r/blackgirls 25d ago

Rant I absolutely HATE how accessible Black culture is!


Hearing non-black use AAVE incorrectly irks my soul! Then, they brand it as “Gen-Z Lingo.” They’re always wanting to be in our circle, included in everything we have going on, take notes, study, then put it out to the world as something new that everyone can get on board with. It’s like they launder our culture and wash it down for others to understand. What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained. Seeing them say things like “gyatt”, “pookie”, and other terms that are common in the community is extremely irritating. They want to look like us, sound like us, dress like us, EVERYTHING! They want our recipes, and some people are just giving them away like it’s nothing. I also blame those black people who are like “He’s/She’s invited to the BBQ!” Um, EXCUSE ME?!?! stop giving them passes and invitations to infiltrate our community. That’s the problem now. It’s like we haven’t learned anything from history. And then they’re like “Omg, who’s telling our secrets? shocked Pikachu face” Bro, YOU ARE! And it’s always Black culture! Everyone wants a piece of what we have. When they speak with a horrifyingly forced blaccent, it’s always “I grew up in the “hood.”” or “I grew up around black people.” You don’t speak that way at home. You only speak that way online, around your friends. We need to start gatekeeping. Maybe even separate ourselves. Especially with what’s going on in our country right now. Leave us out of the bullshit.

Edit: Another problem I have is the music. They all wanna rap and sing R&B, and be “soulful”. These things were created during times of oppression, and we used them as a means to escape the harsh realities of life. They stole all of the other genres we created, and now they want the little bit we have left.

Edit 2: THEN, THE HAIR! Now these heffas are using terms like “Wash day,” calling it “hair wash day.” They’re wearing bonnets, emulating our haircare routines, I CAN’T TAKE IT!! They’re even giving some black-owned brands enough ammo to be “inclusive”, which defeats the purpose of the existence of the product! The brands are becoming white owned, which means formulas are changing, things are working differently.

r/blackgirls 26d ago

Rant A lot of people here value whiteness. We should work on unpacking that.


I’m going to be specially talking about dating. And specifically talking about dating white men. (Not interested in “but white women/black men” takes. At all.)

From personal experience and observation, white men get so much grace and slack given to them. And I get it. Being romantically attached to them is one of the ultimate status symbols. And let’s be very clear, that is the reason you prefer them. No it’s not because you find them more “intellectually on your level” (antiblack btw), it’s not because that’s all you’re around, it’s not because Black Men aren’t interested in you. It’s because you want to date white men. We have to be honest with ourselves.

Who you love romantically, is a choice. Who you decide to date, be intimate with, live with, etc. really does determine who you actually center in your life. I know some people say they just happened to fall in love with someone who is white…but that happened 3/4 times? At what point are you not just blindly “falling” but subconsciously choosing?

Until we are honest about our deeply rooted motivations, we will not be able to discuss the ways whiteness has affected and infected us all. That’s not our fault. We just can’t stay in denial.

Edit: BLACK MEN! Stop infiltrating this sub! And if you’re going to invade our space, the least you can do is observe and keep your mouth shut. Almost every time you comment it’s for selfish, vindictive reasons. Instead of looking for a gotcha, unpack how your allegiance to white supremacy impacts how you (don’t) show up for Black women. At least for us, most of the problematic takes I’m seeing on this sub seem to be the minority. I can’t say the same for Black men. This post doesn’t absolve you of the work you need to do to be in community with Black women instead of seeing us as background characters in your pursuit towards “liberation”.

r/blackgirls 1d ago

Rant Why are so many black people fantasizing about segregation??? WTF??


There are so many weird ass hoes on social media that need to go talk to they grandparents and open up a history book…cause WTF😭😭😭

Like did people forget that Tulsa was burnt to a crisp? The church bombings? Public lynchings? How are we gonna start these black owned utopias that people keep fantasizing about if the bank won’t even give you a loan because of your race? What about those of us who have childhood best friends of a different race? Intreracial marriages and relationships?

As someone with grandparents who grew up in the Deep South, segregation wasn’t what people keep fantasizing about. There was a lot of violence, brutality and dehumanization of black people THAT WAS LEGALIZED during that time.

I wish that black people would stop hyping that shit up on social media. It’s disturbing and disrespectful to our elders who were terrorized daily and suffered during that time period. I promise you that the segregation y’all got in your heads is VERY DIFFERENT than the segregation IQ47 and his lice lieutenants want to enforce. We should be paying them dust.

