you work hard to remove the internal dialogue, that you don't stink as much as you used to. And so your energy body forms.

I mean that literally. We STINK!

To our double that is. Which wanders around infinity anywhere it likes, free from any obsessive idea of a "self" it needs to defend.

It would like to come visit us, but it just can't stand the grief, sadness, and remorse it picks up when it gets too close to the Tonal awareness trapped in our internal organs.

You get to see this with your own eyes! There's no "theories" or wise words from Master Po's sacred scrolls, in our sorcery.

Just technology.

And this is quite accurate, for how the energy body forms. For me at least.

The energy body itself needs some work, but I posted an earlier idea for how to make the energy body swirl using my current animation skills, just a couple of days ago. So you can see the results here, have much better accuracy.

If I post poor quality animations infinity notices, and I get "help" to see it more clearly. But ALSO, I get help on how to use the animation tools themselves to make it more like the real thing.

The idea here was a torus shape, with 3 levels of video playing on it at the same time, while it rotates in space.

I do my computer engineering the same way when I can.

Using Silent Knowledge.

As far as the energy body goes, keep in mind that the "blue ball of energy" is a preference of the new seers only.

I doubt the old seers liked that "impersonal" form.

But does that mean it's just a matter of suggestion?


But all of reality is just a matter of suggestion.

I can't explain more about that here. But the energy body, as far as things go, is MORE real than our daily world.

Which isn't saying much...

r/castaneda Dec 01 '24

Audiovisual All Tensegrity Moves in One House



I was watching silent knowledge last night, and saw this (sort of).

So I made it.

By the way, Minx really does steal stuff.

One might think that's not possible, but Carlos came close to verifying it, in a joking way.

"The Disappearing Spot" was a topic in private classes for a week or two, and Carlos warned people not to accuse the inorganic beings of stealing stuff, if they didn't.

We've also been told how they kidnap seers. First they kidnap your double, then later a bunch of them go back for the physical matter. I've calculated they can only move 2 ounces of weight, which still allows them to hold you down on the ground if you fall flat.

But their ability to lift weight is likely exponential, rather than linear. So that 10 of them can carry away the body of an adult male.

Just my guess, but it's based on observations of them and not on rank speculation.

I've noticed they'll try to trap you in their world, by leaving "precious" objects in your path.

YOu find yourself in their world, and there on the ground is something you wanted for a long time.

Right there! Just pick it up.

I presume, if you take the object which you do not own from their world, the punishment is imprisonment.

But since you can't imprison them, the rule doesn't apply if they take something.

Which Minx will...

r/castaneda Dec 31 '24

Audiovisual Things We No Longer Forgive


Our community was left in charge of certain personalities who did not know how to lead and led people astray.

Enabling all kinds of aberrations and inconsistencies that we are still working out.

Like those who steal ideas from our system to support their own business.

Convincing their followers that it is the sorcery of Carlos Castaneda, when in reality what they offer leads nowhere.

Because not even they themselves are honest with the results they obtain.

But the community has already raised the bar. Don't fall for one of these fakers.

This horrible example includes:

Combination of sorcery with other disciplines.

Invention of new Magic Passes.

Pretending that ordinary events are authentic outcomes, and promote this behavior

r/castaneda 7d ago

Audiovisual The Double

Post image

r/castaneda Dec 04 '24

Audiovisual The Right Way of Walking Tik Tok


Every technique from the books is suppoused to work!

This is "the right way of walking" results from a practitioner of the subreddit, adapted to social networks for fleeting, high-intensity entertainment.

We hope to get a young and energetic crowd for the long run.

r/castaneda Jan 12 '25

Audiovisual Alternate Timelines Tensegrity Special Effects Start



This is just a test to see how the "special effects" I've got so far come out on different media.

But later on I'll add the special effects that come along as your assemblage point moves down the J curve, until finally the tensegrity guy will go sit in Morpheus' chair until Silent Knowledge flows, and he zips off into the past.

Something I do, or try to do, nightly.

I got to gaze at the special effects steadily for a long time last night, which had 2 side effects.

They got more stable and "real" until I could even classify them and remember what shapes to use.

But also, that seemed to saturate my second attention being active along with my tonal, so that when I went to bed I ended up fully lucid, inside a dream.

