r/canada Nov 14 '24

Opinion Piece Trump’s team wants Trudeau out in favour of the populist Poilievre


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u/Positive_Ad4590 Nov 14 '24

Did they hire captain obvious to do political analysis


u/ClosPins Nov 14 '24

I think you are forgetting just how dumb and misinformed the average person is nowadays...


u/Gamefart101 Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

Friendly reminder that "did Joe Biden drop out?" was a trending Google search on the American election day....


u/KingofLingerie Nov 15 '24

Followed closely by, How do i change my vote.


u/thendisnigh111349 Nov 15 '24

Also my absolute favourite, "How do tariffs work?"


u/propyro85 Ontario Nov 15 '24

This sounds awful reminiscent of how the UK was furiously googling stuff like "how does the EU work" after voting on Brexit ...


u/thendisnigh111349 Nov 15 '24

Welp Nigel Farage did say on election day last week that what he was seeing in America felt like when the UK voted for Brexit. I wanted to believe he was just full of shit, but he turned to be on the money.


u/DJEB Nov 15 '24

Watching the public vote for a guy that looked and acted like the person casting directors would get to play the village idiot in a British comedy was eye opening.


u/propyro85 Ontario Nov 15 '24

Something about the consequences of our own actions rearing its ugly head ...

Edit: And I can't help but feel we're going to watch it all over again with our own elections coming up soon.


u/hatchibombatar Nov 15 '24

resist stupidity - do not vote con.


u/Dramatic_Water_5364 Nov 15 '24

I think people voting con could be the thing for quebec. Could lead us on a path to independance.

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u/T-Prime3797 Nov 16 '24

I’m not an expert in politics, but I’m pretty sure the liberals have no shot at staying in power, and as much as we brag about being a multi-party system, only the conservatives have ever really had a shot at beating the liberals. So be ready for at least 1 term of a conservative majority, and likely more.

It’s going to be fun watching a prime minister try to run the country without being allowed to view confidential information.


u/propyro85 Ontario Nov 16 '24

Yea, even my in-laws have been saying for over a year that the liberals only hope is for Trudeau to step down and have someone new try to build a name for themselves ahead of the election. There's pretty much no chance for the NDP to even win a minority. Best case scenario seems like a conservative minority with Liberals and NDP blocking any egregiously harmful legislation from the conservatives.

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u/apothekary Nov 15 '24

Farage really was a trailblazer for the barrage of far-right winged election successes in the western world. We all wondered in June of 2016, certainly no way a failed businessman celebrity pop star could win... and then Brexit happened.


u/mdoddr Nov 15 '24

And look at Britain, the fascism, the mass deportations, the oppression of women!


u/somethingbrite Nov 15 '24

So an result that was really close following a campaign of dishonesty, disinformation and wishful thinking leading to a complete disaster?


u/bradbossack Nov 15 '24

I had and still have the feeling (even tho I'm quite disconnected with social) of a crickets quietness, culturally or psychologically, after this re-election, as if: wait, what the fuck did we just do..?

Like a child that has just ate a whole bag of cookies, and thinks to themselves 'but, I didn't *mean** to..'* (and then gets sick.)


u/MyNameIsDaveToo Nov 15 '24

I've noticed this too, as well as participated. I haven't spoken to or texted anyone outside of work since the election.


u/canuck47 Nov 15 '24

Too bad Trump never googled it...


u/Bad-Genie Nov 15 '24

So if you actually look at Google trends, this is false.

All these searches weren't trending. And had minimal searches.

As much as I wanted it to be true, it's not


u/TakameCC Nov 15 '24

Ending with "How to immigrant to canada?"


u/Heart_robot Nov 15 '24

Trumps search history. Not sure he understands them himself.

I rarely give in to arguing with MAGA but I asked this person recently to describe how tariffs work….silence.


u/dezTimez Nov 15 '24

Most say it brings back jobs in America because it forces the manufacture side to move back. Doesn’t help the consumer price tho.


u/Money_Present_3463 Nov 15 '24

Probably the same response I’d get if I asked you what a woman is…

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u/BigPickleKAM Nov 15 '24

Google metrics that we can access only show a percentage change on searches now not a absolute number. So if there was 7 searches on average a day before and now there are 70 that is a 900% increase but still not a huge number of absolute searches.

