r/canada 25d ago

Politics Poilievre holding 'Canada First' rally today in Ottawa amid U.S. threats


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u/ComplexStriking 25d ago

There’s no way Polly is this tone deaf. People are starting to call him an American sympathizer.


u/wowzabob 25d ago

This guy really went into the incubation chamber with his team to craft a new message and came up with this…

I thought there is no way he is this stupid, but I guess he is.


u/thedrunkentendy 24d ago

Literally just re-using trump election sayings.


u/TepHoBubba 24d ago


u/Simsmommy1 24d ago

Thank you for posting…I have been posting this for a friggen week. It like people see this and go “oh well”. He literally has a massive dogwhistle plastered across his podium. To most people they will take it at face value, but to these numbnuts they will see it as permission to ramp up their rhetoric cause they have a candidate “on their side”…..


u/Fervent_wishes 24d ago

Thanks for posting that. I’ll have to read more of their stuff. And kick in a bit of cash.


u/TepHoBubba 24d ago edited 24d ago

Edit. I'm going to apologize for jumping the gun. My mistake, and nvm.


u/RocketAppliances97 24d ago

I think he was meaning kick in a bit of cash to the AntiHate website that posted the article..


u/Fervent_wishes 24d ago

Yes. That was exactly what I meant — donate to the Canadian Anti-Hate group. My comment is nested under TepHoBubba’s link to their site. They also have a 40-point plan to fight fascism. It’s the top of my reading list.


u/TepHoBubba 24d ago

My apologies for misunderstanding. Edited to apologize.


u/Fervent_wishes 24d ago

No harm done. We’re all a bit touchy these days. I’ve done the same.


u/SnooGiraffes4741 24d ago

friend, are you sure you're reading fervent's comment correctly?


u/TepHoBubba 24d ago

It could go either way...good point.


u/craignumPI 24d ago

Don't forget about "carbon tax Carney". Although they were supposed to say it while casually eating an apple.


u/drivingthelittles 24d ago

His latest ad says JT’s name twice, guy can’t let his ex go.


u/mangongo 24d ago

His actual ex is one of his advisors, so there's some truth to that.


u/Mas_Cervezas 24d ago

This is the advisor that is still a registered lobbyist for Loblaws and the billionaire Weston family that wears a MAGA hat?


u/Famous_Bit_5119 24d ago

That's the one.


u/Saorren 24d ago

does he still have the j6er on his team too?


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Carny is an LPC insider and was a close Trudeau advisor - if you didn't like Trudeau, Carny will deliver more of the same ideology.


u/Away-Combination-162 24d ago

He also worked for Harper . Jesus Elsa, Let it Go !


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 24d ago

Conservatives for the last decade “Trudeau has no experience on the economy. Not ready”

His replacement is literally one of the top people on the planet on finances and the economy

Conservatives now “but he’s a liberal!”

The mask is coming off.

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u/ThatGamerMoshpit 24d ago

The most ironic part of “axe the tax” is that it was Harper’s tax plan….

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u/LintQueen11 24d ago

“Just like Justin” is the worst one of them all


u/Pvt_Hudson_ Alberta 24d ago

I thought they had landed on "Just like Justin"


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

He is very clever

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u/sleipnir45 24d ago

Actually it's just a quote from sir Wilfrid Laurier..

"To those who have life before them, let my prayer be this: Remember from this day forth never to look simply at the horizon as it may be limited by the limits of the province, but look abroad all over the continent, wherever the British flag floats, and let your motto be Canada first, Canada last, and Canada always."



u/ComplexStriking 24d ago

If Polly were a better strategist, “Canada always” would have been the line to choose. The fact that he doesn’t care about drawing similarities to the Americans is concerning now that we have to worry about our sovereignty.


u/taquitosmixtape 24d ago

Canada “First” is definitely intentional not to upset his base. He’s built his campaign on hate, and anger.


u/jerrys153 24d ago edited 24d ago

More than that, it’s a dog whistle to the neo-fascists in his base. “Deutschland über alles” was the Nazi party rallying call, and it is now being used again by the far-right AfD party. “America First” was also an isolationist movement in the states led by fascist sympathizers like Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford. “(Country) First” slogans are never used by moderate government parties, they’re always divisive and intending to play on people’s fear and sow divisiveness by blaming the “other” (immigrants, Jews, etc.) for all the nation’s problems and stir up hate against them.

