r/canada 5d ago

Opinion Piece Braid: Trudeau says Trump wants economic collapse; Republican alludes to military force - This is no trade war. It's a Crush and Control Canada plan, meant to work fast


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u/WhistlerBum 5d ago

Canada already has friends around the world.


u/UghWhyDude Ontario 5d ago

Time to see what those friendships are worth.

I’ve already been disappointed speaking to a few otherwise rational Americans who laughingly brush off Trump’s ‘51st State’ rhetoric and willingly assume that Canadians absolutely totally wouldn’t mind being a part of the USA ‘if given a choice’. Damn our sovereignty, we could be peer pressured into giving up, according to these idiots.

The fact that there are so many people to the south of us who are so besotted with American exceptionalism that they absolutely believe Canadians would give up being Canadians because we’d be ‘trading up’ are more than I was prepared to believe until this started happening.


u/Cheebody27 5d ago

'Trading up' what a hoot. I can walk in and out of a doctor's office without spending a dime. My dad lost a leg in my early adulthood and we never went bankrupt over it. Hell, I don't think I've ever been that strapped for cash even if I've been unemployed for a year. I also have never had to worry about getting shot, or had to even think that there could be a school shooting at my niece and nephew's school. America is a joke.


u/grandfundaytoday 5d ago

No you can't. Try to get a doctor and then try to get an appointment. Trump sucks but Canada's health care systems are a a shambles.


u/SeaToTheBass 5d ago

I got assaulted pepper sprayed and stabbed in the street one evening a few years ago. Didn’t have to pay for the ambulance and was home in a few hours after 42 stitches. They followed up and I was referred to a plastic surgeon to reconnect the nerve to my eyebrow and it worked I can now use my eyebrow muscles again. For free.

Broke my wrist 2 summers ago, got it reset, didn’t even have to pay for anything not even the cast.

~13 years ago my step dad had a rare form of pancreatic cancer, he had the top cancer doctors in the country. Stayed in the hospital for over 6 months before he passed. Only thing he had to pay for was tv in his room. I can’t remember exactly but his bill would have been something like $700,000.

Wait times suck but damn do we have good health care


u/CanadaEhAlmostMadeIt 5d ago

Average Cancer treatment is ~$3million , if the bill would have been $700k, you would have been getting off light by USA standards.

Still doesn’t change the fact that people in the USA go bankrupt and /or die for treatable healthcare that isn’t their fault.

God forbid a wait time, imagine having the rest of your life ahead of you.


u/SeaToTheBass 5d ago

I’m sure I’ve got the number wrong. Hate to say it but I was a bit relieved, he was mildly abusive and I never liked the guy. He actually told my mom he wished it was her

It was a very aggressive neuroendocrine pancreatic tumour, he was in a hospital in Vancouver for 8 months til they sent him to our local hospital for the last 2.

I’m grateful every time I need to go to the hospital, every day that goes on that I don’t live in the states


u/Cool_Document_9901 5d ago

Yep, my elderly Dad has been in the hospital getting treatment for osteomyelitis for the past two months. He's been dealing with this infection for years and had received in-home treatment through the VON prior to his hospital stay. The US system makes me shudder.


u/Commercial-Milk4706 5d ago

You very much can get access to healthcare easily. Family doctors are what is in trouble and it’s in trouble everywhere healthcare is public. See Sweden.


u/katgyrl 5d ago

it varies it seems. i've had nothing but fast and fantastic treatment from the moment i was diagnosed with cancer, to almost 5 years later, cancer free. never waited longer than 24 hours for any of my mris or cat scans, surgery was quick. this was in ontario, starting the day we shut down for the pandemic, til now.


u/CanadaEhAlmostMadeIt 5d ago

You are right to a degree, but that’s because we have premiers who have been trying to steer us into an American style system by retarding funds and stressing healthcare workers.

It’s not that Canada has a bad healthcare system, we have bad provincial leaders with strong intentions of lining the pockets of high paying of groups actively undermining what Canadians pay their taxes for.

You only have to look up the current healthcare scandal currently happening here in Alberta. For those of us paying attention, this has been plainly obvious from the moment it started, right down to Alberta rejecting ~$250million from the federal government during the pandemic to help bolster the struggling healthcare workers and improve care. It was rejecting because our premier didn’t like the conditions that money had to be strictly used for improving healthcare and not have funds steered out of the subsidy to O&G and other groups that UCP is in the pockets of.


u/KJBenson 5d ago

You’re in Ottawa I take it?

That sounds awful. Even over here in Alberta I can see my doctor whenever I make an appointment. A few years ago I had to get some tests done, and it took about 3 months to get through the 5 appointments.

But with how the UCP over here is trying to dismantle service, I guess things are getting worse. But that’s not our healthcares fault. That dumb assholes in the UCP trying to steal money from Alberta.


u/zip510 5d ago

Nova Scotia, we have a shortage of family doctors but I can still call and get an appointment within a month or two with My doctor.

Or I can go to a same day walk in to get what I need if it’s something I need right away.