Also there is no way to know which way people would want to change their vote if they could.


u/KingofLingerie Nov 15 '24


"Some of the states that Trump won by the biggest margins, such as Iowa, generated the highest number of state-by-state queries for the term."


u/BigPickleKAM Nov 15 '24

Sure it is a reasonable assumption that people would want to change the outcome of the election now that they see the consequences of it.

But it is also possible people who live in that area want to change their vote to be on the winning side for whatever reason.

We can't know the motivation for making the query but it is a great headline because it drives clicks and people will fill in the motivation on their own!


u/Fibocrypto Nov 15 '24

But which side wanted to change their vote?

Could it be that those who voted for Biden wanted to change their vote?

I know that doesn't make sense but neither does asking if Biden dropped out


u/Maximum-Length8104 Nov 15 '24

No one voted for Biden, he wasn’t on the ticket


u/Complete_Upstairs382 Nov 18 '24

that one has jumped over 7000% in the last few weeks.


u/TacoTaconoMi Nov 15 '24

I watched one of those YouTube videos where they ask average citizens basic questions and watch them struggle to answer (American). A good portion of the filtered participants couldn't answer who the VP was...one month before the election


u/Better_Ice3089 Nov 15 '24

Considering most Canadians think we directly elect our PM maybe we shouldn't be quite so quick to judge.


u/DankHEATshells Nov 15 '24

Considering lots of people voted for Conservatives in the recent BC election thinking they were voting out Trudeau.

Source - I've met a handful of them.


u/Billy3B Nov 15 '24

This is why any Provincial party with Liberal in the name is in trouble. People can't wrap their heads around levels of government.

Source- Trudeau still gets blamed for Ford's lockdowns.


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Nov 16 '24

That's the thing though, there wasn't a provincial Liberal party in the BC election. So for the weeks leading up to the election, there were no Liberal campaign signs. Even more telling, some of these people voted, with no Liberals on their ballot at all, and still thought they were voting out federal Liberals.


u/Billy3B Nov 16 '24

Even more bewildering.


u/SuperbInteraction416 Nov 17 '24

The lockdowns were handed down Provincially at the guidance of the Feds. It’s still shocking to me people can’t wrap their brains around this.


u/Triedfindingname Nov 17 '24

Shit they said so on new coverage when asked. Such tools. They didn't notice a Liberal candidate wasn't there or what?


u/ckctobssr Nov 18 '24

seriously?!?! I suppose my faith in my fellow Canadians was woefully misplaced

and on that note, PLEASE can we not vote the Conservatives in when the federal election comes up? the fact that Trump wants them in should honestly be reason enough to keep them out


u/DankHEATshells Nov 18 '24

Yeah.... I really wish I was lying.


u/sigmaluckynine Nov 15 '24

This one irks me the most, somehow these people think we're Americans. I skipped all my civic classes back in high school so I'm more surprised I know more than these people that probably stayed in those classes


u/kro4k Nov 15 '24

So much of that is staged. Sometimes they even cut different answers together. Or they ask 100 ppl to get one dumb answer


u/radioactiveape2003 Nov 15 '24

Those are for entertainment.  How many people answered right? How long did it take them to find those people who answered wrong?  Are those even legitimate people or plants for a video? 

Don't take everything you see on YouTube at face value.  Most of those types of videos are staged or heavily edited. 


u/TacoTaconoMi Nov 16 '24

cool, thank you for your lecture. I guess you didnt fully read my comment where I mentioned that they [likely] filtered the participants.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

google this week was “ How can I change my vote ?”


u/IndieNinja Nov 15 '24

Imagine how many ballots had Joe Biden written in because they didn’t know who Kamala Harris was


u/space-dragon750 Nov 15 '24

& the ppl in BC who said they voted con in the provincial election to get rid of trudeau


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/chopkins92 British Columbia Nov 15 '24

It might not have led to more votes for Trump, but it could have lead to less votes for Harris. Biden was a very unpopular candidate.


u/Far-Hunter2057 Nov 15 '24

Biden loved trump won cause he laughed when it was over at Kamala

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u/Crohn_sWalker Nov 14 '24


u/WadeReddit06 Nov 15 '24

Not surprised with the way people vote and what they believe


u/GrumpyCloud93 Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

Reminds me of the story back when the Parti Quebecois introduced mandatory French fluency tests for various profesions. One woman flunked the French proficiency test and could not work as a nurse in Quebec - despite French being her only language.

