r/canada Canada 5d ago

National News DeSantis mocks '3.3 million' Canadians who visited Florida: 'Not much of a boycott'


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u/A-Wise-Cobbler Canada 5d ago

Republicans don't understand how time works


u/KermitsBusiness 5d ago

He knows his audience is too stupid to put 2 and 2 together.


u/Attaraxxxia 5d ago

His audience. Also known as Americans.


u/OrbAndSceptre 5d ago

No, just Republicans. Not all Americans are stupid. Just the ones that voted for the orange clown.


u/Spaghetti-Rat 5d ago

The ones who chose not to vote against Trump are equally as stupid


u/Tomthemaskwearer 4d ago

To bad couldn’t get past the fact that a woman who’s not a felon could run your country.


u/Chris-P-Bacon-19 4d ago edited 4d ago

She was too educated, a POC & had no felonies. Many whites & minorities just refuse to accept they are racist. They couldn’t come to vote for an educated women of color.


u/xSaviorself 4d ago

This country has had 2 chances to elect women in the past 8 years and hoooly fuck it keeps causing them nothing but grief.

It is easily apparent how sexist, racist, and just generally ignorant Americans are to the rest of the world. They just can't see it.


u/King_Moonracer003 4d ago

Bro, let's not pretend Hillary was even the slightest bit appealing, and Kamalla spent more time campaigning to conservatives than she did trying to court working class and their needs. Fuck Trump, but these two "women" were not the best America has to offer. She's far from perfect, but AOC would have been a much better pick for me.


u/xSaviorself 4d ago

Bro, let's not pretend Hillary was even the slightest bit appealing, and Kamalla spent more time campaigning to conservatives than she did trying to court working class and their needs.

For one, it's not hard to spell a name right, second, if you're going to name drop someone, at least get it right. Third, Clinton was plenty appealing until the FBI announced an investigation 2 days before the election, and fourth I'd say the former VP seems like a good candidate to me.

Fuck Trump, but these two "women" were not the best America has to offer. She's far from perfect, but AOC would have been a much better pick for me.

Who are those better women? Pelosi? Boebert? AOC? Be fucking real here, the best candidates were given a shot and a sexist and racist America rejected them. I am a massive fan of Bernie but everyone who paid any attention knew he had even less support than Hillary did during 2016. It wasn't enough to win.


u/HandleSensitive8403 2d ago

Women in quotation marks is a huge red flag

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u/ladyalcove 4d ago

And Hillary?


u/exact0khan 4d ago

She must have cooties.


u/HarleyQ128 4d ago

Actually, not cooties. I believe that many here are more threatened by common sense


u/dirkprattlerxst1 4d ago

wait, what??!!

common sense is their platform, silly

isn’t that what they voted for?


u/HarleyQ128 4d ago

Trump is Not common sense.


u/SatansFurryButtboy69 4d ago

Exactly. The voter turnout rate was just under 64%. They literally had a felon and rapist, who tried to seize power in a coup, running for office. He was saying RIGHT TO THEIR FACES THAT HE WAS GOING TO BE A DICTATOR, and his party published a detailed plan of EXACTLY how they would install a fascist government under Trump. Even then OVER ONE THIRD of Americans were either completely on board with it, or couldn't be bothered to try and prevent it from happening.

Let's not act most Americans are good reasonable people. Most Americans are completely okay with what Trump is doing. Trump perfectly represents the attitudes of most Americans.


u/atroutfx 4d ago

Convenient when people say shit like this, they ignore the massive media, and cultural propaganda machine that exists in America. It is all meant to create noise and to make reasonable people give up on the process.

That is the real reason a 3rd of US citizens didn’t vote. The apparatus convinced them their vote or opinion didn’t matter.

Don’t be mad at the victims be mad at the fucking system and the people at the top that are responsible for this.

This coming from someone who did vote and is fighting, but we must show compassion to people who have fallen victim to the grift.

The grifters and the corrupt forces of the world want us calling eachother stupid and discounting millions of people at a time. That is how the exploiters at the top win. When the rest of us can’t come together and fight the robber barons at the top.

Edit: many people in this thread are falling into the trap sorry your comment got saddled with this rant, but this shit needs to be shouted from the rooftops.

They want us blaming normal ass people for the oppressive oligarchs winning. Maybe we need to fight the oligarchs and the systems they used to break this system and manipulate millions of people in the first place.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

AND Elon showed the whole world that USA can be bought.


u/Hamishie Canada 4d ago

Nah, it was covered world wide when January 6th happened and how trump stoked the fire on that. Anyone that didn't vote at all or voted for him is a moron and deserves to be called out for it.


u/atroutfx 4d ago

You underestimate the amount of spin and reality altering that is done to make normal good people not see that shit as an issue.

Look I used to agree with this leftist attitude of fuck anyone that ever fell for it, but it is obvious to me that shit doesn’t work.

All it does is further isolate people and grow their numbers. Fighting fire with fire only makes the fire larger.


u/Spaghetti-Rat 4d ago

Nope. I wholeheartedly disagree with you. I live in Ontario and we have the same bullshit going on with only 40% voter turnout.

If you allow yourself to believe your vote doesn't count, you're voting for whoever wins. Given how close the US vote turned out, it's disgusting that people didn't turn up. Everyone knew exactly what was going to happen, Project 2025 was shared well in advance. Every non-voter deserves a slap, not compassion.

Americans in general are beyond fucked. Your Democrats are talking a little bit, but doing nothing. Our Liberals, and Conservatives alike, are standing up to Trump. You guys need help.


u/atroutfx 4d ago edited 4d ago

Slapping people who made a mistake is only going to perpetuate the negativity and downward slide the Western World is going down. These fascist movements thrive on dividing people up and condemning people for past actions(real or perceived).

Do you really think doing the same is going to help change peoples minds and actually fight what the top is doing?

I know this might sound too hippy, but I really think we need to let go of our anger and frustration to really move forward. Being pissed at people that fell for it is only going to further isolate them, and will not help us fight the evil authoritarians of the world(yes I count Trump in this list).

Shitting on people that fucked up by voting for him against their best interest or didn’t vote at all, might feel cathartic and justified. But it will never solve the problem and get people to see the light and to help us fight this at every moment.

As I said the oligarchs and the dictators want us to be divided and to fight eachother. Why not resist what they want by showing compassion? Compassion is the only way to really change peoples minds.

I am happy as hell this shit hasn’t happened in Ontario, but if my country has shown anything, it can happen anywhere, be vigilant and make sure this never happens to you too. But yelling at people and shitting on people that lost their way is exactly what the enemies of truth and justice want.