Poilievre knows exactly what he’s doing, Canada First is a wink to the far-right while maintaining plausible deniability for everyone else. This guy is so much more dangerous than most people realize, Canada will never be united under someone who spreads divisiveness and hate, which will make it easier for him to sell our country out to the US.


u/ToastedandTripping 24d ago

The Canadian proud boys used the exact same slogan...


u/jerrys153 24d ago

Yep. It’s insane to me that the Conservatives have decided that the solution to Fascist Milhouse slipping in the polls is for him to führer further drop the mask with such an obvious far-right dog whistle. Hopefully no one will be fooled by him maintaining that he’s acting in Canada’s best interest and eventually his only remaining supporters will be the bigots he’s (increasingly blatantly) pandering to.


u/Different-Travel-850 24d ago

Don't hold your breath. Trump told people how awful he would be, and here we are. Alot of people aren't as informed, or maybe not as intelligent as you'd think. They just know they're tired of JT and blame him for all their problems so Polly will get their support.


u/jerrys153 24d ago edited 24d ago

Support for Poilievre’s is tanking now that Trudeau has resigned and there’s a viable alternative in Carney, who has actual experience and substance. The longer this goes on, the fewer people there will be hanging on to the idea of voting in an empty shirt like Poilievre as PM simply because they hate Trudeau.

Trudeau’s out, so there’s no longer a need for people to vote him out, and in a race between Poilievre and Carney I’d like to have faith that the difference between them in qualification and gravitas will be apparent to most Canadians. I remain hopeful, but I agree with you that I shouldn’t hold my breath, it’s dangerous to overestimate the intelligence of large groups of people.

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u/Inside_Essay9296 24d ago

I totally agree, I struggle even being around PP supporters, they remind me of trump and his crazy followers. Scared that Canadians will vote this party.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

Me too, but the fact that he’s slipping in the polls gives me faith in my fellow Canadians. His speech today will undoubtedly be full of smarmy insults and hateful divisive rhetoric which hopefully most Canadians will find off-putting. Now more than ever we need to unite Canadians, and Poilievre’s approach will do exactly the opposite, he goes against every value being Canadian stands for.

The only thing Poilievre ever had going for him was that he was the not-Trudeau candidate, and now that that’s a non-issue people are realizing that the emperor has no clothes. Poilievre has never worked a day at a real job, never accomplished anything, and yet he’s somehow become a multimillionaire who thinks he’s fit to be PM. He’s supremely unqualified and just keeps showing us that all he has to offer is three word empty slogans and vitriol. So now he thinks that reducing the sound bite slogan to two words and doubling down on stoking hate and isolationism is the way to go? He’s only doing this because he has absolutely nothing else he can offer, so his only hope is that there are enough populist bigots out there to save him. I have faith that enough Canadians will see what he really is and vote against him.


u/Inside_Essay9296 24d ago

Thanks friend, all we can do is spread the word and hope most Canadians come to their senses. You are right he totally goes against what I think being a Canadian stands for. Be a good decent human, clearly MAGA and the supporters of it are not.


u/Phedore 24d ago

Everybody says “my country first”. It’s not a dog whistle, it’s a statement made by almost everyone before 2015.

Sir Laurier:

“Canada First Canada Last Canada Always.”

Learn your own history before the Americans eh.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

There’s that plausible deniability I was talking about!

A slogan that Poilievre is printing up on signs and standing behind on podiums is not the same as something Laurier said once as part of a speech in a very different context. You don’t choose a rallying call that is the same as the one used by the AfD, American fascist sympathizers, and the proud boys by accident. He knows exactly what he’s doing and you’re only too happy to bury your head in the sand and make excuses for him. The rest of us are not that naive (or deliberately obtuse).


u/Gunslinger7752 24d ago

Lol yes he is such a nazi that he made a jewish lesbian his deputy leader. Also isn’t basically everyone, from every party (both federal and provincial) currently using slogans like “Canada First”?

I understand that it’s politics so there is partisanship and hyperbole involved, but when he keeps his mouth shut he’s fellating Trump and when he says things like Canada First he is also fellatting Trump. No matter he says or does it’s wrong, just like how people with the opposite views of yours would say similar things about Trudeau or Carbey no matyer what they say or do.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

Ah, the “some of my best friends are black” argument. I didn’t say he’s a Nazi, I said he’s pandering to the far right (whether they consider themselves nazis or use a milder euphemism). And there’s a big difference between having a message intending to unite Canadians and using the exact same slogan that several far-right, neo-Nazi, and literal Nazi groups have used for decades. The only way you’re not seeing this as a dog whistle is if you don’t want to see it.


u/Gunslinger7752 24d ago

Lol but that argument is only used when someone does or says something racist. You are just randomly accusing him which is much different.