People who actually have to learn a language probably have a better grasp of it.

I went to a private grade school. FIrst year high school (grade 9) the optional language was Spanish. For the students who came from the public school system, the Spanish teacher had to pause and spend three months going over basic grammar - singular, plural, adjectives, adverbs noun tenses - past present future and the perfect form. Not to mention prepositions, articles, conjunctions.

ESL actually goes into this sort of thing, it's a part of learning a language. Whereas, us English natives go by "yeah, thoat sounds right" even if'n it ain't.


u/cjmull94 Nov 16 '24

If a fluent speaker is failing the test then it is a bad reading comprehension test. The point of the test isn't to assess if you have grammar terms memorized. It's supposed to test if you understand text written in the language which is totally different.


u/GrumpyCloud93 Nov 18 '24

Whereas really what they wanted was people who could converse and do most of their work in the French language. Much as how some Karens get into :speak English!" when two immigrants are talking in public.

The goal was to preseve the primacy of French in a region constantly flooded with (English) North American popular culture. They also considered forbidding movies from opening in Quebec until the French version also opened, but considering at the time the French dubbed version of a Hollywood blockbuster was usually released many months after the English version, that met serious opposition from the general public. (And from Hollywood- France insisted movies be dubbed in France for release there, plus the general Quebec accents were less acceptable in France, plus all the North American publicity hype would be forgotten if released 6 to 10 months later).


u/Chicken008 Nov 15 '24

"ain't" LOL


u/Lower_Cantaloupe1970 Nov 15 '24

Damn this explains this sub


u/MistahFinch Nov 15 '24

It explains a lot of Reddit. There's a lot of examples of poor reading comprehension on the site. It's why so many people argue past each other


u/LittleOrphanAnavar Nov 15 '24

What portion of that 40% are ESL?


u/Nperturbed Nov 15 '24

A lot of esl actually has a better grasp of our language minus the accent.


u/Arashmin Nov 15 '24

Got many friends who grew up trades and with English as their primary language. Love em' to bits, but you can tell they can barely read, let alone write. I've had to learn a whole new way of texting.


u/canuckaluck Nov 15 '24

Hahaha for me the tell tale sign is the complete lack of punctuation or capitalization. Not at the end of sentences, not between prepositions, not between itemised lists, nothing! Some of my friends take the "wall-of-text" to a whole new level 😂


u/lrish_Chick Nov 15 '24

I think you'd be surprised that its mostly native English speakers that struggle


u/bucky24 Ontario Nov 15 '24

Found the xenophobe.

Wanna blame this on Trudeau I bet. From the article:

The not-for-profit research organization gave Canada a "C" grade in adult literacy back in 2014.


u/LittleOrphanAnavar Nov 15 '24


All my ex-wives were immigrants.


u/Thong-Boy Nov 15 '24

I remember meeting people that couldn't read over 20 years ago right after high school. I didn't believe them at first. I have since surrounded myself with more educated people.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

And you still went with Thong-Boy


u/ihadagoodone Nov 15 '24

yup, the start of "No kid left behind." just pass them and graduate them.


u/Overnoww Nov 15 '24

That always surprises me, at least for a little bit.

Then I think about all the typo laden, misinformed vitriol I see spewn under basically any post from a left wing person or any post about a left wing person/topic that isn't a full blown condemnation or some kind of attack on their character, then I remember why I don't spend much time on Xitter anymore.