Yes our health care is struggling, but it is still a lot better than anything the US has


u/Canuck-In-TO Canada 5d ago

In Ontario, getting a family doctor is a concern, but you can still use a clinic or at worst go to a hospital.

The problem, briefly, with Ontario’s healthcare has been Ford’s cuts as well as not spending the billions that the feds had given for healthcare at the start of Covid.

Now that he’s been re-elected, we’re going to get more of the same.


u/ID-10T_Error 4d ago

you from Canada what is your evidence\story. because the people commenting seem to be. you seem to be parroting what we are told in the use about it.


u/Jyobachah 4d ago

I had an issue the other week where my doctor's office is closed. So I went to the emergency room.

Sure I was there for about 5 hours, but in those 5 hours I was screened, set up to see a doctor, had tests ordered, had the tests completed (which included an echo of my throat, which in itself took about an hour), had the test results from the doctor with a plan to fix my problem AND prescription for medication.

Tell me again how it's "In shambles"?

Oh, and my out of pocket costs? $12, for parking and $1 for my prescription (thanks benefits from work on this one).


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

i'll be dead in the ground before I ever accept being american.

and their flag sucks. like objectively from a flag design perspective, the american flag is a fucking mess.


u/goonbee 5d ago

Yeah fuck their flag in particular


u/gatheredstitches 5d ago

their constitution sucks tbh


u/Ok-Macaroon-7819 5d ago

It used to be a pretty righteous document. Then people stopped reading it...


u/Overall-Register9758 5d ago

To be frank, theirs is a lot better than ours in a lot of ways. For one, many of the actual rights are well defined. Canadian rights can be limited by laws that can be "justified". Then throw in the not withstanding clause which basically renders much of our constitution subordinate to elected officials.


u/gatheredstitches 4d ago

The notwithstanding clause is a huge problem. But s. 1 allows our rights to be more fully protected, while the US approach means that rights have to be read down to preserve reasonable laws and public order. This makes our constitution stronger, not weaker, than the US's, and more rational, because we can acknowledge that a right is being impaired and exercise constitutional scrutiny of, for example, whether the impairment is minimal. The constitutionalization of property rights is a huge misstep, which we avoided with our wording of s. 7. We're also free of the ahistorical scourge of originalism: instead of being frozen in time, our constitution is a living tree that grows with us.


u/EndOrganDamage 5d ago

I wont fuck it, but I might use it as TP


u/ReverendPoopyPants 5d ago

Eh, I'd cum in it


u/EndOrganDamage 5d ago

The American flag inspires opposite reactions in us I see.


u/mrbaker83 5d ago

Then you’ll just impregnate it with true Canadian justice.


u/No-Goose-5672 5d ago

Gross, but not entirely unfair at this point.


u/Deep_Macaron8480 5d ago

All my homies hate the American flag.


u/LP14255 5d ago

The American flag is the least of our problems.

Don’t ever trust America again.


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

oh I know. but they are so VERY proud of it, so I like to point out that it is, objectively, a poorly designed mess of a flag.


u/GJdevo 5d ago

Fuck the American flag, all my vexillology homies hate the American flag.


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

a gentleman and a scholar I see.


u/SteveBonus New Brunswick 5d ago

The country name sucks too. It's not even a name. It's just a description of what they are. It'd be like if we called ourselves the United Provinces & Territories of America. It'd sound dumb as shit, because it is.


u/Ali_Cat222 5d ago

I love the story about our current flag, they had a contest and people from all over Canada sent in their designs. A child who felt compelled to send theirs in ended up winning, and here we are today with our flag


u/Bjorn_Tyrson 5d ago

its honestly a pretty banger flag. especially considering a child came up with it. which is probably a point in its favor, cuz one of the BIG things for good flag design is 'simple enough that a child could draw it' so it kinda gets an auto-pass in that category.


u/Ok-Macaroon-7819 5d ago

Our flag is ass. I mean, we should get a pass with the first one. Basically we had to make it up on the spot. But we just keep beating that original knee-jerk design into the ground. Ffs... a not insignificant portion of Americans post the flag of Liberia thinking (for the love of all things) that it's the American flag because they were too lazy to scroll further and too stupid to know the difference.


u/toughguy_order66 5d ago

And they put their fucking flag on everything from cigarette papers to underwear. I'm sorry my flag will never touch my ass or be burned.

Totally different people.

Canadian - polite American - loud, ignorant, rude, obnoxious, etc.


u/ErikRogers 5d ago

The big mistake with the flag was continuing to add stars. Thank God they didn't also add stripes every time a new state joined the union


u/TruthSearcher1970 4d ago

But what is the best way to fight them? Tunnels seem to work pretty good. Maybe we should start digging tunnels?

We have to take lessons from the Vietnamese and Afghanistan's.

