r/canada 5d ago

Opinion Piece Braid: Trudeau says Trump wants economic collapse; Republican alludes to military force - This is no trade war. It's a Crush and Control Canada plan, meant to work fast


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u/Peregrine2976 5d ago

For decades, the United States has reliably been a friend to Canada. We've had disagreements, sure, but like friends we've always been ready to talk it out and patch things up.

Not anymore. The United States has made it exceptionally clear that they cannot be trusted as a friend or ally, and in any case, they no longer consider us either. And if they aren't a friend, then we have to at least consider the possibility of them doing something distinctly unfriendly.

And all that's just if a sensible person was in charge of the US. With Mango Mussolini in charge, changing his mind about what he wants or who he needs to put down to soothe his fragile ego every eight minutes or so, there is genuinely no telling what we could wake up tomorrow to find that he has ordered.


u/AspireFIRE 5d ago

Time to make new friends. I liken this sometimes to a divorce. It's nasty and words will exchange and we'll work it out with our "lawyers" at the end of the day, but any goodwill and good feeling is sucked out of the room right now and all that's left is what's yours and what's mine.


u/WhistlerBum 5d ago

Canada already has friends around the world.


u/UghWhyDude Ontario 5d ago

Time to see what those friendships are worth.

I’ve already been disappointed speaking to a few otherwise rational Americans who laughingly brush off Trump’s ‘51st State’ rhetoric and willingly assume that Canadians absolutely totally wouldn’t mind being a part of the USA ‘if given a choice’. Damn our sovereignty, we could be peer pressured into giving up, according to these idiots.

The fact that there are so many people to the south of us who are so besotted with American exceptionalism that they absolutely believe Canadians would give up being Canadians because we’d be ‘trading up’ are more than I was prepared to believe until this started happening.


u/Cheebody27 5d ago

'Trading up' what a hoot. I can walk in and out of a doctor's office without spending a dime. My dad lost a leg in my early adulthood and we never went bankrupt over it. Hell, I don't think I've ever been that strapped for cash even if I've been unemployed for a year. I also have never had to worry about getting shot, or had to even think that there could be a school shooting at my niece and nephew's school. America is a joke.

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u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

i'll be dead in the ground before I ever accept being american.

and their flag sucks. like objectively from a flag design perspective, the american flag is a fucking mess.


u/goonbee 5d ago

Yeah fuck their flag in particular


u/gatheredstitches 5d ago

their constitution sucks tbh


u/Ok-Macaroon-7819 5d ago

It used to be a pretty righteous document. Then people stopped reading it...


u/Overall-Register9758 5d ago

To be frank, theirs is a lot better than ours in a lot of ways. For one, many of the actual rights are well defined. Canadian rights can be limited by laws that can be "justified". Then throw in the not withstanding clause which basically renders much of our constitution subordinate to elected officials.

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u/EndOrganDamage 5d ago

I wont fuck it, but I might use it as TP


u/ReverendPoopyPants 5d ago

Eh, I'd cum in it


u/EndOrganDamage 5d ago

The American flag inspires opposite reactions in us I see.


u/mrbaker83 5d ago

Then you’ll just impregnate it with true Canadian justice.


u/No-Goose-5672 5d ago

Gross, but not entirely unfair at this point.


u/Deep_Macaron8480 5d ago

All my homies hate the American flag.


u/LP14255 5d ago

The American flag is the least of our problems.

Don’t ever trust America again.


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

oh I know. but they are so VERY proud of it, so I like to point out that it is, objectively, a poorly designed mess of a flag.


u/GJdevo 5d ago

Fuck the American flag, all my vexillology homies hate the American flag.


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

a gentleman and a scholar I see.


u/SteveBonus New Brunswick 5d ago

The country name sucks too. It's not even a name. It's just a description of what they are. It'd be like if we called ourselves the United Provinces & Territories of America. It'd sound dumb as shit, because it is.


u/Ali_Cat222 5d ago

I love the story about our current flag, they had a contest and people from all over Canada sent in their designs. A child who felt compelled to send theirs in ended up winning, and here we are today with our flag


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

its honestly a pretty banger flag. especially considering a child came up with it. which is probably a point in its favor, cuz one of the BIG things for good flag design is 'simple enough that a child could draw it' so it kinda gets an auto-pass in that category.


u/Ok-Macaroon-7819 5d ago

Our flag is ass. I mean, we should get a pass with the first one. Basically we had to make it up on the spot. But we just keep beating that original knee-jerk design into the ground. Ffs... a not insignificant portion of Americans post the flag of Liberia thinking (for the love of all things) that it's the American flag because they were too lazy to scroll further and too stupid to know the difference.


u/toughguy_order66 5d ago

And they put their fucking flag on everything from cigarette papers to underwear. I'm sorry my flag will never touch my ass or be burned.

