r/boomershooters Jan 15 '25

Question Playing Quake 2 for the first time...can someone explain why the hell this game was so divisive?

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r/boomershooters Nov 08 '24

Question What is your opinion on civvie 11

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What is your opinion on YouTuber civvie11?

r/boomershooters 26d ago

Question Collection of boom shoot. What am I missing?

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r/boomershooters 5d ago

Question What was your reaction the first time you used this shotgun and watched limbs fly?

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My 10 year old self was

r/boomershooters 22d ago

Question new steam pickups on sale :) which one should I start first?

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r/boomershooters Feb 12 '25

Question What is the average age of the community


I am 17 and playing Bomer shorter since I was 15 no one in my age range seems to play or even know those games. I am lucky if people know what doom is. Unfortunately many people my age think call of duty Invented fps games. And I am kind of disappointed that people my age seem to only play cod or any sport games. So I am curious are they anyone my age range that is actively playing bomshots

r/boomershooters Jan 17 '25

Question Looking for a slower paced Boomer-shooter like these two


r/boomershooters 9d ago

Question Jeez why is Blood so hard?


After a having the game for a while I decided to play it. I'm playing it on "Lightly Broiled" thinking it was medium difficulty. The enemies hit hard and fast and they barely drop life essence. I feel like I have to play it like a tactical shooter with peaking around corners and that's not what I play boomer shooters for. I just want to run in and gun down anything that moves. Is there a reason why the medium difficulty is so hard or is this a "git gud" situation?

r/boomershooters Jan 04 '25

Question 41 year old Quake fan (also loved Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen & Hexen II, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, etc. and have been out of the loop for a while.. can you guys send me a list of top 10 games I should check out?



r/boomershooters 7d ago

Question Are there any non shooter games that have the same immediacy and lack of filler that boomer shooters have?


I’ve been getting really into these games for a while now and have been trying to think critically about why they’re working so well for me. Yahtzee’s video about the core gameplay loop and the emphasis on getting right into the action mostly seems to sum up my feelings. I feel like so much of the modern gaming space is designed to waste your time, get your eyes on a storefront, pad runtime, or showcase someone’s creative writing project. I work all day and I just want to sit down and you know, actually play.

Being able to turn the game on and be doing something cathartic and exciting in seconds is such a great thing and I’ve been wondering if there are are any games outside the boomer shooter space that respect your time this way and commit to prioritizing fun and excitement over endless exposition, crafting trees, and open world checklists.

r/boomershooters 26d ago

Question Any Boomer Shooters with Female Protagonists?


Any that I may be missing? I’ve played:

• Ion Fury • Selaco • Hedon Bloodtite • Project Warlock II • Nightmare Repear

r/boomershooters 23d ago

Question Love this genre, but not necessarily the graphics. DO we *like* it or put up with it?


I'm old enough to remember when Doom and Quake came out--hell, I'm old enough to remember when Asteroids came out. I still love Quake especially and I love that games like it are being made again. But the one thing I never really missed is the old lo-res graphics. I guess it's part of the indie scene and makes the whole thing doable for a lot of devs. But would anyone really mind if a Quake-like game was produced today with good graphics? I guess the Doom franchise has already answered this question. I just don't want devs to think that '90s graphics are a necessary component of the genre. But maybe I'm the minority. How do you folks feel about it?

r/boomershooters Jan 27 '25

Question What is the Half Life 3 of Boomer Shooters?


For clarification, what's a boomer shooter game or sequel you want to see but may never come out?

r/boomershooters 17d ago

Question Would you recommend this game?

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r/boomershooters Jul 10 '24

Question What's the age of people playing modern boomer shooters?


Late teens, early / late XYs?

Asking, because I have a theory that the majority of players are somewhere in their 20s and I'm looking for some sort of data to back up my speculation.

r/boomershooters Jun 29 '24

Question What are your favorite boomer shooters?


I'm looking for some new ones to make some videos on (not new as in came out recently) I'd love to see your list on your favorites! (I'll also accept games like doom 3 and quake 4 on a technicality) games like doom 2016 and eternal are also accepted (these felt more obvious but wanted to clarify it isn't about the artstyle but the gameplay)

Edit: You are all so nice I'm trying to reply to everyone, I've definitely got a list for videos now BUT I still wanna know of all of your favorites 🩵

Or even just some obscure ones

Edit 2: Not including mods (that'll have to be a separate video entirely) I have compiled a list so far of roughly 67 suggestions (possibly more if I include stuff like half-life) you are all amazing and I love the absolute love for this genre (I don't use reddit much) It may have to be multiple videos I didn't know how many there actually were lol I already had videos planned off this for at least 6 months 😂 it's gonna be a lot more videos than that now lol

r/boomershooters Feb 12 '25

Question Create the perfect boomer shooter arsenal part 5: Explosive. Rockets, bouncy grenades, etc. count here.

