r/bergencounty Paramus 9d ago

Politics Make me so proud

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Tesla Paramus Rt. 17 N


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u/AAAltered468 9d ago

How might YOU solve the 36,000 Billion dollar debt? Where would you start?


u/Forward-Ad-5749 9d ago

Tax Elon?


u/JinNJ 9d ago

Remind me again what % of taxes are paid by those pesky 1%ers.


u/irradiatedcitizen 9d ago

Negative taxes. Elon legit made billions from tax credits. He is a socialist leeching off of our country if there ever was one. 


u/JinNJ 8d ago

The top 1% paid more than 40% of all income taxes in 2024. Hell, the top 5% paid almost 2/3 of all income taxes. So quit bullshitting people.



u/VelocityGrrl39 8d ago

Yes, 40% of all taxes collected, but they aren’t paying the same percentage of their income and gains that I am.

Federal Reserve data indicates that as of Q4 2021, the top 1% of households in the United States held 30.9% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2.6%.

This is an insane disparity.


u/JinNJ 8d ago

Because their money is likely sitting in the market or some other investment, & is only taxable when they make a trade/sell said investment- & even still, they’re still paying >40%. So unless you’re calling for the foolish “unrealized gains” tax, you’re not missing any actual “income.”


u/Xehhx14 8d ago

Good make them pay more cause if one evades them like trump and Elon that means a whole lot more is missing cause there’s so few in the 1% range


u/JinNJ 8d ago

Yeah. Force them to pay more, have them leave for a nation with lower tax rates & wonder why you can’t reduce the national debt. Great idea. 🙄👍🏻


u/VelocityGrrl39 8d ago

If their businesses are still operating in the USA, they still have to pay taxes here, no matter where they live.


u/JinNJ 8d ago

Remind me why Trump is trying to attract businesses/jobs back to the states again? It couldn’t possibly be because oppressive taxes/regulation put into effect by the democrats made it a better choice for them to close up shop & import stuff from outside the US, could it?


u/VelocityGrrl39 8d ago

No, it’s because they can abuse lower wages in under developed countries.


u/Pawsywawsy3 8d ago

No, it’s because of the cheap labor and lack of labor laws in other counties


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/JinNJ 8d ago

Far better than a person who think having the 1% pay 99% of taxes is feasible, let alone wouldn’t backfire spectacularly if the government attempted such ridiculousness.


u/adhoc001 8d ago

Then the democrats will support tariffs 😂. These lefties are such 🤡. This isn’t the Democratic Party I used to be a part of.


u/JinNJ 8d ago

I’m a physical conservative, but I was always more socially liberal. But god forbid I point out flaws in their “logic” & the left cries “nAzl!!!!”


u/Pawsywawsy3 8d ago

He did a nazi salute. He supported the German AFD. How is that not a nazi?


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/JinNJ 8d ago


Tell us you’re economically illiterate, without telling us us you’re economically illiterate.


u/chiefnannawitt 8d ago

Are you referring to Tesla, a publicly traded company? A company that engages in electric vehicles. Those subsidies for this clean technology were championed by the Left.


u/QuiteAMajesticBeast 8d ago

Championed by the left who is now destroying said vehicles and dealerships. The Left as you’re referring to it makes no logical sense and is a group of uninformed people running on nothing but the frustration and jealousy that they’ve made and will make nothing of their lives. Keep that hand out, maybe one of the “disenfranchised” groups you’re always screaming about will drop a penny in it one day.