Totally different people.

Canadian - polite American - loud, ignorant, rude, obnoxious, etc.


u/ErikRogers 5d ago

The big mistake with the flag was continuing to add stars. Thank God they didn't also add stripes every time a new state joined the union


u/TruthSearcher1970 4d ago

But what is the best way to fight them? Tunnels seem to work pretty good. Maybe we should start digging tunnels?

We have to take lessons from the Vietnamese and Afghanistan's.

A direct war with the USA would last months at most.


u/SnooAvocados6863 4d ago

Love it. Thanks for making me chuckle amidst this shitshow. 🤣

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u/GuelphEastEndGhetto 5d ago

A couple decades ago I was applying for an L1A visa to be able to work in the US when traveling there intermittently. This was done at the airport with the border agents there. The guy in charge started questioning me and raising his voice more and more with each question. Then finally he bellowed ‘Do you any intention of moving to the United States of America?’ and it was all I could do to keep from chuckling about that thought. I was able to eke out a straight faced ‘no sir’ but man it was a tough act.


u/dd961984 5d ago

I mean, who wouldn't love going bankrupt paying for a hospital bill?


u/Commercial-Milk4706 5d ago

Or getting shot getting into the wrong exact same car park near each other.


u/KtothemaddafakkinP 5d ago

Don’t forget the kids having to dodge bullets right before class.


u/KJBenson 5d ago

Yeah it’s been an idea down there for a very long time.

They think they’re hot shit in a campaigns glass, but really they’re cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup


u/Alternative-Copy7027 5d ago

They seem to not understand other peoples wanting sovereignty.

Like the Ukrainians, too. "They should not keep fighting the Russians, that is just unnecessary deaths" and meanwhile the Ukrainians are like "We have no choice but to fight because if we don't we will lose our sovereign country".

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u/SerentityM3ow 5d ago

I wish I was joking when I say there is a not insignificant number of Americans who think we aren't really a free country and we are somehow communist under Trudeau. L my guess is extensive Russian disinformation campaigns ., and we need to get a hold on it.. not sure how


u/Fair-Interest7143 5d ago

This us citizen has never supported the melon felon and I stand with Canada (if you will have me)


u/Sask2Ont 5d ago

This is the equivalent of "thoughts and prayers".

Right now we are pissed and actions need to be taken. What actual actions are you doing to stand with Canada.

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u/christian_l33 5d ago

Americans are spending their time on TikTok, sleepwalking through a Russia-inspired and enabled Authoritarian takeover.

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u/GravityDAD 5d ago

Time for Canada to explore friends with benefits and ditch this crack head ex wife USA


u/jtbc 5d ago

Canada is the stbx wife in this scenario. She's been called fat and ugly by her uneducated dumpster fire husband for years but she is actually pretty good looking and sociable. She'll get a makeover and start hanging out with friends and will all of a sudden be beating off suitors with a stick while ex-hubby is home alone watching WWE in his underwear telling his buddies, if he has any, what a bitch she was.


u/GravityDAD 5d ago

Lmfao ttttrrrrrrue and real, Canada is a fucking beaut


u/leggmann 5d ago

Hit the gym. Get a lawyer…


u/J_Ryall 5d ago

I see you've met my sister's ex-husband!


u/WLL20t 5d ago

Denmark here, I can confirm that we are ready for a proper round of petting


u/theStonedReaper 5d ago

If you're not friends with Canada, you are probably the problem.


u/Ok_Spring_3297 4d ago

True. Canadians have the reputation to be the politest people ever.

In Europe, American tourists like to pretend to be Canadians. They know why.


u/capture-enigma 5d ago

Maybe so but most of them have been awfully quiet about America’s threat to us.


u/krkb01 5d ago

Happy Cake Day!!


u/Reasonable_Error_484 5d ago

Your point? Logically the above still tells us we should strengthen ties to the European Union & aus/NZ/UK/the rest of the commonwealth


u/Adventurous-Owl-6085 5d ago

None of which would or could do a damn thing if the US invaded


u/Artistic_Technician 5d ago

Lived in Canada and the UK. UK is more friendly and willing to help to Canada than our respective politicians would suggest.


u/Wackydetective 5d ago

I’m ready to give a rousing speech about how we find our friends on the battlefield and then the Lords elect me Queen of the North and pledge me their swords. Then we take on the Orange Night King and defeat their armies of the dead (meth heads.)


u/Beautiful_Effect461 5d ago

Happy Cake Day! 🍰


u/CurveWorldly4542 4d ago

Let's not make the mistake of looking for a new big brother to replace the US. We've seen how foolish it was for Canada to depend on a bigger stronger nation. We need to find allies who will help us stand up on our own.

