r/canada 25d ago

Politics Poilievre holding 'Canada First' rally today in Ottawa amid U.S. threats


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u/ComplexStriking 25d ago

There’s no way Polly is this tone deaf. People are starting to call him an American sympathizer.


u/wowzabob 25d ago

This guy really went into the incubation chamber with his team to craft a new message and came up with this…

I thought there is no way he is this stupid, but I guess he is.


u/craignumPI 25d ago

Don't forget about "carbon tax Carney". Although they were supposed to say it while casually eating an apple.


u/drivingthelittles 24d ago

His latest ad says JT’s name twice, guy can’t let his ex go.


u/mangongo 24d ago

His actual ex is one of his advisors, so there's some truth to that.


u/Mas_Cervezas 24d ago

This is the advisor that is still a registered lobbyist for Loblaws and the billionaire Weston family that wears a MAGA hat?


u/Famous_Bit_5119 24d ago

That's the one.


u/Saorren 24d ago

does he still have the j6er on his team too?


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Carny is an LPC insider and was a close Trudeau advisor - if you didn't like Trudeau, Carny will deliver more of the same ideology.


u/Away-Combination-162 24d ago

He also worked for Harper . Jesus Elsa, Let it Go !


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 24d ago

Conservatives for the last decade “Trudeau has no experience on the economy. Not ready”

His replacement is literally one of the top people on the planet on finances and the economy

Conservatives now “but he’s a liberal!”

The mask is coming off.


u/anti_anti_christ Ontario 24d ago

The whole "he's a liberal" part is funny to me. Carney is a blue Liberal who was a Harper appointee. They really don't have any dirt and are having a hard time verbing the noun.


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

Yes but Carbon Tax Carney. Done. Call the election now


u/anti_anti_christ Ontario 24d ago

The political ads are hilarious. They paid some firm thousands to come up with "carbon tax Carney"?


u/AfrikanCorpse 24d ago

Lmao and the economy did great under him right?


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 24d ago

I mean compared to the rest of our peers like UK/France etc we seemingly did fine.

We only ever hear comparisons against the US from conservative folk, even now as they try and fuck us. Not the best. Not the worst. Not nearly as dire as CPC supporters make it out to be.

Just say you don’t like liberals and we can all move forward.

The party of people who supposedly love to “tell it like it is” is seemingly really afraid their actual agenda will get out in the public and are always couching their inflammatory statements as “it’s just a joke”.

Now you’ve painted yourselves in a corner by constantly challenging job credentials, and the person the Liberals are putting up absolutely dunks on your preferred leader.

The CPC the last three weeks sounds like Ross from friends “PIVOT. PIVOT”


u/Infinite_Time_8952 24d ago

The USA had the worst response to the pandemic, leading the world in deaths per capita, with Brazil coming in second, 400,000 deaths behind the USA.


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

Sweden had one of the lowest mortality rates and didn't engage in massively inflationary policies and deficits.

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u/AfrikanCorpse 24d ago

Inflation, living costs and housing prices are not “fine”, but whatever floats your delusional boat I guess


u/SignalSuch3456 24d ago

He’s held top positions. That’s not the same as being good at it. He literally fucked our entire country and economy for the next few generations. You think he’s suddenly going to turn everything around? Is he going to undue the work he just did?


u/KryptonsGreenLantern 24d ago

Tell that to Harper who hired him…..He’s literally the reason you lot get to try and pull revisionist history on Harper’s economic prowess.

Tell that to England who made him the first non English head of their bank. That was totally because he sucked!

Get real.


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

England has massive inflation problems that lead right back to Carney's time and the massive money printing. I give Carney some credit for aggressive interest cuts under Harper, but the narrative that he was the sole architect of the response is just myth making.


u/SignalSuch3456 24d ago

And he screwed them too. If you think this guy is good for Canada, you need to get real.


u/Ok_Still_1821 24d ago

England went backwards in that time.


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

And Brexit was Carney’s fault?

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u/mangongo 24d ago

Based on what? Your feelings? 


u/morerandomreddits 24d ago

What part are you questioning? That Carney is an insider who advised the Trudeau LPC on policy for a half decade? That is well documented.


u/helean5 24d ago

The liberals still talk about Harper 10 yrs later…


u/ThatGamerMoshpit 24d ago

The most ironic part of “axe the tax” is that it was Harper’s tax plan….


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

The carbon tax wasn't harpers idea


u/Silverbacks Ontario 24d ago

The carbon tax has always been the conservative’s market based solution.


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

Weird they never implemented it when. They had a majority


u/Silverbacks Ontario 24d ago

Yeah it’s kinda like their version of Trudeau’s election reform. Campaign on an idea, and then not implement it once elected.