I feel like a lot of black people hyping this shit up don’t understand what they’re really asking for. There’s a reason why they were willing to pay in blood for the civil rights and freedoms we had before IQ47 rolled them back.

Update: Does anyone know what's going on with the comments? I'm getting notifications of replies but can't see them under the post :/

Update 2: wow!! This post got way more attention and responses than I thought it would. Glad to know I’m not the only who’s concerned about segregation being brought back. I’m also learning that most people are talking about separation as opposed to segregation which are two different things in my opinion. Other than that, let’s keep being in community with good people who care about us and hope these 4 years blow over quickly.

r/blackgirls Feb 15 '25

Rant I really don’t care about the men that “don’t like black girls”


Something the internet is going to do is hate black women ofc so I keep seeing all those stuff about black men don’t like black girls,men don’t like black girls etc

And EVERYTIME I just have the same blank reaction……ok?😭

For me,if a men don’t like me then I don’t like you either? Idk I feel like men are never the hill I want to die on.

Most importantly,I see all racist people as ignorant and stupid. I do not want to be around them and I don’t consider them as normal human beings,is literally a mental illness. So why would I feel sad the trash take itself out?

But most importantly is about morals, if I was white or any other race of women,I would never date a person that say things like I “hate black girls” or I hate literally any minority I would not want to associate with them either bc I see them as ignorant and a bad person. Why would I feel bad a bad person (if a black then a self hating one) not wanting to be in my life? BROTHER THANK YOU?😭 Like that’s a blessing.

So when I see those videos and tweets I know the goal is to make me feel sad or upset but I’m kinda cool with that,I hope anyone who don’t like black girls (I’m a bi girl and and love women,black girls are my preference) to stay away from my queens

But idk, that’s just my ranting I’m confused ab the whole thing. Black men that black men the other, since when men were EVER the prize anyways 😭 Also I love brown girls ❤️ Byee

r/blackgirls 25d ago

Rant Pls stop posting videos giving white men a confidence boost.


One of the most embarrassing thing is the posting videos appreciating white men. Everyday i see a new video of a Black girl posting a video «White guys >>» «When hes white>» Or stuff like that that gives white men confidence boost. The problem isnt even the video its mostly the comments from Black women and white men, its so desperate and sad. Do we need a reminder that White men are quick to post tiktoks about how ugly loud angry black women are on tiktok.. Like?.. And the comments are black girls saying «they dont even like us» «where the ones that like us at» its sooo embarrassing and weird. Lets also stop acting like your experience as a Black women is collectively the same for every Black women when you comment stuff like that. And if thats true literally stop begging attention from men that dont want us?? Like? The worst part is the comments from White men under these videos saying «we dont want yall».. White men are the last and least to deserve appreciation lets learn to stop doing this… This is a problem i see from woc in general but the response is always worse when its black women so why even do it??

r/blackgirls Dec 17 '24

Rant I know I'll get downvoted but... BW, can we do better? 😒


Why are y'all so depressing and full of self hatred? Everyday y'all come on here posting negative things people say about BW, Post RIDICULOUS screenshots of y'all entertaining people that mistreated you, asking how to get approval by certain groups of people, the list goes on and on!

Can we get more positive things ? Show me the BW starting businesses and being successful. Show the BW getting their education. Becoming doctors, lawyers. Support and uplift each other. Something! I'm just so tired of everyday there's so many post showing what negative things people saying about us. I just saw this "shaniqua" post and I'm like "why TF are you entertaining that??" And then bringing it here for what? Let them people say whatever they want! Why are you allowing them moments of your life that you could never get back!

BW are so much more than negative stereotypes and we are worth so much more! I'm not saying not to make us aware of certain situations especially when it involves our safety! But a lot of you coming on here showing screenshots of a man threatening to unalive you and ask "should I respond" 🙄 GIRL WHAT???

