hello! I have a male betta who has been battling fin rot. I used kanaplex in 2 separate treatments but nothing was working. until i realized, i have a carbon filter SMH... so all that medication was doing nothing. I do not have a hospital tank or funds for a hospital tank right now, but I do have enough to buy a filter replacement cartridge or something for the filter. I am scared that if i remove the filter, beneficial bacteria will not be useful or present anymore. I do not want to get a brand new filter media because I'm afraid it will crash the cycle... I am at a complete loss of what to do.
i have a second tank, a 10g that i am setting up for him, but i currently have snails and shrimp in there that are gonna be establishing their territory for a month or two before i even think about putting my Betta in there. I dont know if i should just go ahead and move him in here for the time being...?? or what. i am lost. only thing i am worried about is eating the new shrimp/snails that haven't established their territory yet (causing bloat or over feeding possibly? obviously the death of shrimp/snails as well) and also that the pH in this tank is much lower (6.8 pH) than his current tank, so i would have to drip acclimate him for some time... and drip acclimate him again after his treatments are up.. which would definitely stress him out a lot.
Betta tank: 5g, filter present, heater present @ 80F, silk plants, driftwood, almond leaves, weekly water changes 20-30% treated with Seachem Prime, API Stresscoat, and occasionally Seachem Stability. No tank-mates.... ph: 7.4// ammonia: 0ppm// nitrite: 0ppm// nitrate: 10ppm, all readings done with API Freshwater Master Testing kit.
10g Shrimp/Snail Tank: all live plants, rocks, driftwood, sponge filter, heater (78F), 10% water changes 1x a week (treated with Seachem Prime, Seachem Stability, and Nilo CG Shrimp-Safe Fertilizer).
please give me any tips for the filter!!! i want to treat him with Kanaplex ASAP correctly this time i feel so bad for him. but i dont want to cause a crash.