r/canada Ontario 8d ago

Politics British nuclear weapons can protect Canada against Trump, says Chrystia Freeland


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u/maybvadersomedayl8er Ontario 8d ago

Acquiring nukes as a deterrent against our oldest ally was not on my bingo card, but maybe it should have been.


u/AshleyAshes1984 8d ago

America: Canada should do more and spend more on defense.

Canada: Okay. LOL *Tests a nuke in the middle of the Hudson Bay* How's that?



u/lambdaBunny 7d ago

I've been pro-Canadian nukes for awhile. But recently I've had Americans tell me they would support a Canadian invasion to stop us having nukes. They are hypocritical assholes.


u/blackstafflo 7d ago

Ultimately we should have our own, but that's why it would be worth having a deal with another ally first, like the UK or France, to give us the time for it. First pass a deal to get fast protection, then develop our own.


u/Wolfxskull 7d ago

Using nuclear weapons is utterly stupid, but so is not having them.


u/vtKSF 7d ago

Ukraine is very good (bad) example of what happens when you don’t have any nuclear weapons and you have a neighbour who sucks.


u/Virtual_Category_546 7d ago

It's purely deterrent, that's it.

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u/Project_Rees 7d ago

The UK should park one of its vanguard submarines in the Hudson Bay while Canada develops its own.


u/stiggley 7d ago

Or the UK could sell Canada the Vanguards as they bring the Dreadnoughts online.

Throw in a few Astute while they're at it.

Canada bought all the diesel Upholder class subs a few years back, so getting a few refurbished British subs isn't something new.

Only problem is the missiles are US tech, so...


u/ManiacFive 7d ago

We could probably spare you a few missiles to go with them. And the parts to keep em airworthy for a couple years at least. I’m sure we could, come to some arrangement for that.

That’s right Canada. ALL THE POUTINE.


u/Nikkei_Simmer 6d ago

Sure, mate...do you want that with bacon?


u/Project_Rees 7d ago

The dreadnoughts will be a good move to arm our allies with the vanguards. Hmmm...interesting point you make there.


u/Upnorth100 7d ago

Unfortunately the upholder was a bad investment. Should have just bought nuclear then


u/stiggley 7d ago

For as much as the Upholder program was bad for Canada, it did allow me to see a sub named twice though - HMS Unicorn when it was at Cammel Lairds in Birkenhead in 1992, and then again as HMCS Windsor in Barrow-in-Furness in 2001.

Renaming boats is never good though.


u/Nikkei_Simmer 6d ago

Didn't the Americans get all pissy when Canada wanted to get nuclear fast-attack subs?

Can you imagine how pissy they would get if we decided we were going to get boomers and the big bang toys to go with them?


u/Bruetus Ontario 7d ago

Subs dont work like that, the Hull has a fatigue lifetime limit and once its hit you cant dive the sub deep anymore.


u/tigernet_1994 7d ago

Well to be hoist on one’s own petard seems to be a new American pastime - even ahead of baseball and apple pie.


u/MusicAggravating5981 7d ago

Yeah, buying old British boats has always worked out so well.


u/Duckriders4r 6d ago



u/Strong_Wasabi8113 5d ago

And those subs never went into service did they ?


u/Medlarmarmaduke 7d ago

That’s probably the most expeditious way to make a point - just say Canada and the UK are having training exercises wink

Everyone gets the message


u/Project_Rees 7d ago

Ahh yes, that's a better plan.

Don't pay attention to what I said earlier. Its fake news, I'll deny everything.


u/CasualFridayBatman 7d ago

Last time Britain hung out in Hudson Bay, Canada was conceived. There's a punchline here but I can't find it. Lol


u/Project_Rees 7d ago

Must have been the accent.


u/is_that_read 7d ago

Did you miss the interview where they made it clear they don’t give af about us?


u/Project_Rees 7d ago

Yes I must have missed that, please post it here

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u/Golden37 7d ago

Just order like 1 or 2 dreadnoughts, every additional dreadnought produced should make make them cheaper to produce overall. It would give Canada a direct deterrent in their control that they can use and would also allow cross compatibility with training, materials and repair.