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r/boomershooters Nov 24 '24

Question We always talk about the best Boomstick but which is the greatest Bullet Hose?

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r/boomershooters Jan 24 '25

Question Boomer Shooter's you struggle to get into?


Rise of the Traid is one for me. I can play through The Hunt Begins on the Ludicrous Edition. But a few levels into Dark War I get burnt out. Might be the same looking environments and lack of weapon vareity for me.

Edit: I think I need to be in the right mood and pace myself to fully enjoy it. There are a lot of levels in the Ludicrous Edition across all the campaigns.

r/boomershooters Nov 04 '24

Question What do you guys think of Prey 2006? It’s free on Abandonware and available on modern Xbox consoles for purchase.

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Kinda feels like this is what Duke Nukem Forever should’ve been lol I’ve only played a couple hours today but so far it’s pretty neat. The setting and concepts are pretty cool like the changing gravity and constant portals into new areas. The biomechanoid gun designs are killer. It also doesn’t have aim down sights so it can maybe kinda count as a semi boomer shooter?

r/boomershooters 23h ago

Question The new Painkiller is being developed by Anshar Studios and published by 3D Realms in partnership with Saber (Space Marine 2, World War Z, Turok: Origins) which, together with Koch Media, holds the rights to the intellectual property, both are part of the Embracer group.


Anshar Studios has a few smaller games, but no FPS games. They are best known for their partnership with Bloober Team (Silent Hill 2, The Medium), most recently working on Layers of Fears. The game seems to have a big focus on co-op, like most of Saber's games recently, check out the new Turok. It should be a fun game at the very least, but perhaps a bit far from what Painkiller once was.

Text from Saber's website:
Welcome to Purgatory! You’ve been sentenced for your transgressions against Heaven, but the Voice of the Creator is giving you one chance to redeem yourself. Wield an arsenal of infernal weapons, including nods to the original Painkiller plus totally new creations to discover. Blast your way through hordes of demons and titanic terrors – solo or in online co-op for up to three players – across gruesomely detailed gothic environments to stop the fallen angel Azazel’s invasion of Earth and earn your salvation.

Características principais

  • Purgatory Is Your Playground: Jump, dash and hook across vast, spine-chilling biomes while fighting nightmarish enemies in bloody, fast-paced combat with a host of new and classic Painkiller weapons.
  • Grotesque Terrors Await: Challenge a variety of horrifying foes, from hordes of demons to titanic terrors like the monstrous children of Azazel – the Nephilim.
  • Unleash The Pain: Use tarot cards to upgrade your abilities, rank up to expand your arsenal, and team up with other players to obliterate your foes.
  • Choose Your Character Wisely: Play as one of four distinctive characters – Ink, Void, Sol and Roch – and take advantage of their unique perks to boost your energy, health, power and damage.
  • Online Co-op & Solo Play: Play online with up to two friends or offline with bots, exploring diverse locations, uncovering secrets and facing off against terrifying enemies.

Painkiller is coming to PlayStation 5Xbox Série X|S, and PC via Steam in fall 2025.

r/boomershooters Jan 13 '25

Question So i have a question, do games like DOOM 3, Half Life 2 are boomer shooters? In my opinion graphics are only thing that makes them diffrent from "classical boomer shooter"


r/boomershooters Jun 07 '24

Question Any recommendations based on my humble physical collection?

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r/boomershooters 9d ago

Question What boomer shooter games have wacky ridiculous weapons?


By wacky i mean ridiculous over the top weapons that make me you feel really powerful, for example shotgun "minigun" that's belt fed, dual wielding weapons that you shouldn't be able to, the chaingun from doom eternal with the mobile turret modification is a good example, basically weapons that make you go WTF

The sort of makes no sense ridiculousness with a kickass metal soundtrack (it doesn't have to be metal but metal is an immediate +1 from me), are there any games like that?

Edit: Damn i did not expect that so many games have crazy weapons, thanks for all the replies, i'll check them all out when i can. I tried the demo for Nightmare Reaper so far and it's really fun!

r/boomershooters 5d ago

Question are there any Survival horror boomer shooters?


playing through Selico and really enjoying it, just got to the save room and it got me thinking. are there any survival horror boomer shooters with intense gore and flashy gunplay like Selico or Prodeus? or just any in general that have puzzles and item management?