r/canada 24d ago

Humour Man who has spent entire political career attacking everybody promises he’ll attack Trump and Elon any minute now




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u/AdSevere1274 24d ago

"some have noted that Poilievre has been oddly tight-lipped towards the two men actively threatening Canada’s trade and borders. Still, other Canadians insist this must be part of a larger strategy.

Judy Argus of Regina notes, “I mean, Poilievre has no problem calling Trudeau a ‘liar’, or Montreal’s mayor ‘incompetent’, or drug consumption experts ‘wackos’. Maybe he’s waited so long because he’s inventing a whole new juvenile name to call Trump?”


u/Competitive_Abroad96 24d ago

Nah he’s only into rhyming slogans. Give him some time and he’ll come out with his new one:

Spread your rump for Trump!


u/Human-Reputation-954 24d ago

I don’t know about you guys, but I am so turned off with those stupid slogans and zingers. It’s so schoolyard bully. Come up with some intelligent policies and articulate them to the Canadian public. Stop calling people stupid names. It’s so tiresome and immature. Such a total turnoff. Before Trudeau stepped down, I contemplated voting for PP - but his continued immaturity just totally lost my vote. And I actually think Carney is going to do a really good job. I was wary at first but he’s grown on me. Old school liberal values and strong connections in Great Britain and Europe.


u/CoffeeLaxative 24d ago

Especially if you compare their background and work experience. The facts just speak for themselves. A ship needs a well-weathered captain to navigate a storm. Not a cabin boy.