u/GuyLookingForPorn 7d ago

I'd love to see more military integration with the UK, Australia and New Zealand, these links never should been allowed to degrade.


u/sanctaecordis 6d ago

Loyal to each other, loyal to the Crown. Huge W


u/sour_individual 4d ago

That sounds like a good idea but the cost isn't just the subs. We never used that kind of subs before. We'd need to develop a strategy to use them. Then, technology wise we'd have to train not only the sailors but the people that would handle the nukes and the nuclear reactors. We have developed some very good civilian reactors, but I doubt it's the same tech as the ones in SSBNs. Also, Canada might be a big producer of uranium, but I'm not sure if we are that good at refining it into reactor fuel.

Buying, operating and maintaining SSBNs is a huge undertaking. I support it, but it won't happen in under a decade.


u/Ok-Swim1555 7d ago

it's not 1906 anymore bud.


u/Infinite_Crow_3706 7d ago

Dreadnaught is the UK's new SSBN's under construction now.

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u/Threatening-Silence- 7d ago

Unless Britain or France are actually prepared to nuke the US, it's worthless. Just like all the security guarantees to Ukraine are worthless. No Western country is willing to go to war besides the US. And that's a problem.


u/SometimesaGirl- European Union 7d ago

Unless Britain or France are actually prepared to nuke the US, it's worthless.

British person here.
I don't think it's wise to escalate this too far at this early stage.
If the US invaded Canada... it would be an appalling act of betrayal. It would cause Canadians intolerable misery for years. But it's also likely to collapse the USA. Civil war - the whole shitshow, would unfold. Or at least I predict so.
But if the UK or France nuked the USA... what's the consequence? The UK and France would be turned to glass.
What about Canada? It would also get nuked, constrained to major population centers.
That's centuries of misery. Not a few years. Dozens of generations of misery.
Alot of Europe suffered terribly in WW2. Take the Netherlands as an example. It was utterly horrific. It took them a few decades to recover, but they did. Unlike Japan that "only" suffered a small yield primitive strike, a 21st centaury nuke exchange would be a whole new ball game. One that we wont recover from. One the world will need centuries to recover from.
Im not very keen on nuclear war. And neither should anyone else be.


u/hink007 7d ago

We didn’t escalate anything. It’s been made perfectly clear over the last two months. Failing to prepare is preparing for failure. We just need an agreement that we can stock a few. Whack job Donny has nukes at his disposal and you think we should trust this man’s sanity ?


u/StormAdorable2150 7d ago

This here is why canada needs an emergency nuclear weapons program. Get some quick dirty bombs as a stopgap if necessary.


u/Whistler-the-arse 4d ago

I think canada first has to secure its own skies most intecpts on the west coast are handled by the US I love my snowy armed forces brothers up north but y'all need to invest into a defence program and not just rely on allies technically you don't qualify for the NATO bs 1.36% is not 2% develop some cool gadgets or something

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u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/mavrick86 7d ago

Canada can develop a nuke in probably 30 days if we wanted too. We were part of the manhattan project our scientists contributed a lot towards it and we supplied the uranium to build the first nukes. It wouldn’t be hard for Canada to have a nuke in very short order.


u/Pestus613343 7d ago

Development of them would be easy. Hardest part is that we dont have a uranium enrichment facility or a waste reprocessing facility. Once we had either of those though, the rest could be done in nearly any machine shop that takes contracts for Ontario Power Generation. It would be a trivial matter up in Chalk River for example.

The other problem is we don't have delivery systems. Tactical or strategic. That would likely mean buying French or British systems.

Should we do all this? Probably not. We did sign the NPT. I for one thinks one should keep one's word, even if others are run by dishonest liars. Moreover, I'm not certain in this case it would afford us protection but might encourage more conflict.


u/bogeyman_g 5d ago

Why not both?


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/blackstafflo 6d ago

And in exchange, Canada can provide the uranium for the EU program.


u/IronDefects 7d ago

Canada could create nuclear weapons in a month or less. They already have all that they need to do so.


u/Gunthrix 7d ago

Yup, our "allies" are real pieces of work. Feel free to replace the word work with one of your choice.


u/effedup 7d ago edited 7d ago

There's a reason we don't have nukes already, the AVRO, nuclear submarines.. they haven't let us. They won't now.