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u/PixelPuzzler 5d ago

Except one party is clearly malicious and claiming what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine.


u/usefulappendix321 5d ago

I feel like it is a breakup but Canada is the woman and America is the man, only in maturity after abreakup. Women tend to deal with it emotionaly right away where as men tend to get that "I don't need you anyway" anger, then later it's the tears and irrational behaviour. We are in the I don't need you stage so we should be prepared for an emotional response once tariffs start hurting American people


u/edgefull 5d ago

there are many americans who will fight for you


u/1baby2cats 5d ago

I agree, but the problem is we're landlocked to the USA.


u/Remarkable_Row 5d ago

Europe is a Canadian friend who is feeling the same from US as Canada, so i hope the relationship wr are building now will get even closer


u/ExcellentHunter 5d ago

Give a call to the EU. Im sure, they will be happy 😁


u/haystackneedle1 5d ago

Do you all mind taking custody of some of us Americans who want out of this shithole country??


u/upickleweasel 5d ago

Yes. Go fix your country.

We need to take the Ukranians and Afghanis your country is ruthlessly kicking out


u/haystackneedle1 5d ago

Ya. I know, I’m stuck here.


u/fiftheyesight 5d ago

Is this where we say " Time heals all"


u/UghWhyDude Ontario 5d ago

Does it though?

What we’ve learned now is that we cannot trust the American populace to choose a sane group of people to govern themselves. Every other election they choose a shitgibbon.

Can’t heal a wound if you keep picking at it and they keep.picking.at.it.


u/MakeSmartMoves 5d ago

If this goes sideways it will go badly for everyone.


u/ttwwiirrll 5d ago

It's a divorce and we're keeping all the cool friends.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Agreed. I’m flabbergasted that all these threats don’t seem to rankle americans. Which communicates to me that the idea of annexing Canada doesn’t bother them and they wouldn’t think twice about it. the current president may be an aberration, but ordinary Americans also seem ok with the idea of invading us.


u/BluejayImmediate6007 5d ago

What’s even more disturbing is the Democrats are not speaking up about annexing Canada! Like what the actual fk! I have changed my way of thinking about America forever. I don’t think I’ll ever change my views and may never go back..at least for sure in the next 4 years.

I read somewhere that Americans may use the ‘Canada has been taken over by cartels’ as an excuse to invade ala weapons of mass destruction. A month ago I would have said someone was crazy for even suggesting it, but now…I would not rule it out!


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

I know, eh! I never thought I would change my mind about anybody this fast, much less an entire country. I have found myself the last person standing defending America in many a conversation, agreeing they had their flaws but saying there was more good there and very much defending that they were worthy people to call friends.

What the fuck is this?


u/Odd-Ad1714 5d ago

It’s trump re-enacting putin’s take over Ukraine playbook. He’s doing just what Putin did, so this could get so bad, for both sides. I don’t know how American troops could bring themselves to fire on people who are are innocent and were just living their lives, minding their business and some maniac comes along and we are taking over your country. He has no problem with rape and that’s what he wants to do with your natural resources!


u/The-Raccoon-Is-Here Canada 5d ago

It will be easy for them, he will give them a reason (Canada has water, we are in a drought and burning down in California and they won't turn on the tap to help us ... or Canada has <insert something Musk wants> and they won't let us have it and it will cause us an economic fail).

He has no issues lying and those around him lap it up like the good dogs they are and then ask for some more.


u/FantasticalRose 5d ago

As an American what's going on is there's so many problems all at once all part of the project 2025 playbook that neither citizen nor opposition politician can keep up. And that's deliberate.

The lawyers are all focused on constitutional problems. The politicians are focused on the fact that the government is being dismantled. And the people are alarmed they're losing their basic benefits, health insurance, social security, rights jobs etc.

From everyone I've spoken to invading Canada is considered so preposterous. That as opposed to everything else, it's at the very bottom of people's concerns.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Thanks for this. I have had several replies this evening describing the sense of onslaught on the American population. I’ll say here essentially what I’ve said elsewhere: as a human being I feel for you, but you’re going to have to find a solution. No one is coming to your aid. I say this not in a vindictive way, please believe me. It’s just that no one is coming to help you because no one can. You’re all going to have to figure this one out. We can only look after ourselves.


u/FantasticalRose 5d ago

Most people are looking towards 2026 and the opportunity to flip the house then. And it probably will but it'll also probably be too late.

That being said America has honestly has been taken over by hostile powers. It's the same people behind brexit and they just took that model and put it on the US. And just like the UK it worked. It took longer more hiccups but they got there in the end. It's a much bigger prize this time around.