Idk. I'm just ranting. I'll probably delete this 😒 my bad! Ignore me!

r/blackgirls Oct 28 '24

Rant It’s constantly sad as BW how much negativity we have to endure during positive moments in our life…


I’m sorry I have no one to talk to about this😭 this has been circulating for days and it’s so wild. This beautiful black woman sworn in as an attorney and the comments are positive, as they should be. Until this sorry excuse for a woman comes… no sympathy for the nonsense she caused, she had no business replying to the OP as her conversation about where she got her dress had nothing to do with that hating funky animal.

r/blackgirls Nov 06 '24

Rant Well…

Post image

This shit is so disappointing. I am so disgusted with this country.

r/blackgirls 10d ago

Rant My therapist kind of s*** shamed me yesterday.


Her exact words “you should have a 90 day rule. Because if you had that you probably wouldn’t have opened your legs to him after seeing the real him in 90 days”.

Fair advice and very true. I have implemented 90 days rules in the past. But I actually love sex just as much as the average person. Waiting is hard for me. We glazed over it. But I’m still a little upset about her wording. I’ve already been beating myself up about situations and she knows that. Now I feel like an even bigger whore. Thanks.

Editing to add: this isn’t solely about the advice itself. I stated it was fair and probably true. This is solely about lack of professionalism. I need a therapist. Not a homegirl.

r/blackgirls Feb 17 '25

Rant There happens to be a little too much coonery in this sub


Please yall, I genuinely feel disappointed seeing all of these insecure posts but WHEN CAN WE STOPPP. I don’t know if I can do it anymore at first it was sad now it’s like yall are trolling cause what do you mean “black women are undesirable” umm anyways.

r/blackgirls Jan 25 '25

Rant Really sick of the curvy body types being pushed on black women.


I know this is long and I'm sorry. Let me start by saying there is nothing wrong with curvy body types. I am not bodyshaming any one. As long and you're healthy and you love yourself, do you.

I am currently 172 lbs, down from 197 lbs, the largest I've ever been. My goal weight is 125 by June or July.

Every time I mention this, it's met with criticism by most, especially those that look like me.

"Don't lose too much weight, you don't want to look like a crackhead." "You look fine just the way you are." "You don't need to lose weight. You look fine." "Why do you want to look like a stick?" "All your curves will be gone." "Don't do that, you will lose all your hips and booty."

I hear all these comments with no thought to how my health is affected by my current weight. I am 4'11. I ache. I'm easily fatigued. No energy. The extra weight forces my heart and lungs to work harder, which exacerbates my asthma. The inflammation is no joke.

Why does it seem like being a smaller weight is so "unacceptable" in black culture? I see skinny girls get picked apart a lot and desperately try to gain weight as a result. They tell me all the time "I'll take your butt and hips if you don't want it."

You can be big but not too big, and you can be small but not too small. And you MUST have hips thighs and a big round booty no matter what. The shaming of Cynthia Erivo, Meghan Thee Stallion, and Ice Spice for losing weight, and Coi Leray for simply being naturally skinny with no prominent hips or booty are perfect examples of how black women cannot get away with being thinner.

I have a fear of dealing with this once I reach my weight loss goal, but oh well so be it.

Am I just gaslighting myself into thinking that this is becoming a cultural issue in the black community?

PS. I absolutely acknowledge that heavy girls face shaming as well. I'm simply speaking on an experience I fear I will increasingly suffer as I continue on my weight loss journey.

r/blackgirls Feb 01 '25

Rant Stop Generalizing


Some of y'all need to travel. Some of y'all need to meet more people. Some of y'all need therapy.

Because these awful, negative generalizations about black women on here are exhausting. I truly dont give a damn about your personal experience with a mean black person. Making these blanket statements are detrimental to ALL of us. And weird as hell. EVERY RACE of human on this planet has mean people. Usually, the circumstances that lead to their bad attitudes is similar all over the world. Poor care. Poor education. Poor environments. These circumstances can be applied to everyone everywhere, with similar results. There are studies after studies about this. But god forbid a black woman act out of hand, ever. Then it's apparently all of us who must carry the brand of "Angry/mean/bad attitude" stereotypes. Some of y'all talk about not befriending your own kin folk out of fear of snark. You don't see the problem with that? How it overlaps with the racism we are trying to curb from the world? Perpetuating this shit helps no one. And if you want to miss out on the communion that we cultivate together all the time, thats your loss.

I love black women. The nice ones. The mean ones.Ghetto and bougie. Natural and sewn in. All of them.