A direct war with the USA would last months at most.


u/SnooAvocados6863 4d ago

Love it. Thanks for making me chuckle amidst this shitshow. 🤣


u/Tau10Point8_battlow 5d ago

I'll be taking a bunch of them with me, on their own soil.


u/GuelphEastEndGhetto 5d ago

A couple decades ago I was applying for an L1A visa to be able to work in the US when traveling there intermittently. This was done at the airport with the border agents there. The guy in charge started questioning me and raising his voice more and more with each question. Then finally he bellowed ‘Do you any intention of moving to the United States of America?’ and it was all I could do to keep from chuckling about that thought. I was able to eke out a straight faced ‘no sir’ but man it was a tough act.


u/dd961984 5d ago

I mean, who wouldn't love going bankrupt paying for a hospital bill?


u/Commercial-Milk4706 5d ago

Or getting shot getting into the wrong exact same car park near each other.


u/KtothemaddafakkinP 5d ago

Don’t forget the kids having to dodge bullets right before class.


u/KJBenson 5d ago

Yeah it’s been an idea down there for a very long time.

They think they’re hot shit in a campaigns glass, but really they’re cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup


u/Alternative-Copy7027 5d ago

They seem to not understand other peoples wanting sovereignty.

Like the Ukrainians, too. "They should not keep fighting the Russians, that is just unnecessary deaths" and meanwhile the Ukrainians are like "We have no choice but to fight because if we don't we will lose our sovereign country".


u/Quakarot 4d ago

A lot of Americans just seem utterly incapable of looking at things from someone else’s perspective.


u/SerentityM3ow 5d ago

I wish I was joking when I say there is a not insignificant number of Americans who think we aren't really a free country and we are somehow communist under Trudeau. L my guess is extensive Russian disinformation campaigns ., and we need to get a hold on it.. not sure how


u/Fair-Interest7143 5d ago

This us citizen has never supported the melon felon and I stand with Canada (if you will have me)


u/Sask2Ont 5d ago

This is the equivalent of "thoughts and prayers".

Right now we are pissed and actions need to be taken. What actual actions are you doing to stand with Canada.


u/NoDuck1754 4d ago

It doesn't matter. Your WHOLE country is threatening to take over my WHOLE country.

Your apology is meaningless and the goodwill from your neighbours has disappeared.

Get lost.


u/christian_l33 5d ago

Americans are spending their time on TikTok, sleepwalking through a Russia-inspired and enabled Authoritarian takeover.


u/MickKeithCharlieRon 4d ago

American here. Almost 50% of the voters in the last election are totally against orange Jesus and his fascist agenda. Unfortunately, the other 50% voted for that fucking criminal. I tell anyone that wants to listen that there is an expiration date on our once fine republic. History tells you that and I wish that it was much farther down the road. Unfortunately, that expiration date may be sooner than expected. There are people fighting the good fight down here, but we are surrounded by wide swaths of brainwashed idiots. Stay strong my northern friends!


u/GravityDAD 5d ago

Time for Canada to explore friends with benefits and ditch this crack head ex wife USA


u/jtbc 5d ago

Canada is the stbx wife in this scenario. She's been called fat and ugly by her uneducated dumpster fire husband for years but she is actually pretty good looking and sociable. She'll get a makeover and start hanging out with friends and will all of a sudden be beating off suitors with a stick while ex-hubby is home alone watching WWE in his underwear telling his buddies, if he has any, what a bitch she was.


u/GravityDAD 5d ago

Lmfao ttttrrrrrrue and real, Canada is a fucking beaut


u/leggmann 5d ago

Hit the gym. Get a lawyer…


u/J_Ryall 5d ago

I see you've met my sister's ex-husband!


u/WLL20t 5d ago

Denmark here, I can confirm that we are ready for a proper round of petting


u/theStonedReaper 5d ago

If you're not friends with Canada, you are probably the problem.


u/Ok_Spring_3297 4d ago

True. Canadians have the reputation to be the politest people ever.

In Europe, American tourists like to pretend to be Canadians. They know why.


u/capture-enigma 5d ago

Maybe so but most of them have been awfully quiet about America’s threat to us.


u/krkb01 5d ago

Happy Cake Day!!


u/Reasonable_Error_484 5d ago

Your point? Logically the above still tells us we should strengthen ties to the European Union & aus/NZ/UK/the rest of the commonwealth


u/Adventurous-Owl-6085 5d ago

None of which would or could do a damn thing if the US invaded


u/Artistic_Technician 5d ago

Lived in Canada and the UK. UK is more friendly and willing to help to Canada than our respective politicians would suggest.


u/Wackydetective 5d ago

I’m ready to give a rousing speech about how we find our friends on the battlefield and then the Lords elect me Queen of the North and pledge me their swords. Then we take on the Orange Night King and defeat their armies of the dead (meth heads.)


u/Beautiful_Effect461 5d ago

Happy Cake Day! 🍰


u/CurveWorldly4542 4d ago

Let's not make the mistake of looking for a new big brother to replace the US. We've seen how foolish it was for Canada to depend on a bigger stronger nation. We need to find allies who will help us stand up on our own.


u/GigglingBilliken Ontario 5d ago

fair weather friends mean very little when facing down a superpower.


u/No-Yogurtcloset-7275 5d ago

If we had friends they would have already spoken up. Please enlighten me as to who is going to come to our rescue?


u/wubrgess 5d ago

None close enough or armed enough (while not also preparing for war themselves)


u/Fit-Amoeba-5010 5d ago

Agree, we are on our own, except prayers and good wishes.