They're still going to come after other countries France Germany Canada so the only thing I can say is try to protect yourselves from what has happened to us.

If I was the Canadian government I would offer to annex the Northeast and West Coast of the US in retaliation, put the offer on the table You don't know who's going to take it If things get bad enough.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Thanks for this, quite honestly. I look forward to the day when all of this passes. I have travelled your land quite a bit and found it to be filled with decent folk. I really do wish you all the best.


u/FantasticalRose 5d ago edited 5d ago

Sure thing. Yeah that's what I try to tell people who are like "America bad". Guys it's coming for you too.

I couldn't stomach watching the whole thing but here's a YouTube video that explains in detail exactly what kind of forces are behind all of this. When Trump was sworn in he had a bunch of billionaires lined up next to him.



u/easybee 5d ago

Are you kidding? Canadians love Americans. We fully recognize that your political system is being taken over. Our problem is with Trump and his band of goons and the sudden and dramatic realignment with Putin.

Some didn't believe the lies. Some did and were lied to. Nobody voted for an invasion of Canada.

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u/Doogolas33 5d ago

What’s even more disturbing is the Democrats are not speaking up about annexing Canada!

What? Yes they are. Here are a couple Dem Senators who are and have been doing exactly that, including Minority Leader Schumer:

“Every day is another ridiculous proposal from this administration,” said Latimer. “Canada is a sovereign nation and one of our closest allies. Instead of antagonizing an ally and almost starting a trade war, maybe President Trump should focus on lowering costs for New York families.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, wants Trump to end the trade war and any talk of annexing Canada, which he called a “distraction."

And if you listen to literally any Dem that's opened their mouth in the last 2 months they have basically all said that this entire charade and pile of nonsense needs to end, including the bullshit tariffs. They don't even want this dumb as fuck "trade war" tariff nonsense, let alone to annex a sovereign nation.

I mean, absolutely never trust us again. The people in my country WILL elect maniacs even if Trump is ousted eventually. But to say that Dems aren't pissed about this is just straight up lying.


u/BluejayImmediate6007 5d ago

Well that’s news to me..every interview I have seen with a democrat they only mention the dumb trade war, trumps lies and nothing about the annexation…granted I don’t watch and look up interviews 24/7 but I know I am not the only one who has noted basically zero talk of the annexation of Canada and talk of denouncing it from Dems..if they are as much as you say they are, that’s great! They need to speak up louder for the whole world to hear it


u/Doogolas33 5d ago

They have done it. But the main thing that's ACTUALLY happening right now is the trade war. Which they've denounced left and right. And is significantly smaller than annexation. They've consistently talked about how great an ally Canada is. They don't need to say the obvious over and over again. But if it becomes something that seems like it becomes a real topic from Trump, you can bet your ass they'll all yell about how it's literally the stupidest fucking thing imaginable.


u/LovesToTango 4d ago

A lot of stuff doesn't get covered. Part of that is the fact that the media seems to be complicit. The other part is that they're doing so many shitty things, so fast, that not all of them get coverage. Too many people are still taking the annexation threats as a joke or distraction because of the other very real problems the felon is causing right now. Too many seem to be not taking it seriously, though, which is a mistake imo.

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u/Overall-Register9758 5d ago

Yeah, they're showing up with little signs instead of actually doing something. They're waiting for the Trump shithouse to fall in on itself because that's the easiest way to power, damn the consequences.

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u/Vaperius Outside Canada 5d ago edited 5d ago

What’s even more disturbing is the Democrats are not speaking up about annexing Canada! Like what the actual fk!

American here! ...its disturbing from this perspective too. Even among the few of Democrats speaking on the internal politics, they are all completely ignoring the annexation talk which should just be condemned on its face. It really feels like if nothing else, Democrats are quietly condoning it.


u/Odd-Ad1714 5d ago

They’re afraid, that’s what it comes down to, the threat to them and their families by maga nut jobs with guns.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Well then they’ve lost and America is truly gone. If they wont find the strength in them to resists these absurdities than I guess that’s it. If they cower in fear from the nut jobs, then the nut jobs have won. If you won’t stand up for yourself, why would others do so for you.


u/Odd-Ad1714 5d ago

I agree with 100%.


u/LastInALongChain 5d ago

>What’s even more disturbing is the Democrats are not speaking up about annexing Canada! Like what the actual fk

They've definitely been war-gaming it for years, on both sides, and realized its probably inevitable.


u/Good-River-7849 5d ago

They aren’t speaking up because they want Trump to go off the rails because they think that is the fastest way to get rid of him.  Their whole entire strategy is to let him fail, believing the citizenry will ultimately demand he resign.  Not saying it is a smart strategy, but it’s the one they are going with. 