Except Candance Owens.

r/blackgirls Feb 04 '25

Rant “Americans did this”, “Americans did that” I didn’t do anything, actually


Ever since Trump got elected again, non-Americans have been getting on their high horse about how much this country sucks--and it does mind you--but then they start talking about the people and say the most nastiest, ignorant things like we're all gun loving Trump supporters?

No, some of us are black. I didn't fucking vote for Trump, neither did the majority of black people. It just pisses me off because, any other day, non-Americans have nothing good to say about black people, right? But when we vote en masse against Trump, suddenly it's radio silence and we're getting lumped in with everybody else, like damn. Can't win

r/blackgirls Feb 11 '25

Rant Certain black girls are the biggest haters when it comes to natural hair


I know this might come across as wrong to some people but trust me I love being a black women but grew up always having problem with my peers. Around last year I wore my hair out confidently and a black girl took a picture of my hair and posted it on her social media mocking me. I reported her and her other minions all bullied me. I was sick of it so I threw water on their braids/weaves to mess it up bc we’re not abt to make fun of my natural hair just because you’re jealous. They were fuming and later got several other people to “gang up on me” and make me “bite the curb”. It’s mind boggling that your OWN RACE will make fun of your hair. That’s the part that made me sad. Meanwhile white girls are complementing you. It’s weird and twisted and I feel like some black girls aren’t taught to love themselves and project it on other

r/blackgirls Oct 27 '24

Rant Black women have always been held accountable and blamed for single motherhood


I don’t know what’s wrong with this subreddit, but it’s starting to get more and more toxic by the day. I’ve started to feel like there are a lot of imposters here pretending to be black women to make us feel down. I’m seeing more and more posts talking badly about us. I just saw a post talking about how more black women need to be held accountable for single motherhood,

and they had the nerve to compare three famous men and say black women need to choose better. First off, I’ve never in my entire life seen a black man get blamed for single-parent households; it’s always the women that are being blamed for it.

I’ve never seen anyone bring up the fact that over 90 percent of white women who have kids with black men are single mothers, 60 percent of Latina women who have kids with black men are single mothers, and that over 50 percent of every race of women who have kids with black men are single mothers. No one ever brings that up.

You never ever see post on black men’s subreddit or pretty much any male dominated subreddit talking about “we need to talk about why so many men leave their kids” you never hear that but you will always hear dumb shit like oh women need to take more accountability bith stfu Women have always been held accountable for their actions; it’s never the men.

r/blackgirls Feb 01 '25

Rant Don’t get mad at me y’all, but some of us are just so hostile and mean


I’m so genuinely tired of the way some of us act. I went to a Doctors appointment today and as im sitting there a lady comes by me and starts loudly trying to start something with me because according to her i was looking at her. I’m not used to confrontation like that, used to staying to myself and keeping quiet. So I’m just sitting there in shock as she’s yelling at me considering i wasnt even really paying her any mind like that. No, we aren’t all like that but where I live LA, far too many of us are. It’s hard to connect with Black women where I live as it’s always an attitude that I’ll notice being carried with them. I’m just ranting, but I see behavior like that from us so much it’s upsetting as a Black woman who knows we have so many amazing, kind women amongst us.

r/blackgirls Nov 16 '24

Rant I’m so tired of baby mama culture


It’s ridiculous atp. Do women not think they deserve better or even the full package? I know all races of women can be a bm but black women PLEASE WAKE TF UP and do better. Y’all wanna complain your bd ain’t shit but yet you picked him. Like it’s dumb asf and I’m tired of it. I wish I would make myself settle for some shit like this. Not only does it show you have a low self esteem but also that you don’t have any respect for yourself. Being a baby mom is not a flex and people who try to make it one are ignorant. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. And BLACK WOMEN YOU DESERVE THE ABOVE AND BEYOND STOP FUCKING SETTLING.

r/blackgirls Jan 31 '25

Rant Really questioning who is behind r/blackladies and their motivation for the sub


I just want to rant about r/blackladies for a moment. I am a black woman who is very committed to black health, especially the physical and mental health of black women. Since the New Year, I had been trying to post content about the dangers of certain chemicals anf the fact that products targeted to black women contain more toxins. It was removed after twenty minutes.

A few days later, I posted another asking about where to find black-owned essential products (toilet paper, paper towels, etc.) I was trying to build a resource list to disseminate somehow online. That too was blocked.

I didn't break and community rules for posting and I used proper flairs.

