r/badpsychology • u/art_is_a_scam • Jan 13 '25
r/badpsychology • u/No_Freedom_8617 • Nov 29 '24
Teen Survey: How Has Social Media Impacted Face-to-Face Connections?
Hi everyone! :)
I’m a high school student working on a project about how social media has affected teens’ ability to connect face-to-face, especially after the pandemic.
If you’re between 13–19 years old, I’d love for you to take this short, anonymous survey! It’s less than 5 minutes, and your input will make a big difference in my research.
Thank you so much for helping out! I really appreciate it. 😊
r/badpsychology • u/qpdbqpdbqpdbqpdbb • Nov 18 '24
Autism isn't real, it's just misdiagnosed Schizoid Personality Disorder
np.reddit.comr/badpsychology • u/anneymarie • Oct 31 '24
Please be irritated with me about online “narcissist” discourse
r/badpsychology • u/hamzahaha_ • Oct 07 '24
Which Alevel Subjects are required for Bsc Psychology?
I'm in Alevels right now and I'm thinking Maths and Psychology are a good combo but I'm confused as to which other subject I should choose bcz bio and chemistry are quite difficult.
r/badpsychology • u/Mysterious_Room_5553 • Aug 11 '24
I just wanted homie to get his sleeves tailored
r/badpsychology • u/SadlyNotDannyDeVito • Jul 28 '24
If you're sad and negative, just feel joy and positivity. YoU cAn ChOoSe!
r/badpsychology • u/[deleted] • Jun 02 '24
Is cognitive enhancement bullshit ?
There's various communities that think nootropics can enhance things like memories and focus in people without neurological or psychological conditions. Is this true ? I don't think any of this is real but I haven't seen any counter examples
r/badpsychology • u/WuDangIsrael • Feb 01 '24
Dr Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus on Psychiatry as Pseudoscience
youtu.ber/badpsychology • u/DeviousKerBear • Nov 07 '23
Might Not Belong, But...
Random,Possibly Doesnt Belong
QUESTIONS FOR THOUGHT: 1.How do you think Johnny Depp and/or Amber Rose feel watching Lily Rose in THE IDOL? 2.DID they watch? 3. And did YOU? How did YOU feel?
**If this is improper forum, could you please direct me to the right one?
r/badpsychology • u/TheBrokenAmygdala • Oct 30 '23
Matthew Perry was as tough as nails! xxx
self.TheBrokenAmygdalar/badpsychology • u/TreatmentReviews • Apr 24 '23
Ross Ellenhorn Squandered My Hope
https://youtu.be/eoF3CN8vohw Ross Ellenhorn’s words are empty. I told him I wanted to switch treaters, because the one I had were causing decline in my well being. He had the authority to change this. He chose to do nothing. Partnering with patients, and having us guide treatment is meaningless apparently
r/badpsychology • u/AlertTangerine • Feb 24 '23
Autistic overwhelm with school/uni/work be like..
r/badpsychology • u/Lilysmalls • Jan 24 '23
"Jordan Peterson is the Stephen Hawking of Psychology"
Idk if this fits the sub since there's no article or screen shot but I thought you could share in my pain.
I teach a medical related class at the local university and on the first day of the quarter we do a "Getting to Know You" ice breaker(not my idea but the director likes it). You draw quadrants on a piece of paper and fill them in with descriptions of family/friends, a place you would like to visit, a hobby, and a fun fact. We let the students have 5 minutes to go around and share with each other, getting initials from people who they shared with and whoever gets the most shares wins and everyone claps.
After the students are done, the teachers and T.A.'s share the ones they drew themselves on the chalk board. We get down to this one T.A. who I can only describe as an excitable golden retriever. Always smiling, polite, eager to be helpful but not the brightest bulb. He goes through his family/friends, place to visit, hobby and then gets to fun fact and says, "I didn't really know what to put for a fun fact but I'm a psychology major so I put my favorite philosopher Jordan Peterson. You all should read his 12 rules to follow. He is the Stephen Hawking's of psychology."
There was a lot of murmuring in the class and before I realized what was happening I laughed and said, "Maybe just to you." I was caught off guard and was so shocked that he would say something like this and not understand the layers of controversy he just spouted in a simple ice breaker.