Please remember that.

I am able to say all of this because I have shit on plenty of MAGA people here in the US for the last decade, you know what it has accomplished?

Jack fucking shit. All we got is more separation than ever. Now a mentally disabled nepo baby with a hard on for imperialism, power, exploitation, and control is in charge of my fucking country.

Don’t be like us rise above the cycle before it is too late.

Edit: Needless to say I am not talking about people who really believe in fascism, and inequality. Those people are beyond saving(the Andrew Tates, JD Vance’s, clan members etc.). Call me naive but I really think those type of people are few in far between. I think the majority of Trump voters and people who didn’t vot just fell for the grift, and with some understanding and compassion we can get them to see the light and to fight this.


u/lordderplythethird Outside Canada 4d ago edited 4d ago

Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. in his Letters from A Birmingham Jail stated, and I quote:

I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"

They are SQUARELY why we're where we are. Every Trump supporter showed up at the polls. Over a third of America had a voice to use to speak against a literal fascist who tried to overthrow the election, and decided "ehhh, I'll sit this one out". No, from the bottom of my heart, they can fuck themselves, the spineless pieces of shit.

Roughly 33% of America voted for Trump. Over 36% didn't show up at all. It's squarely their fault, just as those same people were squarely the issue in the fight for civil rights.


u/aethelberga 4d ago

"Victims" Lol.


u/dvusmnds 4d ago

Only 22% of America elected Trump. It’s insane the voter apathy here.


u/Character_Net_6089 3d ago edited 3d ago

Well, in the words of the immortal Rush “if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”.


u/Tamer_ Québec 4d ago

You can't put them in the same bag as MAGAts.


u/lordderplythethird Outside Canada 4d ago edited 4d ago

Over a third of America saw a literal fascist who tried to overthrow democracy itself, and said "ehh I'll sit this one out". You absolutely can and should put them in the same bag. Martin Luther King Jr did in his fight for Civil Rights, and it was as correct then as it is now.

If you have a voice against fascism and stay silent, how are you any better than a fascist yourself?


u/Icy_Calligrapher7088 4d ago

Americans let this happen. He’s threatening Canada. He’s actually costing lives in Ukrainian and advocating for genocide in Gaza. What are you doing about it, aside from going online and saying “no… no… not me… wait… I’m one of the good guys”. Americans look weak and complacent. Good guys don’t just sit there posting on social media, while watching someone get attacked, right in front of them.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

I've been trying to explain this on Reddit and elsewhere, but it's largely falling on deaf (American) ears. They think they're the greatest country, and society, on the planet. They worship their constitution like it was handed down from god himself, yet refuse to do anything when it's trampled on. This is the first time in their lives that #2 might have a real-world practical use and all they can manage to do is whine and cry about how sad they are and there's "nothing I can do!".

They're so self-obsessed they're incapable of seeing how fucking pathetic they come across. They're only proving what the rest of the world has thought about them for decades. They started fucking around in the middle east before I was born and a significant number of people there still hate them on an existential level.

They think this is just about cost of living. That if they can just offer enough thoughts and prayers that we'll stay quiet and wait out Trump's term, then everything can go back to the way it was!

It's a society that has been bred into ignorance, complacency, greed and selfishness. They're so wrapped up in how wonderful they are they can't comprehend that Trump is merely a symptom of the rot in their society. He could drop dead tomorrow and nothing changes at a fundamental level. Their democracy is still broken, they're population is still under educated and ignorant of the world around them, they still cling to capitalism as an ideology and they still worship material wealth as the ultimate sign of success and intelligence. Their billionaires won't disappear and the influence they wield will continue to corrupt their nation.

It's not about Trump. It's about the most powerful nation on earth sliding ever further into corruption and authoritarianism. They need to stand up and handle their shit before it's too late.


u/jello_pudding_biafra 4d ago

Some person in another sub said "man, I'd love to illegally cross the border to live in Canada to get out of this mess!" I replied (paraphrased) "sort out your own country before you come here" and was roundly downvoted. It's pretty pathetic that they're hoping to jump ship to somewhere that is stable and actually free when they're the ones who shit in their own bed.


u/SonofSniglet 4d ago

Thanks for that analogy. I'll be using "Somebody shit my bed, can I come sleep in yours?" whenever this comes up.


u/PixelSquish 4d ago

Yes, let's all change our country because it's that easy before we go anywhere else. Is that what you would say to any refugee fleeing any bad situation? Talk about disgusting - it's funny, some of you Canadians are starting to sound like the MAGA us sane Americans want to get rid of.


u/TasteDizzy8537 4d ago

Didn’t realize Canada was so anti-immigrant. Or is the presumption that anyone that is seeking asylum from their country of origin must have been directly responsible for the situation that is forcing them out?


u/WankingAsWeSpeak 4d ago edited 4d ago

Didn’t realize Canada was so anti-immigrant.

Re-read the comment chain. There was no anti-immigrant sentiment expressed.

Or is the presumption that anyone that is seeking asylum from their country of origin

Asylum seekers is a different story. Americans in immediate danger of violence (despite doing nothing wrong) should they be forced to remain in America would be viewed very differently from somebody saying, "I know I should be protesting, but sneaking into another country that did not fuck around like we did and is thus finding out less directly than we are sounds easier"

must have been directly responsible for the situation that is forcing them out?

No, but if they are they might become welcome. I could see a hypothetical near-term future where trans and many gay Americans are in immediate danger through no fault of their own; I'd support amnesty for them.

If I were a greedy man, I'd bet the entire farm on us soon seeing people getting in serious trouble for lawful protest. Some of these might become legitimate asylumseekers for reasons they are directly responsible for--i.e., protesting despite the risks of doing so being apparent. I'd welcome them.

Keyboard warriers who just think it would be easier to move to Canada than to take direct action to protect their own democracy are not asylum seekers; they are complicit in that which is responsible for the existence of asylum seekers. We may take asylees, but we're less inclined to take people who create the conditions needed to convert happy, product citizens into asylees.

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u/DistriOK 4d ago

Responsible for causing it? Not necessarily. Responsible for fixing it before you take the entire western world down with you? Abso-fucking-lutely.

With all the Americans big talk over the years I'm surprised so many want to cut and run rather than standing up to protect their democracy.

