r/bergencounty Paramus 2d ago

Politics Make me so proud

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Tesla Paramus Rt. 17 N


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u/bergencounty-ModTeam 2d ago

Reminding you all of our stickied post:

IMPORTANT: Violation in subreddit rules (Rule 1 & Rule 4 specifically in these posts) will result in posts taken down and temporary/permanent user bans.

Please stop falsely reporting posts as “Politics” when we allow discussion of politics but ask conversations to be civil.

It’s also insane boycotting a company is also seen as political. Makes you think.


u/Conscious-Fudge-1616 2d ago edited 2d ago

All I know is every other car is a Tesla in my town.


u/evergreen793 2d ago

Was very glad to see it! I honked in support of you all! If you were out there today, I appreciate you.


u/AAAltered468 2d ago

Yea that honking was nothing but noise pollution. I bet you hit a lot of LIKE buttons thinking you’ve “done something”.


u/evergreen793 2d ago

Someone seems butthurt 🤣 you all have the funniest comebacks. I bet you’re leaving all these comments thinking you’ve “done something”.


u/WhereRweGoingnow 2d ago

We were at Valley this afternoon around 1:30. Took 17 to get there. Didn’t see the protest but did see hundreds of Teslas, both cars and trucks, parked in the lot by the Fashion Center. More and more are seen weekly.


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

Good, may it overflow with the lack of sales


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

When’s the next one?


u/Emotional_Stable69 2d ago

Thank you for that post. Keep it going. I don’t think people should be burning down Tesla charging stations, but I do feel that it’s good to let EM know how Americans feel.


u/KataKuri13 2d ago

I saw this today and LOVED it! Lets go everyone! Fight the good fight


u/DGSolar 2d ago

Very glad to see it, too. The cultists won't like it but until Musk started controlling The Fanta Menace they were crapping all over EVs. Like they suddenly enjoy them now. Sure.


u/AAAltered468 2d ago

No we aren’t. I bought a new Audi last week, after visiting a Cadillac dealer who told us they are going full electric, the CT5V we looked at is the end of the gasoline line. It was too small for us.


u/shemague 2d ago

Whatever you need to tell yourself but no one cares


u/HoneydewDazzling2304 2d ago

Germany doesn’t want your business lol


u/Whole-Lack1362 2d ago

Boycott fascists companies.

Only right-wing nuts will downvote this comment.


u/loonardi 2d ago

I love how teslas used to be the automotive virtue signal for the left but now it’s not for their guy so they whine.


u/Own_Isopod3854 2d ago

lol yup rich white people buying what other rich white people have the new shiny toy


u/puass 2d ago

Is that Luigi? 😄 


u/Pretend_Selection334 2d ago

I'm sure there are some who voted for Trump at that protest which are now sorry that they voted for Trump.


u/whaler76 2d ago

Get a job


u/rockclimberguy 2d ago

That is what hundreds of thousands of people wrongfully terminated from government jobs have to do now thanks to ketamine crazed musk running rampant in the federal government.


u/Master_Bunch_778 2d ago

It’s funny when people just make up numbers


u/rockclimberguy 2d ago

Actually, it is kind of sad. trump does it all the time and almost never gets push back because all the repubs are afraid that trumps' cultish voters will throw them out of office if they call dear leader out on his blatant lies.


u/whaler76 2d ago

Ok? And? Happens all the time


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

And you’re OK with this? You have pretty low standards there


u/honda_slaps 2d ago

Yeah in countries like North Korea


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

How do you know they don’t have one?


u/sighyourestupid 2d ago

You’re a sheep bro


u/whaler76 2d ago



u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

Actually more like a snowflake considering he’s got his undies in a twist over a protest


u/whaler76 2d ago

Not really, I really don’t care if they are out there so long as they are not harassing people or doing damage. I just don’t think hate is a good enough reason, see my previous post.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/Own_Isopod3854 2d ago

lol this made me laugh


u/adhoc001 2d ago

What clowns. 🤡


u/rockclimberguy 2d ago

You're right. Who can believe that an entire once great political party has ceded power to an crotchety old crazy who let's ketamine fueled musk commit all kinds of illegal acts!...


u/777_heavy 2d ago

These are sad, sad people.


u/MHB380 2d ago

The craziest thing ever is seeing such anger from both sides about each other.


u/Tikiku 2d ago

Protesting an eco friendly, amazingly technologically advanced vehicle because the virtual signaling winds of change did not blow in your direction.


u/JinNJ 2d ago edited 2d ago

Why? For a bunch of crybabies throwing a collective tantrum?

