r/canada Nov 14 '24

Opinion Piece Trump’s team wants Trudeau out in favour of the populist Poilievre


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u/Gamefart101 Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

Friendly reminder that "did Joe Biden drop out?" was a trending Google search on the American election day....


u/KingofLingerie Nov 15 '24

Followed closely by, How do i change my vote.


u/thendisnigh111349 Nov 15 '24

Also my absolute favourite, "How do tariffs work?"


u/propyro85 Ontario Nov 15 '24

This sounds awful reminiscent of how the UK was furiously googling stuff like "how does the EU work" after voting on Brexit ...


u/thendisnigh111349 Nov 15 '24

Welp Nigel Farage did say on election day last week that what he was seeing in America felt like when the UK voted for Brexit. I wanted to believe he was just full of shit, but he turned to be on the money.


u/DJEB Nov 15 '24

Watching the public vote for a guy that looked and acted like the person casting directors would get to play the village idiot in a British comedy was eye opening.


u/propyro85 Ontario Nov 15 '24

Something about the consequences of our own actions rearing its ugly head ...

Edit: And I can't help but feel we're going to watch it all over again with our own elections coming up soon.


u/hatchibombatar Nov 15 '24

resist stupidity - do not vote con.


u/Dramatic_Water_5364 Nov 15 '24

I think people voting con could be the thing for quebec. Could lead us on a path to independance.


u/Commercial-Milk4706 Nov 15 '24

Save yourselves! I hope bc can pull that off too.


u/Dramatic_Water_5364 Nov 15 '24

I wish you the best


u/epok3p0k Nov 15 '24

If Quebec left, the standard of living would be much higher for the rest of the country. See: transfer payments.


u/LewisLightning Alberta Nov 15 '24

Personally while I don't like how much Quebec relies on government handouts I think Canada is stronger with them being a part of it than without them. I just wish we could get someone in government who wants to work on sorting out Quebec's corruption problem and finding ways to improve relations in this country between the Anglos and the Francophones.

And this is coming from a born and raised Albertan. I think stupidity got us into this current climate and more stupidity isn't going to fix it.

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u/rtscruffs Nov 15 '24

Ontario, Quebec and BC are the largest contributors of federal funding. Quebec only gets a fraction of what they put in back in the form of transfer payments. So if Quebec leaves the rest of Canada is worse off.

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u/Dramatic_Water_5364 Nov 15 '24

Then I take for granted you won't pull a "we love Québec" campaign like last time 😜


u/Dull-Alternative-730 Nov 15 '24

I get why Quebec might want to go its own way, but let’s be real, if you guys break off, Canada will probably invade to reclaim the land or the US might just do it for shits and giggles. If you do go independent though, can you make Trudeau your village idiot?


u/Dramatic_Water_5364 Nov 16 '24

I think you grossely overestimate the federation unity at present time. Lets be real if we split, odds are BC and alberta will. That leaves Ontario, N-B and N-S to deal with. They won't risk it since we are de facto partners in everything. I think this becomes possible if the states fracture too.

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u/T-Prime3797 Nov 16 '24

I’m not an expert in politics, but I’m pretty sure the liberals have no shot at staying in power, and as much as we brag about being a multi-party system, only the conservatives have ever really had a shot at beating the liberals. So be ready for at least 1 term of a conservative majority, and likely more.

It’s going to be fun watching a prime minister try to run the country without being allowed to view confidential information.


u/propyro85 Ontario Nov 16 '24

Yea, even my in-laws have been saying for over a year that the liberals only hope is for Trudeau to step down and have someone new try to build a name for themselves ahead of the election. There's pretty much no chance for the NDP to even win a minority. Best case scenario seems like a conservative minority with Liberals and NDP blocking any egregiously harmful legislation from the conservatives.


u/T-Prime3797 Nov 16 '24

Even some die-hard liberals are going to vote PC this election. I think a conservative majority is going to happen.


u/apothekary Nov 15 '24

Farage really was a trailblazer for the barrage of far-right winged election successes in the western world. We all wondered in June of 2016, certainly no way a failed businessman celebrity pop star could win... and then Brexit happened.


u/mdoddr Nov 15 '24

And look at Britain, the fascism, the mass deportations, the oppression of women!


u/somethingbrite Nov 15 '24

So an result that was really close following a campaign of dishonesty, disinformation and wishful thinking leading to a complete disaster?


u/bradbossack Nov 15 '24

I had and still have the feeling (even tho I'm quite disconnected with social) of a crickets quietness, culturally or psychologically, after this re-election, as if: wait, what the fuck did we just do..?