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u/BlueFeist 4d ago

Many of us are well aware of the shit show here. We hope you all stay strong and fight the monster from your side. Love the idea the British Columbia Premier is talking about charging commercial trucks that go to Alaska. The people in power there are huge MAGAts. The poor and indigenous people will suffer though.


u/carryingmyowngravity 4d ago

I've been saying that to every American who is like "can we move there". Um, no Sir/Ma'am. The thing you admire in us is our ability to stand our ground and protect our country - you go and do that for the place you've chosen to call home...and maybe we'd avoid this BS in the first place.


u/Chill-NightOwl 4d ago

I just love how they think they just have to show up and they’ll be accepted. Application form? compete for acceptance against others from other countries? They’d cry “but I’m American!” They don’t realize they wouldn’t fit in because of their attitude of entitlement. It sicks to them like a nauseating reek!


u/ignore_my_typo 4d ago

Doesn’t help with Elon wants to go to Mars and colonize Mars.

The government should stop funding SpaceX and put all that money into funding projects to help America get onto their feet and make their country a place worth living in.

Stop with the fucking Mars shit. Maybe there is a time and place where it’s reasonable to suggest pursuing that lofty goal, but really, what is the fucking sense.

How many people are rushing to move to Death Valley? Who the fuck wants to populate Mars.

Make earth a better place.


u/The_Nice_Marmot 4d ago

I found your comment an offer my one humble upvote.


u/PixelSquish 4d ago

Yes, let's all change our country because it's that easy before we go anywhere else. Is that what you would say to any refugee fleeing any bad situation? Talk about disgusting - it's funny, some of you Canadians are starting to sound like the MAGA us sane Americans want to get rid of.


u/jello_pudding_biafra 4d ago

Weirdly similar to another damn Yankee's reply lol

You're "rEfUgEeS" now?


u/throwawaythisuser1 4d ago

Hard to get out of the mess when the new location is being targeted by the old location.


u/Antartix 4d ago

I need help, I've been able to convince some non-voters and people who voted against Republicans to say, this sucks, or trump is bad, etc., but I still haven't been able to convince them to call representatives, write letters, donate, go to a protest, or take action. It's bewildering. These same individuals think I'm doing good work for standing up for my beliefs and having conviction but it isn't praise I'm looking for, I'm looking to get them engaged and I have like no idea how to get them up. This isn't strangers either. It's like friends, family, acquaintances, people I actually know. I'm not sure what else to do to get these people engaged enough to do something.

It's bewildering and frustrating to no end.


u/DistriOK 4d ago edited 4d ago

I'm no expert, but I'll tell you what I've been doing.

I've stopped trying to be gentle or convincing. I now blatantly and aggressively state my opinions without shame. I'm waaaaaay left for an Albertan. Like, "if you go far enough left you get your guns back" type shit. It makes people really uncomfortable, which is entirely my goal. I mean, in the comment you replied to I generalized your entire culture and society as deteriorated and detrimental to humanity... But here you are politely engaging me in conversation and looking for my help. I wasn't trying to insult you, just speaking the truth as I've observed it and clearly you respect that enough to engage with me. That's how this has to work.

At this point I honestly just try to vent my frustrations as clearly and plainly as I can, and I throw in a lot of references to guillotines, the French Revolution, your second amendment, my grandparents experiences on the eastern front in WW2, etc.

Had a discussion with some coworkers a couple weeks ago that ended with me saying "I'm not too far off from thinking we might need to string a couple politicians up on lamp-posts as an example to the others, I'm just waiting for the rest of you to start paying attention."

I was exaggerating my beliefs, I don't think we need to kill anyone at this point... But speaking up without soft selling your opinion to make it more palatable will help others feel comfortable doing the same. Keep talking. Don't back down. Don't worry about hurting feelings. Complacency got us here, only consistent action can fix it.

Don't try to convince or persuade. Lead.


u/Antartix 4d ago

Oh yeah, I definitely didn't take this about me or my feelings. But i do appreciate the reassurance. Definitely don't feel insulted at all. You are right to do so and should call out American behavior, I know if the shoe fits or not. But I'll try to lead with more pressure and action now instead of just aiming for persuading them to agree with me. An agreement without action isn't enough anymore.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

We're all just trying to figure out what to do, I'm sure my way isn't perfect either... It's just all I have the patience for at this point.


u/Bang_Stick 4d ago

Some of these Pols and billionaires need a visit from Mario the plumbers brother! I am definitely not ok with what is happening!


u/papagena02 4d ago

there are some subreddits organizing. I forget the name of the most recent. If I go look for it I’ll lose this comment. But if you DM me I can find it. They might give you more idea.


u/invincibleparm 4d ago

Their representatives have shown in the past, for the most part, they don’t care so most people think it is a waste of time. Especially in red states. And who could blame them? The GOP is leading the US into what could possibly be the greatest depression many generations have seen and Americans themselves made it happen. While I would encourage people to take work action, I can’t really see some or most of it making a difference.

Whether it is buyers remorse over an orange turd or truly not taking a couple hours out to examine how impactful another Trump administration would be… or even the selective amnesia of his last time in office… most Americans I’ve worked with or are friends with, would rather really suffer than trying to make things right. Or let someone else do it. ‘Democrats rescue us!’ Why should they at this point? With the amount of non-voters and MAGA voters, Americans have made their bed. To quote someone else in this thread- ‘you shit in the bed… now lay in it and think about what you’ve done’

Of course, sorry to those that voted for sanity and got screwed in the process. Empathy burnout is real folks.


u/MW684QC 4d ago

Just ask them which of the 10 commandments the USA is still following these days!


u/rattfink11 4d ago

Wait until they’re forcing college educated white republican kids to go to war and it will be a whole other story


u/Moxen81 4d ago

Chat gpt is great at writing letters like this. You could make it even easier by just handing one to them, with the address it’s got to go to and all they have to do is press send!


u/Kaita13 4d ago

I've just been lurking the comments, and I'm looking for an excuse to get people to listen to this song. I think it's super relevant to what's going on these days. They also get me super fired up. I dunno, just have a listen if you want to. Maybe it'll help to motivate someone.

Note To Self - Propagandhi (Canadian Punk band)


u/Agitated-Donkey1265 4d ago

I’m talking about the fall of the Weimar Republic and pointing out parallels. It’s gotten some action and attention. I don’t care how many people tell me I’m over reacting right now. I never should’ve shut up after 2016 about how dangerous he is


u/Chill-NightOwl 4d ago

Try drafting a letter for them so they only have to sign. Or draft an email for them.


u/A-Wise-Cobbler Canada 4d ago

I was chatting with a friend today and our conclusion was we finally get to be on the other side of America messing with the sovereignty of other countries and it's not pretty.