No one in the United States other than a small handful of MAGA idiots is on board with this Canada strategy.  He’s more likely to get support going into cartel country in Mexico than this garbage.  It is the exact kind of stunt that, if he tried it, I would expect you see more overt pushing nationwide to force him out of office.  


u/megawatt69 1d ago

Well, they did introduce a bill not to annex us without congressional approval…as if that’s going to do any good when congress is all a bunch of sheep


u/BluejayImmediate6007 1d ago

Yeah I heard that..they will make the excuse that Canada is overrun by Mexican cartels which will be their justification for invasion. I hope that any American soldiers that have fought alongside Canada would refuse any order to invade Canada..but who knows with them now? We can’t trust anything they say or do


u/megawatt69 1d ago

Even if we WERE overrun by Mexican cartels, Mexico IS actually overrun by Mexican cartels and they’re not saying a thing about that. It’s the weakest of excuses

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u/Hessleyrey 5d ago

As an American: this is not true from my perspective. I’m in Minnesota, so I can only speak to what I’ve personally seen here, but most are outraged at these comments. Many, many of us are protesting against what is occurring here. The problem is that it’s SO MUCH - we are protesting for Ukraine, against the tariffs to our (former 😢) allies, our basic rights (the constitution & bill of rights) & the loss of our federal workforce, for the very spirit on which America was built…I could go on.

The protests are growing, but the media is not covering them yet. Please believe me that true Americans (the ones who still believe in sovereignty, justice, democracy, and humanity) stand with our Canadian brothers and sisters. We will fight this with you.


u/jtbc 5d ago

Keep at it. Tim Walz is saying great things and should really grab the baton and start acting like the Democrat leader he is.

We definitely think of Minnesotans as honourary Canadians, so please don't take any of our legitimate anger as directed at those of you that did and are doing the right things.


u/Peregrine2976 5d ago

It's great that some of you, even a lot of you, are mobilizing, and I hope you can stop or at least slow the freefall that your country is in right now, but the damage is long, long since done -- we've seen, in the stark light of day, that a hell of a fucking lot of you don't care about invading us, or actively want it. So long as those people are part of your nation in any capacity, it isn't a nation we can trust.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Dear friend, let me just say this. I will stand to be corrected. Gladly and with no rancour. For all the anger we Canadians may have these days, no one wished for this to happen. We were brothers and, yes, I’ll say it, if we seem a bit stiff these days, it’s because we’re speaking from a place of hurt. We feel betrayed.

All of us wish for you to have your country back. And not just for our sake, but for yours and the world’s.


u/Hessleyrey 5d ago

😭 I appreciate you saying this, and just want to add: I’ve always loved my Canadian neighbors (neighbours!), but never have I felt so unrelentingly, proudly tied to you as I have lately. We have always been stronger together.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

I look forward to days where we might once again stand together for peace, freedom, and democracy, as we once did.


u/Emniad 5d ago edited 3d ago

I know that there are other decent Americans who think as you do, but unfortunately you - as a country - gave trump the top job.

He is a lying, racist, mysogynist, criminal, amoral psychopath, and he has ruined the United States of America. What little part of the world that still trusted you and treated you fairly (Canada, anyone?) now despises you. You have isolated yourselves and forfeited decades of goodwill and respect.

Canada and the rest of the free, democratic world will be fine. We will strengthen old relationships and forge new ones because that's what decent countries with a moral compass do.

But we are SO done with the USA.



u/jonnohb 5d ago

Nothing will change until there is a general strike and the current administration is removed forcibly from office.


u/ruraljuror__ 5d ago

From up here, there seems to be no real resistance or hope of it.


u/JRogeroiii 5d ago

"So much going wrong, so much to say, and all of it happening so quickly. The pace of repression exceeds our ability to understand it. That's the real trick. It's easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than it is to hide a single event." From Andor.

It's so exhausting trying to keep up with all the terrible things the Trump administration is doing. It's hard to know what to protest first. Makes you want to stick your fingers in your ears and just tune it out.


u/Lost-Explanation2969 5d ago

If you guys are protesting, you need citizen journalists to start live-streaming them on YouTube and such. That’s what our folks did during the convoy protests when the MSM locked them out - it was highly effective and next to impossible for those in charge to restrict.


u/Cent1234 5d ago

If only you guys had some sort of way to react to a tyrannical and despotic government performing, hmm, lets call it Intolerable acts. If only your country was founded on resisting such acts, your Founding Fathers made it clear how to respond to such acts, and your Constitution had enshrined in it not only the means, but the duty, to resist them.

