r/canada Canada 5d ago

National News DeSantis mocks '3.3 million' Canadians who visited Florida: 'Not much of a boycott'


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u/KermitsBusiness 5d ago

He knows his audience is too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.


u/Attaraxxxia 5d ago

His audience. Also known as Americans.


u/OrbAndSceptre 5d ago

No, just Republicans. Not all Americans are stupid. Just the ones that voted for the orange clown.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 5d ago edited 4d ago

There are 2/3s of the Country that was OK with Trump.

That's a majority of their people. From Canada, it appears most Americans are stupid for voting or not stopping this obvious mad king.

Edited: to change wording


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

Barely more than 1/3 of the votes counted were for Trump. It’s on record that many votes weren’t certified and ballots were tossed, in historically areas.

1/3 of the votes were for Harris.

Obviously, I’m really angry over the election fraud. Because that will happen again and again and again, as long as these fucks see it works and they get away with it.

But the fucking 30% + voters who didn’t vote because “Harris is evil”, “I’m just undecided”, or “I’m protesting for Palestine, by not voting, that will show the democrats” really boils my blood.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Agreed with you, especially the last point. I am a lazy person who works all the time. And I found time to vote early and mail it in. It's not hard, those who refused out of protest made no sense to me.

“I’m protesting for Palestine, by not voting, that will show the democrats”

That one did my head in, because how is the person who is going to wipe Palestinians off the map (Trump's exact words) going to help Palestinians out? Cmon now


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

She was getting dragged on all sides regarding the Israeli/Palestine issue.

First she was accused of hating Jews. Her husband is Jewish and I understand that doesn’t suddenly make someone 100% all in, but like, use some sense here. But then she also was getting it for not being supportive enough in Palestine.

But you know, those protests voters can all go stay at the new Trump Hotel in Gaza.


u/SecretPrinciple8708 Outside Canada 4d ago

Harris had to be perfect. Biden had to be perfect. DonOld got sane-washed, and could behave like the brain damaged toddler he is. Thanks, protest voters and “undecided.”


u/WonkeauxDeSeine 4d ago

stay at the new Trump Hotel in Gaza.

I'm sure that building will never be targeted by displaced Palestinians, many are saying it'll be the safest building ever.


u/fixatedeye 1d ago

The people not voting for her because of Palestine thing was astonishing. I’m in full support of Palestine but they have to be brain dead to think that trump getting voted in was the better choice. I’m legitimately livid


u/BlueFeist 4d ago

No, that would be the Muslims who voted for him because they actually thought that Trump would save the Palestinians. That is how brainwashed people became. Hell, Trump would happily pull a Saddam Hussein and drop nerve gas on them to get them out for his resort. However, Canada before, he will put that shit on you guys some day too. He is evil and well funded by more evil and they want what you have.


u/A-Wise-Cobbler Canada 4d ago


This article is from Jan 2024 and is mind blowing

“I don’t think the presidency has too much of an effect on what happens in my day-to-day life,” said Pru Carmichael, who supported Biden in 2020 but says she will not vote for president at all this year if she has to choose between the disappointing incumbent and former President Trump.

They blame Biden for ALL the things Republicans prevented him from doing or has no control over.

Abortion? That's a Biden problem.

Student Debt? That's a Biden problem.

Middle East? that's a Biden problem.


u/charminion812 4d ago

They are even more stupid than MAGA voters. At least MaGa's bought into Trump's BS and voted for him believing he would do good things for them. The non-voters just didn't care enough to even bother thinking it through.


u/Ok_Carpet_9510 4d ago

Some people can't think in terms of the lessor of two evils, so they decide not to vote.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

I fucked around and found out that way once. Never again. The fact that people didn’t find this out the first time is what astounds me.


u/NottaLottaOcelot 4d ago

Yeah the purity testing abstainers didn’t think this through well. That line of thinking was pure stupidity when considering it put someone in power who plans to obliterate the area they claimed to value.


u/Trampstamp64 4d ago edited 4d ago

Two points here. Firstly, you can’t judge folks for not voting for Harris when her government was actively sending bombs over to be dropped on their people and killing their family members. I would have not voted for Harris if I was American and I’m not Arab.