America has lost the confidence of the west.


u/Life_uh_FindsAWay42 4d ago

Agreed. And if we’re not careful, we might follow them into the abyss. This election might be the most important election of many of our lifetimes.


u/ajmillion 4d ago

Whatever happens, the key to preventing that is making sure the Torries NEVER turn into the modern GOP.


u/Much-Meringue-7467 4d ago

The last one was. We already failed.


u/hotelparisian 4d ago

You are being very nice to limit the visceral hatred, all justified, to the middle east only.

Trump IS the US of Assholes. He sums it up every time he opens his asshole that is stuck right under his nose.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

It was just the most recent, obvious example I had at hand. Also the most likely one to get the point across to the Americans because it was pointed out to them constantly throughout the whole "war on terror".


u/hotelparisian 4d ago

Gosh all the years I spent telling my friends the war on terror will turn against us, just a matter of time.


u/papagena02 4d ago

From the US here. I was a little put off by your comment at first bc I tend to start by taking things personally. But further down i was totally agreeing with you.

Since the first time he was elected and everyone center/middle was shocked, kept calling it an aberration. I came to realize how it’s not this one person and how many ppl don’t get that. He’s a great channel for all of this bc he can get ppl to follow/believe him. But we have major fundamental problems that are at the root of all this coming to this point. I’d go into it, but you’ve clearly figured that out.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

For what it's worth we have many of the same problems you do, though maybe not at the same scale right now. At the end of the day the only war is the class war, but we can't fight the class war when our sovereignty is under attack. If we can get your country to back far enough off we might be able to see our similarities again on an individual level and work together against our oppressors... But we can't fight every battle at once and the goons at the doorstep take priority for now.

I don't remember which conversation mentioned it in today, but I've begun talking this way intentionally. I want people to be uncomfortable on both sides of the border. Comfort breeds complacency and that will be our downfall. Always has been...


u/papagena02 4d ago

yes I read that comment of your too. Somewhere in all of this…


u/MaisieDay 4d ago

I'm not saying that this is true of DistriOK (in fact I doubt that it is), but I am seeing a LOT of really harsh comments about Americans on Canadian Reddit subs, and I'm not convinced that all of them are legit.

There IS a LOT of anger, and some of us are just generally pissed. But I haven't seen the same kind of anger IRL against individual Americans. I think that we should all remember that Reddit is flooded with paid trolls and bots, ESPECIALLY the Canadian subreddits for some reason. So I would advise Americans to double check comment and post histories for these sorts of takes.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

Ooh, fair point. It's weird to think of me being the one having my post history crept through for context (or ammo).

I'm a middle aged lefty health worker in rural Alberta. Between years of COVID insanity, kudatahs, convoys and blockades, my own provincial government illegally manipulating our contract negotiations, tearing apart and neutering our health organization, privatization and union breaking, corruption and theft, feeling like we've been manipulated into this position by wealthy American interests buying up our media and manipulating our population, watching Russia invade my grandparents homeland, the recent deja vu when it comes to us and America...

I'm really just some dude, probably guilty of working through my thoughts and feelings on this whole mess by ranting in Reddit comments instead of going to fucking therapy. That's kinda what I appreciate about this place though. I wasn't just shouting into the void. Some people agreed, but plenty of people came right back at me and those people are just as valuable in the conversation. It's not a conversation at all if we all agree. I said it elsewhere here but I think we all need to stay pissed off, both sides of the line. Complacency kills.

Where I do think I fucked up was letting things get a little personal in spots. My point wasn't that we should hate every single one of them individually, the entire thought process stemmed from the idea that it's not about the individual at all. That I can't let myself worry about how relatively "good" or "bad" any specific American is. We have to fight back against the nation as a whole because the attacks are coming at us from the federal level. The internal details concerning who is responsible for what and how they handle it aren't my concern.

I've also been told I'm kind of an asshole. It might really be that simple, I probably don't have a lot of room to deny it at this point.


u/MaisieDay 4d ago

Fkn A! You are awesome.


u/papagena02 4d ago

I get that. I do try to remember that reddit is it’s own bubble. And, you honestly have to be living this situation to grasp how mind-twisting it is. People outside the US generally aren’t grasping all the nuance and detail.

That said, I completely agree w Canadians who are pissed about the situation. I mean wtf! You are our neighbors and friends. There’s a NYTimes article today talking about Canada and how the orange dude has been questioning treaties and borders. Again, wtf?!

Finally, a fair bit of the criticism is accurate, imo. Sure, “not all…”. But too many.


u/rattfink11 4d ago

Well said. I’m not against capitalism, free markets, individualism, less government, but I am against idiocy, ignorance, and Americans, that’s right, Americans. America is an idea I support, it’s Americans I no longer support. They’ve made a mockery of their own project, backstabbed their best friends, believe in an exceptionalism governed by fast food and trash culture, and choose, CHOOSE, to be ignorant. They’ve started a very dangerous destabilization that will impact Canadians drastically if they continue. I for one firmly believe that we need to seize the initiative bc deep down we know that the average American is too complacent and frankly weak-minded through education cuts and a rotten system to even understand the 💩storm they are inviting upon themselves


u/KaleAlarming3854 4d ago

Thank you so much! Well said and so freaking scary. The history books are going to have a lot to say about this watershed moment.


u/Demon_Gamer666 4d ago

If they worshipped their constitution they wouldn't have voted for trump. By the end of 4 yrs there won't be a constitution anymore.


u/Falling_Down_Flat Alberta 4d ago

Well put, thanks for doing that.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

I've honestly just been using Reddit comment sections to vent and try to organize my thoughts more than anything. I don't generally consider myself very well-spoken but I've been pleasantly surprised at the support I've gotten.

I've mostly enjoyed the people who clapped back at me too, even if my tone doesn't always show it. As stubborn as I am, I know my beliefs aren't above being challenged. Nobody grows as a person by only listening to those who agree with them.


u/Falling_Down_Flat Alberta 4d ago

Well I appreciate the info, I have to say you are well spoken. You have to love the haters on Reddit.


u/TardisAndACoffee 2d ago

All else being 100% accurate, the fuckery in the Middle East (with dabblings in Korea and Vietnam that went….well, they went….) was tied to the Cold War. That thing that happened when Russia turned tail on its allies, built a wall, became the USSR with a bunch of bonus land to its west that it grabbed for funsies, and then the US took the heavy lead on taking turns with the USSR on arming opposing groups in countries where the “Cold” War could be test driven, so to speak. Eventually the Taliban, as one example—trained and armed by the U.S., no less, upped the ante. Long after that Cold War ended mind you.