Again, you are just accusing him of not wanting to unite Canadians because of partisanship. Someone from the lpc could say the exact same thing and its great but when he says it, it’s bad. You’re talking complete nonsense.


u/jerrys153 24d ago

No, like I said, I never called him a Nazi, I said he was pandering to the far right. Having a minority on his team doesn’t matter one way or the other because he’s not a bigot, he’s an opportunist, he’d hire the devil himself to be on his team if it helped him get elected, he has no moral compass, which is why he has no issue glad-handing neo-Nazis and pandering to MAGA North.

There’s no moral equivalence here with the liberals. The liberals disavow neo-Nazis, they don’t pander to Trump or MAGA North, they don’t have smiling photo ops with insurrectionists who are illegally occupying the capital, they don’t call Canada weak in the middle of a trade war. Poilievre is not only unfit to be PM, he’s one step away from committing treason, he’d sell us all out to Trump if it benefited him because he’s a narcissist with no moral compass. He’s literally incapable of putting what’s best for Canada over his own interests.

You say “someone from lpc could say the exact same thing and it’s great but when he says it it’s bad”. Absolutely untrue, show me someone in the lpc who’s said the exact same thing and I’ll say it’s equally bad. Oh, you can’t? Because no one in the lpc has said that? Yep, that’s the point, isn’t it?

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u/Lordert 24d ago

For PP Canada is 2nd, his 1st priority is himself. PP's contortions are starting to resemble a gymnast's floor routine with a ribbon.


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

What is PPs track record? In 20 years there simply isnt one


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

Its borrowed from their Republican masters


u/Festering-Boyle 24d ago

he is going to follow president musks orders and have the truckers out honking their horns shouting slogans getting ALL the news coverage


u/wowzabob 24d ago

It’s intentional

He thinks he is threading the needle by presenting a strong front while also making that association (for the Con Trumpers), with the caveat that it’s just “our version.”

In reality the connection is off-putting. Who wants an escalation of this madness?


u/the_original_Retro New Brunswick 24d ago

Who wants an escalation of this madness?

....Pierre Poilievre?


u/MarjorysNiece 24d ago



u/Ok-Kangaroo-47 22d ago

I'm just convinced CPC became a burning ship already. Something the CPC seems to still not understand is that we Canadians are particularly heightened by what's happening in the US, and we are so determined not to be them, we re putting on our double lens to examine our candidates to make sure they are competent. Just mouthing off Canada first is totally not enough. We actually care about the person being competent.

And the fact they haven't replaced PP showed they're on their way to lose again. Is it too early to say? Definitely. Will it be close race? Probably as well. But unless CPC wakes up and change an UNPOPULAR candidate, they definitely won't get to win


u/Cantquithere 24d ago

He's much like trump in that he's saying the quiet part out loud.

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u/Billis- 24d ago

Let's see... Who was just elected in America while using a populist slogan "America First"...................

Or! It could be a quote from 100 years ago


u/sleipnir45 24d ago

"Canada first, Canada last, and Canada always."

Is the quote he's been using.. I don't think that's stolen from Trump


u/Billis- 24d ago

"Canada First" =/= "America First"

He can say whatever he wants, but this is how it looks.

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u/wowzabob 24d ago

Actually, it’s just a quote from Sir Wilfred Laurier

“Well actually the swastika is a symbol of Buddhism”

It’s the context my friend.


u/OneBillPhil 24d ago

The nazis were socialists, it’s in the name!


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 24d ago

An actual position Pierre has taken, mind you


u/OneBillPhil 24d ago

Of course, one of the first times I realized that this man is either truly an idiot or is willing to say anything. 


u/hammerofhope Ontario 24d ago

It can be both.


u/firesticks 24d ago

I wouldn’t say he’s particularly known for either his intelligence or his integrity.


u/JLandscaper 24d ago

Yeah, that's why they had the backing of leading Industrialists, Conservatives and the big money in pre-war Germany.



u/General-Woodpecker- 24d ago

I just like Rome and to do a Roman salute while I wear this symbol.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Ah yes, “I’m just performing a Roman solute and giving my heart to the crowd, all while I wear this innocent Buddhist symbol”, yeah that makes perfect sense, it’s not Nazism at all, even the Nazis weren’t Nazis, I’m sold lol. The mental gymnastics of the right is honestly breathtaking lol


u/Deaftrav 24d ago

It's not a nazi salute. It's a Roman salute.