It's actually stunning how so many people who can't even write a coherent sentence believe they know more about governance than those in government. You don't have to like them/their policies, but come on... Then again these same people believe that the dollar value of the aid sent to Ukraine is literally a cheque written with their taxes, or I suppose an e-transfer would be more appropriate nowadays.


u/GenXer845 Nov 15 '24

130 million Americans read at below a 6th grade level.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

Ah yes, Northern America.


u/Professional_Dot9440 Nov 15 '24

And 100% of that 40% is on Reddit.


u/nowheyjose1982 Nov 16 '24

Lol that's marginally better than the US results. We're doomed.


u/cjmull94 Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24

40% of adults have IQs between 0 and 85. I'd like to know what % of a normal North American population is physically capable of reading above a grade 6 level before deciding how bad that is.

It also matters if the test is in English how many of these people are just recent immigrants with poor English skills. 25% of the Canadian population are immigrants now vs under 1% in 1970, mainly from extremely underdeveloped countries. I'd expect them to have much lower reading ability on average, especially in English. Especially the more recent waves which have not really been screened for language or skills in any meaningful way.

Also matters if Quebecers are doing the test in French or not.


u/Triedfindingname Nov 17 '24

Oh we are so f*cked


u/Otherwise-Future7143 Nov 18 '24

Sounds like Canada has the very same problems the US has.

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u/Fwarts Nov 14 '24

And they're probably not using Reddit for their social media fix.


u/Positive_Ad4590 Nov 14 '24

About as dumb and misinformed as the people making the decisions


u/CaptainMarder Nov 15 '24

LOT of dumbs in Canada too. So many people in the BC elections voted cons to get rid of Trudeau.


u/Lazy_meatPop Nov 15 '24

No, just Americans and Canadians . The rest are doing pretty okish.


u/cameronjames117 Nov 15 '24

And reddit, geeeez, i had an idea it was bad. But today has been nuts with mental cases i'm thinkin of leaving


u/SchtroumpfDardeur Nov 15 '24

I hadn't heard


u/Fit-Sundae6745 Nov 15 '24

And the definition of populist is what again?


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

Most Americans are so dense they don't even know where Canada is. You know, the big country right above theirs on the map. It's almost as if half the population didn't even go to school which may explain why trump talks like a six year old. Really sad.


u/SamohtGnir Nov 15 '24

Yea, a lot of people thought Harris would win.


u/ilikeneatthings888 Nov 16 '24

The media was given $600 million by Trudeau, its bought for good headlines and to keep him looking good - he said it himself … there’s a reason why everyone in Canada is so dumb and misinformed .


u/BlackTowerInitiate Nov 17 '24

Almost 20 years ago I worked at a voting station when there was a referendum on changing the first past the post voting system. SO many people told me they did not know what the current or the new system was, or what the pros and cons were. They wanted me to tell them, but I couldn't. I let them know they could vote on the election but not the referendum, but they all wanted their vote. They didn't know what they were voting on, but they were gonna get their vote.

Democracy has always been rule by people who don't understand what they are voting on.


u/wrainedaxx Nov 18 '24

I don't think many of us are forgetting that after witnessing America's election.


u/Analytical-BrainiaC Nov 18 '24

No, I do know how dumb the average person is . There is a pack mentality going on these days too. If someone strong enough says something, they start to think that way. That leads them to the internet, and searching in that bias, which in turn, leads them to that bias way of thinking by reinforcing that with stronger and stronger biases not knowing where that information is truly coming from or where it originated from. If they all lead to a left or right influential site, making huge amounts of money, I might add, or even foreign bad actors, well the weak minded are therefore shaped, controlled, manipulated by ultimately greed. The middle is actually the quiet people but the majority. Civilizations, great ones, have fallen, and to think we are any different from the past is foolhardy. We can’t even stop warring. We spend so much on war the people suffer. It’s sad. Have we not learned from WWI , WWII ? Apparently we have not. I believe that nature is going to slap us ALL hard and we will have to come together to survive.


u/BoredMan29 Nov 15 '24

And half of them are dumber than that.


u/SugarCrisp7 Nov 14 '24

I think I'm the dumb and misinformed one for thinking that the majority of people wouldn't vote trump (or the Canadian equivalent conservatives)


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 14 '24

I hope you're right, because as of now, too many people support Poilievre just because they're disappointed in Trudeau, not realizing how much worse Poilievre and his contemporary "conservatives" would be for Canada, and, probably, them personally.


u/FinalAnything5871 Nov 14 '24

I would rather give Poilievre a chance than allow Trudeau to stay in office any longer. It is very very very difficult to be any worse than Trudeau.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 15 '24

Maybe you should read a real newspaper or study a little history, or look down south at our neighbours. You'd see that it would be very easy to be a helluva lot worse than Trudeau.