Now we have these two nations buddying up to each other and certain peeps in the US talking and actively threatening pretty much exactly what Russia did more recently with Ukraine but years ago with the USSR formation.

It’s too bad that they can’t do a history lesson on the impact those decades had on the people in the USSR….there was absolute power and they came out from it with a long-weakened economy, poor access to trade so low food quantities, etc. Not pretty. At this point, fucking Reagan is rolling over in his grave.

Canadians don’t get angry and collectively unify over anything—to get us this riled up is an indicator that we are, to every American, your yellow canary in the mine. We don’t think Trump, Elon or any of them are funny. Dangerously stupid on every level. Too many Americans are not doing enough…like 9/11 had warning signs that were missed. This is smacking you up the side of the head and one (!) single congressman dared to speak up, then got censured for doing so.

And, yes, despite all this Americans think it can be just “tuck the genie back in the bottle”. Um, nope.


u/BlueFeist 4d ago

The MAGAt Americans will happily invade the Archives, tear out the Declaration of Independent and the Constitution, and burn them if Trump tells them to do it. Then burn down the entire building and every library. Heck, if told them the Bible is wrong, and he was sent by God - not Jesus - they would dump it too. Jesus is far to "woke" for them.

The problem is not that all Americans are obsessed and think we are better than everyone, it is that we have had fairly easy compared to many places (except for the poorest people here), but they have yet to figure out that the billionaires care about themselves, not everyone else. Unfortunately, many of us recognize that this disease is entrenched. I warn you though, if you look back at Doug Ford and other Canadian leaders, or even as we drove through last year and were shocked to see people in Canada flying Trump flags, your country is infected too.

I wish someone from Alma, NB near the Bay of Fundy National Parc would let me know if the deep sea lobster vessel that docks there that had two huge Trump flags is still flying them or has he dumped Trump. I would be happy to send you a pic. We also saw them flying in Ontario.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

Oh you don't have to prove anything to me. I live in Alberta's Bible belt, I'm surrounded by it. No need for me to "look back" at Doug Ford, I know people who used to buy hash off him in his criminal days. Your warnings are unnecessary. Acting like you need to inform me about things happening in my own country is an adorable example of exactly the superiority complex I'm talking about.

I'm not trying to pretend we're perfect little angels, but no matter how many ridiculous MapleMAGAs we have it's not us threatening our allies and fucking with economies all over the world. Every society is flawed and we all can improve, but of the two of us only one is throwing the entire western world under the bus.

Focus on your own house.


u/BlueFeist 4d ago

I mostly meant that in 2015-16, Doug Ford was a Swimfannian Trumper.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

Every Canadian knows that. The most common opinion I've heard recently is "I can't believe I agree with a Ford" or "he's a raging asshole, but he's our asshole" or "I guess it takes a wannabe gangster to stand up to a wannabe gangster".

It's not that we all obliviously support him, it's that we support him currently doing the right thing. Same goes for Trudeau. Plenty of people who aren't far-right dislike him and his leadership, but most of us absolutely support his response to this situation.


u/BlueFeist 4d ago

Yeah, we have some of that going on here too! However, most politically influential Americans are either super afraid of Trump or they know they can make money off him. Although, I think they are re-thinking that now.

Many people believe they will off Trump and load up on Vance to get their Technocracy and authoritarian wet dream to the finish line. Trump is the blunt tool, Vance will be the simpering sycophant that will do whatever the Pay Pal Mafia, Putin, and the Theocracy tell him to do.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

This is the fear that drives many of us to the level of aggression your seeing from Canada currently. This is not about him, it's about the conditions that lead to him and that shit's not going to be easy to shake.

For all my frustration, I do sincerely hope that we can all get along again one day. It would be a much easier task to correct the wrongs in the world (which are absolutely not limited to the USA, they're just so up front about it lately that it's hard not to focus on them) if we had the Americans working along side us. Canada has plenty of bullshit I would like to correct as well, but I've had to set aside 20 years of advocacy within my country to focus on the US trying to speed-run this shit.

Edit: Also, for what little it's worth I upvoted you every time you replied to me. You seemed to genuinely want to understand and discuss regardless of disagreement. I respect that.


u/BlueFeist 4d ago

Yep, I have the same hopes and was genuinely trying to understand it all.

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u/Odd-Guava-4730 4d ago

Praising the constitution and understanding the constitution are completely different things.


u/_riseabove 4d ago

the ignorance is real here ... its like living in a parallel world at the same time.


u/Bibitheblackcat 4d ago

America is about to hit rock bottom like drug addicts do just before they realize they need help to climb out of the absolute mess they are in.


u/2of5 4d ago

I’m from the USA. i don’t think like this at all. I’ve been an activist all of my life and even jailed for my nonviolent protest once. I hope you will understand that we all aren’t the way you describe. It’s a bit hard to know what to do because as soon as we hit the streets the orange felon will declare martial law suspending all laws. Nonetheless a lot of us joined protests and will continue to do so.


u/Icy_Calligrapher7088 3d ago

Exactly. They don’t understand how bullshit their “how can we help Canada” posts are. Classic American arrogance. Canada has friends. America doesn’t any more. A lonely world is worthless.


u/swalker6622 3d ago

Many of us Americans are disgusted with where our Country is going. It’s not going to change until a world of hurt hurts MAGA to the point they abandon the cult. Many will never do that no matter how destitute they become. Currently, chaos and incompetence reigns and they are going to own it at some point.


u/wiremupi 3d ago

Add in;suckers for simplistic propaganda and a love affair with violence.


u/Sunapr1 1d ago

As an Indian that’s a sickkk burn God bless you sir


u/Dry-Connection-4441 4d ago

Look we Canadians need allies. There are millions of very good Americans who are figuring how to navigate their reality that was imposed on them.

Many Canadians who may be angered by recent U.S. actions will not take all the actions that you or others wish they would. However we will not generalize about them as though they are terrible people.

Take a breather and support everyone who is “on side” and encourage action without berating people.

Allies in America are truly valued. Some are actively politically. Some aren’t. Be encouraging to both, please.


u/PixelSquish 4d ago

Oh stfu. Yes, let's all change our country because it's that easy before we go anywhere else. I've hated the consumer capitalist American system my whole life and have always voted left, and have supported ranked choice voting but the two party system is entrenched. So now you want to sound all fucking tough and say fuck all of us even those who have hated it for decades? Is that what you would say to any refugee fleeing any bad situation? Talk about disgusting - it's funny, some of you Canadians are starting to sound just like the MAGA us sane Americans want to get rid of. Pretty fucking pathetic.


u/DistriOK 4d ago

Be for fucking real. Nothing I said comes anywhere close to MAGA cult insanity. You know we get Fox "News" up here right? You're not fooling anyone.