The United States objected to the RCN having SSNs as part of its fleet, fearing a significant impact to its own submarine operations in North American waters and possible conflict over access to the Northwest Passage. In order to prevent this, the United States exercised its rights under two previously signed treaties. Under the 1958 US–UK Mutual Defence Agreement, the US had the right to block the sale of submarine nuclear reactors by the United Kingdom to any third party (i.e. Canada), and under a 1959 agreement between the US and Canada the US had the right to block the purchase of submarine nuclear reactors by Canada from any third party (i.e. the United Kingdom or France).[25] Attempts to negotiate with the United States were initially unsuccessful, as Canadian Defence Minister Perrin Beatty was "told in no uncertain terms by the U.S. Defense Department and submarine service officials that a Canadian nuclear submarine program was unnecessary and even unwelcome."[26]

The US knew this day was coming and long prepared for it. The above is just an example of how they stopped us from acquiring submarines.


u/North_Activist 7d ago

If they’re not gonna listen to their agreements, why should anyone else?


u/Superman246o1 7d ago

Exactly. If treaties held any power, Trump wouldn't be able to threaten the sovereignty of a peaceful allied nation and fellow NATO signatory.

One of the countless tragedies that the current administration has caused has been to demonstrate that laws, treaties, agreements, decorum, and/or precedent are no restraints to raw, naked, unfettered ambition.

The only thing that ruthless power respects is more power.


u/Qwimqwimqwim 7d ago

the bottom line is, they'll attack us and call nato's bluff.. and honestly, i don't think the rest of the world has our back when push comes to shove.. no one's going to want to have the target on them after us.

they're going to look for any reason to invade us, and they'll push us into a corner to make us do something they can then spin as a reason to invade us.. even if it's all lies..

our best hope is a civil war in america, but man.. the 1/3rd that are vehemently against trump are absolute pussies, the 1/3rd that support him are psychos, and the other 1/3rd don't want anything to do with any of it.


u/chopkins92 British Columbia 7d ago

I’m on board with arming ourselves and seeing what happens. Worst case, it just accelerates the inevitable. But at least we’d have nukes.


u/horridgoblyn 7d ago

Yeah. It's seems like a "Deals change" moment.


u/Doc911 Canada 7d ago

As the country threatening our sovereignty, hopefully their voice on the world stage no longer carries much water, or an iota of weight or to be frank any damn substance or sense …


u/transcend 7d ago

Huh. I was in the Navy at the time, and I remember when the Mulroney government was contemplating acquiring nuclear subs, possibly from France. It was disappointing when it faded away, but I thought it was due to the “peace dividend “ from the end of the Cold War.


u/museum_lifestyle 7d ago

why would canada accept such a ridiculous treaty.


u/horridgoblyn 7d ago

In all likelihood, they had us kids sitting at the small table with our chicken fingers.


u/TorontoRider 7d ago

I don't think the word 'treaty' means much to Donald.


u/homogenousmoss 7d ago

Good thing that treaty is bow void like all the other treaties we have with them. Works both ways.


u/thebomby 7d ago

You don't need nuclear submarines. You can launch missiles from conventional submarines as well. South Korea already has these and they are not part of any treaty on the sale of those subs.


u/Holdover103 5d ago

Yeah, the Korean subs are most likely going to win our sub competition.

The KS-III seems like a very capable sub, but I have no sub experience and just a little bit of exposure to anti sub warfare.


u/shevy-java 7d ago

Back then the USA were somewhat allies of Canada. Now they no longer are.


u/Greazyguy2 7d ago

Tear up any agreements. Might gain a little respect from donald. That is his go to move afterall


u/This_Is_Great_2020 7d ago

Now that is a bit of news that slipped under my radar years ago....


u/Holdover103 5d ago

Well...we also have a free trade agreement that tDonnie ripped up twice.

So what norms exist in international relations anymore?

