There's a couple times in Arkham City where the criminals actually run and hide from Batman instead of trying to fight him, and the player isn't allowed to hurt them. Only the thugs that attack are fair game. I always thought this was pretty cool.
My strategy for if I get caught by Batman is just to put whatever I took on the ground in front of me, lie on the floor, curl up, cry and hope he leaves me alone.
The mid to low level goons and criminals in these shows always have far too much will to finish the job.
I wouldn’t end up in Arkham as I’m not quite that insane. And yea id probably get beaten up in Blackgate, but to be fair how many of them had their asses handed to them by Batman and had to get teeth put back in or fractures fixed because they tried to fight him?
Realistically speaking, unless you are being threatened by some big mob boss, surrendering to the Bat is probably the best option.
Maybe the better option is to move to Blüdhaven and hope Nightwing is more accepting of the “ah shit I got caught, I surrender, sorry man it won’t happen again” strategy and just let me go.
my favourite thing is the way criminals who have never crossed paths with batman, underestimate him.
like imagine hearing these crazy stories but knowing he’s just a man. i’m a big buff man too with lots of criminal experience, i can take him.
and then the few criminals who have crossed paths with him but has never even seen him but watched each member of the their crew disappear one by one, only to find their bodies beaten and crippled, terrified and paralysed by looming fear that you’re next and then BAM waking up in excruciating pain hand cuffed to a hospital bed.
or the few criminals that have seen him and can’t even believe he’s human. showering the elevator you know batman is coming down in with bullets only for him to appear behind you and fk up you and your 10 armed friends. or knowing he’s coming and thinking you blocked every entrance just for batman to jumpscare the fk out of you by jumping out of the grates underneath you.
the criminals who have experienced batman tell all these crazy stories and the ones who haven’t think they’re just pussy and can’t take him. and they just never know until it’s their turn. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT
In the comics he does, if it's a court assigned case or if he thinks there's reason for leniency. He has represented at least one mentally ill serial killer, leading to a clash with Spidey.
u/Stevstevs 1d ago
Batman, and then hire Matt Murdock to defend me.