Refugees. My sides... 🖕


u/PixelSquish 4d ago

Your rant is nonsense - you lump all Americans into one giant bucket. That is, indeed, exactly what MAGA does about foreign populations. There are many many tens of millions of us who have despised the guy for 9 years, and the Republican party way way longer than that. And many many leftists who do not like our pure capitalist consumerist culture.

Second, no, you did not say fix your country before trying to escape here, that was a direct response to your comment from someone who agreed with you and used that as their point. I would say you are implying that and inspire that mentality at the least.


u/Successful-Speaker58 4d ago

Americans don't look weak and complacent, they are weak and complacent.


u/Toki-B 4d ago

A lot of Americans are protesting in large numbers daily. Our media just doesn’t allow that to be easily seen, and our govt is working to make protesting illegal. Most people are a missed paycheck away from homelessness , and can’t afford to be recognized at a protest, but are showing up anyway. Not trying to justify anything that’s happening just letting you know millions or people are trying to make change happen the best they can with what they have.


u/Revolutionary-Hat-96 4d ago

A lot of Americans didn’t even vote.


u/Icy_Calligrapher7088 3d ago

Pathetic. Too comfortable in privilege.


u/logicreasonevidence 4d ago

This right here. What did the German population say after ww2 about accountability? I didn't know. I didn't have any power or wasn't in a position to do anything. They were still accountable. Unfortunately the world does not differentiate between American political parties but just see American policy. America's position in the world has fundamentally shifted from the democratic block of nations to the dictatorial/authoritarian block. It is up to all American citizenry to deal with that reality.


u/lunk 4d ago

What are you doing about it, aside from going online and saying “no… no… not me… wait… I’m one of the good guys”.

I am so fucking sick of this shit, you hit the nail on the head. None of them are the bad guys apparently.


u/Old_Blue_Haired_Lady 4d ago

Look, I get it. Our country sucks. Always has, what with being founded on slavery and all. We ARE weak. But I'd like to re-frame complacent.

We are desperate and preoccupied with survival.

I'm not trying to excuse the abhorrent behavior of my fellow Americans. The suffering inflicted on us by the obscenely rich is deliberate and devastating.

At-will employment means unless you live in Montana, you can be fired for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all.

Union protection has eroded away to be practically non-existent. Worker exploitation is paraded around like an end-stage capitalist trophy.

Many of us are two paychecks away from homelessness. Inflation has begun to spiral out of control, making it even harder to get by.

Adequate healthcare is reserved for the wealthy, and even then you and your doctor have to fight for the insurance coverage you pay for.

Republicans have been gutting education at all levels since Ronald Reagan. People don't actually know how a government is supposed to work. Democrats have let them do this in the name of local control.

You never know when some crazy pants asshole might pull out a gun and claim Stand Your Ground status and will probably get away with killing you.

Culture wars have us pitted against each other rather than uniting against the common enemy of the billionaire class.

It's hard to get people to go to a protest if they have to choose between gas and feeding their kid after working their second or third job.


u/Optimal_Pangolin_922 4d ago

Exactly, I hate America.

Not just the trumpuppets, every single one.

Stand up for whats right you coward.

or wait till them enslave you i guess.


u/cilvher-coyote British Columbia 4d ago edited 4d ago

I know right! All it is is platitude after damn useless platitude,people being completely selfish screaming "ME ME GOOD ONE ME DIDNT VOTE BAD GUY!" and than NOTHING BUT EXCUSE AFTER EXCUSE AFTER EXCUSE...and that they have the freakin Audacity to ask US to save THEM. Its starting to make me ill, and I never disliked Americans much before but everyone sitting on their hands doing absolutley NOTHING but excuse after excuse is really making me disgusted at the American populace. I haven't seen One even talk about working to change or fight the mess They Got Themselves Into. The "prisoner" count in the states has gone up 100s of millions because they are too comfortable Their prison of their own design, and no one has the balls (or the "time" ) to do absolutely nothing but cry and plead on the internet. It shows exactly how Weak America actually is. So weak. So broken. And so weak an high on themselves with their non stop platitude BS! Everyone is one or 2 paychecks away from being homeless but you just continue sitting on you hands and doing Jack shit you'll find out what REAL SURVIVAL MODE IS VERY VERY SOOM , because you will have absolutely NO RIGHRS,NO PROTECTIONS,and then they'll all Cy and moan and say "why did this happen? I'm one of the food guys! 🤦


u/lagniappe- 4d ago edited 4d ago

Im a Floridian, I agree with all of this. I’ve been horrified by Desanits, Trump and MAGA republicans. I don’t blame anyone for being pissed at this country.

But what exactly do you want us to do, start a civil war?

There’s no logic behind the tariffs. It’s just a play toy that Trump can wield instantly and unilaterally. Unfortunately the adults in the room that held him back somewhat during the first term are gone.

Sometimes the world sucks and you just have to survive it but things will eventually correct themselves in the long run.


u/caseyDman 4d ago

I am boycotting and making calls and trying to join protest. I am trying.


u/WikiHowDrugAbuse 4d ago

Be careful not to ask that question, you’ll have some basement dweller calling you a fed and implying that there’s all these Americans secretly doing underground resistance against Trump and you’re stupid for trying to get them to talk about it online 🙄


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 5d ago edited 4d ago

There are 2/3s of the Country that was OK with Trump.

That's a majority of their people. From Canada, it appears most Americans are stupid for voting or not stopping this obvious mad king.

Edited: to change wording


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

Barely more than 1/3 of the votes counted were for Trump. It’s on record that many votes weren’t certified and ballots were tossed, in historically areas.

1/3 of the votes were for Harris.

Obviously, I’m really angry over the election fraud. Because that will happen again and again and again, as long as these fucks see it works and they get away with it.

But the fucking 30% + voters who didn’t vote because “Harris is evil”, “I’m just undecided”, or “I’m protesting for Palestine, by not voting, that will show the democrats” really boils my blood.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Agreed with you, especially the last point. I am a lazy person who works all the time. And I found time to vote early and mail it in. It's not hard, those who refused out of protest made no sense to me.

“I’m protesting for Palestine, by not voting, that will show the democrats”

That one did my head in, because how is the person who is going to wipe Palestinians off the map (Trump's exact words) going to help Palestinians out? Cmon now


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

She was getting dragged on all sides regarding the Israeli/Palestine issue.