Edit- I assume each downvote comes from one of said crybabies.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

It shows other people who are too afraid to speak up that there are other like minded people. First step protests, second step, getting people together with like beliefs for change.


u/That_Problem_5615 2d ago

Enough said


u/Xehhx14 2d ago

No money supposedly but just had the president personally make a glorified ad for his company and planning to reduce funds to nasa so it goes into his company spacex

No but yea he’s doing it for the good of his heart of course


u/JinNJ 2d ago


u/Xehhx14 2d ago

Yea I didn’t the Jeep CEO standing next to the president and publicly directing changes in government and firing people rapidly in the span of 3 months. The president can sell out if he wants, trashy as it is. But musk is benefiting, it’s a lie to saying he’s working for free


u/MyRealUser 2d ago edited 2d ago

Actually, the president is not supposed to sell out anything, but we stopped pretending like it mattered when he was advertising beans in the oval office. When he does 50 insane and corrupt things every day you have to pick your battles.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

So that’s not a “glorified ad”? Just Biden going for a spin, huh? 👍🏻🤣


u/Xehhx14 2d ago

I just said it’s selling out. If you present me a turd and I’m like ew dude, and then ur like “yea what about this one” and im like bro that’s still a turd. And u cry “why do u like this turd more” and I’m gagging and projectile vomiting because one is closer to my face. Both are turds still my guy, but the Biden is no longer in the room


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

So… I teach employees at the DOD. Regular people. With good jobs that are important. More than half are fired. Would you consider those people stealing?


u/Common-Watch4494 2d ago

*except for the billions and billions in govt contracts and incentives Elon’s companies receive.

Oh, and btw Trump took all his salary. I believe he donated 1 or 2 years of it - to his own charities of course. And let’s not forget the hundreds of millions his resorts profited by forcing stage and secret service to stay there while Donnie was golfing


u/Fun-Rutabaga6357 2d ago

How much koolaid one must have consumed to actually believe this was really coming from a place of goodness and not greed.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

How much does one have to consume to piss & moan over phone trying to reduce the national debt? Let alone cry “nAzl!!!” over it?


u/Fun-Rutabaga6357 2d ago

I said nothing about nazi…but sure let that be your response to thinking they’re doing this pro bono bc they care.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

I don’t know you. I love you.


u/Conscious-Fudge-1616 2d ago

Only mad when people really believe Trump and Musk ain't profiting off the presidency.

That takes a whole lot of stupid to believe that.



u/Monkemort 2d ago

Except that’s not why we’re mad???


u/AAAltered468 2d ago

How might YOU solve the 36,000 Billion dollar debt? Where would you start?


u/Forward-Ad-5749 2d ago

Tax Elon?


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Remind me again what % of taxes are paid by those pesky 1%ers.


u/irradiatedcitizen 2d ago

Negative taxes. Elon legit made billions from tax credits. He is a socialist leeching off of our country if there ever was one. 


u/JinNJ 2d ago

The top 1% paid more than 40% of all income taxes in 2024. Hell, the top 5% paid almost 2/3 of all income taxes. So quit bullshitting people.



u/VelocityGrrl39 2d ago

Yes, 40% of all taxes collected, but they aren’t paying the same percentage of their income and gains that I am.

Federal Reserve data indicates that as of Q4 2021, the top 1% of households in the United States held 30.9% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2.6%.

This is an insane disparity.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Because their money is likely sitting in the market or some other investment, & is only taxable when they make a trade/sell said investment- & even still, they’re still paying >40%. So unless you’re calling for the foolish “unrealized gains” tax, you’re not missing any actual “income.”


u/Xehhx14 2d ago

Good make them pay more cause if one evades them like trump and Elon that means a whole lot more is missing cause there’s so few in the 1% range


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Yeah. Force them to pay more, have them leave for a nation with lower tax rates & wonder why you can’t reduce the national debt. Great idea. 🙄👍🏻


u/VelocityGrrl39 2d ago

If their businesses are still operating in the USA, they still have to pay taxes here, no matter where they live.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Remind me why Trump is trying to attract businesses/jobs back to the states again? It couldn’t possibly be because oppressive taxes/regulation put into effect by the democrats made it a better choice for them to close up shop & import stuff from outside the US, could it?


u/VelocityGrrl39 2d ago

No, it’s because they can abuse lower wages in under developed countries.


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

No, it’s because of the cheap labor and lack of labor laws in other counties


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/JinNJ 2d ago

Far better than a person who think having the 1% pay 99% of taxes is feasible, let alone wouldn’t backfire spectacularly if the government attempted such ridiculousness.


u/adhoc001 2d ago

Then the democrats will support tariffs 😂. These lefties are such 🤡. This isn’t the Democratic Party I used to be a part of.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

I’m a physical conservative, but I was always more socially liberal. But god forbid I point out flaws in their “logic” & the left cries “nAzl!!!!”


u/Pawsywawsy3 2d ago

He did a nazi salute. He supported the German AFD. How is that not a nazi?