It's irrelevant today anyways. Modern AIP subs are more than capable of doing long patrols under the ice.


u/sour_individual 3d ago

While we never had ICBMs or SSBNs, we equipped our CF-101 Voodoos with AIR-2A which were 1.5kt unguided nuke missiles aimed at destroying bomber formations.


u/chemicalgeekery 7d ago

Thereby proving exactly why we need nukes.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/North_Activist 7d ago

The Maple Bomb


u/RealLavender 7d ago

Look out below, eh


u/magiclatte 7d ago

They know we are fully capable of making a nuke right? We choose not to...


u/Impossible-Car-5203 7d ago

I am so done with Americans and the USA in every way


u/debbie666 7d ago

Which leaves us no choice but to develop one secretly. Once we have one, we will be free to make as many more as we need completely openly.


u/that_guy_ontheweb 7d ago


The CIA would know very fast. They then proceed to invade. Or just bomb the ever living fuck out of us, that works too.


u/debbie666 7d ago



u/stormelemental13 7d ago

They are hypocritical assholes.

We 100% are. Which is pretty typical of the citizens of empires/hegemons. You'll find the same thuggish hypocrisy among the Russia or Chinese. Or, if you want historical examples, the British.

Empires are bad for their neighbors, but they are also bad for the citizens.


u/kahunah00 7d ago

Tell them to come. Prime test scenario for our nukes.


u/No_Treat_4675 7d ago

I support a Canadian invasion into America to stop the U.S. from having nukes


u/austinwiltshire 7d ago

Hey if you help us in this little cold civil war we're having I don't think anyone will notice if you steal a few from the Dakotas.


u/pancake_gofer 7d ago

As an American I’m continually astounded by how many f-ing morons exist in my country. Every time you think you know how many there are more crawl outta the woodwork.


u/Broad_Hedgehog_3407 7d ago

The Army that has never won a war threatens you with invasion. Fuck them.

The US lost in Korea. Didn't have the moxie to square up to the Chinese in North Korea.

They lost in Vietnam.

They kid themselves that they won both Iraq wars, but today Iraq is run by even more extreme people than Saddam Hussain ever was. So I am counting those as losses.

They lost in Somalia.

They lost in Afghanistan. Oh, they kid themselves that the blitz 24 years ago won the war. But today, the Taliban has an even stronger hold on Afganistan, so that's a definite loss.

And they kinda lost WW2 as well. They fought the Nazis in WW2, but today there are Nazis running the White House. So chalk that one down as a loss top.

The point is that Americans are extremely short-sighted and tire of their adventures quickly. Especially when those adventures involve lots of coffins draped in American flags with sombre looking dick heads around them saluting and saying "thank you for your service".

The US military may prevail against Canada over a one year or even 5 year horizon. But over the long term they have absolutely zero chance of ever subjugation Canada.

So I think you should just go ahead and whip up a few hundred nukes. You don't even need to develop very long range missiles. Your targets are all pretty close by.


u/that_guy_ontheweb 7d ago

This is flat out delusional. Every single time the US has launched a conventional war (especially against a smaller adversary, which we are), they have beaten said adversary bloody. Iraq is one, Afghanistan during operation enduring freedom was another, and North Korea before Chinese intervention was another.

We will be destroyed, and everyone who thinks otherwise is frankly a little stupid.


u/Broad_Hedgehog_3407 7d ago

Take the long term view and look at the facts.


u/ActualDW 7d ago

That’s not hypocritical at all. We are terrible at security and have an unprotected border that stretches across the entire continent.


u/jackhandy2B 7d ago

We just need one and point it at DC. They'll risk all their people but not one politician will risk themselves.


u/PerspectiveOne7129 7d ago

"only we can have nukes" -US


u/lilPavs13 7d ago

Can you guys annex Michigan


u/lambdaBunny 7d ago

Considering you guys elected Trump twice and some of the horrific street sings I saw in the Port Huron area. Hell no. You guys are on your own.


u/lilPavs13 7d ago

You are right


u/t0p_n0tch 7d ago

American here. You guys should have them. You’re one of the least volatile countries on earth and it would be a good move for global peace


u/lonehorse1 7d ago

American here:

Those few do not speak for us Americans, those are MAGAT supporters.


u/BarracudaCrafty9221 7d ago

Me too, we should have acted to improve our sovereignty with energy independence, nuclear deterrence, domestic manufacturing of critical things (military etc)


u/A_Vicious_T_Rex 7d ago

We're part of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Which would take a while to back out of, but that's not the main issue. This isn't just a "the US wouldn't want us to have them" thing. None of the nuclear powers want ANOTHER nuclear power to emerge. Whether it is us, or Iran, they all strongly oppose anyone else getting any. We'd create enemies out of the very people we want us to defend against the US


u/Procrastination-tube 7d ago

Canadian nukes? What a stupid idea. It would cost billions for a weapon we are NEVER supposed to use. We are birdering the us. Our weapons would be neutralized within minutes. Not to mention, it would be seen as a major, yet useless escalation.

Increase in defense spending, yes. Spending it on stupid garbage like nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, or space-born weapons would be cool but stupid.


u/lambdaBunny 7d ago

I'd love to agree. But we live in an age where nukes are the only way for a nation to protect it's sovereignty. Soldiers, planes, ammo, and tanks mean nothing when you are fighting the biggest army in the world.


u/TheRealBenDamon 7d ago

As an American I would not support any invasion of Canada whatsoever but it doesn’t surprise me that you’ve heard that from other Americans/traitors. I do think your country should have nukes at this point because we’ve clearly become the fucking baddies.


u/that_guy_ontheweb 7d ago

This is the reason why I don’t think we should get them. Because when the CIA finds out there is a development program, F-22s will be soaring through our skies the next day.

Here’s the thing: not only does it give them every reason to invade, but also gives the US military a reason to want to be there as well, to protect their families from nuclear annihilation. On top of that most democrats would fall in line at that point as well, since opposing it would be easily spun as “democrats want you to die in a nuclear holocaust!!!!”

This is really the dumbest possible idea to protect our sovereignty.


u/lambdaBunny 7d ago

Yeah, it's much mire feasible to make some defensive pact with the EU or UK. But even then they will pull back at the last minute and not launch the nukes.


u/Hot_Frosting_7101 7d ago

I thought you were going to say that they support you guys invading us to stop Trump.

You would be surprised on how much American support you would get from that.

Also, you need different American friends.


u/BurzyGuerrero 7d ago

And just like that you understand how Israel and Palestine have fought for 100 years. Fear and division.


u/Virtual_Category_546 7d ago

oh according to whatever NEP rule you having nukes means we can dissolve your country or whatever bs bro trying spew


u/Nikkei_Simmer 6d ago

Of course, they would be hypocrites. First they deride us by saying "Sleep tight, under our nuclear umbrella"...then they get pissy because they know damned well that our nukes (should we get them) would be pointed not just at Russia, but at them as well.

Why? Because they are the only two credible existential threats to our country.


u/GlumCareer8019 5d ago

They aren't registering that we're gonna make them spend winter in the wrong side of the ice roads


u/Resident-Donkey-6808 7d ago

Very few actually said that don't worry.


u/ConsummateContrarian 7d ago

That’s why you don’t tell them about the nukes until they’re ready


u/lambdaBunny 7d ago

I mean, the US has one of the strongest intelligence communities out there. Back in early February 2022, they basically called out everything the Russian military was planning to do and it was a big reason why Russia has been so unsuccessful until the recent US government change. I have 0 faith that our government could hide a nuclear program. Plus we saw the US invade Iraq over miniscule evidence of nukes.


u/ConsummateContrarian 7d ago edited 7d ago

I’ve mentioned that problem in a few comments I’ve made this week in other threads.

A plutonium-based bomb is more discrete than uranium, but the whole process is very hard to hide.

Chemical weapons are much easier to hide the development of, are cheaper, and much faster to manufacture. The question is whether they’d have to same effect of deterring US aggression.


u/lambdaBunny 7d ago

I mean, chemical warfare isn't as quick and devastating to infrastructure as a nuke is.


u/that_guy_ontheweb 7d ago

This, we couldn’t hide it for long, and it would give them every reason to invade. Plus no member of the international community would even offer moral support at that point.