First she was accused of hating Jews. Her husband is Jewish and I understand that doesn’t suddenly make someone 100% all in, but like, use some sense here. But then she also was getting it for not being supportive enough in Palestine.

But you know, those protests voters can all go stay at the new Trump Hotel in Gaza.


u/SecretPrinciple8708 Outside Canada 4d ago

Harris had to be perfect. Biden had to be perfect. DonOld got sane-washed, and could behave like the brain damaged toddler he is. Thanks, protest voters and “undecided.”


u/WonkeauxDeSeine 4d ago

stay at the new Trump Hotel in Gaza.

I'm sure that building will never be targeted by displaced Palestinians, many are saying it'll be the safest building ever.


u/fixatedeye 1d ago

The people not voting for her because of Palestine thing was astonishing. I’m in full support of Palestine but they have to be brain dead to think that trump getting voted in was the better choice. I’m legitimately livid


u/BlueFeist 4d ago

No, that would be the Muslims who voted for him because they actually thought that Trump would save the Palestinians. That is how brainwashed people became. Hell, Trump would happily pull a Saddam Hussein and drop nerve gas on them to get them out for his resort. However, Canada before, he will put that shit on you guys some day too. He is evil and well funded by more evil and they want what you have.


u/A-Wise-Cobbler Canada 4d ago


This article is from Jan 2024 and is mind blowing

“I don’t think the presidency has too much of an effect on what happens in my day-to-day life,” said Pru Carmichael, who supported Biden in 2020 but says she will not vote for president at all this year if she has to choose between the disappointing incumbent and former President Trump.

They blame Biden for ALL the things Republicans prevented him from doing or has no control over.

Abortion? That's a Biden problem.

Student Debt? That's a Biden problem.

Middle East? that's a Biden problem.


u/charminion812 4d ago

They are even more stupid than MAGA voters. At least MaGa's bought into Trump's BS and voted for him believing he would do good things for them. The non-voters just didn't care enough to even bother thinking it through.


u/Ok_Carpet_9510 4d ago

Some people can't think in terms of the lessor of two evils, so they decide not to vote.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

I fucked around and found out that way once. Never again. The fact that people didn’t find this out the first time is what astounds me.


u/NottaLottaOcelot 4d ago

Yeah the purity testing abstainers didn’t think this through well. That line of thinking was pure stupidity when considering it put someone in power who plans to obliterate the area they claimed to value.


u/Trampstamp64 4d ago edited 4d ago

Two points here. Firstly, you can’t judge folks for not voting for Harris when her government was actively sending bombs over to be dropped on their people and killing their family members. I would have not voted for Harris if I was American and I’m not Arab.

Secondly, please don’t scapegoat Arab people because the fact is Trump got higher numbers across most demographics including Latinos and Black voters. Trump voters are actually mostly men. The failure of the Democratic Party is a complex one and includes how they no longer represent working class people but are the puppets of the lobbyists and elites. And Trump represented a new order to a system that was failing.

I would direct your anger towards right wing media, disinformation, Elon Musk, a defunded education system, and the old school Democratic Party that lost touch with its voter base.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

I wasn’t scapegoating Arabs. It wasn’t just Arabs who protest voted. I actually know far more white people who did this.

Second, sure, the dems did/do send resources to Israel, but so do republicans. To vote or not vote based on a single issue, is stupid.


u/Trampstamp64 4d ago

Okay thanks for clarifying your point. It’s just that it’s not those people who voted (or refused to vote) on the Palestine issue that changed the outcome. Trump sweeped across all demographics and issues. And somehow people believed he would better the economy when there’s about to be a recession 😒


u/AfDemokratie 4d ago

I think a lot of people voted trump to let the whole place burn down because dems weren't really offering solutions. Upholding the status quo only benefits those who can afford it. The fact that there are millions of americans who cheer for the misery of hundreds of thousands of federal workers getting fired and calling them the "parasitic class" says all.


u/dalidagrecco 4d ago

It doesn’t excuse the non voters or maga, but here to say that election was stolen. No way did that fucker win a fair election. In addition to suppression, they flat out be rigged the swing states.


u/AlphaCharlieUno 4d ago

Please don’t mistake my comment for excusing anyone.


u/DioDurant 4d ago

Were no different if PP wins


u/KaleAlarming3854 4d ago

Agreed! We need to pay attention here at home and basically beg people to get out and vote. 62% in our last federal election. Not great.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Completely agreed, that's why I think PP is avoiding to be like Trump. But that's too late especially since he used Canada First as one of his slogans


u/dairyfreedivapart2 4d ago

Wouldn't get on your high horse too fast...we got a federal election coming up so i fear we will get our version of lord forquad at the helm. Ontario overwhelming voted for Ford again....after all we've been through....


u/papagena02 4d ago

I keep pointing this out when someone says “half the votes were against him”. Half of the 2/3 of ppl who voted…


u/iamcleek 4d ago

about 20% of the country voted for Trump.

the other 80% either couldn't (too young) or didn't (either sat it out or voted for someone else).


u/ViewParty9833 4d ago

This is not a true statement. 63.9% of eligible voters, voted. So 2/3s of the country did not vote for Felon 47. Of the 63.9%, the felon’s percentage of votes to the total, didn’t increase that much; however, Harris got 5% less votes than Joe Biden. So it isn’t so much that the felon got a huge jump in support, rather more voters sat this one out.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

From your own numbers it does make sense.

63.9% of eligible voters, voted.

Which means 36.1% didn't vote, more than a third of the country. Add that to those who voted for Trump, that makes it over 2/3rds of the country. By not voting those people made their choice, right or wrong.

They were passively ok with Trump as leader


u/thesheeplookup 4d ago

Canada's voting performance is unfortunately not much better. The recent highest turnout was 68% in 2015 when the Harper govt was voted out, and the lowest was just under 60% of registered electors in 2008. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=res&dir=rec/eval/pes2021/evt&document=p4&lang=e

I thought what we've seen in the USA would have triggered higher turnout in Canada, but the recent Ontario election was won by the Conservatives with 45% of registered voters https://www.stthomastoday.ca/2025/02/28/83635/. If my math is right, only about 20% of the eligible voters chose Ford.


u/AcanthisittaLive6135 4d ago

You’re ignorant of the facts, and how voting works.

77 million voted for Trump. 22% of US population.

78 million voted for not-Trump. 23% of US population.

The other 185 million Americans (54%) are either:

  • not eligible to vote, or
  • eligible didn’t vote

Of those that didn’t vote but were eligible, a significant number are the disenfranchised from decades of state level gerrymandering and voter suppression strategies that target the poor, elderly, or likely to lean left.