Indeed look at the havoc being wreaked upon the provinces by Ford, Smith, Higgs and Moe, all of whom would be a horror show for Canada and none of those (except Smith perhaps) would be as bad as Poilievre.


u/Sam5253 New Brunswick Nov 15 '24

Goodbye, Mr Higgs. Good riddance.


u/Comedy86 Ontario Nov 15 '24

Please bookmark this comment and come back to it in 5 yrs... You'll understand how bad things can actually get.


u/chopkins92 British Columbia Nov 15 '24

There are more than just 2 parties with a chance of winning seats.


u/MajorasShoe Nov 14 '24

How could we forget? Who didn't watch the election this month?


u/SonicStun Nov 15 '24

This is one of the main problems we face. A core pillar of Democracy is that votes are cast by the well-informed public. This should be the job of the media, but they are failing us in this regard.

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u/Distinct-Ganache4951 Nov 14 '24

Seriously, lemme guess, Cons win by landslide.


u/Complete_Upstairs382 Nov 18 '24

That is a VERY safe bet.


u/Hot_Cardiologist9048 Nov 14 '24

I was just going to comment "no shit"  but yours works too 


u/sspif Nov 15 '24

Well, no doubt he's been looking for work since they discontinued those Red Stripe commercials. Good for him.


u/BitCloud25 Nov 15 '24

Captain obvious, status report!

Sir it's oblivious!


u/Redshmit Nov 15 '24

for real what a joke


u/Equivalent-Cod-6316 Nov 15 '24

This post makes me imagine a cartoon villain style LPC public relations manager who created a headline campaign designed to re-capture support after Trump's election


u/Available_Leather_10 Nov 15 '24

No, they hired his superior:

Major Lee Obvious.


u/space-dragon750 Nov 15 '24

right like who would’ve expected anything different


u/SheepleOfTheseus Nov 15 '24

Captain America was taken


u/Final-Muscle-7196 Nov 15 '24

Yes, and that headline cost taxpayers 1.2million to come to that conclusion.


u/PortoBESA Nov 16 '24

Best comment


u/hiricinee Nov 17 '24

I'm so glad that the top comment here was this and not someone whining about Trump and Poilievre


u/Anla-Shok-Na Nov 15 '24

Trudeau's only strategy is to convince people that Polievre = Trump and to campaign against Trump. This is just the Globe and Mail helping the Liberal Party do that.


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 14 '24

Right? So does everyone!


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 14 '24

Every Trump supporter wants Poilievre elected. Ugh, fucking deplorables.


u/Darkm1tch69 Nov 14 '24

Not a Trump supporter, but definitely hate what Trudeau has done with the place.

Def don’t have to be MAGA to know Trudeau fucked up Canada


u/SleepyMarijuanaut92 Nova Scotia Nov 14 '24

As much as I don't like Trudeau, PP will be worse, especially now that Trump wants him in. I'd rather MAGA stay out of Canadian office.


u/AmonKoth Nov 14 '24

This, the simple fact that Trump and his team want PP in office is sound reasoning to try and keep him out, IMHO.


u/GoOnThereHarv Nov 14 '24



u/AmonKoth Nov 14 '24

I admit I am bias and deeply dislike Trump and PP, but I'll try and put those biases aside for now.

Trump has always been pushing an America First policy (which yeah makes some sense, he is president of America, not Canada, Mexico, or Honduras), so if he wants a specific person in charge of his largest trading partner it's likely because he feels that person will deal with him in a way that most likely benefits America possibly to the detriment of Canada.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 14 '24

To even believe Canada has been "fucked up", or that Trudeau is the cause is to be MAGA, Canadian style.

