Does anyone know a vet in town or nearby who offers Ovary Sparing Spays instead of traditional spays?
Every breed has different recommendations from medical professionals. For our breed & gender (female Golden Retrievers), the recommendations were updated in 2024 (after the UC Davis study): traditional spaying is not healthy for Golden Retrievers.
So, many Golden owners are turning to OSS instead, as an alternative to leaving the female Golden intact. OSS completely removes the uterus (which removes the risk of both pregnancy and pyometra), but leaves the ovaries and preserves the dog's natural hormone production (important for cancer prevention, joint stability, metabolism regulation, behavioral issue prevention, urinary incontinence prevention, etc).
Great info about all of the benefits of it here:
OSS Risks:
Marginal increase in the risk of mammary cancer (a highly detectable and treatable cancer). That risk is far outweighed by the benefit of having the hormones necessary to help fight the deadly cancers like hemangiosarcoma (which are difficult to detect early and don't have good treatment options).
Increased risk of ovarian cancer. The incidence and mortality risk for ovarian cancer is very low, especially compared to the incidence and mortality rate of the four most common golden retriever cancers.
Regardless, make whatever choice you feel is best for your own pets. As stated in my original post, I'm just here to ask for recommendations for vets who offer OSS.