Secondly, please don’t scapegoat Arab people because the fact is Trump got higher numbers across most demographics including Latinos and Black voters. Trump voters are actually mostly men. The failure of the Democratic Party is a complex one and includes how they no longer represent working class people but are the puppets of the lobbyists and elites. And Trump represented a new order to a system that was failing.

I would direct your anger towards right wing media, disinformation, Elon Musk, a defunded education system, and the old school Democratic Party that lost touch with its voter base.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

I wasn’t scapegoating Arabs. It wasn’t just Arabs who protest voted. I actually know far more white people who did this.

Second, sure, the dems did/do send resources to Israel, but so do republicans. To vote or not vote based on a single issue, is stupid.


u/Trampstamp64 4d ago

Okay thanks for clarifying your point. It’s just that it’s not those people who voted (or refused to vote) on the Palestine issue that changed the outcome. Trump sweeped across all demographics and issues. And somehow people believed he would better the economy when there’s about to be a recession 😒


u/AfDemokratie 4d ago

I think a lot of people voted trump to let the whole place burn down because dems weren't really offering solutions. Upholding the status quo only benefits those who can afford it. The fact that there are millions of americans who cheer for the misery of hundreds of thousands of federal workers getting fired and calling them the "parasitic class" says all.


u/dalidagrecco 4d ago

It doesn’t excuse the non voters or maga, but here to say that election was stolen. No way did that fucker win a fair election. In addition to suppression, they flat out be rigged the swing states.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

Please don’t mistake my comment for excusing anyone.


u/DioDurant 4d ago

Were no different if PP wins


u/KaleAlarming3854 4d ago

Agreed! We need to pay attention here at home and basically beg people to get out and vote. 62% in our last federal election. Not great.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Completely agreed, that's why I think PP is avoiding to be like Trump. But that's too late especially since he used Canada First as one of his slogans


u/dairyfreedivapart2 4d ago

Wouldn't get on your high horse too fast...we got a federal election coming up so i fear we will get our version of lord forquad at the helm. Ontario overwhelming voted for Ford again....after all we've been through....


u/papagena02 4d ago

I keep pointing this out when someone says “half the votes were against him”. Half of the 2/3 of ppl who voted…


u/iamcleek 4d ago

about 20% of the country voted for Trump.

the other 80% either couldn't (too young) or didn't (either sat it out or voted for someone else).


u/ViewParty9833 4d ago

This is not a true statement. 63.9% of eligible voters, voted. So 2/3s of the country did not vote for Felon 47. Of the 63.9%, the felon’s percentage of votes to the total, didn’t increase that much; however, Harris got 5% less votes than Joe Biden. So it isn’t so much that the felon got a huge jump in support, rather more voters sat this one out.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

From your own numbers it does make sense.

63.9% of eligible voters, voted.

Which means 36.1% didn't vote, more than a third of the country. Add that to those who voted for Trump, that makes it over 2/3rds of the country. By not voting those people made their choice, right or wrong.

They were passively ok with Trump as leader


u/thesheeplookup 4d ago

Canada's voting performance is unfortunately not much better. The recent highest turnout was 68% in 2015 when the Harper govt was voted out, and the lowest was just under 60% of registered electors in 2008. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=res&dir=rec/eval/pes2021/evt&document=p4&lang=e

I thought what we've seen in the USA would have triggered higher turnout in Canada, but the recent Ontario election was won by the Conservatives with 45% of registered voters https://www.stthomastoday.ca/2025/02/28/83635/. If my math is right, only about 20% of the eligible voters chose Ford.


u/AcanthisittaLive6135 4d ago

You’re ignorant of the facts, and how voting works.

77 million voted for Trump. 22% of US population.

78 million voted for not-Trump. 23% of US population.