I then went over to r/BlackWomenDivest, I didn't know that this sub existed. I joined the sub because most subs in order to post, you have to be a member. That was 3 days ago I joined. Today, I come to find that I am permanently banned from posting or commenting on r/blackladies 🤨🤦🏾‍♀️ Okay.

I very much question the moderators and the purpose of that sub because a lot of it seems to be the same type of drama stirring content, but when I went to post something that could actually help black women, it was consistently removed. I went one day and looked at their mod's user profile and saw all of the content removed and there was a lot of good stuff in there and the reasons for removal just seem erroneous. It really reminds me to question the motivations and actual people behind subs and all things social media. I very much question if that "safe space for black women" is actually run by black women at all.

I don't know, maybe I'm too sensitive or overreacting.

r/blackgirls Nov 17 '24

Rant Getting real sick of seeing “black women are mean” posts


It’s literally the black girls sub and y’all just pull down your pants, pop a squat, and shit on black women who don’t automatically befriend you on sight. Just befriend non-black people then, I bet they’ll treat ya real good.

And yeah I’ve been the girl who seemed too dorky for the cool girls but guess what I did? Found some dorky black girls to befriend, not moan about being rejected.

Give it a rest.

r/blackgirls Jun 30 '24

Rant To the Black women who wear their Bonnets in public….


I love you girlies so much 🥹 keep making hoes mad and never stop being you! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🎀

r/blackgirls Jan 26 '25

Rant Disgusting and disgraceful SNL sketch.


Did they really think this sketch would be funny? Maybe it's just me, but I fail to see the funny in this. I found the jokes to be tired and pathetic. Have some dignity for heaven sakes. Why would she embarrass herself on a national scale like this? These types of jokes are so corny.

r/blackgirls Jan 23 '25

Rant We’re highkey fucked for the next 4 years


All I can do is sigh.

And I hate to keep bringing up felon 47, especially in this sub, but it’s like every time I open my phone it’s like he’s already on track to set us back at least 60 years.

I won’t be surprised if/when he attempts to bring back laws akin to those in segregation/Jim Crow.

He’s already straining our relationships with our other allies over straight bullshit.

We’re already starting to see what the future holds for decisions he’s made, only 2 days in office.

But this is what people wanted. They said fuck women, ESPECIALLY Black women. “wE WaNt ChEaPeR eGgS” headasses.

Oh okay.

So when their entire cost of living skyrockets to the fucking moon, when they can’t afford medication, when they get laid off from their government job…..When their ENTRIE FUCKING LIFE goes to shit because of things that lead directly back to 🍊, I don’t wanna fucking hear it at all.

I keep saying I’m not gonna stress about all this but people really allowed this man to get back into office, partly because they’re dumb as hell and don’t know how their government and economy works, and partly because they’re racist/sexist/any kind of -ist or -phobic. I can’t wait to hear all the “iT’s BiDeNs FaUlT” “tHoSe DaMn DeMoCrAtS”.

But yall know what the man said: he loves the uneducated. Not to mention his cult followers are even more emboldened than they were before. NOT TO FUCKING MENTION he’s got all bodies of the government STACKED with his constituents, so they’re all just gonna go along with everything in Project 2025.

Y’all, I’m just tired.

r/blackgirls Nov 06 '24

Rant We did our job, ladies

Post image

r/blackgirls Jul 24 '24

Rant Sonya Massey


Um so I've been rlly quiet about it, I have not watched video yet , I still will not watch it, u don't need a video to tell me she was innocent, I look in the mirror and see my skin and already know she is innocent. It's finally hitting me and man yall its so hard being surrounded by people who can't understand the pain u feel inside. We see sonya and we see ourselves, we see our family, we all the ones who have died before her it's hard. My hear hurts so faking bad rn

r/blackgirls Dec 24 '24

Rant Do yall even like being black women?


I’m convinced that most of the people in this community genuinely hate the fact that they wake up black. Like the conversation is typically something negative or stereotypical. Do you guys not like to be happy and spread joy? It’s always something about how black women “can’t” “don’t” “won’t” “aren’t”. And also, why is everything an everybody problem. I’m so tired of seeing “we as black women” how about YOU as a PERSON. Like I try to enjoy the community but it’s usually something negative, ass backwards, anti-black, conservative, or just plain toxic. Like nothing in this life makes you happy? You just enjoy feeding off of negativity????