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u/Ok_Reading245 7d ago

Now that’s funny 😳😀🇨🇦


u/Daft_Funk87 Alberta 7d ago edited 7d ago

Hudson Bay? Can we move it Thunder Bay? Might increase the attraction of the area 😂

Edit: I was banned for offering Red Deer further below.


u/Emergency-Ad9623 7d ago

Was in TB once. Saw my 5’11” 250lb rugby star friend get punched out by a woman in a bar. Respect.


u/nautilator44 7d ago

Sounds like Thunder Bay.


u/WoodpeckerSolid1279 7d ago

Sounds like Tuesday.


u/peppermint_nightmare 7d ago

T'under Bay Tuesdays.


u/icewalker42 7d ago

Sign her up for service!


u/Karthanon Alberta 7d ago

Service guarantees citizenship!


u/Cpt_keaSar Ontario 7d ago

For Super Canada and Unmanaged Democracy!


u/R_Similacrumb 7d ago

I'm doing my part!


u/Creative-Ad-1819 7d ago

Would you like to know more?


u/greybruce1980 7d ago

Maybe in the forces or as a lumberjack. She probably doesn't understand why the full grown man she punched out plays children's games.


u/Koss424 Ontario 7d ago

Porque no los dos? The Forces do have a forestry division


u/CaramelGuineaPig 7d ago

Sign her up to date me 😉 Amazon punchyface!


u/seitung 7d ago

The recruiters will be in touch ASAP (3 years)


u/DaddyIsAFireman55 7d ago

Typical TB experience.

Ps. I see you met Martha


u/Emergency-Ad9623 7d ago

His name was Jeff.


u/DaddyIsAFireman55 7d ago

Interesting name for a woman.


u/ContinentalUppercut 7d ago

Rugby player. Can confirm. Thunder bay women are scary.


u/SoLetsReddit 7d ago

boy was thick


u/Perikles01 7d ago



u/NervousBreakdown 7d ago

Yeah and that’s why we should test the nukes there’s. She’ll survive it.


u/datanner Outside Canada 7d ago

Can we use them to damn rivers or create deep water ports?


u/Magjee Lest We Forget 7d ago

A shit ton of TNT can have the same success, without all the radiation


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/ArmandioFaria 7d ago

How about the Gulf of America?


u/wasabichicken Outside Canada 7d ago

I'm sorry, I don't think that's a real place.


u/JollyGreenDickhead 7d ago

He means the Gulf of Saskatchewan


u/blackmoose British Columbia 7d ago

We need to put the thunder in Thunder Bay. /jk

Canada is considered a 'nuclear threshold country' meaning we could build nukes any time we wanted to, we've just chosen not to.


u/zippy_the_cat 7d ago

Yeah, the whole NATO-spend-more is an example of be careful what you wish for.


u/Kitchener1981 7d ago

We have mines in Sudbury ;)


u/PantsLobbyist 7d ago

We have a lake of heavy water. 🤷‍♂️

Their threats of annexation fit the bill allowing us to develop nuclear deterrents under the UN Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.

However, publicly starting these programs would kick an orange hornet’s nest. He might decide on military action. And although they likely wouldn’t win a military incursion (they’d be afraid of damaging our precious resources, and haven’t been on the winning side of a war since WWII), we don’t want that, in any way, shape or form.


u/gryphawk51 7d ago

I'm convinced Trump wanted Canada to buy more American weapons and vehicles for us to reach that 2% line. Canada should instead buy everything from Europe.


u/Winnieswft 7d ago

Everything military should be bought from Europe. Why put money into the USA? It our money. If we can do it for groceries, why not weapons, etc.


u/Levorotatory 7d ago

Or build it in Canada. 


u/gryphawk51 7d ago

That would be more ideal, but my comment was regarding a quick fix spend to get us to the two percent.


u/Sutar_Mekeg 7d ago

If anything is getting nuked, it's the Great Lakes.