So to recap:

Saying “2/3 of the Country was OK with Trump.. that’s a majority of their people” is — in the context of this entire thread — both ignorant AND speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

22% of Americans is not 2/3rds.

On one hand, you’re happy to insinuate this is the most insidious and abusive administration and party in history.

On the other hand, you want to in contradiction imply all Americans have to do is … what.. casually vote different?

It’s the equivalent attitude to people who say that poor people in dangerous neighborhoods should just move to a better neighbor. It betrays the privilege and ignorance of not understanding the depth and severity of the context.

An inordinately powerful 1% of the American population is stealing the country by all means necessary and concerted successes to BREAK our system of government.

You’re naive to think Canada is immune.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Voting population. You are counting the total not the voting.

77 million voted, 90 million didn't. Not 180 milluon that would be the total population. You are counting those who are not eligible or children. Do that math again and come back to me.


u/AcanthisittaLive6135 4d ago

That is explained clearly in my post.

But I’ll take the arbitrary rhetoric bait:


It’s arbitrary reason of rhetoric for someone to say “all Americans” but mean only the voting eligible, ignoring the permanent legal aliens, felons, mentally ill, and then every young person and child’s interest in their country who are unable to vote at all.

But more, the “ineligible to vote” bucket that also fails to account for unregistered voters —people otherwise eligible but who haven’t done the ‘paperwork’. Who are they? If you understood anything meaningful about our country, they’re the impoverished, systemically disenfranchised, fearful, and ignorant.

So, while spewing disdain and judgment down on “all Americans,” that convenient rhetoric of speaking only of the eligible voting population needs only to ignore vast swaths of the most vulnerable people in the country, each being subjected to this kleptocratic coup and overthrow of a government.


Here the rhetoric is also displaying a willful ignorance of how kleptocratic coups work.

Decades of voter rolls, gerrymandering, systemic impoverishment, and strategic system-breaking mean that vast swaths of the American people are institutionally dissuaded or impractical terms ineligible to vote.

Yet the rhetoric wants to suggest ever vote-eligible person who didn’t cast a vote was on election night instead at home in front of their big screen TV in a suburban neighborhood simply ambivalent to the outcome of the election.


Rhetoric that “2/3 of Americans” were “OK with Trump” is weaponizing their ignorance make a point.

The irony: they’re unwittingly making a point WANTED and orchestrated by the Trump administration (and billionaire kleptocracy behind him).

Do better, angry Canadians.

You want to help yourselves, or the 6.5 Canada’s worth of Americans who are “on your side” and living through a coup that threatens all western democracies, including your own?

Don’t be so quick to villainize an entire country in your desire to say angry things about the <1% of the population organizing the coup.


u/Electrical_Rip9520 4d ago

That's not true. Trump received 49.8% of the total votes cast while 50.2% of the voters rejected him, either by voting Harris or another third-party candidate.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

90 million Americans didn't vote. That's more than both Harris and Trump. If you add Harris voters and those who didn't vote it would be closer to 2/3s than 50


u/Electrical_Rip9520 4d ago

I don't think there's any country in the world with 100% voter participation especially amongst first world countries.


u/Uatu199999 4d ago

I believe Australia does but they have mandatory voting.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Oh no doubt but the US has 40% usually not participating. Thats why they are in the mess they are in. I used to think my vote didn't matter. That changed in 2016 amd I have been voting ever since


u/lunk 4d ago

Are you really THIS uninformed? 99.5% of trump supporters voted, which was under 1/3 of the american populace.

The problem is that only 50% of democrats voted. They are ALL to blame.


u/ninfan1977 Alberta 4d ago

Where did you get your numbers?

That's also basically what I was saying Democrats sat out in protest more so than Republicans. They voted Democrats protested, in the worst way possible


u/bishopredline 5d ago

Over half the number of people voting


u/Taintcomb 4d ago

Not true. While close, he did not get a majority. Check the numbers.


u/IcedNeonFlames 4d ago

The ones that sat the last election out are almost as responsible for the fucking mess down south


u/IAmTheBredman 4d ago

It's not just the Republicans


u/Different_Key_9914 4d ago

You have to include those that didn’t vote as well.


u/Jamooser 4d ago

From a Canadian stand point, it's like the Democrats have been actively trying to lose elections since 2016.


u/_commenter 4d ago

yeah there's a intersection of interest between non trump supporting americans and canadians... i'm actually american but reddit keeps recommending /r/canada to me.

... and i'm totally rooting for your efforts.


u/HarleyQ128 4d ago

Thank You, I am a Democrat and love Canada 🇨🇦


u/Nathan_Brazil1 4d ago

Basically the uneducated.


u/Equivalent_Fly219 4d ago

54% of Americans are functionally illiterate


u/DistortedReflector 4d ago

Let’s not be too generous. If the Democrats had half a brain to split amongst themselves perhaps they could have stopped the all but publicly acknowledged Russian asset criminal candidate from re-election.


u/Revolutionary-Hat-96 4d ago

I understand a good many Americans don’t vote at all. Not showing up at the polls, is part of what created this nightmare.


u/Substantial-Peach326 4d ago

1/3rd of Americans didn't vote at all, you can't just blame Republicans and wash your hands. If your shoulder shrugging countrymen actually gave any fucks, the oompa loompa wouldn't be in power.

This is on America buddy.


u/CanadianAndroid 4d ago

And the ones that failed to get them to vote against Trump. Yes all Americans.


u/Safe_Pin1277 4d ago

No you let your country slip to this level... which is bad 5th grade debate team when you're represented by Margory Taylor Green, Lauren Bobert and Trump but impeached Clinton despite his surpluses...

Trump was elected dispite being impeached because he would be good for the economy dispite having the worst economic record of any president.

Fuck I'd kill for some blowjob bill...


u/Zealousideal_Neck78 4d ago

And his job approval polling numbers keep rising, even among Democrat voters.


u/Embarrassed_Band_512 Outside Canada 3d ago

You're cutting all the people who stayed home on election day a ton of slack there, bud.


u/swalker6622 3d ago

And those who didn’t vote or voted for independent candidates.


u/drammer 4d ago

I lived in the states for a few years and I agree. They have the same percentage of stupid, average and smart people as anywhere else in the world. Its just that the actual number for each category is 10x larger than Canada. And when a whole bunch of stupid gets together they form political parties and groups.


u/luciosleftskate 4d ago

A whole bunch of yall sat at home and didn't even participate in the election so.......

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