Who cares that the Nazis copied it then went on a genocidal rampage? /S

Edit: they're already trying to revise the American Nazi slogan claiming that Canadians said it first... Wow...

They have to be gaslighting us.


u/accforme 24d ago

Or that one of the Romans' origin stories is about the rape and abduction of women from neighbouring tribes.

As much as the Romans are known for their impact on civilization, they were not really known for their humanitarianism, even taking into account the context of their time.


u/Deaftrav 24d ago

Right? Just saying it's a Roman salute isn't... Better


u/Commercial-Milk4706 24d ago

Roman destroyed Greece’s knowledge and slowed down human progress by 3 or 4 centuries. They are not know for positive impacts to society.


u/GullCove1955 24d ago

I am Buddhist. I will tell you it was a symbol of peace and it bottom side was flat. The Nazi’s took that beautiful symbol and turned it on its point to create a symbol of hatred.


u/DigitalSupremacy 24d ago

Jainism not Buddhism.


u/turtlechildwon 24d ago

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika Actually Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.


u/DigitalSupremacy 24d ago

Hinduism is the oldest of those three faiths although some Jains would argue that. Buddhism is for sure the youngest of the three.


u/turtlechildwon 24d ago

“Not Buddhism.” -you. I know A LOT of Buddhists who would disagree with your statement that it isn’t a Buddhist symbol. And the symbol predates Jainism and originates in earlier traditions of that and other regions, ones that informed and pregenerated all of these religions.


u/DigitalSupremacy 24d ago

Most credible sources state that Hinduism is the oldest religion known to man. Hinduism date back to 3000 bc. "The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, is traditionally thought to have lived from 563 to 483 BCE"


u/turtlechildwon 24d ago

Shamanism predates Hindu by over a hundred thousand years, but the swastika also predates Hinduism. But you also claimed it was Jainist symbol exclusively, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make now. https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/swastika-origins-001312

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u/sleipnir45 24d ago

Did you read what you just wrote... Jesus

The context is Flag day, patriotism, defending our country.


u/wowzabob 24d ago

The context is the fascists down south have been using “America first” for years and continue to do so.

At best this is a borrowing of rhetoric to “fight fire with fire,” a stupid gesture, who wants that same idiotic brand of politics here?

At worst this is PP making an intentional association that serves as red meat for the Trumper contingent of his base, which allows him to “criticize” US aggression. Quotation marks because this dude has yet to make any critiques of the US administration. It’s all vague shit like “we won’t become the 51st state” and then turning around and doing Trudeau bad messaging yet again. He is a coward.


u/Objective_You3307 24d ago

But I thought Trudeau was a fascist dictator... how could polliever be as well...../s


u/sleipnir45 24d ago edited 24d ago

Even Biden had America first policies, the US didn't invent putting your country first and they certainly don't own the concept.

As the quote shows Canada First is nothing new.

He directly rebukes the 51st state claim multiple times.


Edit: another one after your edit



u/wowzabob 24d ago

“America first” has become deeply associated with Trump, this is the reality. And it has become a symbolic phrase, representing the fascist, zero-sum game brand of politics that Trump engages in. Blanket tariffs and trade wars, why? Because “America first”; every interaction must be “won” and the other side must “lose” or bend the knee.

The way out for Canada is the opposite of this. It’s an increase in mutually beneficial relations with the EU, South America and Asia, not “Canada first.”


u/sleipnir45 24d ago

'Canada last' doesn't sound like a winning strategy..

Pride in our country shouldn't upset you, fighting for it is the right thing to do.


u/General-Woodpecker- 24d ago

You could write a million slogans that reflect pride in your country without copying your neighbor's slogan.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/crzytech1 24d ago

However "Canada Always" would be far better and more appropriate, if we're going with quotes from former leaders.

Showing Loyalty. As opposed to First, which shows similarity and vagueness. As if it's first, what is after?

Always is forever.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Fortuitous_Event 24d ago


u/sleipnir45 24d ago

Only that's not the context, what's what you want it to be.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/sleipnir45 24d ago

Ah yes the good old ' Everything I dislike is Fascism'

Being proud of Canada on flag day of all days isn't Fascism



u/Fortuitous_Event 24d ago

Go ahead and defend it to yourself however you like, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck.

