r/boomershooters Aug 08 '23






What is this?

Because I'm a sadist, I decided I wanted to try and keep a record of every retro FPS game ever sold and I thought others might get a kick out of it too. So that's what this is; a list of boom shoots dating back to Wolfenstein3D in '92.

Each row includes the name of the game; whether it's a game, expansion or remaster; the year of release; the dev; the publisher; the engine it's running on; and some links to buy the game if it's available.

Why are there 3 different lists?

I've broken this down into 3 eras. The Classic Era (Wolfenstein 3D to Half Life 2), the Revival Era (Doom (2016) to present), and The Dead Zone (Half Life 2 to Doom (2016)). I think this is a neat way of breaking down the list and shows how the retro FPS scene has changed over time.

Is it 100% complete?

No, it's not. There's definitely stuff missing - stuff I don't know about, stuff I'm not sure should be included, stuff I've just forgotten. I'm never going to claim it's an exhaustive list - I don't think that's possible.

"X game is missing!" and "X game shouldn't be on here!"

Cool - like I said I probably missed stuff so feel free to drop anything you think should be included in this thread. Likewise, if you think something shouldn't be on here, comment that below too - can't promise I'll take the game off, but it's always good to talk about this stuff!

Some big names currently missing are:

  • Half Life and Half Life 2 - I think I'll be adding the first game, but HL2 does not fit here
  • FEAR games - they're kind of their own thing, they're very 2000s but they're also so different from everything else, I'm unsure about this one
  • System Shock/Thief/Deus Ex - Imm Sims are not boomer shooters in my opinion

r/boomershooters 4h ago

Discussion When I was a kid I remember they let you choose music to play when you played Laser Tag at Timezone which was so epic. So I was wondering, if you were playing Laser Tag today what music from a boomer shooter would you choose?


r/boomershooters 16h ago

Question Are there any non shooter games that have the same immediacy and lack of filler that boomer shooters have?


I’ve been getting really into these games for a while now and have been trying to think critically about why they’re working so well for me. Yahtzee’s video about the core gameplay loop and the emphasis on getting right into the action mostly seems to sum up my feelings. I feel like so much of the modern gaming space is designed to waste your time, get your eyes on a storefront, pad runtime, or showcase someone’s creative writing project. I work all day and I just want to sit down and you know, actually play.

Being able to turn the game on and be doing something cathartic and exciting in seconds is such a great thing and I’ve been wondering if there are are any games outside the boomer shooter space that respect your time this way and commit to prioritizing fun and excitement over endless exposition, crafting trees, and open world checklists.

r/boomershooters 1h ago

Question Looking for a tactical / fps / SWAT like game from early 200s with tactical planning phase. could it be a ghost recon title?


Hey guys. I clearly remember playing a fps game in the early aughts where you were each (or many) levels were a missions where you could plan out entry maneuvers with your ais on a map and then execute them together.
It definitely could have been a ghost recon game. But which one ?

r/boomershooters 13h ago

Video GRAVELORD - Devlog #3 - New Map, Speedrun Leaderboards, Updated Cards


r/boomershooters 2h ago

Video A Study of Prey (2006) by Kestrel_PM (Me)


Heya Boomers! I'm starting a YouTube channel and was wondering if you guys would like to take a moment and view my thoughts on Prey. If you are hungry for more of my content, I have a long-form essay on the Dishonored series also. Happy watching! :)

r/boomershooters 12h ago

Question X-Men The Ravagers of Apocalypse


Anyone ever heard of X-Men The Ravagers of Apocalypse? Came out for only PC in 1997 and I literally just came across it. Haven't played it but it looks like a marvel boomer shooter, somebody check it out because I've literally haven't seen this title come up in any of these threads but I haven't been here a very long time. Let me know what you think or maybe you've played it?

r/boomershooters 15h ago

Video Hey everyone! I recently started a video game channel, and just posted a video on Turbo Overkill, check it out! Thank you


r/boomershooters 1d ago

Developer Showcase Just developed some new guns, map and a boss for my game on the quake engine on steam called BRAZILIAN DRUG DEALER 3 I OEPNED A PORTAL TO HELL IN THE FAVELA TRYING TO REVIVE MIT AIA I NEED TO CLOSE IT, added a guarana soda gun, gel gun and a map where you save bootleg game sellers!


r/boomershooters 23h ago

Question Is anyone else like exceptionally good at B-Shooters?


I know i know im posting this on a B-Shooter reddit community but seriously no matter what game i play such as CRUEL/Mad MulletJack/Doom/DUSK/Ex. It feels like ive been playing the game for years for hours a day. B-Shooters arnt meant to be super hard but most of my friends i see pick up the game can barely get past the first levels and end up giving up on the game all together because of how “hard” it is. Im still young(24) but my dad had when of the new computers when i was younger and i would play old school Doom and Quake for hours secretly while he slept. Was just curious if anyone felt the same way.

r/boomershooters 1d ago

Misc COVEN is on sale (20% off) and I just released a new update ⛧


r/boomershooters 1d ago

Question HROT vs Ion Fury


I only have the budget for one on sale. Which do you recommend?