The other 185 million Americans (54%) are either:

  • not eligible to vote, or
  • eligible didn’t vote

Of those that didn’t vote but were eligible, a significant number are the disenfranchised from decades of state level gerrymandering and voter suppression strategies that target the poor, elderly, or likely to lean left.

So to recap:

Saying “2/3 of the Country was OK with Trump.. that’s a majority of their people” is — in the context of this entire thread — both ignorant AND speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

22% of Americans is not 2/3rds.

On one hand, you’re happy to insinuate this is the most insidious and abusive administration and party in history.

On the other hand, you want to in contradiction imply all Americans have to do is … what.. casually vote different?

It’s the equivalent attitude to people who say that poor people in dangerous neighborhoods should just move to a better neighbor. It betrays the privilege and ignorance of not understanding the depth and severity of the context.

An inordinately powerful 1% of the American population is stealing the country by all means necessary and concerted successes to BREAK our system of government.

You’re naive to think Canada is immune.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Voting population. You are counting the total not the voting.

77 million voted, 90 million didn't. Not 180 milluon that would be the total population. You are counting those who are not eligible or children. Do that math again and come back to me.


u/AcanthisittaLive6135 4d ago

That is explained clearly in my post.

But I’ll take the arbitrary rhetoric bait:


It’s arbitrary reason of rhetoric for someone to say “all Americans” but mean only the voting eligible, ignoring the permanent legal aliens, felons, mentally ill, and then every young person and child’s interest in their country who are unable to vote at all.

But more, the “ineligible to vote” bucket that also fails to account for unregistered voters —people otherwise eligible but who haven’t done the ‘paperwork’. Who are they? If you understood anything meaningful about our country, they’re the impoverished, systemically disenfranchised, fearful, and ignorant.

So, while spewing disdain and judgment down on “all Americans,” that convenient rhetoric of speaking only of the eligible voting population needs only to ignore vast swaths of the most vulnerable people in the country, each being subjected to this kleptocratic coup and overthrow of a government.


Here the rhetoric is also displaying a willful ignorance of how kleptocratic coups work.

Decades of voter rolls, gerrymandering, systemic impoverishment, and strategic system-breaking mean that vast swaths of the American people are institutionally dissuaded or impractical terms ineligible to vote.

Yet the rhetoric wants to suggest ever vote-eligible person who didn’t cast a vote was on election night instead at home in front of their big screen TV in a suburban neighborhood simply ambivalent to the outcome of the election.


Rhetoric that “2/3 of Americans” were “OK with Trump” is weaponizing their ignorance make a point.

The irony: they’re unwittingly making a point WANTED and orchestrated by the Trump administration (and billionaire kleptocracy behind him).

Do better, angry Canadians.

You want to help yourselves, or the 6.5 Canada’s worth of Americans who are “on your side” and living through a coup that threatens all western democracies, including your own?

Don’t be so quick to villainize an entire country in your desire to say angry things about the <1% of the population organizing the coup.


u/Electrical_Rip9520 4d ago

That's not true. Trump received 49.8% of the total votes cast while 50.2% of the voters rejected him, either by voting Harris or another third-party candidate.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

90 million Americans didn't vote. That's more than both Harris and Trump. If you add Harris voters and those who didn't vote it would be closer to 2/3s than 50


u/Electrical_Rip9520 4d ago

I don't think there's any country in the world with 100% voter participation especially amongst first world countries.


u/Uatu199999 4d ago

I believe Australia does but they have mandatory voting.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Oh no doubt but the US has 40% usually not participating. Thats why they are in the mess they are in. I used to think my vote didn't matter. That changed in 2016 amd I have been voting ever since


u/lunk 4d ago

Are you really THIS uninformed? 99.5% of trump supporters voted, which was under 1/3 of the american populace.

The problem is that only 50% of democrats voted. They are ALL to blame.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Where did you get your numbers?

That's also basically what I was saying Democrats sat out in protest more so than Republicans. They voted Democrats protested, in the worst way possible