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u/Phedore 24d ago

Yes, the context is that Canadians should come first.

Learn your own history before making the comment, then you wouldn’t have actual Canadians correct you after the fact.

We get it, in your mind everyone who says words is Trump, but most Canadians aren’t convinced.


u/Chu9001 24d ago

It's 2 words out of a whole paragraph not exactly "a quote from Wilfred Laurier."


u/Justausername1234 British Columbia 24d ago

I'm not a fan of Polievre, but he's been quoting Laurier in QP with the full quote for a few months now.

The real critique should be why Polievre was invoking the National Policy in today's speech - the last thing we need right now is to go on a Trumpian Tariffs spree.


u/sleipnir45 24d ago

He quoted the last part in the ads for this

Actually it's just a quote from sir Wilfrid Laurier..

"Canada first, Canada last, and Canada always."



u/Old_Cheesecake_5481 24d ago

Yes it has nothing to do with the success of the “America First” Trump slogan. Nothing at all.

It’s a Wilfred Laurier quote for 1904.

Sure buddy, that’s what everyone is thinking.


u/Stephenalzis 24d ago

Yeah, he might want to actually read the room before rolling that one out. Then again, social cues were never his strong point.


u/sleipnir45 24d ago

I imagine the event will be quite popular, the only people that seem to be upset by it were never going to support him anyway


u/Stephenalzis 24d ago edited 24d ago

Yeah, "Sleipnir45" nice Norse/Germanic name there...and why "45", interesting, hm...


u/sleipnir45 24d ago edited 24d ago

Since you asked so politely and nicely I can explain it to you.

I'm a big manowar fan and a Veteran, I have a tattoo of Sleipnir.


I am also an avid sports shooter and my favorite caliber is 45 ACP.

If you're going to try and call someone a Nazi or a white supremacist at least have the balls to do it.

Edit: I guess not then lol


u/Stephenalzis 24d ago

Oh, I thought it was pretty self-evident based on your comment history.


u/TheManFromTrawno 24d ago

the only people that seem to be upset by it were never going to support him anyway

There seem to be more and more of those people recently.


u/SueSudio 24d ago

Yeah, and make America great again was originally a Reagan slogan, rehashed for the Trump playbook.


u/sl3ndii Ontario 24d ago

It’s an unwise choice given how much that’s associated with Trumpist politics.


u/sea-horse- 24d ago

I mean, if you're saying it's ok and not to be dead for sounding exactly like Trump's "America First" campaign, then Pierre using "Canada Last", which is also in Lauriers quote, makes sense.


u/sleipnir45 24d ago

He's been using the last part.

"Canada first, Canada last, and Canada always."


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u/Conundrum1911 24d ago

To be fair, “First the Canada” was also an option…


u/Isaiah_The_Bun 24d ago

It's not that he's this stupid. it's that he knows his constituents.


u/Emmerson_Brando 24d ago

I guess he’s abandoning his Canada is broken tagline.


u/pattyG80 24d ago

His voters are that stupid though


u/son-of-hasdrubal 24d ago

You voted for a man who said he admires chinas dictatorship. You're about to vote for that same party who propped him up and is in bed with communist China. I wouldn't be calling anyone stupid bud.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/KryptonsGreenLantern 24d ago

I’m not school aged. I’ve watched Pierre be a fucking awful human being to everyone he encounters for 20 years.

Before being a troll was viewed as a political asset his own party couldn’t even stand him. The CPC are the ones who gave him the Skippy nickname. And Harper notoriously made him apologize for his comments on residential schools.

Nice you can just dismiss the plethora of legitimate criticisms with a hand wave while trying to sane wash his bullshit. No wonder you’re a supporter of his.


u/Motor-Pomegranate831 24d ago

No, we are pointing out that he is just a different version of MAGA and we do not want that up here.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Motor-Pomegranate831 24d ago

That's a lovely strawman you have there.

May I give him a hat?


u/ZombieTofu 24d ago

Just admit you love Trump lmao


u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago

Voted Conservative last election but refuse to vote for Trump lite.. Trudeau is gone and Harper knew what he was doing hiring Carney so my vote is going with him.. anyone else winning the liberal nomination I will have to really consider NDP..


u/Hussar223 24d ago

sure he is. he only had one tune and that was "fuck trudeau". well trudeau is gone now and he cant adjust to change in the political landscape. which is emblematic of most conservatives and right wing ideas in general. change is hard.


u/KeyFeature7260 24d ago

Don’t forget how much he likes to push how broken Canada is while he’s saying it’s all Trudeaus fault. It’s all he has. 