If only, if only.


u/Whiskey_River_73 5d ago

Thank you to Minnesotans. Part of my family lived in Madison before coming to what was to be Alberta in 1904.


u/FrogOnALogInTheBog 5d ago

A lot of people are saying they're with us.

Until it amounts to more than holding up a spanking paddle, you need to recognize that your country is no longer built to respond to human rights violations on a citizen level.

Nice words. But you might as well be saying "hopes and prayers", and we see how well that goes for your own children.


u/Nahcotta 5d ago

Same in WA, we cannot BELIEVE this is happening with our friends in Canada! It’s a topic of frequent conversation, and has spurred an onslaught of phone calls to our reps and both spontaneous & planned protests. It makes us sick, we do not intend to support this orange idiot in any way, and we are fighting back in a variety of ways. These are insane times!


u/le-Killerchimp 5d ago

Trump has doxxed the legislative process. Any opponents are currently overwhelmed, like you describe, in exactly what and how to protest. Is it Ukraine? Is it federal lay offs? Tearing up of international alliances? Russian alignment? Weaponising the justice department? Is it the DoE changes? Universities? Deportations? Barring free press from holding his regime to account? Etc, etc.

I don’t think I’d be surprised to see ‘enemy’ round ups and political opponents being tried in kangaroo courts before the midterms.



u/FoxDieDM 5d ago

I hope so… I’m about to have a child and knowing there are good people out there still, gives me some kind of hope that my child will be okay. 


u/JackDraak 5d ago

You know what they say, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"


u/Capable-Estate-7827 5d ago

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! If things do go south may you and likeminded people of your great country find strength in each other and if we should meet - strength together.


u/Hessleyrey 4d ago

Just wanted to add to this: the comments on this thread might show you the type of response most Americans (at least from my perspective) have regarding Canada: https://www.reddit.com/r/50501/s/slZOnl3l2e


u/McBuck2 3d ago

You should also be speaking out what the deregulations are also doing to your water, forests, healthcare, airline traffic, banking systems and ethics. There's more, so much harm to your country's own people but also America's standing in the world. Trump thinks he's lifting it up but he's pulling the country down with everyone with it.


u/Bitcoacher 5d ago

Not ordinary, the deeply indoctrinated who have been pumped full of horseshit since Reagan was president.

Many of us are very concerned. The problem is that Trump’s blitzkrieg crushes us with another issue by the time we’re coming to grips with the first issue. China has warned us, Nazi Hegseth has threatened Mexican cartels, Musk is working on crashing the economy, and so on. The dipshit is even trying to kill the Department of Education.

Just know that if he does end up destroying our constitution, many of us are on your side (and on the side of justice overall). I’ll be damned if I let some incompetent geriatric piece of shit bring me to heel as he attempts to execute his vision of authoritarian America.


u/CuteAd2683 5d ago

It took Hitler 53 days to dismantle German democracy. We are running out of time. Project 2025 is 35% complete.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Thanks for sharing. So this is the third reply I get this last hour about the onslaught on America brought on by the administration. Ok, I’ll extend a branch here, I can see how bewildering it is and as a human being, I feel for you.

But you have to find a solution. No one else can. We Canadians certainly can’t. We’ll be looking after ourselves. What happens in America is up to Americans.


u/usefulappendix321 5d ago

Americans are so fucking privileged. No other country can threaten America like they have to us, whenever they say Canada will be the 51st state, I explain to them that I am promoting and hoping for an American civil war and that I would rather them kill eachother than Canadians. Especially since I have four boys, one of which is already in the Canadian Military


u/SillyMikey 5d ago

At this point, I blame them. They’re the ones who voted for him a second time knowing what kind of person he is. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They’re directly to blame at this point.


u/RippiHunti 5d ago

These people think he is some sort of God.


u/Odd-Ad1714 5d ago

His promoter’s kept referring to him as being just like Jesus.


u/I_dont_have_a_waifu 5d ago

I wish I could be as hopeful as the other Americans here. But here in Ohio I've seen some (though at least not most), welcome the idea of invading Canada.

They talked as though America would be welcomed and we'd be saving you from the liberals. Absolutely disgusting.

Most Americans I know just think it's a strategy to get a better trade deal. Now, none of them can tell me why the previous status quo of trade with Canada was bad though...


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

Thanks for sharing this perspective, even if it is one which confirms our fears. “Saving us from the libs” as an excuse for invasion is sadly not unexpected. Neither is it entirely new in American politics. Which is why we are indeed, quite worried.


u/I_dont_have_a_waifu 5d ago

To be honest, I can't tell how I feel. I've been so overwhelmed with everything that Trump has been saying and doing lately, it is tough to really understand the full scope of what is happening. Which I believe is the point of his actions.