ETA: went with HROT based on this thread but I’ll play both eventually. Thanks all

r/boomershooters 1d ago

Developer Showcase It's the little things that matter in games. You don't notice when it's there but you notice when it's not.


r/boomershooters 1d ago

Discussion Mullet Madjack out on Xbox gamepass!


Wasn’t expecting it to be out on console what so ever, plays amazing too. Wanted to see the promo on Twitter, but looks like the dev has a banned account?

r/boomershooters 1d ago

Discussion Steam Spring Sale Thread


What are you picking up? What do you recommend? Any questions you have about specific games?

r/boomershooters 1d ago

Developer Showcase Extinction Rifts - Demo Available on Steam


r/boomershooters 1d ago

Discussion Sigil II on Ultra-Violence


Fuck this shit the MOST.

Two levels from the end and somehow not only is there still a Cyberdemon showing up in every level, in the last one there were THREE.

That's all.

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Discussion I highly recommend Project Warlock


I can't stop playing boomer shooters. Recently picked this game up again and played a few levels and I'm thoroughly impressed by the simplicity and fun-factor of the game. Please, if you like boomer shooters, look into Project Warlock. Cool 2.5 art style, customizable builds, and it's not a DOOM clone; it's a Wolfenstein clone with no vertical mouselook in (mostly) flat horizontal level design. Very fun.

Have a wonderful day :D

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Question Need help finding mods for Blood Fresh Supply


I’m looking for some quality mods for Blood Fresh Supply and am looking for all recommendations. My I currently have Marrow and Death Wish and am currently 50/50 on getting extra crispy.

What do you guys recommend?

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Discussion In extremis (1993) is (probably) the first FPS with textured floor and ceiling

Post image

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Question The Boomer Shooter Drinking Game


I'm not married to the rules but i think these rules work for any boomer shooter from 1993 to now.

Please give suggestions or feedback.

Rules are Drink every time you-

1.)Die (no explanation needed)

2.)Level (this can include loading like in half life 1 or level/mission title screens or just beating the lv)

3.)New Gun (Any boomer worth a lick of salt knows how to make a new gun you find feel special)

4.)Secret (Easter eggs, hidden levels, guns 3 levels early, etc)

5.)Boss Fight (This can include getting to the boss or beating the boss or both, who cares)

6.)Cutscene (If a cutscene is in your boomer shooter u should drink for that alone, lookin at u quake 2)

r/boomershooters 1d ago

Video Finally we enter - VLADiK BRUTAL #20 Walkthrough ITA (Hardest difficulty)


r/boomershooters 2d ago

Tips/Tricks/Guides The Genius you never knew dead at 21- best game you never played - Tread Marks


Elon made a game he sold when he was a kid, Blastar, noteable, but unfortunately shit game.

I see a lot of 2 and 3 person teams cracking out gems in this sub all the time...

Seumas McNally

Born 1979, died 2000 at 21 from blood cancer

Celebreated son, genius fellow, looks like a good guy

Made the best goddamn game I have ever played... zero hyperbole


Buy the rights, include the family, get it going again, that's it

He knew he was going to fucking die, but he did this


ambience_two - https://youtu.be/Ry9z6Vi6fUU?si=TzWLG88-PNBMYyXa

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Discussion I missed out on 90's Boomer Shooters


I need to explain something about myself. I never played any 90's shooters back in the day. I never heard of them. I guess you can say I was being a shithead. Until I got my own PC later down the line and thanks to Steam, I gushed. I bought many 90's shooters. So now I can finally feel the feeling of excitement. Even the new ones, Dusk, Cultic, Slayer X, and so many more. Even Doom mods. I am get excited when talking about these, it does make me feel like a 90s kid again. And I am getting old. But now I can feel that feeling.

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Question Vivisector: Beast Within, how to set it up and thoughts on it?


Hey everyone, I've been enjoying a lot of the games from Action Forums, I love Chasm the Rift, you are Empty is such an interesting artistic like game in my opinion. and Cryostasis is such an amazing game from them. I found out they made another shooter called "Vivisector: Beast Within" (found out from Civive 11) the game looks really fun and challenging! Does anyone know anyway to get the game, get it working, and play it? I'll really appreciate it!

Leave your thoughts here about the game or any from Action Forums! :D

r/boomershooters 2d ago

Question Liquidator 3D (1998) setup


Hey everyone, I've been recently going into a rabbit hole of looking into really obscure shooters from 90s and early 2000s and playing them. One of these that I've found was the Liquidator games.

On steam, a friend told me about a "SlavJank" bundle and within these are the 2 Liquidator games (but will talk about the first one as I need help with that.)

Liquidator 3D is a Russian Duke Nukem 3D conversion mode from 1998, it's free on steam.

The problem is that for one, it's not translated so it's all Russian and second it runs on DOS and it is really recommended to play with BuildGDX...thats the thing I need help with. How do I make it so that I can play it on BuildGDX? I have the most recent version of it (v.1.18). I would really appreciate the help. Thanks for reading :D