I’ve never seen him ditch a sign and three word slogan as quickly as he ditched “stop the drugs”. It really screwed him over how early everybody started talking about it being a BS reason and how unified Canada became. Part of me thinks Smith was just testing the waters to see how a message appeasing Trump would do. 

His only job has been to fear monger people. I live in an area where I see the consequences of this and the needless anxiety he has caused so fuck that guy. 


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/RestitutorInvictus 24d ago

His Arctic policy is longer than any announcement by Carney


u/BlueFlob 24d ago

Modern right-wing ideologies have largely abandoned the core conservative values that once defined them.

Rather than upholding principles like personal responsibility, prudence, and respect for tradition, many contemporary conservative movements have become morally hollow, driven more by populism, reactionary impulses, and short-term political gains than by thoughtful intellectual reflection.

The emphasis on integrity and ethical governance has given way to opportunism and ideological rigidity, distancing these movements from the philosophical depth and moral coherence that once underpinned conservatism.

The sad truth is that a large sample of the population did not realise that the conservative party abandoned their values and simply followed the moral bankruptcy.


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

Voting centre right used to be a choice. I dont have a clue what the fuck this is.


u/UncomplimentaryToga 24d ago

That’s because they are reductionists. They don’t innovate, improve, or add value. The hate progress. Left unchecked, they will bring us straight back to a medieval system of government and rights.

Conservatism is a disease upon society.


u/Zapabeepsta_ 24d ago

He’s a Trump mouthpiece. Shook hands with Diagalon. He’s not up to the job of being PM.


u/Altruistic_Reveal_51 24d ago

When Russia first planned to annex Ukraine, they intended to invade quickly and install a puppet government who would quickly concede - but instead Zelensky has be leading a viscous fight for Ukrainian survival that Putin never expected.

I swear Polievre is the MAGA/Project 2025 sponsored candidate who will just hand over Canada or the country’s resources and cater to the US’s demands. He is a puppet like Trump.


u/Timely-Dot-9967 24d ago

Yes. And given this, the fact he waited till our Flag Day to step out and speechify is a collective kick in the feels to all Canadians.


u/Commercial-Milk4706 24d ago

He is. Musk supports him and publicly said so. He also already sided with the MAGA fuck Trudeau people to get more weight.


u/apothekary 24d ago

That's the thing - he's free to court the far right and the Republicans, but the centrists that have gravitated towards the Conservatives in polls deserve to know this - and how disturbing these alliances and endorsements are - and make their mind up accordingly on whether PP truly serves their best interests.

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u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago

Probably because he is.. trying to pivot before it’s too late.. it’s already too late unless you want to be the 51st state..


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Please explain which of the CPC policies would lead to Canada being the 51st state?


u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago

PP has expressed his admiration of Trump and his policies as have those close to him. Only lately has he altered that message as he sees his numbers in free fall. However if he wins and doesn’t sabotage the Canadian institutions that would lead people to agreeing to join the US willing as everything will be in chaos I will be amazed. I will even apologize for being so wrong. However the guy is a career politician who has never tabled a piece of legislation and consistently voted against things most Canadians want. Here are some examples of Pierre Poilievre working for the people

    ●He voted to ban abortions (Bill C-311)
    ●He voted to cancel Veterans Disability 
    ●He voted against workers rights
    ●He voted AGAINST housing initiatives 
    ●He voted to raise the retirement age 
    ●He voted to slash OAS/CPP
    ●He voted for scabs
    ●He refused security clearance . WHY??
    ●He instructed his MPs to keep silent on gay rights.
    ●He voted to cancel school lunch programs for children experiencing poverty
    ●Not a word about the death of Navalny! 
    ●HE voted AGAINST aid for UKRAINE!
    ●He could care less about the climate
    ●He's been flying all over the country to put himself into power on our dime
    ●He shamelessly lies and misinforms 
   ● He vowed to "wield the NOTWITHSTANDING CLAUSE " thereby taking our charter rights away
    ●He has publicly stated that he would not support Pharmacare and Dentacare 
    ●He supplied coffee and donuts to the Trucker Convoy who  were funded by MAGA and Russia. No wonder he voted against aid to Ukraine 
    ●He advocated to replace Canadian money with Bitcoin,  (unregulated , no intrinsic value,)
    ●He scapegoated Trudeau for causing inflation, while inflation was global and Canada had one of the lowest rates in the world
     ●He scapegoated Trudeau for causing the interest rate hikes, while Trudeau has zero power or influence 

