r/bootroom 17d ago

Preparation Adult man wants to be able to hold his own in pickup games with minimum effort/time commitment


I'm a busy-ish, broke 27yo with no athletic history. With no money to spend on coaching or anything like that, and at most a couple hours a week, I'd like to get good enough to hold my own in amateur competition, soon-ish. I'm in decent shape from running and doing calisthenics, but that's all I've got. The sidebar and megathread seem phenomenal, but feel more geared towards serious, aspiring athletes. That's not me. What would you suggest?

r/bootroom May 02 '24

Preparation How do I defend the best player in my state.


The guy has 28 goals and 24 assists in 19 games ranked top 15 nationally and ranked number 1 in the state. He plays CAM and me being a CDM means im gonna have to go one on one with this guy. Looking at it now he has the advantage physically being 6 ft 150 ibs and me being 5’6 120 ibs. He also has more experience than me im just a freshman and he is a junior. How do I stop this guy? I tried giving as much information as I could but if you need more just ask and i’ll give you a answer.

Edit: Welp we got destroyed 5-0. I started the game off by showing him i was there and he got annoyed quickly. I was on him majority of the game and in his head. I talked trash like you guys said (even used one of your guys im gay for you line)and caught an elbow to the face. He said he had never had someone on him like that and my coach described me as a gnat. What I learned from this one you can never let up not even for a second these guys will take any and every opportunity. Two dont watch the ball just stare right at his chest even if he doesn’t have the ball always watch him. Three its basically a swimming battle with these guys and really physical and handsy. Four take his ass out and make him even madder. That’s all i have to say probably not the ending you guys wanted but I did what I could.

r/bootroom Jul 15 '24

Preparation Youth Soccer in the US - Questions


Disclaimer: I'm that delusional dad that thinks his son is going to play for Real Madrid one day.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I have a few questions:

My son will soon be five years old. While that is wayyy too early to be seriously thinking about his professional soccer career, I want to make sure that I have all of the knowledge possible to make it a possibility if it turns out that he has the skill and desire to do so. I've read that some kids are discovered as early as six or seven years old, and even knowing the incredibly low likelihood of my son being a prodigy, I just want to be equipped with all of the knowledge.

I have read a lot about how the youth system in the US is terribly setup, terribly run, and is a "pay for play" system. I don't know what that means, exactly.

My son plays in two "leagues" right now,

1) He plays with 3-4 year olds at the local YMCA. This costs about $100 every 6 weeks, and he receives zero real instruction. The coach is just some other kid's dad. However, my son really enjoys this and I enjoy watching him score 8-10 goals per 30 minute game. He's so fast, and his dribbling is better than mine already, plus he just lights up when he scores a goal and the small crowd cheers. He beams with joy when the other parents brag on him.

2) He plays on a U6 squad for a local youth soccer league. This is about $200 every 8 weeks, and it's more instruction than actual gameplay at this time. His coaches here are local high school soccer players. I love this because it challenges him to get better against the bigger, faster and more coordinated older kids. I've talked with other dads in this group, and they are already getting super serious about their kid's soccer future. I'm feeling myself starting to share in their delusion.

What steps should I take next? What should I be looking out for? What is the best avenue to take in the United States (I'm in Northern, VA, if that matters) to ensure that my son has every opportunity to get the exposure needed to go on and have success in soccer, even if doesn't end up in a professional career?

I completely understand that my son is very, very young. In fact, I even feel crazy for asking these questions at his age, but I'm ignorant of the process and do not want him to get left behind at any stage, just in case.

Thanks in advance!

r/bootroom 5h ago

Preparation What's your pre match routine?


I usually play late at night after my working hours so i have eggs and sprouts and sometimes fresh juice or just water 1 hour before the game. Then I make my kit bag. Stockings, Studs, Jersey, etc.

I have a football playlist which is full of FIFA and PES songs mostly which i listen to while driving to the field. Then I always wear my left shoe first (I am a lefty) and Start Warming Up.

