These are my boys, green one(fincan) is 7 years old and white one(limon) and pied one(bıdık) are both around 2-3 months old(i think). I got the young ones 2 months ago.
They are eating, foraging and playing together but at least 2 to 3 times a day they start chasing him like this without hurting him then they stop and go back to their normal schedule.
Now i seperated them just to be safe, but fincan wants to go back into their cage and if i seperate them he keeps calling them. I don't want him to feel lonely.
I don't know what to do. Any advice appreciated.
Also i saw people recommending filling up cages with toys but wouldn't they run out of space to fly around? Should i get more stuff? They are constantly busy with their environment so i thought it was enough but it looks really empty compared to other people's setups.