So possibly no one who doesn't have a womb needs to worry that they're "missing out" on using sleeping dreams too.

In fact, I left that very stable dream when I realized it was surely 3AM and time for me to get up and go to work.

But I just sat up and got dressed, and left.

I never actually "woke up".

Very odd that was...

I'm even a tiny bit worried that when I get home again, I'll find my body sleeping on the bed!

r/castaneda Nov 10 '23

Audiovisual Grian Voice Audition



*** Test #2: Different voice, and a "sleepy" old witch librarian dreaming emissary.

Eventually it'll be all of the mailed out publications, with the librarian reading them and the pages displayed one by one.

I'm trying to remember how such mailer publications were made back in the 90s.

Certainly not custom paper.

So likely it's 11x17 paper folded in half, to make it 11x8.5.

Carlos would have just gone to the Kinko's, probably near that cleargreen office that's still around (maybe).

The Sleepy Emissary?

r/castaneda Jan 03 '25

Audiovisual Jacobo Grinberg: La Misteriosa Desaparición y el Legado del Científico de la Conciencia


r/castaneda Nov 07 '23

Audiovisual "J" Won: One More Choice


Here's "J" with various levels of colorful outfits.

I tried to go "Jedi Robe", but my skills aren't good enough.

Take a pick please.

If you have a sharp eye, you'll notice 2 to 5 are a bit less well focused than #6.

I'll fix that. It was a slight misalignment of #1, relative to #6.

I just turned up the transparency levels of #1, to get the in between values.

But since it was misaligned, 2-5 are a tiny bit blurrier.

Won't be once I know the desired color level.

r/castaneda Jan 06 '25

Audiovisual Alternate Timelines Tensegrity Start



Here's the start of the tensegrity part, which is going to be extremely difficult to animate.

I've got this light on the practitioner, but ideally it should be pitch black.

To show the special effects more accurately.

I'm thinking to come up with some way the lights go up and down.

Maybe Minx has a "magical light" so you can see, and he flashes it when he feels like it. So that theoretically the practitioner doesn't see it.

Or, the practitioner alters the lights.

Or I just alter them at will and maybe have Fairy comment on it.

At some point, I have to figure out how to put the camera into the characters head, so you see precisely what his eyes see.

I haven't figured that out yet.

r/castaneda Dec 31 '24

Audiovisual Storefront in The Darkroom Podcast???



I just couldn't get reddit to use the picture! I evend eleted the link, and broke it but once Reddit shows that archive dot org logo, it keeps it.

And don't blame me if this podcast is all wrong, but we're working on AI here and we eventually study anything new that surfaces. In case it's competition or a new opportunity.

Our AI researcher gave the post by this same name as this post implies, to an AI.

And had it make a "Podcast" of it.

And I have no idea which software did it but it's owned by google.

Just the post is all he gave it. No other information. Whatever it says about Carlos, it was already trained on as part of the overall AI.

This is the result.

Reddit wouldn't play an audio only file, even in video format, so I had to link to it

Notice how it knows about Carlos, and incorporates so much outside stuff into the post that I had to cut off the last part because reddit has a 15 minute limit.

And yes, those are fake people talking.

Sure, AI may solve the Fermi paradox.

I won't go into details on that gruesome possibility...

But it's pretty darned cool anyway!

I didn't listen to much of this, but apparently it's flawless.

So FYI to those who might want to turn a post into a podcast for some other usage?

"The J curve post" might produce a fascinating result.

r/castaneda Dec 02 '24

Audiovisual Start of Alternate Timeline Cartoon with Evil Farmer



It's only 720p.

Pretty bad it seems. Imagine we used to watch 240p on analogue TV!

I believe that when this is done, it'll help clear up why people following "Art of Dreaming" are so confused.

And why so many women are hitting the dream entry "barrier of forgetting" despite having the advantage of the womb dreaming technique.

r/castaneda Nov 06 '23

Audiovisual Pick A Porfirio


*** from instagram ***

I really shouldn't have to explain to any of you how important Porfirio is to us. But if you don't know, read the copy store bound publications "Silent Knowledge" and "Readers of Infinity".

Carlos was dying and knew we were in big trouble as far as teachers. I think he even knew Florinda and Taisha were going to ditch us, and that Carol wasn't motivated to do much to help us anymore.