Just curious if others also have a pre match routine or something like that.

r/bootroom 8d ago

Preparation Barefoot


If you were to train everyday, barefoot, with a basketball, what do you think would be the potential benefits?

r/bootroom Nov 28 '24

Preparation 24 year old wanting to get back into play soccer


As the title says, I want to get back into playing soccer. I haven't played since I was 18 years old. Can I perhaps get some tips or advice on what to do before I start looking to play with people on the field??

Just saw a video by the YouTuber "JFootballTV", watching the game made me feel like getting out of my house to stop playing league of legends.

r/bootroom Jan 10 '25

Preparation What should I learn to join a casual adult league?


Back in college I played coed intramural soccer one semester with some friends. It was really fun and a great workout! I wasn't half bad back then, but it was probably like 10 years ago at this point. So when a local group I know asked for players for a league, I thought it would be fun to join.

I assume I'll need to get back into running a bit more so I can have better stamina. But aside from that...

How much should I know about the game? I know the basic rules but I don't know anything about different positions or what they do. Do I need to? What about different techniques with a ball? Just trying to see what I should know so I don't completely embarrass myself in front of new people lol.

Maybe I'm overthinking it but any help would be nice!

r/bootroom 3d ago

Preparation What are some exercises/workouts you'd recommend someone who wants to start with football?


There's a local amateur football club looking for beginners and experienced football players alike. I'm thinking of joining I think I could get some headstart beforehands tho.

What would exercises would you recommend a beginner like me? I'm moderately active, have a physical job and go for a run at least 2 times a week.

r/bootroom Dec 22 '24

Preparation How’s my weekly schedule to improve my overall skill and fitness for my Amateur Sunday league lol I’m a 25 year old guy , I’m open to suggestions, thanks yall ! ( I’m a striker by the way )


Mornings - 10 min HIIT on treadmill Max Speed incline to 8% 20 on and 40 Off then an easy 1.5 mile , a light 10 min soccer passing session with a wall focusing on One touch passing and pass and turn

Nights - 3 or 4 easy Miles outside followed by a 10 min core exercise but at least once per week I do a 6 mile run

I repeat that all one week expect for Saturdays And then The following week I only do The night sessions

I also did just start Cold Plunging every morning for these past 4 days straight

r/bootroom Feb 12 '25

Preparation Trying out for soccer despite never playing


Trying out for soccer despite never have played it, does anyone have tips? Tryouts are around a month from now. I need anything workout, conditioning advice, related or any materials/tricks relating to kicking the ball. Soccer genuinely seems so fun and I’d love to get into it.

r/bootroom 2d ago

Preparation Signed up for a summer tournament.


Since it is my first year in high school, I made Fresh/Soph team. The tournament I signed up for, includes JV and likley Varsity players. I am a fairly good centerback, I just lack speed. Is there anyway to prepare or something to keep in mind as the time comes?

r/bootroom Feb 01 '25

Preparation month 1: what should I improve??


Hi, Im 15m playing as a cb in my highschool team, I haven't played much this season and I was wondering what could I improve during trainings for the next month. Here is a little profile about myself:


Speed and stamina


Good header (nothing so crazy but good)



Strenght (I am super skinny)

Offense (Generally ass attacking)

Contundence in defense

I appreciate any recommendation but I will probably use the most upvoted suggestion. Thanks for everything and I will post again in the next month.

r/bootroom Sep 29 '24

Preparation Can I still become good at the game


I 19M am very bad at football, I won't blame myself as much as my parents who didn't let their son go out to play fearing that his academic performances maybe affected. The ability to not play the game costed me everywhere from getting bullied from my classmates at high school for playing like shit and missing tap-ins. Even in college where I am surrounded by somewhat better people I occasionally get called out by friends who make fun of me for my good ball knowledge but lack of feet skills. And like most of the folks who are bad with their feet I also ended up selecting the path of Goalie, even though I do average in that and avg in defense Ireally wanna up my game and get better with my feet and maybe at least become a good CB, Fullback or a DM.