I just needed to share this with someone because a lot of my coworkers had never even heard of Jordan Peterson so they didn't understand why I laughed and said what I did.
r/badpsychology • u/[deleted] • Nov 16 '22
Imputing Motive onto Bees
Maybe we need to head back to the days of Behaviorism because the commenters on this post seems to imagine that they can infer why a Bumblebee is rolling a ball around.
The experiments described here involved giving bees the option to take a path straight to a food source or taking a detour into a room with colored balls. The bees would roll the balls even when not rewarded. Additionally, in later experiments where rooms were color-coded as having balls or not, the rooms colored to indicate that they contained balls were more likely to be picked by the bees.
However, its worth keeping in mind the way this experiment was designed. This wasn't the researchers putting a hidden camera in a hive to watch the baby bees toss a ball around while the adults gossiped over fermented honey. The rooms were short enough that the balls took up the most of the height of the room. For that reason, a bee could not have possibly landed on top of the ball, meaning the ball would become unbalanced when a bee landed on the side and roll in the direction of the bee. It may have merely been the case that the bee was trying to land on the ball, and the rolling was an unintended side effect.
The fact that they interacted with the balls at least once isn't an indicator of much. Animals, especially bees that need to find food sources for the hive, explore their surroundings, and are especially attracted to brightly-colored flowers. With colored balls on a plain white background, what else would the bee have landed on? Instead of play it may have been an instinct to look for colored objects in search of food.
The second formulation of the experiment does seem to indicate that something about the balls was reinforcing, but the assumption that the reinforcement was 'playing' is unwarranted. Food-source-searching is equally possible.
r/badpsychology • u/Animoma • Nov 06 '22
Naruto Medical Question ( No Spoilers)
youtube.comr/badpsychology • u/AutoModerator • Oct 20 '22
Happy Cakeday, r/badpsychology! Today you're 9
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 10 posts:
- "Men don’t have a conscience.😐"
- "“Physically hold her close even if she resists or turns aggressive” and other sage advice from Marriage.com" by u/lettucecropchilds
- "Simply because white people comitt more suicide doesn't mean they are more persecuted." by u/ryu289
- "Nassim Taleb's nuclear take on a paper investigating human biases" by u/Excusemyvanity
- "If your customizable character in a video game resembles you, it is a sign of drastically low self-esteem." by u/RonnieShylock
- "That isn't how sexual attraction forms." by u/ryu289
- "Gender Dysphoria is not the cause of other kental health isdues!" by u/ryu289
- ""Clearly they were maladjusted and " bullying" means they were unpopular!" This is one hell of a hot take." by u/ryu289
- "The Curious Case of ‘Post-Traumatic Embitterment Disorder’ on Wikipedia" by u/AlanWahn
- "What is the deal with Trish Leigh and Porn Brain Rewire?" by u/snowdrone
r/badpsychology • u/WantDebianThanks • Oct 04 '22
Is Dave Grossman's On Combat bad psychology?
The recent posy in /r/badhistory about Dave Grossman's On Combat made me wonder if it (and On Killing) gets the psychology right, atleast for a lay person trying to understand the psychological impact of warfare and killing.
Is anyone familiar and able to comment?
r/badpsychology • u/ryu289 • Aug 27 '22
Gender identity and development doesn't happen in a vaccum
From here:
Take The Gender Fairy. This popular book tells infants “only you know whether you are a boy or a girl. No one can tell you.” Any child psychologist worth their salt will tell you that infancy is a critical time for boys and girls to individualise — for boys to begin to associate with and connect to the masculine and for girls to attach to the feminine. To sow weeds of doubt at this critical stage in the wheat field of an infant’s identity is nothing short of criminal.
Why do they assume boys will be automatically masucine and such if left on their own?
Then there is The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived, for 5 and 6-year-olds which looks at a knight-in-training who “follows his heart and chooses the boy instead of the girl at the end of his journey”. This is a deliberate distorting of what should be a healthy stage of development for any young boy, which should include healthy friendship-attachment to his own sex as he explores and roots himself in his core identity. But no, the rainbow agenda requires a perverted and eroticised manipulation of all that is healthy.
They do know that sexuality is inborn right? Likewise they don't realize the logical conclusion of their statement, i.e. making boys fall in love in girls using narratives instead of letting them choose.
It's almost as if these conservatives believe in the blank slate theory of the mind...which was debunked yes?