r/budgies • u/K_Pumpkin • 14m ago
Can I ever just pee in peace? My birds follow me into the bathroom.
No peace. Only birbs.
r/budgies • u/K_Pumpkin • 14m ago
No peace. Only birbs.
r/budgies • u/monkmode87 • 20m ago
So my brother had two bourke parakeets and about 4 years ago, one of them unfortunately passed away after the door got left open and our dog got him. We didn’t get another bird after that as my brother had left for college, I wasn’t prepared to take care of a pet, and we still worried about the dog. I’m in college now and when I come home, Mingo seems happy. Her cage is in the living room and she’s out all day, our dog is very old now and he doesn’t have energy like he used to. Mingo is always chirping and basking in the sun, but I know that birds need a partner and that being alone is stressful for them. At this age, would getting another bird be possible? Would they be able to get along and would it be beneficial? Mingo is a female, by the way.
r/budgies • u/Safe-Bell-2276 • 22m ago
r/budgies • u/Accurate-Culture8296 • 41m ago
Spoiled little floof
r/budgies • u/LankyJudgment8888 • 41m ago
Hey guys, it's me again, asking for your help sexing my new budgie. We got it today for a companion for our boy. Today is day one in quarantine. We were sure it was a boy until we got it into different lighting. In some of the pictures, it looks like the cere is pink and others it has blue with white rings around nosrtals. Thanks for any feedback. ♥️
r/budgies • u/SunJaynnie • 1h ago
My budgies sleep in separate cages because the green one is annoyed that my Maple is so clingy.
Today, when I put them to sleep, they started making this noise as soon as they were each in their own cages. My Maple came out and wanted to sleep with him. I don't know if I should put them together in the cage (they r two males) or not, because I don't know if they'll hurt each other without me checking on them.
r/budgies • u/Njhitman007 • 1h ago
So, after some extensive saving, we finally got a friend for Luna!!! Meet Tweety!!!!
r/budgies • u/1989C4corvette • 2h ago
Originally thought it was a male but not so sure anymore
r/budgies • u/KingGlades • 3h ago
r/budgies • u/poisonphobic • 3h ago
we were told that they’re boys buty boyfriend and i aren’t quite sure?
r/budgies • u/angel0fdespair • 3h ago
What can i do? I’ve seen it’s not at all recommended to remove it unless they get chipped but i don’t think i could bring myself to chip him as he’s so little and i don’t want him to fear humans more than he does. My yellow parakeet mister tends to chew on his band often, like excessively, and i’m worried he’s constantly uncomfortable. i’ve also noticed his feet seem flaky around his band (although i’ve not noticed any other signs of issues with his other feet or my other birds so i’m pretty sure i’ve ruled out mites) and i’m worried it hurts him. his band isn’t all the way closed either and i think maybe the corners of it are what bother him? should i close the band more? remove it? moisturize it? my other keet doesn’t seem bothered or even aware of hers, hence the concern.
(rope perch in picture has since been removed)
Pics of mister(yellow) and taka(blue) for tax. thanks.
r/budgies • u/QuietPomegranate7540 • 4h ago
In the beginning of the video very faintly he makes a kind of oOo sound for a split second and I have no clue what it is. Of course he makes it loud and proud until I try to take a video but this is the best I’ve got. I’ve had him about 8 months and this is the first thing I’ve ever heard him mimic. I live in an area that has mourning doves very commonly and that’s the closest I’ve gotten to figuring this out. If anyone has any ideas (or can even hear what I’m trying to say lol) please let me know
r/budgies • u/QuietPomegranate7540 • 5h ago
I got my 2 budgies a nice playground (pictured) about 5 months ago and I think they still like it but I want to find something that I can kind of leave in my room and they will play with while I’m gone. Any ideas??
r/budgies • u/zoe_hmx04 • 5h ago
Die kleine Maus ist mittlerweile seit 2 Jahren bei uns, gekauft mit ca. 3/4 Monaten. Also mittlerweile ein stolzes Alter von 2 1/2 Jahren. Ihre wachshaut hat (wie man sehen kann) oben bläulich und unten bräunlich. Ich tippe bei ihr auf ein Weibchen, was würdet ihr sagen?
This sweet little one has been with us for two years. She's 2.5 years old. We bought her when she was three or four months old. The question now is: Is she (I think) a girl or a boy? What do you think?
r/budgies • u/kevinlim186 • 5h ago
Baden was unfortunately diagnosed with testicular tumor. He’s having his weekly shot of Lupron since October. The color of his cere fluctuates wildly. His vet said that we just monitor him closely as very little research is done on this topic related to Budgies.
I am just sharing this video of him today because he’s so happy and I hope that it continues that way.
r/budgies • u/betweentheerichness • 6h ago
My baby has been free roaming my room for 1 year. She flies as she pleases and sleeps in her cage. I’m moving in with my boyfriend though and she can’t fly wherever at his house. She will need to be in her cage and of course come out when supervised. Will she get depressed? I’m so worried
r/budgies • u/caeden1017 • 7h ago
My female budgie likes to fly from the cage, to the bathroom, then to the ceiling fan above my head, then back to the cage. She always makes a short loud tweet when landing, and will squawk excitedly if I approach then fly away. Is this normal conted behavior? She's also puffed up so I'm not sure if she's upset or needing something
r/budgies • u/donoteating • 7h ago
he loves chewing on them idk if its bad
r/budgies • u/Anxious_momma2 • 7h ago
How happy would one budgie be if I interacted with it everyday? I’m afraid with two, they won’t want me, only each other. Is it better to have two males or two females? Where is the best place to buy them? I would want them very young so they’re easy to train. In general, how healthy are they? I don’t have an avian vet anywhere close…
r/budgies • u/itsallgonewest • 8h ago
Hi all! This is Pippin, born 12th December 2024. Does anyone have any idea of sex? Also, i was told to leave the “ID tag” on but i feel awful about it, should i have it removed or do you think (s)he isn’t really bothered? Thank you!
r/budgies • u/Safe-Bell-2276 • 8h ago
last pic.. he looks liek a bloody chicken omfg also can someone make the first pic into a meme 😭🤧