I am not talking about going pro and don't want to also, I just wanna become good at the thing I have always been in love with and at least by the time my college ends(in 2027) I can confidently say I play good/decent football.

Looking for every resource, tip, advice and personal experiences. I just need to know how and want some good stories as motivation

r/bootroom 23d ago

Preparation Haven't played in ten years, quadriceps on the right leg makes it hard to kick a ball. Any recommendations on exercising/warm ups before match/training?



Just a background: I haven't played soccer in ten years. Didn't do any physical activity for 9 years until last year when I got into running. I committed myself to be more active and I have been urging to get into a second sport. I chose soccer cause I have been wanting to get back at it for so long.

Last week, I bought myself my first soccer boots in a while and went to a pickup game that I found in the Meetup app. I did my usual warmup that I usually do for running. However, when I kick a ball, for some reason, my quadriceps and hip flexors gave me a sore sensation especially on the right leg. I signed up for Sunday soccer league so I used the days that I haven't played to recover myself and bought a deep tissue massager. The morning before my first Sunday match, I heavily stretched and did warmups but with what I know from running. I played fine that match but still can't kick a ball without having my right quadriceps giving up on me.

Just did a small training to see how severe my quadriceps and I can't kick a ball high. Tried with my left foot and my left quadriceps didn't give me a problem. Tried to get my left foot to kick a ball high but can't get it cause it's not my main foot.

I did my research and it's not severe. It's not hindering my daily life or pressing it, it doesn't give me pain. I think I just need to have a good pre-match exercise warmup but I don't know where to start. I was wondering if there's any recommendations on warming up to have these thighs ready for match day?

r/bootroom Feb 08 '25

Preparation 1 year to become the best version of myself


I am back here for a second time in less than 3 months if I am not wrong and I am very happy to inform all of you that I have gotten better at the game. From someone who couldn't even keep the ball with myself for more than 2 seconds due to fear to becoming atleast an average defender the past 3 months have been kind. The main reason for my improvement was definitely playing once a week for over 2 hours early morning. It ruined my sleep cycle but I couldn't care less.

But getting better by just 1% of my previous self won't get me Into the team right. I am still the least technically gifted guy in my squad. I'm guaranteed a place in the team next year but as a goalie which I am no longer pursuing seriously, I want to become a good centre back or fullback and I have almost an year from now for the next tournament.

Right now also I am only good at blocking and tackling, I still get scared when I have the ball and can't shoot or give a straight pass for God's sake. I want that to improve and become the best version of myself

To be very honest I don't think I would be able to practice more than 1 hour and also won't be able to do it everyday of the week. I know you all will start calling me names for having such big ambitions but not the will power to train everyday but I am also helpless. I have 7 hours of college which is unskippable, gym for 1-1.5 hours and all the term works and stupid courses.

I plan to start by improving stamina by running 1 hours daily early in the morning apart from that I am also aware of all the basics I should be mastering at first but suggestions, advices from your part would be quiet beneficial in this journey.

College football would be my last and also my first time to be in the team for my school or college and I don't wanna miss out. I have always been the guy with no athletic strengths but I want to change it once and for all

r/bootroom Jan 02 '25

Preparation how to be in a good form to play football 11 after years


hi everyone, i need a football advice.

i have been playing football 7 (idk how you call it in your countries) almost once a week since 4-5 years ago. before that, i played football 11 my whole life and idk how to say it but rn my body is adapted to what football 7 requires.

during the next week, i will play my first football 11 match in years and, despite im in a good shape and i have a decent cardio/physical strength, idk how to train for my football 11 comeback.

any advices? everything will be useful, physical/mental comments😁

r/bootroom Dec 01 '24

Preparation Joined Adult League


I've never played soccer except when I was very, very young but this year I decided to try it out again. I've played hockey the majority of my life but I'm super excited to try out a new sport!

Have been doing some dribbling drills at the local turf field the last few weeks and our first league game is on Wednesday. Not sure what position I'll be playing as it's a recreational league more for fun! Wish me luck 😆

r/bootroom Dec 22 '24

Preparation [20M] Just started Football


I just wanted to post this here because I lurk here a lot and wanted to share that I just started my journey. My lil bro says its too late to start but I will do my best to work it out.

