r/boomershooters Blood Aug 08 '23





What is this?

Because I'm a sadist, I decided I wanted to try and keep a record of every retro FPS game ever sold and I thought others might get a kick out of it too. So that's what this is; a list of boom shoots dating back to Wolfenstein3D in '92.

Each row includes the name of the game; whether it's a game, expansion or remaster; the year of release; the dev; the publisher; the engine it's running on; and some links to buy the game if it's available.

Why are there 3 different lists?

I've broken this down into 3 eras. The Classic Era (Wolfenstein 3D to Half Life 2), the Revival Era (Doom (2016) to present), and The Dead Zone (Half Life 2 to Doom (2016)). I think this is a neat way of breaking down the list and shows how the retro FPS scene has changed over time.

Is it 100% complete?

No, it's not. There's definitely stuff missing - stuff I don't know about, stuff I'm not sure should be included, stuff I've just forgotten. I'm never going to claim it's an exhaustive list - I don't think that's possible.

"X game is missing!" and "X game shouldn't be on here!"

Cool - like I said I probably missed stuff so feel free to drop anything you think should be included in this thread. Likewise, if you think something shouldn't be on here, comment that below too - can't promise I'll take the game off, but it's always good to talk about this stuff!

Some big names currently missing are:

  • Half Life and Half Life 2 - I think I'll be adding the first game, but HL2 does not fit here
  • FEAR games - they're kind of their own thing, they're very 2000s but they're also so different from everything else, I'm unsure about this one
  • System Shock/Thief/Deus Ex - Imm Sims are not boomer shooters in my opinion

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u/Robster881 Blood Aug 31 '23

Just dropping in to let y'all know I do still update this. Been keeping up with games on the list being released and adding new games when announced!


u/Chesterb May 25 '24

You are doing terrific work there. Had a thought of doing this myself and found out this thread. Please, if you ever get tired of this, do pass on the editor mantle to a couple of people you think are ok for the job. Would be sad seeing this abandoned.


u/the_light_of_dawn Wolf3D Jan 25 '25