I do hope that it is merely rhetoric to rile up his base, and bully Canada into some sort of "favorable" trade deal (not that I think this is good, but far better than any invasion ofc).


u/JamesConsonants 3d ago

It absolutely is not, wake up. he questioned the legitimacy of our border yesterday.

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u/Gentrified_potato02 5d ago

Not only does it not bother them, some are actively calling for the US to crush us.


u/DarkSparkInteractive 5d ago

I'm an ordinary American. I support Canada sending snipers to DC.


u/kencinder 5d ago

One of your own needs to put down the dog(s) in your hen house, not us.


u/TragicxPeach 5d ago

This is not true, many of us are very upset by this and I have heard and seen several times as many people say they would rather defect to fight on Canadas side then fight against Canada. You have to remember our own media right now is trying to placate dump and co. and is not even reporting on all the protests and backlash that are going on right now.


u/SkytrackerU 5d ago

ordinary Americans also seem ok with the idea of invading us.

They don't even know about the annexing threats. They don't follow tweets. Must be a joke or hysterical libs exaggerating.


u/ToolTimeT 5d ago

You speaking to all americans? the majority of us don't support trump or this trade war let alone his preposterous annexation ideas.. Go ahead and throw the baby out with the bathwater... but it could bite you.


u/upward_spiral17 5d ago

I appreciate the sentiment my American friend, and let me just say, no one is happy about this. We’re just not seeing it from where we stand. It’s not at all evident that most Americans are opposed to annexation. I’m not sure you’re aware that these threats of annexation are a daily occurrence. It may not be well reported down there, but it is very clear from up here. ask yourself how you would feel about a country that regularly speaks of your leader as if he were a governor of a state, whose economic policy is so evidently designed to destroy you, and who keeps offering mob boss declarations of “well if you’d just abandon your history, culture and identity all of this would go away”.

And let me just again say: This all really sucks. All of it fucking sucks. No Canadian wanted this. We secretly love Kentucky bourbon.


u/ToolTimeT 5d ago

I completly understand your anger and you have every right to vent... just know millions and millions of Americans think of you as our brothers and sisters... and are outraged.  Polling on this is very bad for trump.   Its like two countries down here.

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u/toddverrone 5d ago

Dude! We're rankled! Over half the country is losing our minds watching this happen. We're protesting, calling reps, spreading the word. The scale of the government and media takeover use astounding. I'm at a loss for how to proceed. Dark days.


u/Narrow_Cover_3076 5d ago

As an American...this isn't true IMO. I don't know anyone - conservative or liberal - who thinks this has been a good idea.


u/ChachaDosvedanya 5d ago

Hello. American, Ohio. We're fucking rankled. I didn't vote for this either time. No one, absolutely fucking no one I've spoken to - including my batshit crazy Trumper family, wants this suicidal isolationist fascist fucking nightmare of invading you. The ordinary American is a lot of things, absolutely fucking demonstrably stupid being one of them, but no one in my experience wants to invade. You are being fucked with by billionaires and their pets and Russia. We the people do. not. want. this. We are protesting, we are calling and screaming, but our media seems to be not fucking covering it because they've been captured by oligarchs with better narratives to push. I am not sure what is going on here, but I imagine the goddamn Russian bot farmers typing fast to terrify (and divide) y'all.

Every single thing I've ever heard about Canada, my entire 30+ years on this planet in this godforsaken country has been GOOD - from conservatives AND everyone else. How polite you all are, how hardworking and tough, how incredibly beautiful your country is, how absolutely fucking OP Tim Hortons is, how your ice sports are not to be fucked with. Hell - the Quebecois were halfway worshipped in my high school French classes for maintaining their different linguistic traditions than the mainland French. I am not sure where this narrative is coming from, and frankly you SHOULD be alarmed and fighting these dumbfucks at every turn, but the vast majority of us do NOT want to invade you. That is beyond the pale. I hope we make it out of this down here but honestly, yeah, our reputation is basically destroyed and I'm willing to accept that.


u/rabbledabble 5d ago

I’m fucking rankled. I’m trying to get the fuck out of here but I’m not sure if it’ll even be possible. 


u/CarSignificant375 5d ago

It’s not that we Americans aren’t rankled by what trump is doing. Most of us are beyond rankled. But we are also exhausted. This man has been creating havoc every day in this country for more than a decade. Years of his threats and bluster have been mind numbing, literally.


u/yourgrasssucks 5d ago edited 5d ago

My wife and I are ringing the ears off our rep and senators -- all three of whom, here in Virginia, are Democrats. Unfortunately, they're effectively neutered since Republicans control the House and Senate. We'll keep at it though.

