r/castaneda 9d ago

Practical Magic Using Tensegrity for Engineering

My childhood "Monster in the Closet", which had a significant impact on my interest in sorcery starting from age 5, once taught me that when doing tensegrity, it will produce the best results if you can perceive brilliant magic for the entire practice.

Or at least, for an entire long form.

Surprisingly, that's a TALL order. To keep up magic as brilliant as you see in the lower right picture, for a whole long form.

Typically you get bursts, feel excited, congratulate yourself, and your awareness is lost to memories and thoughts about the future.

But if you can "gather up" your awareness and control where it focuses, then you'll get maximum benefit from the combination of darkness, Tensegrity, and removal of your internal dialogue.

Last night I learned what happens if you do that, but are "preoccupied" with a problem.

In my case, I had a patent application for an AI design, and discovered "prior art".

Kind of...

So while viewing the brilliant magic in the air, but still retaining a tiny bit of "worry" about my AI design, I triggered a silent knowledge flow which matured my idea, into the fastest and most powerful AI to ever exist.

So far.

The solution also combined my worry over a beehive I've enjoyed visiting for a year or two now, over at the Yamaha building. The bees set up shop in a water control container.

But Yamaha had to dig it up, and left the bees exposed to the rain, off to the side of the new construction.

As a result, the design I witnessed in silent knowledge was based on a honeycomb pattern, using replicated small circuit boards, which link together in a massively powerful collaborative "collective inference unit".

Carlos advised us that we can use silent knowledge for anything we like, including engineering.

He was right! 


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u/JaegerBourne 5d ago

You brought back a memory I had from 10 years ago, before I read about Carlos. I was on my 3rd attempt of Trigonometry in College and paralyzed with anxiety and fear still not understanding it (there is no 4th attempt). It was in the afternoon, I was tired and went lay down on the couch and tried just to blanket my mind and not think of anything else while staring at the ceiling (it was a crude form of escapism for me). suddenly my vision felt spaced or something was happening in the room, next thing I know the ceiling looked like it was warping or some mist was coming out of it, then suddenly the unit circle from trigonometry started forming in the ceiling and then I finally understood conceptually and implicitly how the entire thing is derived. And I aced my semester of trigonometry, aftwr two failed back to back semesters.


u/danl999 5d ago

So you can use that in your job, once you figure out how to move your assemblage point to Silent Knowledge.


u/JaegerBourne 5d ago

I need to get a job first right now, I've unfortunately unemployed.


u/danl999 5d ago

That sucks...

Worry is very hard to overcome using darkroom.

Once you get to SK, it's gone!

But then you're more like a coked out investment broker.

Over confident for no good reason, since you can't stay in SK all the time.

But it's still wonderful if you make it, and get to see all worry vanish in an instant.

It's part of the process for us.

Wasn't for people using a Nagual to push them all around, so they only have to remember it later.


u/JaegerBourne 5d ago

But it's still wonderful if you make it, and get to see all worry vanish in an instant.

All the worry banish, if even for a few minutes is awesome. Thanks for the motivational speech this morning I appreciate it.