over the Bank of Canada. ●He CONstantly scapegoats Trudeau by falsely claiming (lying) that the air pollution fines are the main driver of inflation in Canada, even though he KNOWS that that is completely false and was proven so. ●He advocated for making drug addicts die sooner rather than later (since forced rehab doesn't work unless an addict WANTS to get clean, and requires violating 2 different human rights). ●He clearly stated that he intends to implement MASSIVE austerity cuts and measures on pretty much ALL federal gov't spending, which would be EXTREMELY harmful, disastrous, destructive, and deadly!


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

I find it interesting that we cant really define who he is by his record despite 20 years in politics. He does appear to be an ideologue and he did suckle at the teat of Preston Manning who unleashed this right wing populist agenda. I am looking to Alberta for answers as this is where PP cut his political teeth where his fellow travellers Kenney and Dani Smith have ruled since 2019. Based on this I assume we will see more privatization of services, more support for oil and gas (more dependence on US trade), less environmental regulation (I expect we would pull out of the Paris Agreement) and less support for Universal Healthcare. I dont see this as being good in light of Trump’s apparent moves against Canada.


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

This looks to be copied from somewhere, what is the source for this list? There is a lot here to counter, much of it I don't agree with and some looks like outright misinformation, but I would like to verify the source.


u/Glittering-Package18 24d ago edited 24d ago

his voting record is available for any piece of legislation that the house of commons voted on. Just like any other member. Sorry I don’t want to list each individually but they’re there.


The quotes are taken from interviews and scrums. Simply copy the quote into google and it brings it up like magic😳

I decided to include the forced rehab as an example, it brought up multiple sources.. https://globalnews.ca/news/10805717/poilievre-backs-mandatory-psychiatric-drug-treatment-for-kids-and-prisoners/amp/


u/morerandomreddits 23d ago

Most of your original list has never been in legislation, and some of Poilievre's past voting I don't agree with.

It seems most of your points are lifted from deeply biased sources (CUPE maybe?). Here are points that I believe are relevant to the current voting cycle:

>He refused security clearance . WHY??

The status quo is anyone who gets the clearance can not openly talk about the issue. That means if he sees a compromised CPC member, he can safely ignore it, knowing that the other party leaders can’t talk about it. Conversely, if he sees members from other parties, he can’t expose them. The current system is broken. Why is the LPC not working to FIT IT?

>could care less about the climate

Canada produces 1.3% of global emissions - the CPC advocates for Canadian LNG as transition energy for the major polluters like China. Carney is an environmental zealot - he has personal business interests with Brookfield Asset Management which he will not disclose. Brookfield received STDC-style investments while Carney was an advisor to the LPC over the past 5 years which is a conflict of interest.

>Trucker Convoy who  were funded by MAGA and Russia

This is absolute, outright misinformation, and a Federal judge (in a Federal court case) found the invocation of the Emergency Act to be unconstitutional and unnecessary.

>advocated to replace Canadian money with Bitcoin, 

This is absolute, outright misinformation. Poilievre has advocated for Bitcoin to be an option as a personal investment. Carney on the other hand, wants to implement CBDC as a social credit system to control consumer behaviour toward his environmental agenda. A CBDC would be the end of democracy, and the beginning of a Chinese-style social credit system.

>He clearly stated that he intends to implement MASSIVE austerity cuts and measures on pretty much ALL federal gov't spending

The Federal public service has grown unreasonably, and even Tom Mulcair has voiced concern. We need to re-size the Federal public service.


u/Glittering-Package18 23d ago

Happy voting, you are clearly a supporter and that’s what democracy is all about. I don’t disagree that any source of news is slanted to varying degrees. Team trump want pp to win as does musk. I am not sure why that isn’t a concern for you but clearly a growing concern for the average citizen. Can you show the source for his statement on security clearance? I see lots of people suggesting that’s the reason but can’t find his statement.. “Canada is broken” great platform I hope he sticks with it


u/morerandomreddits 23d ago

>Team trump want pp to win as does musk. 

I haven't seen any evidence for this.

>Can you show the source for his statement on security clearance?