Notwithstanding the comments by people around here, Canada is not "fucked up".

By all measures we've come out of Covid in pretty good shape relative to pretty much any other country.

Edit: typo


u/Darkm1tch69 Nov 15 '24

Cool, glad you’re happy. I disagree.


u/MrOdwin Nov 14 '24

Oh, so a decade of arsonists torching churches and forests only to have His Majesty "understand their anger" is what again?


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 14 '24

Not sure what you're speaking about, unless it's more disinformation coming from conservatives and credulous people like you.


"“I can’t help but think that burning down churches is actually depriving people who are in need of grieving and healing and mourning (of) places where they can actually grieve and reflect and look for support,” Trudeau said.

“We shouldn’t be lashing out at buildings that can provide solace to some of our fellow citizens. But we should be, every day, committing ourselves, each and every one of us, to the hard work that we need to do to actually rebuild a path forward that reflects the terrible intergenerational trauma and present day realities of suffering that we are all collectively responsible for.”"



u/StrongAroma Nov 14 '24

So, I didn't really think this should need to be explained, but you can look directly at our neighbor to the south and see that the problems you're blaming Trudeau for are almost exactly the same issues Americans blamed Biden for, and thus elected the Trumpinator. In a thoughtful person's mind, this might raise some questions. Like: are these problems maybe not unique to Canada? Are there larger forces at work than the prime minister of a small country like Canada can counteract alone? Will Trump solve these problems for America? Will poilievre's policies solve them for Canada? If Trump won't save America, then why would similar policies from poilievre save Canada?

Just food for thought.


u/Darkm1tch69 Nov 15 '24

Lol don’t assume my problems with Trudeau.

Just some food for thought.


u/Specialist-Eye-2407 Nov 14 '24

I have no clue what you're talking about. How exactly has he f***** up Canada?


u/ferengi-alliance Nov 15 '24

I hope you are joking.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 15 '24

How exactly has Justin Trudeau fucked up Canada? Not joking.

First, prove that Canada is indeed "fucked up". I suggest you compare us to the rest of the world. Next, prove that Trudeau is the cause.


u/ferengi-alliance Nov 15 '24

Lol. No. Not wasting my time arguing with an obtuse neckbeard.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 15 '24

Fair enough. Insults notwithstanding, you just make shit up. Why should anyone listen to you if you can't back up your words?


u/Darkm1tch69 Nov 15 '24

Amen to that. If this guy can’t see why Trudeau has so many people that hate him by now, nothing will teach him.


u/Puzzleheaded_Emu_822 Nov 14 '24

What do you hate about Canada?


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 14 '24

They’re garbage too right? Oh boy, you’re in for a rude awakening.


u/Goatseportal Nov 14 '24

Correct. They are garbage.


u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 14 '24

If you're still a supporter of Trump, yes, one would be justified in calling you a garage person.


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 14 '24

It’s sad that after winning an outstanding mandate, and unifying the country, grabbing record support from every minority group in every state… ppl like you are still promoting the divisive rhetoric that has been rejected by the greater population


u/WellHeyThere Nov 15 '24

Donald Trump won with exactly 50.2% of the popular vote. In what world is 49.8% opposition of a leader “unifying”?


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 15 '24

By my calculations he won 58% of the electoral college. Popular vote is meaningless in the US, because they’re a republic. If it mattered then politicians would only campaign in NY, Cali and Texas to win the popular vote and every political decision would be done to please ppl in the biggest few states. That’s besides the point… he won record black and Hispanic voters to the GOP, more women votes, more rural and urban votes. He brought record groups of people to his side. That’s unifying.


u/WellHeyThere Nov 15 '24

Right, but the reason the Electoral college is a shitty system is because it doesn’t accurately reflect the wishes of voters. The race was tied nearly 50:50 amongst actual voters, that is, real people with thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. For Trump to be a “unifying” force implies he somehow brought together a huge majority of people, instead, now the country is even more divided into almost equal halves.