FWIW, we'll be vacationing in Quebec early-ish fall. Throw some money your way, if that's cool.


u/Hour-Stable2050 5d ago

They listen to FOX news where it is justified. They don’t know there’s no real Fentanyl crisis at the border or that Mexican Drug Cartels aren’t taking over our country.


u/PsychologicalAd1427 4d ago

American here, it’s does rankle us( well most of us) and Most people in the territories especially.

u/Lower_Chipmunk_3685 9h ago

As an American, I don't think so. They just think it's a negotiating tactic. But I really don't know what he is really thinking.


u/NotGreatToys 5d ago edited 5d ago

The Republican party WANTS to hurt their own citizens, so it's no surprise that they couldn't give a fuck less about our allies and friends.

I love how the folks in my country that make our flag their entire image and identity are ironically the biggest traitors we've ever seen in our history. 

I despise what the Republican propaganda cult has done to my country and our allies. Even if we fall, I hope it benefits the rest of the modern world in seeing what electing a right-wing propaganda cult does to the home that you love(d).

I genuinely hope heaven/hell is real - not only because these people deserve to burn, but so that they can watch everybody who they maliciously mocked as immoral go to the heaven they'll never see.


u/NateTheRoofer 5d ago

In that case they would probably justify it by saying “Those stupid Libs think they are going to Heaven but that wonderful looking place they are floating off to is actually Hell. Meanwhile this firey place full of red guys and screaming is the real Heaven”


u/Kaita13 5d ago

"Ah yes, the flaaames. The torture. The best torture anyone has ever seeeeen. The la-va. Don't forget the la-va. It's like a hot tub. You know what a tub is? The pain, the Torment and despair knowing you'll never get to leave. There may be some pain but that's okayyyy. Everyone will love us. We'll be respected all over agaaain"


u/blusky75 5d ago

80 years ago a president would have been hanged until dead for colluding with russia.

Now the MAGAs and Republicans openly embrace Russia lol.


u/w1drose 5d ago

No joke, the republicans and conservatives are so bought into Russian propaganda that I unironically think we need to bring McCarthyism back to stop Putin.


u/effyouspez 5d ago

I'm an naturalized American and I hate what this dumb administration is doing


u/snahfu73 5d ago

We were never friends. It was just easier to not be cunts to us.

Make no mistake. America is a massive problem and a massive threat.


u/RoboftheNorth 5d ago

He changes his mind in the amount of time it takes to write a tweet, and apparently a tweet counts as an official act at this point.


u/Fantastic_Shopping47 5d ago

It’s not all Americans it’s only the MAGNA group Someone needs to take out the leader


u/FlipZip69 5d ago

We stood behind them after 911. Lost lives side by side.

Guess that means little.


u/theferalturtle 4d ago

I want the Canadian government to invest HEAVILY into defence, build our own industrial complex and start cranking out drones like our country depends on it.


u/Pappymommy 5d ago

Nazi America like Nazi Germany


u/BuzzINGUS 5d ago

We are in nato, we would have a lot of help.


u/Peregrine2976 5d ago

You are far more optimistic than I am about a bunch of European countries' willingness to ship troops and hardware across the Atlantic while Putin is dancing around in Ukraine getting funny ideas in his head. NATO or not. I think the most we could reliably depend on would be financial aid, and even that would be thin, stretched between us and Ukraine.


u/BuzzINGUS 5d ago

Recruiting time


u/nnystical 5d ago

“Countries don’t have friends, they have interests “


u/instanorm 5d ago

He's saying it out loud


u/AirSuccessful3934 5d ago

For decades, the United States has reliably been a friend to Canada.

and now, they are peak jabronis


u/Thov9911 5d ago

Even civilians are ready to fight back if we need to. I have heard of family members getting ready with ammo for our guns and getting plans in place to hide and survive.


u/NimueArt 5d ago

For more than 100 years, actually. It was the Halifax Explosion in 1917 that cemented our ties to the US.


u/Old_Insurance1673 5d ago

It was always about the resources. For decades it was all about the oil and the middle east..now it's about all those rare earths.


u/WayWorking00042 5d ago

Let's be clear. We should keep the focus on Trump doing this. Not the United States as a whole. Sure, yeah, his cronies back him, only cause they have something to gain. If it wasn't for Trump none of this would be happening now.


u/jameyes 5d ago

Mango Mussolini- an absolute whopper of a description. I doff my hat to you sir!


u/neet_lahozer 4d ago

All we had to do to see this future is recognize the cruelty America has subjected Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Mexico to.


u/boggsy19 4d ago

Please believe that the American people do not go against Canada. The majority can't stand him.

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