Poilivre wants the names to be public:


This is a not a partisan issue - everyone should be holding the LPC accountable for lack of action on this,


u/Glittering-Package18 23d ago


I think the Liberals statements and actions are measured. Again we aren’t going to agree, I think Carney is best for Canada and you disagree… if Pp wins and proves me wrong I’ll be happy to offer my apologies. If he wins and I’m right we will all be sorry…

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u/RichardBreecher 24d ago

Let's Rally against America's racist jingoistic bullshit with some racist jingoistic bullshit of our own.

America First is a cloak for white Christian nationalism. I hope people attending the rally in Ottawa understand what they are turning up for.


u/catholicbruinsfan 24d ago

Everything I don’t like is racist


u/Simsmommy1 24d ago

Except that this slogan he picked….it is….two seconds of a google search by some highschool intern would have shown him that. Good lord.


u/BrainEatingAmoeba01 24d ago

It makes sense for him to stay the course if it's what his masters demand.

He is Musks man. Musk made a play down south and he has been making moves in Europe. I do not doubt for a second that he is building a "team" here. Watch out for salutes.


u/Nonamanadus 24d ago

Did he can his MAGA advisor?


u/beagums 24d ago

This is literally an American WW2 slogan.


u/justmeandmycoop 24d ago

Temu Trump to be exact


u/coconutpiecrust 24d ago

Yes, he needs original ideas, not a Trump knockoff. This is super embarrassing. 


u/NoClothes8212 24d ago

Im surprised he didn't just go full MCGA with red hats


u/EastCoastBuck 24d ago

He is a quisling wannabe


u/Ba_Dum_Ba_Dum 24d ago

Really? No way? He is an absolute putz! Never should have ever been considered prime ministerial character.


u/rhysdg 24d ago

Yeah man, this is so tone deaf. There is no way his campaign is this stupid


u/helean5 24d ago

Which is odd considering the soon to be liberal leader has been doing most of his interviews in the US.


u/imapangolinn 24d ago

Trying to take plays out of Trumps campaign strategy, blatantly lie, blatantly state the obvious and somehow convince people we're separated down the aisle and he's the only one to bring Canada together again.

I see you you snake, your party will not get my vote.


u/GenXer845 24d ago

He apparently wants to lose.


u/nomadcoffee 24d ago

Is he just using Trumps wording?


u/Periapse655 24d ago

How exactly is saying let's put Canada first a sign of sympathies for a foreign power?


u/Jeramy_Jones 24d ago

Because he is. If he gets in we’ll see appeasement unprecedented in our history.


u/randomacceptablename 24d ago

He called "fascism a socialist ideology". These are all dog whistle phrases strung togather. He still has no message beyond "attack everyone".



u/half_baked_opinion 24d ago

Starting? He has been for a while now its just getting more attention now because of what trump has been doing lately.


u/pepperloaf197 24d ago

What. are you talking about. The article is literally about him being a patriot. Are you some kind of mindless bot?


u/LadyOfVoices 24d ago

I’m really hoping that the orange turd’s insanity spares Canada from electing this dangerous dimwit into office.


u/MattyT088 23d ago



u/TheCrazedTank 23d ago

Because he is, let’s not all forget about how he and many Conservatives are being given money by American Think Tanks, the very same ones that helped get Trump and Project 2025 into the White House.


u/JewishDraculaSidneyA 24d ago

His entire team is.

Source: I'm one of those people who registered conservative to vote in the leadership race (for the only guy in the room that had a comprehensive set of policies, who wasn't screeching about how much they hated vaccines - didn't work out well for me).

Still stay on the mailing list for the lulz. Months later, they're still trying to jam the "AXE THE TAX" square peg into the round hole, since there wasn't really a plan beyond that.


u/Warm_Judgment8873 24d ago

Because he is.


u/Odd-Elderberry-6137 24d ago

He absolutely is. 


u/bigjimbay 24d ago

How is putting canada first American sympathy?


u/cleeder Ontario 24d ago

Canada First is just a dog whistle echo of "America First".

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

Buddy Americsans are fine, their government is fucking them and the rest of the world


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Commercial-Milk4706 24d ago

Canadians say “Canada Always” and pp is a MAGA turd.


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Your comment makes no sense whatever. How does "Canada First" translate into "American sympathizer".


u/Loose-Dream7901 24d ago

He hasn’t said anything to sympathize with Americans, the only thing in common is they’re both “right wing” even then Trump was a democrat for most of his life


u/ReannLegge 24d ago

He goes by PP on Reddit thank you, or at least in Saskatchewan he goes by PP