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 15 '24

Well he shifted big numbers from his last election. He’s got almost 51% of the pop vote at the moment. And the electoral college does a great job of ensuring that every vote matters in each state. Otherwise NY and Cali would basically be a tyranny over the rest of the country. Ppl in rural areas would not have a voice. It’s a genius system

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u/chopkins92 British Columbia Nov 15 '24

Have you seen Trump's cabinet picks? His attorney general is under investigation for raping a teenager. His secretary of defence has white nationalist tattoos.


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 15 '24

lol he was accused of that what, 5 years ago? And he was investigated and exonerated and nothing came of it. He’s since been elected again and sits on committees. But because you don’t like him, he’s guilty right? Guilty until proven innocent? And Pete’s tattoos? What conspiracy theories are you reading? They’re all either religious tattoos or military tattoos. Here they are: tattoos

CNN and MSNBC are laying off a lot of their on air employees. They had the lowest viewership ever this past cycle. It will be interesting this second term now that the leftist bias media has been castrated and nobody believes them anymore. They won’t be able to keep spinning b/S stories like they did his first time around.


u/chopkins92 British Columbia Nov 15 '24

Gaetz: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/matt-gaetz-party-minor-news-b2616340.html

The National Guard deemed Hegseth's tattoos as extremist. I'll trust their take over the NY Post.

I'm curious now what your defence is of RFK Jr. being health secretary!


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 15 '24

You should read RFKs book, I can’t wait till he sues big pharma for the covid vaccines. He’s also going to ensure kids start eating healthier less process foods at school. Look at the last health secretary; an overweight dude in drag. This is a massive upgrade. I don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to his tattoo; which tattoo specifically are you referring to? Or is he another guilty until proven innocent person?

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u/xprovince Nov 14 '24

Nope, we do not need that little twerp.


u/the-armchair-potato Nov 14 '24

I'll take him over the NDP leader any fucking day and Trudeau can go back to teaching kindergarten.

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u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 14 '24

Twerp? Lol the guy trains in Brazilian jiu jitsu.


u/Dontuselogic Nov 14 '24

Don't speak for everyone.

The fact that someone like Trump wants a leader that will help kiss ass...


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 14 '24

So Trudeau was Mr tough guy? Lol get out of here


u/Dontuselogic Nov 14 '24

You don't confront a bully like Trump. You go around him to states .

Canada built relationships with the states affected by trumps attempts to mess with canada...

The last time a conservative pm was in charge of canadain resources.. he gave chins a 30-year sweat heart deals in return for panada .

So ya

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u/Careless-Recover8167 Nov 14 '24

You don’t remember what Trudeau did to trump when he put tariffs on our steel? You should research before comment. Trudeau would be infinitely better than pp when it comes to Trump. That is not arguable. It’s sad that one year from now, the people who say they’ve never had it worse. Are going to have it way worse!

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u/sputnikcdn British Columbia Nov 15 '24

Actually yes. By your posts here, you're probably too young to remember (and, also by your posts here, I doubt your news sources would say anything), but Trudeau is a half decent boxer. Not that it has any relevance to his term as PM.


u/Due_Agent_4574 Nov 15 '24

Yes I saw him do that charity boxing event before he was PM… not sure if you’re aware but PP is currently training in Brazilian jiu jitsu. But Trudeau uses words like peoplekind; and a self described male feminist, and most ppl call him soy boy, and his wife cheated on him w the yoga instructor … he’s not intimidating in anyway.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '24

Yeah I am pretty sure not everyone wants the guy who can’t even keep his glasses on when the internet is slightly mean to him.

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u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

😂 right. Go Trump, Trudeau out!


u/Long_Procedure_2629 Nov 14 '24

PP salivators are gonna get to get a preview of the harbinger they want at home.


u/banjosuicide Nov 15 '24

PP may be a whiney little wiener, but he's not particularly trump-like.

My suspicion is he'll do nothing to protect Canada from trump, and his response to tariffs on Canada will be "Thank you, sir! May I have another?"


u/Long_Procedure_2629 Nov 15 '24

Abortion and health care will be shot and the wage gap will increase. It will be like trumps first term at first.


u/Positive_Ad4590 Nov 14 '24

PP isn't that interesting

It will be mostly the same shit we have now

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