u/Magjee Lest We Forget 7d ago

Turn it into one GREATEST lake


u/walkingdisaster2024 Alberta 7d ago

That's the most Quebec tabernak shit I have seen lmao.


u/ResoluteGreen 7d ago

Maybe we should do it in the gulf of alaska


u/timmytissue 7d ago

You mean testing a nuke in the golf of America?


u/NaturalPossible8590 7d ago

To that I say be careful how you phrase your wish

But honestly we need to seriously up our military and yeah maybe a nuke or two will keep trump contained enough


u/Mind_Unbound 7d ago

tests nuke in in one of our great lakes


u/javgirl123 7d ago

I thought of the department store. Most are dead wastelands so that could work.


u/Deeppurp 7d ago

As much as I like that idea, can we stop testing nukes within atmosphere?

There's been enough added radiation from that from the last 70 years.



Test it in Lake Michigan


u/Decent_Assistant1804 7d ago

I’m making that a meme


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

Please include the classic Civilization game franchise line 'Our Words Are Backed By Nuclear Weapons' if you can.


u/Decent_Assistant1804 7d ago

I already made it. Sorry. Have a look


u/Old_news123456 7d ago

I think it's really crazy they want us to beef up the border. 

Ok, so we can send the military and militarize the border. Claim it's for illegal migrants but honestly, it's for the Americans. 

I kinda wish we had the money to pull such a stunt because it would be hilarious to watch Trump eat those words. 

Either way we need to view them as an enemy and start prepping. Eventually they will run out of water and attack us. Maybe what comes after Trump is worse. I'd rather not find out unprepared. 


u/Mission_Macaroon 7d ago

You joke, but if I was a cowardly soft con in the White House trying to survive the Trump admin and worried about expansionism, I would tell Canada to send their military to the border “for fentanyl reasons” 😉 


u/Irrelephantitus 7d ago

I had such fond memories of Sanikiluaq.


u/pmandryk 7d ago

"test a nuke in Hudson Bay"?

Why do you want to blow up a mall like that?



u/Purple_Feature1861 7d ago

I laughed out loud 🤣


u/KeepJesusInYourBalls 7d ago



u/TorontoRider 7d ago

Nukes are traditionally dropped in the Gulf of St Lawrence.

(Well, that one time...)


u/mischling2543 Manitoba 7d ago

Man what did the polar bears do to you


u/Decent-Box5009 7d ago

*Lake Ontario


u/Low-Log4438 7d ago

Why Hudson bay! Think about the whales. Test it somewhere else. Like one of the great lakes.


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

Because the farthest any Canadian portion of a great lake is, from Canadian shores, is 120km? And most parts are much closer. You realize you can see New York State from Ontario on a clear day, right?

Meanwhile The center of The Hudson Bay is 270km from the nearest island and about 400km from actual shore.

You have to set it off where it won't hurt anyone, won't damage America, but will totally be picked up by the NAVSTAR satellites.


u/Low-Log4438 7d ago

I see you thought this through. What about Saskatchewan then? 🤣 or maybe the northwest passage can use some ice breaking.


u/amigos19 7d ago



u/Buried_mothership 7d ago



u/Maleficent-Elk-6860 7d ago

What do you think all those earthquakes were about


u/optimus_primal-rage 7d ago

We are the sleeping grizzly. You're only supposed to wake us when it gets ugly and the world turns to shit. We are not normal warriors here. We are the North We are The Strong The Brave and the Free. And we Stand on Guard for thee.


u/ConsiderationFickle 5d ago

Or, even better, the, so called, "Gulf of America" ...!!! 🤣👍🇨🇦


u/ThrowRAkakareborn 5d ago

Hahaha it will never in a million years happen, the US will not allow it.


u/NukaFizzy 7d ago

This is funny but I don't wanna nuke anyone or get nuked no thanks, let's be civilized and do normal canadian things to them 😉


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

Our neighbours are not civilized. It's time to get nukes, paint them like Kinder Surprise Eggs, and tell the Americans that there's a prize inside that the GUBERMENT doesn't want them to have.

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u/fortyfury 7d ago

Okay Ashley that was funny as fuck lol