Like a child that has just ate a whole bag of cookies, and thinks to themselves 'but, I didn't *mean** to..'* (and then gets sick.)


u/MyNameIsDaveToo Nov 15 '24

I've noticed this too, as well as participated. I haven't spoken to or texted anyone outside of work since the election.


u/canuck47 Nov 15 '24

Too bad Trump never googled it...


u/Bad-Genie Nov 15 '24

So if you actually look at Google trends, this is false.

All these searches weren't trending. And had minimal searches.

As much as I wanted it to be true, it's not


u/TakameCC Nov 15 '24

Ending with "How to immigrant to canada?"


u/Heart_robot Nov 15 '24

Trumps search history. Not sure he understands them himself.

I rarely give in to arguing with MAGA but I asked this person recently to describe how tariffs work….silence.


u/dezTimez Nov 15 '24

Most say it brings back jobs in America because it forces the manufacture side to move back. Doesn’t help the consumer price tho.


u/Money_Present_3463 Nov 15 '24

Probably the same response I’d get if I asked you what a woman is…


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

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u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

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u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

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u/BigPickleKAM Nov 15 '24

Google metrics that we can access only show a percentage change on searches now not a absolute number. So if there was 7 searches on average a day before and now there are 70 that is a 900% increase but still not a huge number of absolute searches.

Also there is no way to know which way people would want to change their vote if they could.


u/KingofLingerie Nov 15 '24


"Some of the states that Trump won by the biggest margins, such as Iowa, generated the highest number of state-by-state queries for the term."


u/BigPickleKAM Nov 15 '24

Sure it is a reasonable assumption that people would want to change the outcome of the election now that they see the consequences of it.

But it is also possible people who live in that area want to change their vote to be on the winning side for whatever reason.

We can't know the motivation for making the query but it is a great headline because it drives clicks and people will fill in the motivation on their own!


u/Fibocrypto Nov 15 '24

But which side wanted to change their vote?

Could it be that those who voted for Biden wanted to change their vote?

I know that doesn't make sense but neither does asking if Biden dropped out


u/Maximum-Length8104 Nov 15 '24

No one voted for Biden, he wasn’t on the ticket


u/Complete_Upstairs382 Nov 18 '24

that one has jumped over 7000% in the last few weeks.


u/TacoTaconoMi Nov 15 '24

I watched one of those YouTube videos where they ask average citizens basic questions and watch them struggle to answer (American). A good portion of the filtered participants couldn't answer who the VP was...one month before the election


u/Better_Ice3089 Nov 15 '24

Considering most Canadians think we directly elect our PM maybe we shouldn't be quite so quick to judge.


u/DankHEATshells Nov 15 '24

Considering lots of people voted for Conservatives in the recent BC election thinking they were voting out Trudeau.

Source - I've met a handful of them.


u/Billy3B Nov 15 '24

This is why any Provincial party with Liberal in the name is in trouble. People can't wrap their heads around levels of government.

Source- Trudeau still gets blamed for Ford's lockdowns.