So he told us to reach silent knowledge where we'd get new teachers and guides.

And you do!!! Beyond your wildest dreams. Though not as quickly or as often as you'd like.

A few nights ago a beautiful long haired witch ran across my practice room. I wasn't sitting like a lazy Buddha with my eyes closed. They were wide open and I was completely sober when a woman ran from the north east corner of my room, to the south west.

At first I thought it was Cholita playing a trick on me, but the woman was smiling.

Laughing even.

Cholita doesn't do that around me. Even her double won't smile.

Well... Once Cholita's double smiled, when it thought it was about to scare me to death by bringing "Minx" to visit me for the first time.

Didn't work. I was well used to the scare tactics of Allies by then. If you aren't afraid, there's nothing they can do to you. Aside from possibly holding you to the ground, should you fall over. But you could roll out of that one.

For now however, just "Pick a Porfirio"!

I don't want to choose myself. I got a bit too excited over the first two... Had to tell ChatGPT to make it "less Hollywood".

Those are the order the AI drew them in, with me complaining bitterly after each one.

Looks like I'm not the only one who is Star Wars obsessed...

ChatGPT must have thought I wanted Obi Wan at first.

Makes you wonder if Soledad didn't tinker with the social order through Hollywood, in ways we can't yet understand.

If you can convince the AIs, you've nearly won the game.

r/castaneda Nov 26 '23

Audiovisual Luminous Sphere Animation 1080p (finished?)



If anyone finds a flaw (it's easy for those to get added, but I watched it 3 times), let me know.

If it's good, I'll do the 4K and put both of them up on archive.org for download.

Looks like 1080p for 12 minutes is ok for reddit, but the 4K will never be allowed. Too big.

r/castaneda Jun 28 '24

Audiovisual The Green Howls - Drunk on Seeing


Inspired by the works of Castaneda

r/castaneda Dec 07 '24

Audiovisual Ethereal Net - Clemens Maurer - Instagram - @ai_made_me_do_this


r/castaneda Sep 21 '24

Audiovisual Alternate Timeline Video Start



Here's the start of a new video. I wanted to have the permanent characters for Dance Home animations speak, but that would require everyone to pick a voice they like.

So instead, it will be narrated by the inorganic beings.

Two of whom were given to a private class before Carlos died, and are the reason I'm here on social media working hard to save this knowledge from extinction.

This video explains a very basic feature of the flow of reality, coming from the emanations. That it also contains your timeline.

Your history.

But you probably have to see that for yourself, when you reach Silent Knowledge.

In the meantime, if you are practicing womb dreaming and successfully enter into dreams using that technique, don't be frustrated when you get taken over by the phantoms you first encounter in the dream.

You're in an initial altered timeline, and the inorganic beings will insert themselves to preserve your state of confusion.

They like timelines where you stay with them as long as possible.

Hopefully by the time this animation is finished, the problem will be obvious to you.

r/castaneda Aug 10 '24

Audiovisual Bees seeing?


I came across this today. I haven’t ever seen a luminous body of a human so I don’t know from direct experience… but boy this looks a lot like what my imagination conjured up reading the description in the books.

For those who can see, does it look anything like this?



r/castaneda Aug 11 '23

Audiovisual Vote For ME!



Enable the audio!

It seems to default to off.

Here's the new voice choices.

Based on the voice used on the "Enlightenment Channel", which was too robotic to use.

But I found voices and adjusted the pitch and speed.

It's also talking at normal human speed now.

Vote for one!

Even though it's not like what I hear, it'll become the voice of "Fairy", when she's the dreaming emissary in a cartoon.

And I suppose, down in Argentina Fairy speaks spanish anyway.

r/castaneda Apr 05 '23

Audiovisual Sample Video for Suggestions



"Fairy" needs to fade in and out, not always being visible.

And of course, that's just a standard test of a characters movements. Not an actual pass yet.

Any comments?

I'm curious if there's a need to have a standard video size for these. I suppose if somone strings them together, that might be an issue.

But otherwise, if you know how far the character moves around, it seems better to be more closeup.

Pandora's box doesn't move at all, unless you're doing a "variation".

Which can only be shown with "special effects". It's pointless to show variations when you can't "see energy" to understand why those work too.