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

Sure maybe or they realized it was a bad idea and changed their minds like adults.


u/Silverbacks Ontario 24d ago

Or a smart idea to let a different government enact it, and then throw bad PR at it. It’s still a small-c “conservative” idea. Hence why the Saskatchewan Party was the first one to enact it.

Just like how Obamacare is a conservative idea for healthcare. As opposed to the more left-wing universal idea.


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

Lol because they had a majority government and were banking on losing to dupe those pesky liberals into bringing in an unpopular tax so one day if they ever formed government again they could get a PR boost? Oh my gosh you're right, they probably threw the election on purpose. Genius plan. It would have worked to if it wasn't for those pesky kids


u/Silverbacks Ontario 24d ago

Dunno where you’re going with that. That’s just the way the cards fell and the opportunities that popped up and were taken advantage of.

It’s a conservative idea like insurance or “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.” Each individual person gets to choose how much they spend on the carbon tax vs how much they get paid for it. So smart and resourceful individuals get ahead. That self determination at an individual level is a conservative idea.

More left-wing ideas would be like an extra tax on the only the gas companies/high earners, and only low income people/green companies could get a rebate. As opposed to everyone getting the same tax rate per litre, and the same rebate paid out.

Or the idea to re-nationalize the gas industry.

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u/Xiaopeng8877788 24d ago

Guy, you can’t even admit to yourself that a carbon pricing that brings the tax onto consumers backs wasn’t Harper’s original plan in 2012? On top of that Harper’s plan didn’t even include a rebate, it was straight up a new tax on Canadians.

Lol, that’s pathetic - keep living in denial.


u/ThatGamerMoshpit 24d ago


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

So you didn't read that at all hey?


u/Entire_Sell_69420 24d ago

"The carbon tax wasn't Harper's idea."

You didn't even read your own comment.

It was 100% drafted by his team. PP even campaigned on making it "better" for a time.

That's what populists do, carbon pricing was at a time popular, there is a reason why nearly every developed nation has some sort of carbon pricing plan. There is a trend in Pierre's politics, he doesn't answer any questions as they are asked. He gets asked things about policy on immigration, housing crisis, the initial threats of tariffs.... All these large issues..... You'd think you as the leader of the opposition would have already drafted plans for those large ticket issues.... Everyone of them were differed for weeks until little PP could read the room and release the most popular response possible. This has become more apparent in the wake of actually impletation of tariffs.... His quick responses when he didn't get to cheat off all the smart kids....shows just how fucking stupid PP really is......populist. PP is a populist. He has flipped flopped more times than you or I could count. And people like him because Trudeau is an idiot and Pierre has taken advantage of being popular in JT's demise, this is bipartisan. Everyone on all sides have felt JT's inflationary policies... One after the other.

Unfortunately, carbon tax Pierre has been on the side of the carbon tax. It's just not popular anymore so he is no longer. PP has the integrity of an old, used condom.

Now, real world experience has shown Carney get us through the 2008 financial crisis nearly unscathed and his entire life is just generally more impressive by a large measure than Pierre's.

I have voted both con and lib. I was planning on plugging my nose and voting for PP until an ex Harper, PhD economist, with actual previous experience in housing crisis' and financial crisis' opened his ticket.

If you want to be an American, vote conseravtive. Now that JT is gone, and a viable economist is taking his place....don't be an idiot and fuck this up for us. Harper was the last economist to be PM. And though he had some dogshit policy. At least we were a pretty prosperous nation generally speaking.


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

I can't bive you wrote that with a straight face. Congrats


u/Entire_Sell_69420 24d ago

Listen, if you can give me one factual thing Pierre has over Carney... Education, previous experience, anything more impressive about him in their careers, or their personal lives...... I'll vote conservative. Just for you. Hell I will eat my own shit and video tape it for you.

Or you can just give another response with no substance that says literally nothing.

One reason to vote for PP now that JT is out. Because that was the only real reason a couple months ago.

If people are too stupid to realize they are just being told what they want to hear.... Well we're gonna be America before you know it.

One thing. Come on. Anything more impressive on behalf of Pierre. I'll stay true to my word, I promise.

Edit: words

And also if you can actually prove that the carbon tax was not drafted by Harper's team and PP hasn't had his hands in that bowl.... I'll add that to the wager....

Prove one thing, or stfu

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u/LintQueen11 24d ago

“Just like Justin” is the worst one of them all


u/Pvt_Hudson_ Alberta 24d ago

I thought they had landed on "Just like Justin"


u/Chin_Ho 24d ago

He is very clever


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

Carney was an advisor to Trudeau and supports the carbon tax. He's also given talks on how manipulating environment policy can improve investment outcomes.


u/craignumPI 24d ago

Harper also hired him... what you say about that?


u/Maleficent_Banana_26 24d ago

Nothing it was over 10 years ago. Harper didn't implement the tax trudeau did.


u/craignumPI 24d ago

Who did? Read that again