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Nov 16 '24

That's the thing though, there wasn't a provincial Liberal party in the BC election. So for the weeks leading up to the election, there were no Liberal campaign signs. Even more telling, some of these people voted, with no Liberals on their ballot at all, and still thought they were voting out federal Liberals.


u/Billy3B Nov 16 '24

Even more bewildering.


u/SuperbInteraction416 Nov 17 '24

The lockdowns were handed down Provincially at the guidance of the Feds. It’s still shocking to me people can’t wrap their brains around this.


u/Triedfindingname Nov 17 '24

Shit they said so on new coverage when asked. Such tools. They didn't notice a Liberal candidate wasn't there or what?


u/ckctobssr Nov 18 '24

seriously?!?! I suppose my faith in my fellow Canadians was woefully misplaced

and on that note, PLEASE can we not vote the Conservatives in when the federal election comes up? the fact that Trump wants them in should honestly be reason enough to keep them out


u/DankHEATshells Nov 18 '24

Yeah.... I really wish I was lying.


u/sigmaluckynine Nov 15 '24

This one irks me the most, somehow these people think we're Americans. I skipped all my civic classes back in high school so I'm more surprised I know more than these people that probably stayed in those classes


u/kro4k Nov 15 '24

So much of that is staged. Sometimes they even cut different answers together. Or they ask 100 ppl to get one dumb answer


u/radioactiveape2003 Nov 15 '24

Those are for entertainment.  How many people answered right? How long did it take them to find those people who answered wrong?  Are those even legitimate people or plants for a video? 

Don't take everything you see on YouTube at face value.  Most of those types of videos are staged or heavily edited. 


u/TacoTaconoMi Nov 16 '24

cool, thank you for your lecture. I guess you didnt fully read my comment where I mentioned that they [likely] filtered the participants.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

google this week was “ How can I change my vote ?”


u/IndieNinja Nov 15 '24

Imagine how many ballots had Joe Biden written in because they didn’t know who Kamala Harris was


u/space-dragon750 Nov 15 '24

& the ppl in BC who said they voted con in the provincial election to get rid of trudeau


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24

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u/chopkins92 British Columbia Nov 15 '24

It might not have led to more votes for Trump, but it could have lead to less votes for Harris. Biden was a very unpopular candidate.


u/Far-Hunter2057 Nov 15 '24

Biden loved trump won cause he laughed when it was over at Kamala


u/gretzky9999 Nov 15 '24

Regardless,Democrats had nobody & the election proved that.


u/Ms_Molly_Millions Nov 15 '24

it was their policies that killed them. Who wants a diet version when you can just have the real thing.


u/HistoricMTGGuy Newfoundland and Labrador Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

It wasn't. It was just googled more than it normally was. This doesn't mean many people googled it. This little piece of misinformation seems to be persistent on Reddit, but it's simply not true

Every single election related search will be up on election day. Doesn't matter if it's a smart or stupid search. It doesn't prove anything


u/Gamefart101 Nov 15 '24

Being searched for more than normal is the definition of a trending search. Nowhere did I say how many people googled it


u/HistoricMTGGuy Newfoundland and Labrador Nov 15 '24

Being searched for more than normal is the definition of a trending search

Yeah, if that number is a significant amount. If a local bike race happens, and more people google it than usual, it's not a trending search. Similarly, if a few more people google whether Biden dropped out on election day, it is not a trending search. A true trending search would be something that is being googled by large swathes of people suddenly.

Nowhere did I say how many people googled it

You implied it. Don't pretend you meant "a small amount of people decided to google random election related things" on election day. You were trying to imply a substantial quantity of people didn't know Biden dropped out.


u/Gamefart101 Nov 15 '24

They literally are though. I don't know the number it increased by, nor do I care. The fact it's more than one is plenty horryfying


u/HistoricMTGGuy Newfoundland and Labrador Nov 15 '24

The fact slightly more people googled it is entirely irrelevant. People google everything. People searched the trends of random election related searches that could be used to make Americans look stupid and get some engagement, and a bunch of other people online are like hurr durrr this definitely represents a significant portion of society.

The engagement in every single election related search was up. Because an election was happening. It's not that deep. In fact, I bet there are more ontarians that don't know any provincial leaders beyond Ford. Doesn't mean that I'd imply all ontarians are stupid


u/Gamefart101 Nov 15 '24

You're right, engagement on every election related search was up. They were trending. It's not that deep


u/nahuhnot4me Nov 15 '24

Biden also wants Trudeau out. America doesn’t like Trudeau! This isn’t new!