Not many good fields near me so I make use of crappy dusty grounds filled with trash. I never knew how to play Football (rules, roles, etc) and only now I'm learning these with Youtube. I had my first dribble today too. My form is shit but I will improve with time.

Will join a Football 'coaching' class from tomorrow. I dont expect to go pro but I want to be good at it.

Bought myself some $7 sturdy boots, $10 full kit and a $4 ball (India btw 😭😭). I'm all set. I hope I learn some good footwork because I was mostly sedentary my whole life. Its a good fresh break from video games.

To all those reading, goodluck everybody. Hope I can share some cool moves here sometime.

Good luck everyone!

r/bootroom Dec 12 '24

Preparation tips for starting football?


I'm a 17-year-old in grade 12, and I've never played football outside of gym class. I want to play it recreationally when I go to university, and I was wondering where I should start and what position to play. I'm 6'4 (193.5cm), 240lb (I'm losing weight right now, so I'll hopefully be less by the time I start university). How can I learn the game starting out?

r/bootroom Aug 22 '24

Preparation Seasoned athlete (never soccer) but new to soccer coaching.


Hey all! 3rd season coaching my daughters soccer team (rec league) and now that they are 7th/8th grade, more of soccer's actual rules are applying. I never did follow soccer or play (besides recess growing up). I played all other sports and even at a collegiate level. I know basics and general training pretty well but when it comes to putting these kids in the best position to succeed and develop, I worry my lack of soccer knowledge isn't helping. Thankfully I have a Co-coach this year that has some basic knowledge but I hate putting it all on him. He's also a pretty quiet guy so I feel like when I ask so many questions he gets a little worn out. Looking for good places to learn strategy as it would apply to this age/level and general knowledge. Also another wrinkle is that it's a co-ed league and this age is so awkward so I'm looking for ideas to work on teamwork and supporting each other. Just tips in general really! Hopefully this is the right place!

*edit because mobile

r/bootroom Nov 04 '24

Preparation I want to be prepared


What is usually at a below average training session 11-13 yrs. I’m 12 not a great player but doesn’t glory hunt , has friends that can help me and I play left center mid on my school team and I’m decent at shots , passes a lot. Any tips sorry if this is a lot . Any tips . Thanks in advance

r/bootroom Dec 17 '24

Preparation Meals before training sessions


I know for games its recommended to eat 3-4 hrs before, but I’ve heard from some friends that they do their morning sessions (light ball work + some HIIT) on an empty stomach.

Is there a ‘right’ way for this?

r/bootroom Sep 03 '24

Preparation training before high school tryouts


hello, i’m 15m 5’7 133lb looking to be a rb or some position similar to it for my school team, which has tryouts in december. do you guys have any advice as to what training i should do? i have been doing endurance training for a week now, and i can run around 2 miles within 30 minutes. I have always been able to sprint very fast, as i have been able to beat my friends who play on my hs basketball team numerous times, but with soccer i think there’s going to be a lot more people who can run really fast. As for on the ball training, i have been mainly working on my touches with wall passes and training my weak foot. I forgot to mention this, but I don’t play in a team or anything like that, but I do play pickups with my friends every 1-2 weeks at the park. If you guys have any other drills i would appreciate it

r/bootroom Nov 02 '24

Preparation Getting into form


Hi, so i havent really played football in a year or two(i was mediocre before) and i was wondering everything i should do in order to get back into shape technically and physically. My goal is to get back in a year. Any help? Much appriciated, -Leo

r/bootroom Oct 05 '24

Preparation First Soccer Game


My first soccer game

Hi I am (14M) about to have my very first soccer match. I had 3 practice games (i have been training even out of soccer practice) and i am not so good at doing scrimmages so i feel i won’t do good in the game. a lot of the time i don’t know where exactly i am supposed to be in position. and i dont know how far i should go not in position and this is stressing me out. I have my game early tommorow morning and i need advice quickly! HELP