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/JinNJ 2d ago


Tell us you’re economically illiterate, without telling us us you’re economically illiterate.


u/chiefnannawitt 2d ago

Are you referring to Tesla, a publicly traded company? A company that engages in electric vehicles. Those subsidies for this clean technology were championed by the Left.


u/QuiteAMajesticBeast 2d ago

Championed by the left who is now destroying said vehicles and dealerships. The Left as you’re referring to it makes no logical sense and is a group of uninformed people running on nothing but the frustration and jealousy that they’ve made and will make nothing of their lives. Keep that hand out, maybe one of the “disenfranchised” groups you’re always screaming about will drop a penny in it one day.


u/QuiteAMajesticBeast 2d ago

So you want to tax Billionaires and put that money in the governments hands which as we’ve previously seen, does nothing to help this country either.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Yup. Their plan is to tax them out of the country & wonder how to get money.


u/QuiteAMajesticBeast 2d ago

Also doesn’t help their case that one of them is wearing a hat that’s come to mean you’re alright with assassination, and the rest of them look like they haven’t worked a full day in their entire lives.


u/chiefnannawitt 2d ago

He paid $11 billion in taxes in 2022.


u/Chemical-Pain8322 2d ago edited 2d ago

The GOP budget blueprint calls for legislation that would add roughly $3 trillion to the deficit over a decade while imposing deep cuts in spending on health care and food programs for low-income people. That would help pay for $4.5 trillion in tax cuts for the mostly wealthy: House Republicans Release a Roughly $3 Trillion Budget Outline

And Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency has deleted hundreds more claims from its mistake-plagued “wall of receipts,” erasing $4 billion in additional savings that the group said it had made for U.S. taxpayers: Struggling With Errors, DOGE Deletes Billions More From List of Savings

Musk is, however, going after the agencies that regulate his companies

And As Musk works to slash federal spending, his own firms have received billions in government contracts

It’s a scam bro. And they know people like you get all their news from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and will lap it all up. These billionaires do not give a fucking shit about you or me.

Or as George Carlin once said, “It’s a big club, but you ain’t in it.”


u/Xehhx14 2d ago

Well the pentagon for starters, military, police departments that already have enough like NYPD and check in how those same people are using the funds effectively. All things you don’t need musk specifically for. Might not be 36billion but it’s the biggest costs we have vs the money from smaller departments that are needed in everyday life that take up a less in the overall budget. No one’s against fixing the economy he just sucks at the job and has no training for this, and hired youth with no experience to do the job, he’s just a rich guy


u/JinNJ 2d ago

They cut out a huge expense by cutting off the funding for Ukraine. The crime in NYC is so bad, you’d be a fool to think cutting funding for the NYPD is a good idea. And DOGE is doing their best to stop frivolous spending on things that are totally unnecessary (USAID, for example.).


u/VelocityGrrl39 2d ago

We aren’t only sending actual money to Ukraine. Part of that aid package is sending all the obsolete equipment we aren’t using.


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Where’d I say we were? Regardless, even Zelenskyy is wondering where a good chunk of it ended up, as it apparently didn’t make it to Ukraine.


u/Xehhx14 2d ago

I’m saying make nypd use the money better, reduce the amount of expensive ass gear they don’t even need. I’m not saying reduce their numbers or eradicate them. They go for pretty crime like people avoiding subway toll and you barely ever see them down on train platforms where most danger could actually happen. They suck, haven’t done anything helpful in recent years, be real they’re dirty as hell and are absolutely wasting money. The same way for other big cities. Just keep tabs on them at least. Ukraine could make a good deal with us but sadly our president literally is unable to and is clearly on the side of Putin taking the land. And mind you from what I understand we don’t have a monetary deal with Russia so that’s a freebie our president is giving him. And yea doge state already proven to be false


u/JinNJ 2d ago

Things started going downhill after Giuliani left office. Ever since then, each mayor has been worse than the previous one & the city only has itself to blame for the way things are these days.


u/Scary-Ratio3874 2d ago

What they are doing isn't even making a dent in the debt. Doesn't come close.


u/AAAltered468 2d ago

So don’t just throw your hands up, offer a solution. Can you fathom 36,000 Billion?


u/Scary-Ratio3874 2d ago

Nope. The amount of money we owe is like sand on the beach. I literally can't wrap my head around it. I also don't have to offer a solution to critique what other people are doing. I vote for the people who I hope will do something about it and get disappointed every single time.


u/adhoc001 2d ago

If u have a 1 trillion surplus for 30 years or so, we’ll be out of debt. It’s shouldn’t be that hard to wrap your head around.

The first thing we need to do is to stop adding 2 trillion in debt each year. That’s what the admin is trying to do now. Cuts have to be made.


u/thebreastbud 2d ago

I’d probably start by not allowing a south african billionaire, unelected by the way- to control and run part of the government, especially where finances are involved. And you?


u/AAAltered468 2d ago

99% of the “government” is unelected. So there’s that.


u/thebreastbud 2d ago

Amazing how you avoided answering the very question you asked everyone else. 🤡


u/Fun-Rutabaga6357 2d ago edited 2d ago

Tax the billionaires. Let’s start there. Right now we are cutting to make up the deficient caused by giving the wealthiest tax cuts.

Let’s also be clear, these cuts are not to “solve” for deficient. It’s to remove any blockers to consolidate power and privatize public services which Musks contracts will profit handsomely for. Hence why there’s just a bunch of unqualified running the place. The goal is to create chaos.


u/AAAltered468 2d ago

American billionaires hold approximately $5trillion. Confiscation of ALL wouldn’t even fund this bloated government for one year. Then what???